Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Two] Chapter 23: Hail to the Empress

Chapter 23: Hail to the Empress



  She was looking at his sleeping form pensively. Her heart, fluttering as she remembered the events of the previous day. In a passing thought she berated herself for not trusting him and resenting him when he had done nothing but support and help her. She knew that she would never do it again. It was a promise that she was making to herself and to her younger self who wished to one day have the best of friends, in her tiny and lonely bubble she was locked in. Resting her head on her hands, themselves resting on his torso, she sighed happily, wishing to stay like that forever.

I wonder if Mordin would be able to help me.


The Normandy was more than halfway to the Citadel when Shepard went to have lunch with Miranda in her quarters. Rick had told her about the brunette decision to leave Cerberus after the discoveries made on Teltin and from the data he had collected. She had taken a look at those and she had to agree that it was possible that Miranda did indeed change her mind about the organization. She hadn’t had the time to verify this with Tali’s trial approaching, her training with Jack and dealing with Rick but now she had. So with a plate full of sandwiches she went to Miranda’s door when Rick opened the door from the other side.

“Red.” he greeted as he went around her, not bothering to let her greet back.

Entering the room she saw Miranda showing her back and from the sound of it, zipping up her catsuit.

“Hey!” she called out, making Miranda jump in surprise and turn around.

The brunette was sporting a new haircut that suited her well. Her long mane had been arranged into a thigh bun with a few locks of hairs on the side being free.

“Shepard!” she exclaimed in panic. “What can I help you with?”

She tried to play it cool but Jane wasn’t dupe. She knew what they had been doing before she entered the room. That was a new development as they never did anything on the ship before, that she knew of.

“I came to have lunch together and have a private talk.”
“Certainly, it’s fortunate I’m famished.” Miranda said.

Getting closer to the woman, she raised her hand and swiped with her index the bit of Rick left on her cheek before showing it to her.

“Somehow I doubt it.” she said flatly.
“Shepard … I…”
“We’re not getting outside of this room until you tell me everything, ‘Pet’.”

The use of Rick’s intimate nickname for her, made her react on instinct. Her right hand immediately raised to her neck to feel the collar that was still there. For the first time since she knew her, Jane saw Miranda the ice queen blush.

Miranda groaned in frustration at being caught and went to sit down on the couch with her head in her hands. Meanwhile Shepard looked at Rick’s cum on her finger and in a bold and kinky move, licked it clean. She kept in on her tongue for a moment to taste it but quickly swallowed it when Miranda began to talk to her.

“What do you want to know?”
“Let’s start with the easy question. Since when did your relationship continue on the ship?”
“The day he showed me the recovered data of Telin, so it was five days ago.” confessed Miranda.
“What brought the change? The two times you were together so far, that I know of, were outside the ship.”
“Both times we needed to unwind. The first time was after we rescued my sister, the second time was because of work. It was more for him than me though. That day, when I realized what Cerberus and the Illusive Man really were… I… needed to let everything go.”
“Let everything go? Not unwind or vent?” Jane asked, receiving an hesitant nod from Miranda.
“Is it related to that collar?” again she received an hesitant nod.
“How did it come into play?”

Miranda took a deep breath and began to talk at length.



 Rick, after being spent by Miranda, spent some time with David  and while the rescued preferred to speak with EDI, he still welcomed the small and too easy puzzles that he was given. He had been a bit apprehensive at first  when he was told that he would be sent to an academy. Being autistic, school was not the best place for someone like him but he was assured that Grissom Academy was an elite school which only admitted the most brilliant students across the whole Alliance systems. The odds were high that he would meet someone like him or understanding of his situation. It was only when he read through the academy’s brochure and saw some of the curriculum available that his apprehension mostly went away and was replaced by curiosity.


