Origin Seeker

Chapter 39: Call Mom

[The Record has arrived on Earth!]

'...Hold on.'

Dream circulated his mana and cleared his head of the alcohol. When his thinking was sharp, he exited the kitchen and went to the living room. He sat on the couch.

'What do you mean, the Record has arrived on Earth?'

[Exactly what you think. The system, which is present in this world, is now present on Earth. I have also looked through the connection given by [Summons from Another World] and I have confirmed that mana is also present.]


Dream went silent. Not because he was shocked, but because his brain was working in overdrive. When he finally understood, he spoke.

'Get me a laptop.'


A laptop was summoned on Dream's lap and he opened it. The first thing he did was go to a news website.

He didn't have to look for long as there were already several articles on the new mysterious system. Artists had also taken to the forums.

Sure enough, Dream saw a post of a picture looking just like the status screen. There were even a couple of videos of people using magic, though only lightly. Another thing he saw, was reports about animal attacks all around the world.

'Not only do people get mana, but so do animals. Monsters will be created, and people will begin leveling up.'

[It's nothing too crazy yet though. The mana levels on Earth are still thin. Much thinner than here. So there will be limits on the level and strength of monsters, and therefore people.]

'But this is still unprecedented. It will bring changes to the world that overturns everything. Countries will be destroyed and built, wars will be carried out, who knows how many people will die before things settle down. Not to mention the monsters.'

[The good thing though is that modern technology still reigns supreme. It could be a long time before people can resist the power of a bullet with their body. So for now, it won't be totally out of control. They will learn their limits.]

'I guess that's true.'

Dream sat and pinched the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed, just thinking. After a bit, Luna and Iris walked out from the kitchen over to Dream.

"Dream? What's that?" (Iris)

Iris sat down next to him and looked at the laptop. Since she knew English, she had no trouble reading the words.

"What is the System? A new dawn for Earth?" (Iris)

"Earth? Isn't that the place you came from?" (Luna)

The girls turned towards Dream, who decided to explain.

"Earth is indeed the world I came from. Do you remember how I said that my world never had a system or mana?" (Dream)

"Ya." (Iris)

"Well today, the Record, along with the system, has come to my world. Mana is now also in my world." (Dream)

"...So that means..." (Iris)

"My world will be turned upside down. Life as they know it will be forever changed. It's a paradigm shift unlike any other, and... I don't know if it's a good or bad thing." (Dream)


Iris and Luna went quiet. Dream was incredibly solemn right now. After more time thinking, other people walked out from the kitchen, wondering what Dream was doing.

"Boy? What's that?" (Riddick)

"Riddick. Graff." (Dream)

"Yes?" (Graff)

Dream turned to them with a serious face. When they saw that, they sobered up and listened.

"Has this world ever been without mana?" (Dream)

"...I have never heard of any such thing." (Riddick)

"Of all the history I have studied, there's has never been anything said about not having mana. As far as I'm concerned, this world has always had mana and the Record. Why do you ask?" (Graff)

"Everyone knows that I come from another world. That world is called Earth. Earth has never had a single speck of Mana. The Record has also never existed on Earth. But today, both have appeared in my world." (Dream)

"What? Do you know what such a thing implies?!" (Graff)

"That in the history of the world we are in, there was once no mana. That mana does not exist everywhere. That the Record is not omnipresent. The implications of such a thing are huge, I know. And as a person who came from a world with no mana or system, what did you think went through my head when I discovered that there was a system? Or when I died and awoke moments later totally fine, but in another dimension altogether?"

[A bullet.]

'Rest in peace.'

Dream chuckled in his mind. 

"....Alright. So you understand. Unfortunately, I don't know what to say about your world. Other than it sounds like a huge change." (Graff)

"It is. And I think there's something I need to do now." (Dream)

"What's that?" (Graff)

Dream went quiet as he spoke to Sophia.

'Sophia. Do you think I should call them?'

[....Do you want to? I can make it happen.]

'I've avoided it until now, but I think I need to. I need to warn them of the changes, and what to expect. And... I also miss them. I want to see my mom.'

