
Chapter 32 The Unlucky Master

Now that you are sure you want to go back, the next thing you need to think about is how to go back.

But this issue can be left to be thought about tomorrow. With so many things happening in one day and having traveled such a long distance, Wu Zhongyuan was already tired. He got up and went to the toilet and fell asleep when he came back.

The next morning, Wang Jize woke him up. The guy regretted his decision and did not dare to go to Wan Shanhai alone, wanting to keep him company.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't sleep enough, so he drove Wang Jize away impatiently. He took his mobile phone and checked the time. He found that it was not eight o'clock yet, and there would be a holiday tomorrow. There was no class today, so he turned over and continued to sleep.

Not long after, someone came in.

"Why are you back again?" Wu Zhongyuan just thought that Wang Jize had gone and returned.

The visitor said nothing, went straight to the table in front of the window, took an apple and chewed it.

"Why are you here? This is the men's dormitory." Although Wu Zhongyuan still didn't turn around, he knew that it was Wang Xinran who came because Wang Xinran smoked and smelled of cigarette smoke.

"Routine inspection to see if you ran away." Wang Xinran said carelessly.

Seeing that he could no longer sleep, Wu Zhongyuan turned over and sat up, putting on a sweater, "The person who came to look through my things yesterday was one of yours, right?"

"Sorry, they thought you ran away." Wang Xinran disagreed.

"I won't run away, please leave quickly," Wu Zhongyuan said, "This is a men's dormitory. It's not good for others to see you."

Wang Xinran not only did not leave, but instead pulled up a chair and sat down, chewing an apple, "How are you thinking about it?"

"What?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Stop pretending to be confused. Have you thought about it? Do you want to join us?" Wang Xinran asked.

"Oh, that's it." Wu Zhongyuan yawned.

Wang Xinran glanced at Wu Zhongyuan and continued eating apples.

"Can you go out first?" Wu Zhongyuan said.

"What?" Wang Xinran frowned.

Wu Zhongyuan sighed helplessly, "I want to wear pants."

"There are so many things." Wang Xinran stood up reluctantly.

When Wang Xinran went out, Wu Zhongyuan lifted off the quilt, put on his pants, took the washbasin and washing supplies and went to the bathroom to wash himself.

Wang Xinran actually followed, leaning against the wall of the corridor and looking at Wu Zhongyuan.

From time to time, male classmates would come out to use the toilet in their underwear. When they saw Wang Xinran, they all hurriedly ran back to the dormitory.

"Can you be more polite?" Wu Zhongyuan was helpless, "Go back to the dormitory and wait for me. Don't stand here."

"Be careful when sailing a thousand-year-old ship. It will be more likely to cause trouble in the end. From now on, I have to be with you." Wang Xinran lit up the cigarette.

Wu Zhongyuan knew that Wang Xinran kept his word and could do nothing but frown. He simply brushed his teeth, washed his face, and returned to the dormitory with the washbasin.

Wang Xinran followed him swaggeringly, entered the dormitory, and closed the door with a bang.

"What are you doing?" Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly opened the door.

"Aren't you cold?" Wang Xinran closed the door again.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't dare to open it again. If he opened it again, Wang Xinran had to close it, which aroused suspicion.

"Have you thought about it?" Wang Xinran asked.

Wu Zhongyuan picked up the kettle and poured a glass of water, then sat by the bed.

"Let me think about it again."

Wang Xinran didn't rush him. After smoking, he took the remaining apple on the table and bought four apples for ten yuan. The guy ate two of them himself.

Now that you have decided to go back, you have to figure out how to go back. Although the current situation seems complicated, in fact, as long as you think calmly, you can still figure it out.

There are only three paths before him. The first is to continue studying step by step, and when the time is right, sneak away quietly and act alone.

The advantage of this is freedom, you can do whatever you want without anyone interfering. The disadvantage is that people from both sides are always thinking about you. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid that thieves will be worried about you. Maybe something will happen one day. Also, he could not get any help when he acted independently. Translating the words left by Wu Zhui was a big problem.

In addition, there is a very important point that cannot be ignored, that is, even if you find a way to go back, you cannot choose the time you want to go back. It is very likely that you need to follow the span unit of 360 or 365. If This is true. The most direct impact is that one day in modern times will also pass in ancient times. The longer he delays here, the longer the people of the ancient times will wait for him.

If he was not in great need, the clansmen and wizards would not search so desperately. In other words, the longer it was delayed, the more disadvantageous it would be to the clansmen in ancient times. They must rush back in the shortest possible time. If it were delayed for more than ten or twenty years, I am afraid that Even if he goes back, all his people will be dead.

The second way is to choose to cooperate with Wang Xinran and others. The advantage of doing this is that you can get strong support from the official. No matter what you do, you can get twice the result with half the effort. The disadvantage is that you are controlled by others and have to obey the commands and orders of your superiors. You cannot do whatever you want. , and the officials will probably try to prevent his return by then.

The last way is to try to contact Zhao Ying and cooperate with Zhao Ying. This road seems to be a dead end, but it is actually feasible because the forces behind Zhao Ying and others are also very powerful. What Wang Xinran and others can do, They should be able to do it. The most important thing is that people like Zhao Ying have no official background and do not have too many worries about doing things. As long as there are sufficient exchange conditions, they can also provide huge help. However, this road also has a big drawback, that is, Zhao Ying and others are very dangerous, and cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger.

In fact, in addition to these three ways, he also thought about asking his senior brother Lin Qingming for help, but this idea was only fleeting. This matter was very dangerous, and Lin Qingming could not be dragged into the water, otherwise it would probably harm him.

