Original God's Dark Priest

Chapter 69 Breakup

Rice Wife, Ba Ying Island, Evil Eye Factory.

The first batch of evil eyes has been produced, and Ye Fei began to intentionally speed up the progress of the plan after getting rid of the checks and balances. Today, the relationship between Kaijijima and the shogunate is becoming increasingly tense, and war is about to break out.

Looking at the evil eyes neatly arranged in front of him, Ye Fei had a crazy smile on his face. He knew that the opportunity for him to make a career was right in front of him. All he had to do was muddy the water on Dao's wife's side and cause a confrontation between Dao's wife and seize the opportunity. By testing the efficacy of the evil eye, his mission was accomplished.

As for Inazuma's reputation among fools? When did fools ever care about reputation? And the plan of the Heart of God? What does that have to do with him? That was a headache for that stupid woman Safir. He, Ye Fei, only needed to take the experimental report back to the Winter Solstice Kingdom and report it to the doctor, and then he could leave his current position and take a step further among the fools.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. He couldn't wait, he wanted to see the blood flow into a river!

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from behind him again, and the lightning sorcerer named Liudashka appeared again.

Ye Fei was also helpless towards his student. Originally, he could have forcibly detained her in the name of the teacher, or even killed her directly. But considering her relationship with Safire, Ye Fei still suppressed her inner thoughts and didn't want to offend that lunatic in anything she did, otherwise her life would definitely not be enough to die.

Liudashka saw the evil eye in front of Ye Fei, and a trace of pain flashed in her eyes: "Teacher, do you really want to do this?" She knew that today's negotiation would herald the final result. If the negotiation is successful, There was still room for maneuver, and if it failed, she would have to find a way to take action.

Ye Fei did not take her warning seriously and said calmly: "Lyudashka, I have told you that everything is your servant's will, and we are just obeying orders."

Liudashka narrowed her eyes slightly, took a step forward and asked, "Since it is the intention of the servant, why don't you let me ask Lord Anmu? The rice wife is in charge of her, and she should know the news."

"Lyudashka, don't forget your identity. Is this your attitude when talking to me, a teacher?" Ye Fei did not answer her question directly, turning her head and staring at Liudashka with dangerous eyes, "I Let me remind you one last time, we are not under the control of Lord Dark Priest, our immediate superior is Lord Servant! There is no need to report to other executives."

Liudashka took a deep breath and calmed down her mood slightly: "Okay, then, please teacher, please show me the mission notice issued by the servant."

Ye Fei was stunned. He couldn't bring out that kind of thing. After thinking about it, he explained: "Your servant issued the task to me verbally during the winter solstice. There was no notice."

Liudashka sneered at this, "Who do you think, Ye Fei, that your servant will give you verbal tasks in person?"

Without waiting for her reply, a fire debt handler walked in quickly: "Master Ye Fei, the first batch of evil eyes have been sent out, and the effects will be seen soon."

Ye Fei nodded, very satisfied with the efficiency of his men. But Liudashka opened her eyes wide: "What did you say? It's already been sent?"

The debt handler from Fire was stunned for a moment when asked, but he still nodded: "Yes. It's on."

After hearing the definite answer, Liudashka turned around and walked out, but was stopped by Ye Fei: "What are you going to do!"

"I'm going to Haiji Island to expose your conspiracy!" Liudashka said firmly, and was about to continue walking out, but was stopped by two Fool soldiers.

Ye Fei slowly approached and whispered as he walked: "Lyudashka, Lyudashka? Schneitsvna. Have you lived too many stable days and forgotten your identity? Face the enemy on the spot. Are you going to tip off the news? Do you like being a traitor so much? Where are you proud of being a Schneitsvna?"

Liudashka's anger was almost uncontrollable: "Teacher, before setting off, you promised that you would never act without permission, and that you would only wait for Lord Anmu to return to Inazuma. Have you forgotten?"

"I can't help it at this moment. Who gave the servant a new task? As Schneitzvich, I don't have the option to refuse?" Ye Fei looked very troubled, but This look made Liudashka feel sick.

Liudashka violently pushed the soldiers who blocked her. The two soldiers were the ice gunmen and water gunmen of the advance team. They were too strong to push them away. She stamped her foot angrily: "Open your mouth and shut up, you are your servant. Your servant." , you look like a respectful and loving guy on the surface, but you don’t hesitate to use the name of the executive officer as a shield! Despicable and shameless!"

"This is all because of you! Liudashka!" Ye Fei's voice suddenly raised, "Safiir has been talking about Safiir all day long. Do you think you have something to do with Safiir? Can't we do anything to you? Let me tell you, you have betrayed the glory of Schneitsvna, and according to the rules of the Fools, you can already be executed. Or do you really think that I dare not kill you? "

"Oh, the glory of Schneitsvna?" Liudashka sneered, "I had the opportunity to get rid of this identity as early as two years ago, but I didn't agree because I wanted to make a living in this world with my own efforts. Establish a foothold. I don’t want others to think that I am a guy who only relies on others. I thought I could make a career on my own, but who knew that in your eyes, I have already become a burden to Saffir. Okay, then I will rely on her. If you dare to touch me, then kill me and destroy all traces of my body. But I hope you understand that as long as I am still alive and see Safier, I will let her kill you all. killed!"

