Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 332 - Homologous energy, recharge?

“This familiar aura…”

Zhang Feng closed his eyes and pondered. Slowly, a person suddenly appeared in his mind.


Zhang Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

This kind of breath is also present on the saintess of the gods before and the current Pope Bernice!

He said, why is there a sense of familiarity!

The Deity Sect has always been a relatively mysterious force, and even the Saintess herself can’t tell one, two or three.

When the last time he defeated the Gamma Kingdom, the old Pope of the Celestial Sect died, leaving only the Saintess and a part of the congregation.

Because Zhang Feng does not have any conflict of interest with the Deity Sect, and considering that there is a church that can play a positive and positive role on the spiritual level of ordinary people, that’s not bad, and it doesn’t do anything to the Deity Sect.

After Bernice took over the Deity Sect, she was very disciplined and did not expand on a large scale, but developed in Red Leaf City in a low-key manner.

Zhang Feng observed for a while and found that there was no brainwashing behavior, so he acquiesced to the existence of the Deity Sect.

Of course, there is another very important reason for acquiescence, and that is Bernice herself.

Before Zhang Feng thought that Bernice was a witch because they all had that magical ability, but soon found out that it was not the case. A witch is a witch and Bernice is Bernice, which are completely different.

There is also Pope Lawson who has this mysterious ability. Unfortunately, Pope Lawson is dead, and Zhang Feng can’t understand it if he wants to.

When Zhang Feng asked Bernice about her doubts about the deity religion, she couldn’t answer Zhang Feng because she didn’t know either.

She was an orphan since childhood, and was found by Pope Lawson when she was dying of starvation.

When Pope Lawson took out the brown bread and asked her if she would like to follow him to believe in the gods, Bernice agreed without any hesitation.

Since then, Bernice’s fortunes have changed dramatically.

Bernice had never known why Pope Lawson fell in love with her, and even made her a saint, the second-most existence in the sect of gods after the pope!

But when she was twelve years old, she awakened a special ability – Healing Amplification! A therapeutic boost that can be used on a large scale!

And this special ability, Pope Lawson also has, although it is different from her, Pope Lawson is a fire, but she knows that this may be the reason why Pope Lawson takes her in.

In the years that followed, Bernice had never seen anyone like herself or Pope Lawson.

Although witches are somewhat similar to them, they all have their own beliefs, and then gain power from their beliefs, but they are still very different.

After a witch is awakened, the strength of her ability is almost innate, it is difficult to improve the day after tomorrow, and there are various side effects. For example, only women can awaken, and after awakening, she will not live to be twenty-five years old. The more you use the ability, the more you pay. The higher the cost, etc.

Of course, witches also have advantages. They don’t need to practice or accumulate time. Awakening is their peak strength. If she is lucky and the “god” she believes in is more powerful, then she will be very powerful, even invincible.

However, Bernice is different. Her ability was weak at the beginning, and then became stronger with time. She was able to fight steadily step by step. Compared with witches, her ability is although It’s not the peak at the beginning, but she has no side effects, and she can work hard through the day after tomorrow.

Pope Lawson hates witches very much. He thinks that witches are deviant and dedicate their souls to the devil, so the God of God hates witches.

Of course, witches can also be improved through acquired efforts now, and the side effects have almost disappeared, just need Zhang Feng’s help.

Speaking of Bernice, she didn’t know what this ability was called. Pope Lawson said it was “divine power”, so she also called it divine power.

Bernice is also looking for people with supernatural powers. This is Pope Lawson’s wish. He hopes that all the people in the deity are believers with supernatural powers, but unfortunately, this wish will never be fulfilled.

In the current deity religion, Bernice is still the only one who possesses this kind of divine power.

On the contrary, there are witches. There are not a lot of them in the Stardust Continent. Recently, Zhang Feng has received several reports of suspected witches.

“The mysterious energy on this armor is very similar to the ‘divine power’ on Bernice…”

Zhang Feng tapped the gold-patterned secret stone armor lightly, his thoughts flying.

“And this mysterious energy was created by the priests of the Sirius Empire, and they are called the power of prayer. Perhaps, the priests of the Sirius Empire and Bernice are the same kind of people…”

Thinking about it this way, the mystery of the Heavenly Wolf Empire’s sacrifice in Zhang Feng’s heart is slightly reduced. After all, he has seen Bernice and even studied Bernice’s abilities. Although he has not researched anything, at least he has be understood.

Of course, this is just Zhang Feng’s guess at the moment. What is the specific situation? I can’t guarantee it without seeing the real Zhang Feng.

But what is certain is that the sacrifices of the Sirius Empire are very powerful.

After all, Bernice is very powerful, especially on the battlefield. Her augmentation and healing abilities are simply abnormal, and the half-healing healing abilities of the witch Tina are completely incomparable.