Rick hoped that one day he would be able to recruit him. True geniuses were rare and David was one of them. Going down the Cargo Bay, he did some light exercises to maintain his shape. Afterwards he began stretching  while thinking about ways to develop or use biotics further. The first thing he pondered was about upgrading his implants. L3 were great and very reliable but were getting old. The new L5n, specially tailored for vanguard, were amazing and outclassed the basic L3 in every way, most notably in power output which was the L3 only flaw. That was a serious decision to make as he would have to spend a lot of time to adjust to the new implants and that wasn’t something he looked forward to, neither was the dangerous surgery that came with it.

That particular subject put aside, Rick began to brainstorm about what possibilities were still unexplored with biotics. Not thinking of something after a quarter of an hour he decided to start back to the most basic thing about biotics : what are they? 

The textbook definition was: ‘the ability of some life forms to create mass effect fields using element zero nodules embedded in body tissues.’

Taking a few moments to analyze the definition he finally called out to EDI.

“Do the cameras on the ship have broad spectrum lenses?”
“They do.”
“Could you record my body activity with the thermal lens, please?”
“I can.”

Rick stood up and flared his biotic all around his body creating a simple barrier. He maintained it for ten seconds before releasing it. Next he sends a throw with a hand then afterward a throw with one of his legs.

“Did you get everything?”
“I did. What do you wish to see?” she asked as she displayed three different pictures of his body representing the three different actions he did.

“I wanted to see something but It’s not accurate enough, or rather I may have been wrong about it.”
“Maybe I could help if you could explain it to me.”
“Well… I was trying to see if it was possible to see the activity of the eezo  nodules contained in my body tissues. I thought that perhaps those nodules would appear as the high temperature spot on the recordings. Since it is pure energy, it’s supposed to generate a lot of heat.”
“That was not a bad idea, but I believe the nodules to be too small to be observable like that. Maybe by using the scan in the med-bay.”
“Smart idea, EDI. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”

Quitting the Cargo Bay for the med-bay. Rick asked Karin if she could help with his endeavor. Not understanding why but seeing no arm in it she used her portable scan to read the different areas he used his biotics on. This time the results were good.

“I don’t see why you want to see the eezo nodules of your body.” She asked.
“It’s not the nodules that I want to see, not really, it’s their activity. Look here when I use the barrier my whole body lights up like a christmas tree but when I use a small throw only my right arm, the arm which I used, has nodules lit up. When I focused more power in it the intensity increased.”
“No, I still don’t understand the purpose.” she said looking at him as if she was looking at an alien speaking another language.
“Control... Different path, different outcome, different power.” The voice of David came from the side.
“See, David gets it.” Rick replied pointing his thumbs and the young man.
“David is a really intelligent young man, far more than I am. You, I sometimes have doubts.”
“Are you really taking jabs at your best patient?”
“David is my best patient. He doesn’t complain, him.”
“If it’s like that…” He turned to David and gave him a proposition. “ Interested in helping?”

The Normandy’s guest nodded and sat next to Karin looking intently on the screen as Rick tried without success to create a throw but not reaching his hand and instead stopping before, somewhere along his arm.

“Too much power. Between two nodules. Unstable.” said David.
“That’s what I thought too.” He said with a sigh looking at the results of the scan. “I guess I don’t have enough control.”
“Yes, David. Yet.” Rick replied with a hidden smile.
“Could one of you please explain to me what this is about.” Karin finally asked.
“Nodules are the source of the biotics. When I use my biotics, let’s say along my arm.” he began and showed the doc the picture of his arm using a throw. “Nodules send the energy to another and to another until it reaches the target, my hand, where the energy is stored until released. It’s possible because my brain sends an electric signal controlling the nodules’ activity but not the energy they produce. I can only guide it towards other nodules. What I’m trying to do is basically to have total control of one nodule alone. Like sending the energy of the Throw through the nodule in my shoulder and not in my hands.
“Complicated… Instinctual.”
“David is right on the mark. Because we use our hands for so many things since we were just babies, the prime instinct is to let the energy flow to the hand. Training the body and brain to do otherwise is… complicated.”

Chakwas was at a loss of words at what Rick told her he was trying to do. No one would have ever thought of that and even less tried to basically rewire their brain. She was too old for this kind of shit and seriously wanted to open that bottle of Brandy that Shepard got for her.