After thinking for a long time, Wu Zhongyuan was still undecided. To be fair, he preferred the first of the three paths. The biggest advantage of the first path was freedom. The biggest disadvantage was not the danger, but the slowness. He couldn't afford it. To be precise, it was His people in ancient times couldn't afford to drag him down.

It is said that people without long-term worries will always have immediate worries. Sometimes it is useless to look too far ahead, because things are always changing. The situation is like this today, but it may change tomorrow. Since you can't think of a good way, you can only Take it one step at a time.

"If I don't join you, what will be the consequences?" Wu Zhongyuan looked up at Wang Xinran.

"There are no consequences," Wang Xinran said. "We can't arrest you, but out of consideration for your safety, we will increase our monitoring of you."

Wu Zhongyuan smiled, a wry smile. Although Wang Xinran said it very implicitly, it was actually threatening. If he didn't cooperate, the officials would keep an eye on him. Under such tight surveillance, it was impossible for him to be secretive. What to do.

"Is there any result from the translation?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Do you think it's changing from traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese? It's not that fast." Wang Xinran shook his head.

"About how long will it take?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

"One week," Wang Xinran said, "regardless of whether it can be translated or not, it will not take more than a week. If it has not been translated by then, it probably will not be translated in the future."

"I will decide whether to go or not after the translation results are available." Wu Zhongyuan used a delaying tactic.

Wang Xinran could understand, "Okay, just as you said."

After the business was finished, Wang Xinran had no intention of leaving. Instead, she lay on Wang Jize's bed and started playing with her mobile phone.

Just when Wu Zhongyuan was thinking about how to drive her away, Wang Xinran spoke, "Don't you want to know about your master? I have transferred it and will send it to you now."

Wu Zhongyuan took the phone and clicked on the file sent by Wang Xinran.

There are seven or eight photos of Master on the document, ranging from middle-aged to old people. He has never seen any of these photos before. Looking carefully, most of the photos have steel seals and red stamps. They should be from certificates from different periods. In addition, these photos taken by Master were all in casual clothes, not monastic robes.

The following is an explanation of Master's situation, name, place of origin, date of birth, and what he was doing at a certain period.

Wu Zhongyuan knew Master's name, and he also knew his place of birth, but he didn't know Master's birth year, but he knew now that Master was born in 1915.

The document was not short, and it took Wu Zhongyuan five minutes to read it. After reading it, he felt uneasy because his master's life was so miserable. He could only use two words to describe it in his life, that is, "unlucky."

The master's surname was Yang, and he was the eighth eldest of nine lay brothers and sisters. Shortly after his birth, he was adopted to an uncle in the family who had no children.

I had smallpox when I was a child and almost died. The pockmark on my face must have been left from that time.

Later, there was a flood in my hometown, and I traveled to Guandong with my uncle and aunt. I needed to cross a river on the way, but the boat capsized and I almost died.

Although she was rescued, her uncle and aunt drowned and were about to starve to death. She was adopted by a wandering Taoist priest and wandered around with the Taoist priest for several years before finally settling down in a Taoist temple in the north.

Later, the Anti-Japanese War broke out, and the Japanese invaded. The Eighth Route Army guerrillas attacked the Japanese, and the Japanese arrested the Eighth Route Army everywhere. The guerrillas were not well equipped at that time and could not fight the Japanese directly. If they could not win, they hid in the mountains. There was no food in the mountains. They also had no place to live. Sometimes they would go to monasteries and Taoist temples to live. When the Japanese came and couldn't catch them, they would get angry at the monks and Taoists. A large part of the Japanese believe in Buddhism, so they don't make things difficult for the monks. They were not polite to the Taoist priests. During the raids, they almost killed the Taoist priests whenever they encountered them, and drove the Taoist priests away all over the mountain.

The master didn't have a firm stand. Seeing that it would be easy to die as a Taoist priest, he simply returned to secular life and worked as a long-term laborer for a landlord's family.

It was hard to survive until the end of the Anti-Japanese War. I thought good times were coming, but unexpectedly, the land reform came. The landlords were overthrown, the land was divided, and the master was also implicated. The reason was that he took several other people with him when he was a long-time laborer. Working together, they were characterized as accomplices of the landlords in oppressing the people, and they had to suffer a lot.

Later, the country implemented religious policies, and the Taoist priests who survived the catastrophe returned to the Taoist temple one after another, and the master also returned. However, within a few days of the good times, the Four Olds began to be destroyed again. The Taoist priests became synonymous with cows, demons, and snake gods, and the Taoist temples were demolished. , Taoist priests were picked out and criticized, and many of them were killed directly.

The master must have been beaten too. This time he was frightened by the fight. Even if he was rehabilitated, he would not dare to live in the Taoist temple anymore. He would simply wander around. At best, he would be called You Fangxing. At worst, he would be called Siquai. Wandering for more than ten years, I saved some money and finally settled in Huang County. I adopted my senior brother and him in his later years.

"Alas." Wu Zhongyuan sighed.

"It's past eight o'clock, let's go down and have breakfast." Wang Xinran said.

Before Wu Zhongyuan could answer the call, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and answered it. Huang Ping's voice came from the other side, "Zhongyuan, it's me, where are you?"

Seeing Huang Ping crying, Wu Zhongyuan had a vague premonition of something ominous, "I'm at school, what's wrong?"

"Can you come to Gaoxian? Something happened to your brother..."

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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