Original God's Dark Priest

Chapter 45 Weird Secret Realm

Gan Yu, who was waiting, naturally recognized this outstanding beauty at a glance. Apart from the deceased Fox Zhai Palace, the only one who could be called the Baichen Fox King was the palace minister of Mingshen Island. It has been a long time. They are all gone. The little pink fox that still relied on Huzhai Palace to act coquettishly has grown into a tall and graceful figure and has become a powerful witch in her own right. Gan Yu felt a little emotional in her heart.

But she didn't understand why someone like Yae Shenzi would visit Liyue on Beidou's Death Star. Shouldn't it be Inazuma who sends a special fleet of envoys?

Yae Shenzi, who got off the ship, was also secretly surprised by Liyue's formation. She came here without prior notice. This visit was just a temporary trip. It was a private action. The person she met was not an official of Liyue or even a Liyue person. , and the other party didn't know it at all. She was planning a surprise attack, but was blocked by Liyue officials at the dock. Now the private meeting turned into an official visit, but she didn't even think of the reason for the visit. You can't say that you came to the Fools executives here to push for the manuscript, right?

The brains of both parties were working rapidly, looking for suitable topics. Finally, Gan Yu made the suggestion to go to Liuli Pavilion.

Daozu belongs to an island country and is rich in seafood. Daozu's envoys visiting Liyue usually do not arrange their visits to Xinyuexuan, which specializes in moong vegetables. Instead, they choose Liuliting, which specializes in noodles. Although Liuliting and Xinyuexuan both specialize in glassware Yue is a high-end restaurant with local cuisine, but Ricai mainly focuses on mountain delicacies, while Yuecai mainly focuses on seafood. The ingredients of seafood will inevitably overlap with Inazuma's dishes, which will greatly reduce the novel experience brought to guests, so the main focus is Rina's Ruri Pavilion became the perfect choice to entertain Yae Kamiko from Inazuma.

Yae Kamiko, who was still struggling with the reason for her visit, was naturally happy to go after learning about Gan Yu's arrangement. As an experienced secretary, Gan Yu naturally knew the essentials of negotiation. She was not in a hurry to ask about the reason for Yae Kamiko's visit. She just tried her best to While entertaining, she knew in her heart that the other party must have come here with a certain purpose. If she didn't say it now, it wouldn't be until the time came. She would naturally know it when the time came, so there was no rush at all. Gan Yu's sophistication also saved Yae Shenzi a lot of trouble. With the intentional cooperation of both parties, the reception banquet was naturally a feast for the guests and host, needless to say.

At the same time, in the secret realm of the Wind Dragon Ruins in Mondstadt, Safir had traveled an unknown distance in the darkness. The secret realm here was very different from what she had imagined. Even the Wind Dragon Ruins in the previous life, the only thing The secret realm is Zhou Ben's deep dive into the Wind Dragon Ruins. The secret realm where she is now did not appear. In other words, this is a "lost" secret realm.

This was not the first time she had seen a similar place. Whether it was the abyss secret realm she had explored with Scaramucci before or the Xianjia Cave she heard about in Liyue, they all fell into this category. They existed but were not shown.

The danger of this kind of secret realm is quite high. Because there is no information in advance, she knows nothing about the situation inside and cannot make targeted preparations in advance. She can only take it one step at a time.

The weirdest thing about this secret realm is the complete darkness. Other secret realms have more or less light sources. You can observe the secret realm environment and distinguish the direction through vision, but this doesn't work here. It's complete darkness, pitch black, and the vision directly loses its function. It's empty. The environment also prevented her from using the echo to roughly determine the scope of the secret realm.

She felt as if she had entered a rift in time and space, with no light, no sun, no sky, and no space.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air. Safir was alert and immediately arranged a holy light guard around herself. A golden shield enveloped her body. The moment the shield was formed, she heard two "puff" sounds. , the two arrows were inserted into the shield, but the impact of the arrows was obviously not enough. After being blocked by the shield, they lost their power and fell to the ground.

The danger came and went quickly, and the surroundings became quiet again. Safire secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she switched to Seraph mode after entering the secret realm. Her original idea was that in Seraph mode, The health value is very high, and even if an emergency occurs, it is not easy to be killed instantly. Now it seems that this decision is correct.

As they continued to move forward, the surroundings gradually became brighter. Safir looked at the surrounding environment. She was stunned by the gorgeous architectural style, the towering wind wall barrier, and the looming wind wall behind it. High towers, and people living in the wind wall, looking out with dull eyes.

Comparing all this with his memory, Safire quickly came to the conclusion that this was the ruins of the Wind Dragon, the ruins of the Wind Dragon under the rule of the Solitary King of the Tower, or that it was not called this at that time. The name, it should be more appropriate to call it the Royal City in the Mingguan Mountains.