Three days later, the Normandy finally docked at the Citadel. David said goodbye to the  people he got to know and Rick gave him the id and password of a secret message account he created specifically for him so he could use it to contact EDI or him, just in case he didn’t like being at Grissom Academy or if he just wanted to talk.

This time it was a real R&R, not the one that was cut short because of Cerberus doing fucked up things they shouldn’t have been doing in the first place. Rick didn’t care one bit though. He was there nearly a month prior and couldn’t wait to leave the place, so he just stayed on board and practiced his new discovery. Very few chose to stay on the ship actually, Joker for obvious reasons, Karin too and finally Samara and Mordin who were not interested. It would have been perfect R&R for Rick and he would have gotten away with it if not for those meddling ladies, Miranda and Tali. The former was the one who requested a night together, though at first she asked for all of them. The later wanted to spend the days with him. He almost gave them an excuse to escape their plan but thought otherwise. Jack wouldn’t have gone along with the idea he had in mind and instead would have probably screwed him over just to see what would happen. So with hidden dejection, he went with the ladies. Tali during the day and Miranda during the night. It wasn’t an unpleasant experience, far from it but he would have rather spent his time working on what he had running full throttle in his head. Only Miranda’s vile lusty methods successfully distracted him from those thoughts. The last night of their downtime, however, Miranda tapped out saying she needed some rest.  Rick was fine with it and intended to have a movie night by himself as most of the crew gathered in their usual lounge to celebrate and he wasn’t interested. He had been surprised however when entering his quarters he saw Tali dressed in a black shawl recovering almost the entirety of her body.  The few parts not covered, like her arms, feet and bit of her legs, showed a light purple skin that looked very smooth.

“Hey.” was all she said. She looked confident but he knew she was just being brave. His mind raced at the implications and reasons of this new development he hadn’t expected one bit.
“Hey.” was all he could stupidly say in return.
“I.. I was hoping that tonight, instead of spending time with Miranda, you’d like to spend the time with me? I-I- mean… I didn’t mean… I’d understand if you...That was stupid… SO stupid… Why would…”

Her confidence went into smoke and she began to mumble nervously. Rick personally found it cute and despite wenting to watch more, put her out of her misery. He walked towards her and embraced her slowly.

“As if I could refuse you anything.”
“You… You want to…”
“Of course I want to, silly. What made you think I thought otherwise?”
“Well… You already have Miranda and Liara… and her mom and Ashley… I… couldn’t really compete, even if my ass is the greatest of the galaxy.”
“The only one of them I slept with for their body was Benezia and that’s because Liara was involved, you know. True, I needed sex to deal with… well everything else going on around me but I didn’t do it for that. I needed a personnel connection. I love all of them in different manners. Honestly I blame Ashley for that. She could have let me go to a brothel but nooooo. She had to get me hooked on personnel connections to deal with my problems. Each one of them has something that I need. That they all are drop dead gorgeous is a bonus and that includes you too. In the end it’s not a competition as you’re all different and give me something different.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ashley allows me to vent as she can take anything I could do to her. Liara makes me feel loved unconditionally, Miranda makes me feel in control and confident. Benezia completely blows my mind away and reset my brain. And you… make me feel like I belong, something I never really felt.”
“Not even…”
“No. Analysse… was smart, really smart but not genius smart like we are.”

She raised her head to look at his hidden face for a moment, then gently removed his arm from around her. Taking a step back she slowly removed the shawl covering her and revealed herself to him. She felt good about herself when she heard him gasping. She had talked with Miranda about what she wanted to do and why. The brunette, sympathetic about her situation and because she wanted a break of her activities with Rick, readily accepted. She had asked Tali, really intimate questions for a quarian, like the color of her skin, her eyes, her hair, her real womanly sizes. When she had been hesitant to answer those questions, Miranda told her that it was important for finding the correct clothes and undergarments that would blow Rick away. In turn Tali asked Miranda if she was really okay with what Tali wanted to do.
‘ Rick and I’s relationship is not about love. Sure, we’re fond of each other but it’s about what we give to the other that matters. In a way, it’s a transaction. Transaction that we both enjoy very much and that have some feelings involved but a transaction nonetheless. He’s not mine and I’m not his. I’m not jealous and will not be jealous if he spends time with someone else. Well.. I would if he treated her the way he treats me but I don’t think he will as he already has me for that.’