It can be imagined from this that the sacrifices of the Heavenly Wolf Empire will definitely not be weak, or even stronger.

And I don’t know how many sacrifices there are in the Heavenly Wolf Empire. It would be terrifying if people walked all over the place with sacrifices.

Zhang Feng was more cautious about the Heavenly Wolf Empire.

“Then it seems that Bernice should have a look at this secret stone armor, maybe she can know something…”

The energy in the armor is too low, and Zhang Feng did not dare to experiment at will. Now that he has found Bernice, who seems to be of the same origin as the armor, Zhang Feng feels that it is better to let Bernice take a look first.

So, that afternoon, Zhang Feng quietly left in the airship.


The lanterns of Hongye City are just starting, and the beautiful nightlife has just begun.

Bernice stood on the top floor of the church, looking at the lights of thousands of homes, with some emotion in her heart.

I really didn’t know if I didn’t come, and I was startled when I came.

Although she has been in Hongye City for a while, but every time she sees such a lively and prosperous Hongye City, she still has an unreal feeling.

Because she was an orphan and grew up in a slum, she has seen the bottom of the world, and she has a deep understanding of this world.

From the moment she joined the Tenjin Sect, her goal was to make everyone in the world have enough to eat.

Of course, this goal is too big, so she temporarily retreats and seeks the next best – to feed all the believers.

But this is still a difficult task.

Even though she has worked hard, some people still starve to death.

Pope Lawson told her that her idea was a good one, but it was impossible to realize, because there were only so many resources on the mainland, which were limited.

If some people can eat, then there must be some people who can’t.

Unless the rich give up all their wealth and donate it to the poor, it is impossible to achieve the situation she said.

Bernice actually thinks so, she is not a child, he knows that reality is like this.

But she didn’t expect that this kind of thing that was impossible to her would appear in Hongye City, in the extreme north!

When I mentioned the extreme north before, the first impression was the words sparsely populated, poor, cold, barren and so on.

But now, the extreme north is not like this at all. Apart from being a little colder, that poverty, barrenness, etc., can’t match the extreme north at all!

Now to describe the extreme north, that is prosperity!

Especially Hongye City, it is extremely prosperous!

Even this kind of prosperity is still radiating to other parts of Buck Kingdom. Bernice feels inexplicably that in a few years, perhaps the entire Buck Kingdom, the entire Stardust Continent, will become what the Red Leaf City looks like now!

If she can live to that day, she must tell Pope Lawson in front of Pope Lawson’s tombstone that her childhood dream has been realized…

And all of this is because of one person, Zhang Feng!

Before, Bernice only thought that Zhang Feng was a little special, but this is so special, he is like a god-like person!

Apart from the fact that his own strength may be weaker, everything else is perfect!

“Alas, unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to have any interest in the deity religion…”

Bernice sighed.

If she could get Zhang Feng’s help, Bernice believed that the Deity Religion would definitely grow and grow rapidly, but unfortunately, Zhang Feng didn’t have any bad feelings towards the Deity Religion, but he didn’t have a good feeling, just like a stranger.

Bernice even suspected that the reason why Zhang Feng allowed the existence of the Deity Religion was because he still promised Zhang Feng that one condition had not been fulfilled.

When Zhang Feng brought her back from the Gamma Kingdom, Bernice promised Zhang Feng a condition in return, but Zhang Feng never mentioned it, as if he had forgotten.

But Bernice also knew Zhang Feng better, so she wouldn’t think that Zhang Feng had forgotten. He probably just didn’t think about what conditions to put forward and wanted to maximize his benefits.

Bernice was not disgusted, after all, the other party saved her life.

However, after coming to Hongye City, every time Zhang Feng looked for her, he wanted to learn something about “divine power” from her. Later, he found that there was really nothing to ask, so he didn’t find her much.

This made Bernice somewhat resentful, feeling like a tool person.

“Otherwise, take the initiative to find Zhang Feng and see what he thinks of the Deity…”

Bernice felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that when Pope Lawson was still there, King Carey of Buck Kingdom always wanted Deity to become the state religion of Buck Kingdom and promised various benefits, but Pope Lawson never agreed.

In his words, he is completely different from these ordinary people. He is not a person from the world. There is no need to become the state religion of an ordinary country, which will limit the development of the deity religion.

But even so, King Carey still treated them with courtesy to the gods.

But now, after the Deity Sect fell into Bernice’s hands, Zhang Feng ignored them and didn’t care at all.

Think about it too, what do they have in the gods? Except for himself, who is still a bit capable, he has no other characteristics. Instead, it is Zhang Feng. He has all kinds of magical machines, as well as powerful orcs, different witches, and even two Ancient war trees and mysterious elves!

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