Original Again

Chapter 82: Attacked

While the Wash tribe was thriving and everyone was remodeling their houses under Yu’s guidance, other tribes were completely different from the peace here.

Losing all the sheep and herds, the giant hyenas of the Amanda tribe began to looting frantically. However, what is quite different from the past is that today’s Amanda Bandit Group not only robs the tribe’s cattle and sheep, they will also attack tribe members! Countless sad herbivore orcs lost their property and the lives of relatives and friends, and the lucky orcs who survived began to migrate.

The Cinnamon Tribe has become the only tribe that has not been visited by them, but they have long known what happened to other tribes. The Cinnamon Tribe is now in panic, and they are ready to migrate.

“So, you are leaving?” Since getting acquainted with Haru, Meng Jiuzhao will come to the place where he first met to play with Haru. In the past few days, I didn’t come over because of building a house. I didn’t expect to hear the news that the other party was going to move as soon as I met.

Haru nodded, “The Amanda tribe will grab our tribe sooner or later, we can’t beat them.”

Meng Jiuzhao wanted to say something and stopped. For a moment, he wanted the other party to stay and persuade the other party to stay in his tribe, but he quickly reacted: Haru would not agree.

So he can only lower his head lonely.

“I will miss you.” Just as Meng Jiuzhao lowered his head, a voice suddenly came from the top of his head.

Haru touched his head lightly.

Meng Jiuzhao immediately raised his head.

“These are the chickens I raised. I gave them to you. You will take care of them from now on.” Haru gave a whistle, and the four hens clucked out of the surroundings immediately. After this period of domestication, several hens can already understand many instructions. They are now tall and strong, and they are already very fat.

“Hey? How can this be?” Meng Jiuzhao waved his hand quickly.

“Accept it. We are going to leave soon. Most of the prey we carry with us are used as bait on the road. If they encounter a sudden attack by the Amanda tribe, they are the first to be abandoned.”

Haru taught Meng Jiuzhao a few basic commands. When Meng Jiuzhao could use these instructions to command the four hens, Haru decided to leave.

The hens chased Haru at first, but after Haru whistled again, they stopped.

“Goodbye!” Meng Jiuzhao said loudly behind Haru.

Haru was stunned in confusion.

“You have to say goodbye! We will meet again!” Meng Jiuzhao shouted to him.

Haru smiled slowly.


Before the word “see” came out, Haru’s eyes suddenly widened.

A black shadow rushed out from behind Meng Jiuzhao. Without waiting for Haru’s reminder, the black shadow quickly threw down Meng Jiuzhao and took him away!

Giant hyena! That is a giant hyena! Haru immediately recognized the identity of the attacker!


It happened so quickly that the person involved, Meng Jiuzhao, didn’t realize what had happened for a long time!

It wasn’t until a sharp pain in his leg awakened him that Meng Jiuzhao realized that he was probably attacked by some beast. The other party was running fast and hanging in the air with him in his mouth. Meng Jiuzhao was dizzy and saw the ground constantly. Go backwards.

The opponent’s speed is very fast, this period of time is enough to make the opponent run out of the territory of the Wash tribe.

The opponent’s fangs pierced his left leg, and the massive blood loss made Meng Jiuzhao’s dizziness worse.

He regretted that he had left the tribe so far. The adults in the tribe had told him not to run too far away from the tribe. On the one hand, he felt that now he is a child and can use his identity as a child to pretend to be playful. Understand, on the one hand, I feel that my psychological age is that adults can get rid of even if they are in danger. He knew that he had been reborn into a world where the weak and the strong, but he couldn’t fully recognize this. For a long time, Black and Bai have protected him too well, and the fact that he can hunt him has further given him confidence. Meng Jiuzhao has almost forgotten how insignificant his power is in this world.

Will he just die?

Meng Jiuzhao thought of this question in his dizziness.

He thought he wouldn’t be afraid of death. After all, he was the one who died once, but in fact he was terribly scared.

Before he died in his last life, he had no relatives or friends, and he had no love for his death.

But now, he has people who are afraid to die and never see again. Just as Blake and Bai expect him to grow up every day, did Meng Jiuzhao expect to see these three cubs grow into the majestic Kantas every day?

“Blake! White! Louis!” Meng Jiuzhao shouted the name of the person who didn’t want to leave.