Miranda’s answer satisfied her, though when she asked how Rick treated her, Miranda's simple reply was ‘the way I need to be treated.’ and left it at that. From there Miranda took her shopping for what she was wearing now. An olive green lace lingerie that complemented her skin color perfectly and fit her curves like a glove.

“Wow. Your envirosuit really doesn’t do you justice.” Rick said in awe.

The only thing left was her headgear which still hid her face. Face that nobody saw but herself since she began to wear an envirosuit, not even her father. Raising her hands, she opened the locks holding her helmet in place and removed it. Rick would never forget that moment, the way her black as the night hair fell down slowly, the shape and light pink of her plump lips and the gentle blue eyes that were so light that you would think they were white. He found her extremely beautiful and reminded her a bit of his late wife with how thin her womanly traits were. He was speechless and that unnerved Tali quite a bit thinking she didn’t like what he saw.

“I… I know I’m not pretty like…”

He took a step forward and grabbed her helmet, putting it down on the bed, then took her hands in his. He guided them toward the side of his own helmet. Showing the right of his head, he used the index finger of her right hand to touch a part of the headgear to reveal a digital keypad.


Tali entered number after number without missing a single one of them. A locking mechanism was heard and she knew she could now remove the helmet. She was touched by his gesture. She had shown him her face, something no one has ever seen and he was responding in kind. Only a few had ever seen him. Karin and Mordin knew what he had looked like for medical reasons. Samara knew because they are close. Ashley knew for the same reasons. She didn’t know about Liara, and she didn’t really care. He was showing her. That was what mattered. She took a step and he did the same, matching her. To her it meant that whatever she does, wherever she goes, he’ll be there. That she was truly someone he cared deeply for.

Just like he did her, she studied his features. She found him beautiful, not handsome but beautiful, so much that a dark purple shade appeared on her cheeks. He had a round face, thin lips, and a straight nose. His eyes reminded her of her own, very light in color but a mix of blue and gray. What shocked her the most was his hair color.

“Yellow?” she whispered in surprise.
“Just like red, it’s a recessive trait from a mutation. Even rarer now, since red hair has always been a rarity, people banded together to perpetuate it. Blond hair as it is called, was not uncommon but less represented and it just faded away.”
“It’s beautiful.” She said as she raised her hand to touch it. The smile he gave her darkened even more her cheeks and made her melt.


His helmet was discarded on the side and he took her once again into his arms. Now, with both their heads out in the open he kissed her gently but she could feel the passion in it and responded in kind. Quickly her arms were around his neck and the kiss deepened his tongue entering her mouth and dancing slowly with her own. His hands left her waist and went to the back of her upper thighs where he applied strength to pick her up. Instinctively she supported herself with her locked arms and positioned her legs around his lower back. His hands shifted to grab her ass for better support, making her moan and quicken the kiss. This time she was the one on the offensive, moving her tongue faster to feel more of what she was feeling, her heart beating at a speed he never reached before. When she felt his hardness rubbing against her panties and her lower stomach she began to grind herself and moan even more. When they broke the kiss  they rested their forehead against the other trying to catch their breath.

“I hope you took a good dose of antibiotics because I’m not letting you put your suit back on until I don’t have the strength to stand anymore.”
“Then get to it. NOW!
Rick turned them around and he laid her down on the bed. As he began to kiss his way down her neck Tali was fumbling with her hands trying and succeeding in opening his pants.

“I want to feel your skin on mine. All of it.” she said as she grabbed the hem of his shirt and removed it. She wanted to feel him more, she wanted him to touch her more. Each location he kissed left a searing heat that she wanted to experience more. Each kiss made her wetter and wetter. She couldn’t stand it anymore.

