Original God's Dark Priest

Chapter 59 Conquering Kunfeng

Kunfeng himself is from Liyue, and he is a descendant of the Kun family in Liyue. His ancestor Kunwu was a famous craftsman in Liyue. He once forged the Xili series of weapons, such as Dragon's Roar in the Xia, Mie Chen in the Xia, and Mie Chen in the Xia. The sun and moon are from his hand.

But these are only the well-known weapons. Kunwu has created more than these weapons. As far as Safire knows, there are two artifacts. They are artifact-level pole weapons: Kunwu Guanhong, which is imitated from Emperor Yanwang's Guanhong Guanhong. And the long bow known as the Dream of the Falling Dragon: Kunwu Falling Dragon.

It's just that these two weapons were lost in the long river of time and are difficult to find.

Kunfeng inherited Kunwu's talent for forging, and since he was a child, he determined to become a great blacksmith like his ancestors, to create weapons that could shock the world, and to honor his ancestors. So he left Liyue and traveled around. However, the dangers in this world were far beyond his imagination. While traveling, he soon encountered invincible monsters. During his escape, he broke into the Fools' camp and was rescued. From then on, Kunfeng joined the Fools, and because of his superb forging skills, he was assigned to the "Puppet" Sandone.

Kunfeng, who traveled around and gathered the talents of thousands of families, finally understood the method of forging artifacts. He could have used this to soar into the sky, but he witnessed the dark side of the Fools. He and the Fools' ideas had a fierce conflict, and finally The conscience in his heart made him choose to leave the fools.

Sandone did not get angry after learning about this incident, but just lamented Kun Feng's stupidity, and then handed over the task of hunting down Kun Feng to Safire, who happened to be seconded from Arecino. Sandone was very aware of Saffir's abilities. After assigning the task, he continued to devote himself to his research and never interfered again.

However, Safire cherished his talent and secretly let go of the desperate Kun Feng, and made an agreement with him that as long as he did not appear in the sight of fools in the future and did not serve other organizations, he could survive. Kun Feng agreed.

But how could things be so simple? It was impossible for Kun Feng, who had been a blacksmith all his life, to change his career. But the blacksmith could no longer work because of that agreement, and it was impossible to return to Liyue. As a descendant of Kunwu, becoming a fool was a stain on his life. , he has nowhere to go.

Kun Feng, who had been wandering around for a long time, finally passed through Qingquan Town because he couldn't vent his depression and was weak, so he couldn't catch his breath and passed out on the road. He was picked up by the kind-hearted Diona.

After listening to Kun Feng's account of what happened next, Safire had no sympathy for him at all. Instead, he sneered and asked, "So you have a complaint against me for not letting you continue to work as a blacksmith?"

"Sorry, Lord Anmu, I really can't agree with those cruel experiments. Even after so long, when I close my eyes, I still see those innocent people who died. Forgive me for being stupid and unable to understand the so-called righteousness. I I just know that it is wrong to wantonly kill those innocent people." Kun Feng said, his body still trembling, and it was obvious that his psychological shadow was very heavy.

Seeing that Safire did not respond, Kun Feng continued: "I am grateful that you spared my life. I also know that you are different from other executive officers, so I only dare to say this to you. I, You cannot serve someone who kills innocent people indiscriminately.”

After saying this, Kun Feng grabbed the ground with his head and knelt in front of Safire. Safir had already expected Kun Feng's reaction. She thought for a moment before saying: "No matter what the reason is, it is a fact that you betrayed the Fools and must be executed. Moreover, the black sword in Lin Yi's hand was made by you, right?" , you are very good, Kun Feng, you didn’t listen to me at all, do you really think I don’t dare to kill you?”

As she said that, she took out the Wuai-Li Kong and played with it in her hand. Kun Feng trembled even more violently, and even closed his eyes in despair, waiting for death to come. He never thought that Safire would recognize that the sword was from his hand. If he just escaped from the fools, it would be with the puppets. Due to the conflict, the Dark Priest would not make things difficult for him, but betraying the original oath would be a naked provocation to Safire.

"Lift your head." Safire ordered coldly. Kun Feng then raised his head, but when he saw the dagger in Safire's hand, he couldn't move his eyes away, and even forgot his fear. The craftsman's intuition told him that the two daggers were not simple, and were probably legendary artifacts.

Under Kun Feng's gaze, Safire threw the dagger, passed directly by his ear, and nailed it to the wall behind him. It wasn't until the sound of the dagger being embedded in the wall was heard that Kun Feng reached out his left hand and touched his cheek. Only then did a wound begin to slowly ooze blood. He was injured, but he didn't even feel pain.

Kun Feng was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. If the opponent's target was his neck just now, he didn't dare to think about it anymore. Safire walked up to Kun Feng, knelt down and said, "Go and pick it up."

Kun Feng stood up tremblingly and pulled out the dagger from the wall, touched it gently, then immediately reacted and ran back to return the dagger to Safire. But Safire did not answer, and just said: "Are you sure of such quality?"

Kun Feng's brain shut down for a moment, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face: "What do you mean, Master An Mu?"