[Then we can video call. We can use the laptop.]

'That's fine. Hang on.'

Dream looked towards the people in the room.

"I'm going to talk to someone, so if everyone could keep quiet while I do so, I would appreciate it." (Dream)

"Uhh... Alright?" (Graff)

"Who are you going to talk to?" (Iris)

"My mom. Her name's Shannon." (Dream)

"Your mom? Isn't she on Earth?" (Iris)

"Yup." (Dream)

"...You can even talk over entire dimensions..." (Graff)

"Alright. Quiet." (Dream)

Dream shushed everyone as he became incredibly anxious. After a few moments, his laptop screen showed a calling icon. He had finally called his mother.




Dream went silent as he stared at the screen. He didn't plan to be, but seeing his mother's face made him choke on his words.

He could also see his mother's eyes growing wide. She cautiously asked,


"Hi mom..."

"Dream?! No, who are you?! My son is dead!"

"It's me, momma. *sniff* I-I'm sorry."

Dream choked up as tears fell from his eyes. Shannon also teared up.

"No. They said you were dead! How can...!"

"I'm sorry momma. I...It's complicated."

"Then make it simple! Where are you! I need to see you!"

"I... can't see you right now. I'm not exactly close. But I'm doing fine. I'm completely okay."

"Prove it then! How do I know you're not some piece of shit with a computer?"


Dream felt it was ironic since he felt he kind of was a piece of shit with a computer, but he still tried to respond.

"Uhh... "

"You son of -"

"No no no! I...I have the revolver!"

"...What revolver?"

"The revolver that I took from our safe. The rusty one that was given to dad from grandpa. Look."

Dream held up the rusty revolver that he used to kill himself that night. It had been taken with him over to the new world and he decided to keep it. Now it came in handy.

Shannon recognized the revolver as well. She knew that the revolver was taken the same night that Dream disappeared.

"You... Then what the hell did you do! They said it was suicide! They found your fucking brains on your car! And no body! I had a closed casket funeral for my own son! So what the fuck happened?!"

Shannon lashed out as tears poured from her eyes. She had lost her son, and now suddenly he was alive and well. How could she not be shocked and confused?

Luna and Iris had also started crying. Since Graff and Elaina didn't know English, they had no idea what was going on.

Dream had gone quiet as he didn't know how to respond to her. What excuse could he come up with?

While he was quiet though, the mic picked up someone else.

*Sniff* (Luna)

"Who's that?!" (Shannon)

"Uhh..." (Dream)

Dream panicked and cursed the microphone for being so sensitive. It even picked up Luna's sniffles!

Luna also figured out what she did and looked at Dream with an embarrassed face. 

"That's..." (Dream)

"Who is with you right now?" 

"...It's complicated mom."

"No, it's not. Turn the camera!"

Dream sighed and looked at Luna.

"You wanna meet my mom?" (Dream)

"I-I don't mind." (Luna)

"Is that a girl?!" (Shannon)

Dream sighed in his mind and turned the camera, mentally preparing himself for the worst.

"Mom, meet Luna. Luna, mom." (Dream)

"H-Hi." (Luna)

"..." (Shannon)

Luna waved hi at the screen, and Shannon went silent for a bit.

"....Dream, did you kidnap a supermodel or something?"

"I did not. That's why I said it was complicated."

"Then make it simple."

"I was brought to another planet."

"...Is that a joke?"

"Would you believe me If I said it wasn't? Mom, the reason I called now, is because of what happened on Earth."

"You mean all that magical bullshit in the news?"

"Exactly. You need to understand that it is very real. Magic. Is. Real. Ok? If you decide to ignore this and pass it off as some hoax, then bad things can happen."

"Well, there's only been some people who are getting those screens in front of them. And even less videos about people using magic. It's all probably photoshop."

"It's not mom. You have that screen too. You know how to get it? Say 'status'. Go ahead."

"Alright. Status. Whoah!"

Shannon jumped back as the screen popped up in front of her.

"What Is this?!"