“GET NAKED AND FUCK ME!” she ordered.
“My… No foreplay? It seems my little quarian is…Oompfh!”

He did quite understand what had just happened. One moment he was above Tali, kissing her along her shoulder while removing his shirt the next he was on his back, his underwear ripped and discarded on the side, with his pants down to his ankles with his socks and boots still on. One of Tali’s hands was on the center of his torso, holding him down while the second was holding his cock straight as she positioned herself for penetration. She was looking at what she was doing and estimated that everything was in order dropped down her whole body with all her weight, impaling himself on his cock straight to the base. Both moaned loudly at the pleasure they felt at that moment.

To Rick, Tali was incredibly tight. The tightest he ever felt around him. That was not what gave him the most pleasure however. No, what gave him the most pleasure was her walls; it was full of protrusions, of small bumps, that seemed to have a life of their own, contracting as they wished, as if they were massaging his dick. He loved it. He knew here and there that Tali had the best pussy he ever had the fortune to sink into. The pleasure was so great that he almost came on the spot.
To Tali, the experience was different but no less intense. She felt so full, so stretched, so complete as if his cock was made to fill her or that her pussy was made to sheath him. She loved the way his tip bumped to her end wall. She felt a big vein pulsing against some of her bumps which pulsed back by contracting, making contract back in turn, including his head which applied even more force against the entrance of her womb. She had never known such pleasure and wanted to feel more, so purposefully, she used her muscles to clench as hard as she could. Too hard as almost immediately a torrent of molten cum flooded her. With the head of his cock pushing through the entrance of her womb the force of the jet opened it and filled her to the brim. If she thought that there was no greater pleasure than feeling him inside of her she couldn’t have been wrong. The sensation of his sperm hitting the very back wall of her womb started her own orgasm. Her pussy clenched even tighter, that for a moment Rick thought that she would rip his cock off, her back arched as if she were a bow, the rest of her body tensed as it never tense before and she let out a very primal high pitch scream that she didn’t know she could do. When the orgasm faded her body went limp and crashed into him, spasming. Rick was no better; he had done anything and yet his heart was ready to burst out of his chest his breath completely ragged. Both took a few minutes to recover.

“That… That was the best orgasm I ever had. Damn, even during my first time I didn’t come so quickly.”
“I couldn’t imagine a better first time.” she said with a smile from ear to ear as she looked deeply into his eyes.
“First time?” he asked a brow raised.
“Yes. Why?”
“I guess Quarian pussy is really different from human ones. Usually, for human women it’s rather painful. Well, it varies from woman to woman, but breaking the hymen is…”
“What’s a hymen?” she innocently asked to which Rick stared at her in shock.
“Honestly, if species knew how good quarians quivers were they would have helped you get back out of those suits long ago.”
“Do I… Do I really feel that good to you?”
“The best. I’m… I’m not sure I could go back to others…” he half joked.
“GOOD!” Tali said as she raised herself with a confidence he never saw before.
“This is my cock now.” she declared as she contracted her pussy.
“You can stick in whichever slut you want but it’s mine and mine alone. Understood?!”
“Yes.” he said with a smile thinking she was joking.
“Yes,  who?!” she said as she raised her ass letting some of his cock go. That was a new experience as the bump clearly didn’t like the removal of the intruder that had come to like rubbing them. It brought a whole new kind of sensation to Rick who began instantly to harden again.
YES. WHO?!” repeated Tali in an authoritative manner.
“Y-yes my q-queen.” He replied as best as he could, his mind being overwhelmed by pleasure.
NO. YES. WHO?!” she said again this time leaving only the head of his dick inside of her.
“YES MY EMPRESS!” he yelled, trying to move up his pelvis to put back his dick inside her pussy. Unfortunately Tali put a stop to that by holding him down with her hand.
“Good answer, high minion.” 


And as a reward she suddenly dropped her ass for the second time of the night taking him all.

“Now, grabbed my ass hard and fuck me.

With no need to be told twice, he did.

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