Not knowing how long he ran, Meng Jiuzhao felt groggy and vomited to the ground roughly. He barely raised his head and looked at the other side.

“…It’s you…” Although I have only met once, the tall giant hyena opposite is indeed the leader of the giant hyena tribe with whom he once had a relationship.

The awe-inspiring giant hyena at the beginning is now very embarrassed. Meng Jiuzhao noticed that the opponent’s right hind leg was bloody, as if it had been bitten off. The thick fur was also scattered and there were biting scars everywhere.

Although extremely embarrassed, the opponent still looked extremely dangerous, his cold eyes firmly locked on Meng Jiuzhao. Just when Meng Jiuzhao thought that the other party would come and bite his neck in the next second, the other party stared at him and jumped away.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Jiuzhao heard a loud laugh from not far away!

It was a group of giant hyenas—Meng Jiuzhao’s face suddenly turned pale.


Hei Ya roared loudly, and the other giant hyenas greeted with the same roar, and their stern grinning roar oscillated and spread within a kilometer.

Hei Ya’s cry was full of ostentatious intentions.

Just a few days ago, she finally defeated Amanda and became the trusted leader of the tribe. Amanda bit her entire right hind leg and ran away embarrassedly. The single giant hyena was doomed to a dead end, and Hei Ya estimated that it would not be long before she could see Amanda’s rotten and smelly corpse nearby.

The newly appointed leader, Heiya, issued several encroachment orders in succession, and sincerely confronted Amanda. Heiya robbed several tribes one after another, and tasted the taste of victory. Heiya decided that his next goal was Amanda, who had banned them from looting for a long time. Cinnamon Tribe.

They are now on their way to the Cinnamon Tribe.

“It’s the smell of the leader’s blood!” As soon as the giant hyena running at the front shouted this sentence, she knew that she had made a mistake. She hurriedly changed her words, “It’s the smell of Amanda’s blood!”

He glanced coldly at the giant hyena who had said the wrong thing, and Hei Ya ran over from the middle of the team with restraint, sniffing carefully on the ground.

Sure enough, she also smelled Amanda.

Not only the smell of Amanda, but also an unfamiliar smell of blood, which didn’t smell like any beast.

“It seems that even if our Amanda doesn’t have her right leg, he can still catch food~” Hei Ya smiled maliciously, “What if we **** the food she can easily hunt?”

Some giant hyenas hesitated, but most giant hyenas agreed. So, under the leadership of Hei Ya, the giant hyena group changed direction and walked towards the source of the **** smell.

The more you go in, the stronger the smell of Amanda’s blood, and the large swaths of blood have formed a straight line, pointing out where Amanda is.

Hei Ya licked her lips, she couldn’t wait, she tensed the muscles all over her body, and only waited for the moment when she saw Amanda rushed over. This time she would never let Amanda hide again, she would definitely bite her off. Amanda’s neck.

Seeing the group of dark shadows not far away, Hei Ya showed the winner’s smile, she accelerated her running speed, and then—

She met Meng Jiuzhao’s black eyes at the end of the blood.

The corners of Hei Ya’s mouth twitched, and Amanda was not found as expected. This incident made her furious. Ignoring the pale-faced Meng Jiuzhao on the ground at all, she was smelling Amanda everywhere.

“Coward! Amanda, will you only run away now? Will you run away when you see me!?” Like a mad dog, she jumped up and down and yelled loudly.

Every time she uttered a roar like a big laugh, Meng Jiuzhao’s little shoulder couldn’t help but tremble. He desperately found that he was surrounded by dozens of giant hyenas.

“Amanda, what are you doing? Ha~ If you don’t come out anymore, I will **** your prey!” Baibai roared, but no ghost shadow was found. Hei Ya walked back irritably, looking up. At the moment of Meng Jiuzhao, Hei Ya opened a huge mouth and bit at him!

Meng Jiuzhao desperately clenched the stone he was holding, even if he died, he would have to struggle before he died!

“Tweet~” But at this moment, Meng Jiuzhao heard the familiar chirp.

Immediately afterwards, Louis’s tender yellow figure appeared in front of him!

With little wings flashing, Louis stepped on the head of a giant hyena outside and jumped down from the sky. He quickly picked up Meng Jiuzhao in the field, and skillfully threw him on his back, and then used it from another direction. The same method stepped on another giant hyena and escaped~

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