Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

11. Brr goes the arm

Three hour later outside the operation room in a waiting room a woman could be seen going to and fro. The woman is Himiko, Tomoka’s mother. For the last three hours she has been passing through the waiting room to the point her husband worried she might leave a permanent imprint on the floor. 


Sat with a heavy expresion Nagi simply waited for news about his daughter's condition while praying. When a ninja with news about their daughter came to their door they could not believe it. Little Tomoka was supposed to be peacefully sleeping in her room. When they checked she was gone, a pillow had been placed under the covers instead. 


What followed could only be described as the worst day of their lives. After they rushed to the hospital the news they received were heartbreaking. Tomoka’s right arm was in really bad shape and to make matters worse the Tenketsu points in her arm were irreparably damaged. She wouldn’t be able to use it for jutsu in the future. 


Now they just waited and prayed that she could at least keep her arm’s mobility, despite all evidence pointing against it. Another hour later the surgeon entered the waiting room, his expression hard to read even for trained shinobi. However, one could see two emotions even if just barely, worry and awe. 


Doctor Motoi didn’t know what to do. Tomoka’s body was a mystery to him. When he was called to perform emergency surgery on a one year old he didn’t expect to see her arm in the state it was in. Whole chunks of flesh missing and a lot of bleeding was what greeted him. Not wasting any time he began the procedure. 


First he began sewing what he could together. Nerves, muscles, tendons, blood vessels the man worked tirelessly to fix as much damage as he could. He didn’t delude himself. He knew that even though he was good at his job he wasn’t that good. She would be crippled for the rest of her life. Even lady Tsunade would be hard pressed to fix something like this.


What he didn’t expect was for the medical jutsu to be as effective as it was. Whenever medical jutsu was applied to her wounds they seemed to close way faster than normal. Even worse was the sight. Her flesh would move and wiggle, reknitting itself in a completely abnormal way.    


As he continued with the operation he could see his previous work being undone by her flesh as it fixed itself with far more efficiency than his own work. He could tell that his work did aid somewhat but in the end it seemed as if it was not necessary. 


The most surprising thing was the news provided by the Hyuga members present. Her previously destroyed meridians and tenketsu points regenerated as well, something that should be impossible. However, the miracle seemed to stop there as something else happened. 


As the flesh healed and regenerated, her arm began being covered by a viscous black substance. Curious doctor Motoi took some samples. A moment later the substance began hardening forming what he could only describe as a black insect carapace covering her arm. 


No one in the room knew what to do. The previously heavily bleeding and hole ridden arm was as good as new if one were to ignore the new addition it had. Curious, Motoi asked the Hyuga member to inspect the carapace with his byakugan. What he found was a large concentration of chakra inside the carapace. 


For a while no one said anything. Doctor Motoi wondered what to do now. From one perspective the operation had been a success. However, this new development was worrying. He didn’t have to think too much about it as a while later the carapace began cracking. Not long after, it broke and fell to the ground. The previously tough as steel carapace was now fragile as over-cooked clay. 


Soon they discovered that the difference was the lack of chakra in the carapace. Now, without the chakra it becomes brittle and fragile. However, more surprising than that was Tomoka’s arm. It was in perfect condition with no scars or anything else that could hint at her previous injury. The only visible difference were the black marks that covered her arm from fingers to elbow. 


Doctor Motoi made a conjecture that this was perhaps a new kekkei genkai. Anyway, he had to report this to the parents and his higher ups, maybe even the hokage. 


“First of all, let me tell you that your daughter is fine. We managed to heal her arm, however I also have some… concerning news” After that Motoi explained what he did and saw in the operation room. 


“So my little Tomoka’s arm is fine? Will she be able to use it fine?” Himiko disregarded the strange events as her priorities were elsewhere. She only wanted to know if Tomoka would be able to use her arm like any normal person. 


“From what we could observe she should be able to use it with no problems. However we will only know for sure once she wakes up” Motoi could only smile wryly as Himiko was a little too close for comfort at the moment. 


“Will there be any complications with what happened to her arm? You said it was covered by some black carapace” Nagi was calmer than Himiko so after confirming that Tomoka was fine he wanted to know about the strange occurrence. 


“If I may be sincere Nagi-san we do not know. This is a first for us. However, we believe it might have something to do with a new kekkei genkai as it seems to have no negative impact on her. Only when she wakes up will we know for sure.”              

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