Ye Fei was stunned by Liudashka's words. He did not expect that the other party would actually say these words.

"Get out of the way!" Liudashka's voice was a bit sharp, and Bingpangshuipang, who was blocking her, hesitated to let go. Looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei waved her hand feebly: "Forget it, let her go." After a little weighing, he felt that there was no need to gamble with his life. Bing Pang Shui Pang got the order and moved out of the way.

Liudashka was able to leave. She took two steps out and looked back at Ye Fei with a look of disgust: "Ye Fei, let me tell you, the so-called glory of Schneitsvna that you cherish is worthless in my opinion." It’s worth it, I don’t care.”

"It's such a pity. Not only have you abandoned your family, but you've even broken up with each other and don't want to call me teacher again?" Ye Fei's face was full of regret, as if she had lost something important.

What he received was Liudashka's sneer: "You should stop with your poor performance. I admit that you were once one of the people I respected the most, but now, your face only makes me feel sick."

In Liudashka's view, Ye Fei's actions were nothing more than a piece of rat excrement, stirring up trouble in the big pot of Rice Wife. Means to provoke the conflict between the dark priest and the servant.

Who he was loyal to was no longer important to Liudashka. What she was sure of was that her former teacher Ye Fei had been blinded by ambition. It's a pity that this person is destined not to succeed. He takes it for granted and thinks he knows everything. But what he doesn't know is that he can instigate the relationship between the two people.

Liudashka just thought it was ridiculous. She just wanted to see what kind of reaction Safir would have to Ye Fei's actions when he returned to his wife. She hoped that he would have some self-awareness and not really offend the other party. , lost his life in vain.

Liudashka left. In the Evil Eye Factory, Ye Fei angrily smashed all the tables, chairs and benches around him and roared: "Bitch! They are all bitches! Damn Liudashka! Damn Safiir! But! You are an idiot who relies on other people's favor to do whatever you want! Why are you telling me what to do?"

Hatred burned in his eyes: "Protect Kaiji Island? Okay, then I will go to the shogunate army. When Kaiji Island is completely destroyed, don't think I will show mercy."

Ye Fei wanted to kill Liudashka. He thought that the other party had betrayed the Fools, but he did not dare to move. He knew that Safier was used to leaving a backup plan. Who knew if there was something strange about Liudashka? If he had taken action without hesitation, he might have died somehow.

After leaving the Evil Eye Factory, Liudashka headed towards Feimu Village. She was going to find a boat to cross the Wuming Village to Haizhi Island. Without the support of Ye Fei's fools, she can only rely on herself for everything.

Back then, General Thunderbolt beheaded Orobas with a single blow, cutting out a gap in the Wuxiang Blade Gorge. Orobas left behind an extremely large demon god residue after his death, which was called the "Evil God" by the Inazuma people.

The influence of evil spirits on people is terrible. Being under the influence of evil spirits will make people feel anxious, uneasy, and flustered. Over time, they may even become crazy, and finally lose their minds completely and turn into crazy monsters.

Liudashka looked at the mountains that were divided into two and the miserable villagers of Feimu Village in the distance, and she felt a little unbearable in her heart, but she was just an ordinary fool and had no ability to solve these things. She shook her head, Abandoning the unnecessary thoughts in my mind, I quickly left.

There is an advance team of Fools stationed on the beach south of Feimu Village. The leader is a lady with a hidden mirror named Valentina. He happened to be someone she knew well and was one of Saffir's direct subordinates.

Valentina saw Liudashka coming and took the initiative to greet her: "Liudashka? Aren't you over there in the snake bone mine? Why did you come here?"

Liudashka smiled bitterly and told Valentina what had just happened: "That's it. I have to go to Haiji Island now to stabilize the situation there before things get worse." She did not say what she had done. The speculation is just about Ye Fei's behavior and the possible subsequent impact.

Valentina has a relatively calm personality. She thought silently for a moment before asking: "Is there any way to contact Master Anmu?" Although she is a member of the advance team and does not need to look up to Ye Fei, Ye Fei is still a rice wife. If the person in charge of the operation here wants to control him, he must be an executive officer.

Liudashka shook his head. Inazu's national lockdown order was not a decoration. Without communication from the person in charge, the information could not be spread at all. The thunderstorm surrounding Inazu was not something that ordinary boats could traverse, and They don't have the authority to call the big ship.

"This is going to be difficult." Valentina frowned, "Without the Executive Officer's word, we absolutely cannot confront Ye Fei. He can label those who resist him as traitors at any time and directly execute them. Even if Lord Anmu wants to investigate, he can’t find anything.”

There was one more thing she didn't say. Because Liudashka was a close friend of Safir, she might be fine, but the others couldn't save their lives.

"So, I'm here to borrow a boat. I need a speedboat to go to Haiji Island. No one else can do this, only I can do it." Liudashka said the purpose of his visit.

Valentina looked at her serious expression and smiled.

"Master An Mu is so lucky to have a friend like you."

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