"The fools who betrayed must die, but what if there was no betrayal?" Safire waved the rest of his men to go out and hold the door. "There was no betrayal, but a change of court. If you can trust me, transfer from Sandone to my men. In this way, you are still a fool. Sandogne's rules have no control over you, but I have no rules. The most important thing is that I have no interest in those cruel experiments you call, and I can guarantee that everything you do will Not a single work will be used to kill innocent people, how about that?"

"I can't thank you enough!" Kun Feng was so excited that he wanted to kneel down but was grabbed by Safire.

"Stop kneeling around. It's better to think about how to forge weapons while you have this time." Safire looked around, "There is no forge here, and materials are also a problem."

Kun Feng was really miserable. He had nothing but his skills. Now asking him to forge weapons can be said to be a skillful woman unable to make a meal without rice. Kun Feng shook his head helplessly. It was not easy to survive. Other pursuits were No need to think about it.

"Forget it, just follow me back to Mondstadt. I will help you make up for the missing items." Safire took the dagger from Kun Feng's hand, turned around and left. Kun Feng also followed her out of the house.

The two went to see Durav and expressed their intention to leave. Although Duraf was a little surprised by Kun Feng's decision to leave, he still respected his choice. He could see that Kun Feng was a capable person and would never be able to live in this peaceful town forever. As for why he chose The reason why I went on an adventure with this adventure group must be because of this girl’s personality charm.

On the way back, Safire and Kunfeng began to discuss the weapons that needed to be forged.

Safire had already made up his mind and said directly: "Two weapons, one long-handled weapon and one two-handed sword."

Kun Feng nodded: "That's the spear and the two-handed sword."

Unexpectedly, Safire corrected him: "It's not a spear, it's a long-handled weapon." She took out a piece of paper and drew the prototype of a cross on it, "Did you see it? The handle is the same as a spear. But the gun head part needs to be changed to this."

Kun Feng frowned and thought while holding the sketch: "This is the first time I have seen such a weird weapon. It looks more like a sacrificial weapon than a weapon. It feels more symbolic."

Safire didn't explain anything, just asked: "Can it be forged?"

"It's definitely no problem if it's just the form, but I can't guarantee what it will be like if I forge it for the first time. And there is no suitable weapon prototype, so it's still too difficult to beat it with manpower alone." Kun Fengyi Express your opinions in a clear way.

Safire showed a strange smile: "Kunfeng, the weapon embryos can only be used to forge some standard weapons at most. I haven't heard that artifacts also need to be forged with weapon embryos. If you want to use them, then that's okay. It must be an artifact-level weapon prototype, right?"

Safir is still very clear about this kind of thing, because her Wu Ai and Ru Kong were created by Zhongli using Heulia's Salt Ai and Yan Shang as the original embryo. The weapon had long lost its original edge due to the wear and tear of time, and it was only then that it was successfully recast by Zhongli.

Hearing Safire's words, Kun Feng nodded: "Yes, the forging of artifacts is indeed different from ordinary weapons. Ordinary primitive embryos cannot be used at all, so we must first create an artifact-level primitive embryo and use ordinary crystals. Mine and iron ore will definitely not work, more special materials will be needed."

"I have thought of this a long time ago and have prepared a batch of special materials. I will show it to you when we arrive in Mondstadt." Safire said, quickening his pace.

Kun Feng quickly followed up: "Then I'll wait and see."

At Star Reaching Cliff, the "Tevarin Protection Association" composed of Qin, Ying, Diluc, Wendy, and Lin Yi has arrived here with the Sky Qin.

Feeling the sea breeze blowing, Wendy closed her eyes and began to play the song calling Tevarin.

When Wendy called Tevalin, Qin asked Ying: "Ying, you said before that Dark Priest Safire once told you the history of Mondstadt?"

Ying nodded and recounted what Safir had told her. Qin was secretly frightened as she listened to her story. Diluc also frowned because the other party's conclusion was not only very objective, but also obtained from the perspective of a bystander. Come to the conclusion. He even let Ying put himself into Tevarin to think.

Diluc was silent for a few seconds and expressed his evaluation: "Although her story is not friendly to Mond, I can't fault it."

Qin also nodded silently. The few people here were among the few who knew the truth. They could not refute Safiir's evaluation of this dragon disaster. What surprised them was Safiir's attitude. Qin even suspected that the agreement between the Abyss Cult executive and Safiir not to take action was playing into her hands.

Diluc tried to analyze the logic of Safire's behavior, but he found that it was unreasonable no matter from which angle he looked at it. Thinking of this, he shook his head and looked at the innocent-looking Ying: "I can't understand what she did. What was it for? She gave me the feeling that a child suddenly remembered a long-lost toy, so she took out the toy from the basement, played with it a few times and then threw it away without interest. All this revealed. Weird.”

Seeing that they couldn't understand, Lin Yi decided to explain their doubts, and a fact that shocked the others was put on the table: "The purpose of Dark Priest Safire is actually very simple. She is here just for her, no matter it is Come to witness her growth or hinder our actions, none of this makes any difference to her, she just wants to be familiar with her here."

"Me?" Ying was a little unbelievable. She did feel that Safir treated her differently from others, but this feeling of being favored was, how should I put it, quite addictive.

She wanted to say something else, but she heard Wendy stop playing and singing, the whistling wind started blowing, and the entire Star Picking Cliff was enveloped in a chaotic turbulence of wind elements.

"Alert! Tvarin appears!"

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