Safir stepped forward slowly and reached out to touch the wind wall in front of her, only to find that the wind wall avoided her hand as if it had become spiritual. Then a gap appeared that could only allow one person to pass through, as if inviting her to enter.

Without any hesitation, Safir entered the city protected by the wind wall. Everything that had been blurry through the wind wall became clearly visible. The distant royal city came into her eyes clearly, and she looked numb under the protection. The people did not respond to her arrival. Safir walked slowly in the residential area, observing the people around him, trying to find a certain bard, but found nothing.

Gradually, she crossed the long corridor and stepped onto the steps leading to the top floor.

"Outsiders, have you also heard that my great power came to join me?" The rumbling wind mixed with vague words rang in Safire's ears. There was a delay in waiting for Safire's response. The voice seemed a little uncomfortable. Yue, spoke again: "Don't ignore my majesty! Unreasonable visitor!"

Only then did Safir realize that what she saw in front of her seemed not to be a simple illusion. She was not sure about the people in the periphery, but the Demon God of Gale, Diakrapien, should be able to detect her. This discovery surprised her.

"Die Alappian?" she asked softly. The sound spread far in the empty hall.

There was a long silence in response to her.

"Die Alapian, Die Alapian, it's me, my name is Die Alapian, the Demon God of Gale, King of Mondstadt." The voice repeated, as if recalling something.

Safire understood that in the original war, Diehlappian did not die completely. After losing his demon status, he came here by chance. Because of his own powerful strength and deep obsession, he turned this place into a In order to remember the appearance of Mondstadt, this also explains why the image of the people is like that. All this is transformed from the memory of Diehlappian. When he was dying, he realized what he had brought to the people.

After sorting out her thoughts, Safire continued to ask: "So, what state are you in now?" If it were in a complete state, she would not have any chance of winning against the opponent, but this possibility is not high. Maybe the other party, like Andrius from the Running Wolf Territory, turned into a remnant soul and was imprisoned here.

Diehlappian seemed to be trying hard to understand the question raised by Safire, but was unable to answer: "I, I don't know, outsider, tell me, did I do something wrong?"

It can be seen that his condition is not good, and he has even lost most of his memory. As far as Safiel knows, Barbatos was able to obtain the status of the demon god because he absorbed the power of Die Karapian, and all of this was voluntarily given up by him. It is not so much that Die Karapian was defeated by Barbatos and his party. It is said that he was influenced, but now Diehlappian has obviously lost this part of his memory. He is trapped in the day he died, spending a long time in suffering, tasting the bitter failure over and over again. .

Knowing the opponent's status, Safire also relaxed a lot, at least he was not an invincible enemy.

Thinking of this, Safire spoke again: "Diekar Pian, as the former king, you are sitting on the throne, but do you really understand your identity?"

"I am the king, and I have the obligation to protect my people. I love them deeply, but they rebelled against me." Diehlappian's voice trembled, "Their weak bodies cannot resist the wind wall. I protected them in a harsh environment, I just wanted them to live safely, what’s wrong with me?”

"I hope that I can become a benevolent enlightened master, but what happened after working hard was contrary to everything I imagined. Dickapian, it was not your people's yearning for freedom that destroyed you, but your arrogance." Safire reached the top floor, and there was a door in front of her. As long as she reached out and pushed it open, she could meet this historical tyrant.

A few short exchanges had already changed Safir's initial view. She had always thought that Dick Lapian was the tyrant who enslaved the people of Mondstadt, and that his tyranny was the factor that forced the people to rebel. But now it seems that this is not the case.

Diehlappian reminded her of a person, a person named Artoria Pendragon. What they have in common is that they are evaluated as being incomprehensible to people's hearts. Whether it is the tyranny of Dick Lapian or the evaluation of King Arthur's incomprehension of people's hearts, they are all subjective evaluations made by outsiders from a superior position, but they also have differences.

Objectively speaking, King Arthur's exhaustion can be regarded as the helplessness after exhausting all his efforts, while the death of Dickapian is the regret and self-salvation after being indulged in self-fantasy.

"Are you arrogant?" Diehlappian murmured to himself, "I thought they would be grateful to me, support me, and stay with me until the end of the Demon God War. At that time, I would defeat Andrius and conquer the entire Mongolian Empire. Dedu was brought under my rule, so that my people could live and work in peace and contentment, so that they could thrive without worries. I had a grand blueprint, but they abandoned me."

Safir's mood was a bit complicated for Diehlappian. Rationally speaking, she should give him relief, but emotionally speaking, she didn't want to do so.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the door in front of him, pushing it open with all his strength. An arrow shot through the air and headed straight for Saffir's facade.


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