"It's your status mom! Start getting used to it. As I said, this is very real! The world is about to go through massive changes, and you, along with dad and the boys, need to be ahead of it. You need to take this seriously. Understand?"

Shannon went quiet for a bit before nodding.

"....Alright. I'll believe you. But what do we do anyway?"

"I'm going to teach you. But not just you, the world. Don't ask me how, but I can control those news and social media sites. I'll be sending out a guide on how everything works. Everyone will get it, and I hope that by doing this, things won't be so crazy. I want you guys to be safe, and to do that, the world has to be calm. But that doesn't mean there will be no danger. Mom, I need you to understand that superpowers exist now. And only if you're powerful can you be truly safe. I also need you to beware of any animals, even pets. They will start to change as well, and not in a good way."

"...Ok. I get it. I'll be careful. And what do you mean animals?"

"Animals will begin to turn into monsters. And they will be very powerful. I know you may not want to, but you might have to give up the cats. Take them to a shelter or something."

"No! They're just cats! How could I give up Ambush and Echo! They're my babies..."

"*sighs* Well, just be careful, please? Keep an eye out for any changes. I'll only yield because I'm not certain what will happen to all animals."

"Thank you. Now what about you? And who's Luna?"

"When I was dropped in this new world, It was her and her family that I met first. They've been taking care of me this whole time. Here, I'll have you meet them."

Dream motioned Riddick over and turned the camera to Iris next to him.

"This girl is Iris. She's Luna's sister."

"H-Hi..." (Iris)

Iris' face went red out of embarrassment.

"My my. There's two supermodels." (Shannon)

"And this is Riddick. He's their dad." (Dream)

Dream turned the camera to Riddick who was standing.

"Hello. It's nice to meet the mother of this troublesome Boy." (Riddick)

"Oh my... Well hello to you too." (Shannon)


"What! He's good looking! You only see men like that on tv. Like a work of art, why can't I admire it every now and then?"

"Because you already have a work of art named dad! *sigh* Anyway."

Dream turned the camera back to him. Shannon spoke up.

"You know sweetie, I wouldn't mind if you put a ring on one of those girls."

"You know mom, I totally agree. It's a work in progress though."

"Of course, of course. But don't dally too long. Things happen."

"I won't."

Dream and his mom chuckled at the marriage plans. Meanwhile, the girls and Riddick had no idea what that meant and stood there with confused faces.

Dream turned serious after a moment.

"...Mom, I need you to be careful from here on out."

"I will, sweetie. You need to as well. I only regret that I can't be there with you."

"I don't. Everyone needs you over there. But it's fine. I'm already rather powerful myself. I can hold my own."

"I'm glad."

"And you can become powerful too mom. Mana does incredible things. You can heal all your old injuries from your younger days and feel 20 again."

"Hey, I'm still young. I may not be able to play basketball like I used to, but I can still nail 3 pointers better than you."

"Mom 40 isn't that young. If you're not careful, you'll mess up your knee again."

"Hey! Don't go blabbing my age! Not polite!"

"Hehe alright. Well, I should get off. I'll need to make that guide for everyone."

"Will I be able to call you again?"

"Of course. Though sometimes I might be busy, but I have my phone."

"Alright. I guess I'll have to break the news to your father myself then huh?"

"If you could."

"Fine. But he'll still want to talk to you so expect a call."

"I will."

"...Then I guess I'll let you go. I'm sure you have work to do."

"Ya. Love you mom."

"Love you too sweetie. Goodbye."



Dream ended the call and the screen went blank. He spoke to Graff.

"I'm done." (Dream)

"Oh. I didn't recognize the language." (Graff)

"I know. *sigh* Well, I would love to party a bit more tonight, but I have things to do." (Dream)

"I think everyone is out of the mood now. Elaina, If you wouldn't mind getting us a residence to stay." (Riddick)

"You can stay here! We have nice big rooms upstairs that you can all use." (Graff)

"I can prepare them. I wouldn't want you to stay anywhere else either." (Elaina)

"...Thank you." (Riddick)

Riddick accepted their hospitality. Everyone then went upstairs to see where the rooms would be. Dream also closed his laptop and followed.

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