Origin Seeker

Chapter 279: Schism

After a few hours, Dream was able to get a hold of the situation. 

Everyone in Dream's immediate family was marked, their souls taking on this symbol of the ascendency. They also gained titles, but since they weren't Dream's children, their titles were special. His parents had a title displaying their position above Dream and his siblings received a title reflecting their position beside him. Of course, they didn't suddenly gain power equal or above his, or any authority. 

But surprisingly, they did still gain power. Dream's parents had risen to the class 3 realm, while only one of Dream's brothers became a class 4. While they couldn't compare to Melody's power when she was at the same level, compared to the general populace, they were actually normal. 

But now, both of Dream's parents spontaneously broke through to have class 4 power. Even Dream's brothers had a burst in power. Not even Melody was spared, gaining more power than all of them. 

And Dream could feel his effects on them. The mark seemed to connect their souls in an abstract way. After all, what truly connected one to their ancestors or their parents? After being born, there was no such thing that tied them together. Only the genetics would resemble each other. 

But what about the soul? Was there an invisible string that tied them together? Turns out, there was, and not in the way Dream thought. 

After a bit of digging, Dream actually found this string to be conceptual in nature. It tied Dream to his family purely due to the fact that they were his family. The mere knowledge of this fact created a bond between them. There was nothing in their blood, species, or soul that connected them. Only the knowledge of their lineage. And somehow, this was enough to create a tangible bond. 

If this wasn't the work of the concepts, then Dream would never be able to guess what it was. And in fact, this little event gave Dream an interesting glimpse into the nature of concepts. 

There were things in the universe that just worked. They had no explanations, no reasoning behind their function. They just did something because that was the supposed way that it should go. This instance of connections across lineages was such an example. It just happened, and only the concepts of the universe could explain why. 

In fact, the concepts might not even have to explain why. Technically, if it were changed to be such, then it could be made so that when fire burned, heat was sucked away instead of being released. It was a reversal of the laws of physics, but if the concepts deemed it so, then what could anyone do? The concepts were the end all be all of the universe. 

It was the ultimate 'Because I said so'. The concepts were kings that ruled the universe with impunity. Only demigods and gods could begin to challenge them and step up to their level. Only they could begin to question why and actually learn why. 

And these unexplainable happenings, such as Dream spontaneously creating an ascendancy, could happen because of these concepts. The concepts made it happen through mysterious powers that couldn't be grasped normally. It was just a way of the universe. Dream could even feel three other connections be made, ones to Luna, Iris, and Alice. But because it was nothing more than a familial mark, Dream couldn't tap into this to make contact with them. It only told him that they were alive. Still, even when they were so far away, the connections were made. 

Anyway, Dream didn't worry too much about understanding how others could gain power from him. All he knew was that everyone in his family suddenly had not just a burst in power, but an explosion of mental abilities. Dream was a man of the mind, so everyone connected to him shared this power as if it ran in the family. Everyone suddenly became geniuses. 

Specifically, they all gained mind spaces. Within these mind spaces were catalogs that stored their memories and experiences, making their memory infallible. And although it was only Melody, she actually began to use golden script in her thought processes. This golden script came from Dream's legacy space, and each line of script could hold information of a higher level, beyond anything like computer data. For her to think with this script meant an exponential jump in her mental processing abilities. 

And because of these drastic changes, everyone passed out for a few days. Dream stayed and watched over them, and when they woke up, they did so with these new abilities. They looked at each other and themselves differently, almost like different people. 

And it took a day to acclimate. After all, even Dream had to slowly build up his mental abilities to what they were. To undergo such sudden changes was shocking to the system. They had to adapt to faster thoughts, to a smarter soul, and to the sheer amount of information they processed. But after a day, they had become functional again. 

"You're a cheater! You were telling me to comprehend concepts when you had this kind of stuff with you?! And I know this is a mere fraction of your true abilities. You're seriously a cheater!"

Melody was both fuming and exasperated. One couldn't know what they didn't have until they finally had it. Now that Melody got a glimpse of what Dream was capable of, she rethought everything she knew about him. Things began to make sense, like how he was able to get so powerful, but it also showed her just how high he was above her. What she was given was truly a fraction of a fraction of what he was capable of. She couldn't fathom the power of just his mind. 

Of course, when she thought back to when he told her to begin seeking the concepts and deeper knowledge, she became pissed. How could she ever touch such knowledge without such a powerful mind? Was he just messing with her?

Dream just chuckled at her. At the same time, he gave some information to his family, specifically ways to advance their power. Because they were now smarter, it could be said that their talent or potential had risen. While they would never become as obscenely powerful as Dream or even Melody, they could still walk a bit further down the conventional road of power. His knowledge would help them out a bit. 

Unfortunately, after another day or so of hanging around, Dream left to attend to his work. He didn't forget that there was a war looming on the horizon, a war that would span the entire universe. 

He finally received a response from the Red Eye clan, and a positive one at that. They decided that they would migrate to his planet. With that, Dream needed to arrange their transportation. He also needed to finalize his deal with Cavra and get access to the primary world of the Blood Drop Clan. After that, when he figured out a convenient way to move Tersa Prime, he would make the decision on whether to make contact with Vursoid, the spear god and head of the Calamitous End asura clan. Not only that, but Dream had a great many experiments to carry out and concepts to comprehend. 

He thought that perhaps it wouldn't be bad to bid his time. There was nothing rushing the start of the war. If he could delay it, he would. While he wanted to find Luna, Iris, and Alice, he didn't know where to start. Wandering was dangerous for him, and if he were discovered, then it could be dangerous for them too. So he decided that he could wait a while, accumulating power and preparing for the turmoil. 


At the same time, there were two similar occurrences happening on opposite sides of the universe. 

Iris stood upon a massive mountain. There were rivers that flowed down this mountain, all of which seemed to be comprised of thick blood. The surroundings were deathly desolate. The only thing that gave this place life were the billions of demons that stood on and around this mountain. 

Iris was at the forefront of these billions. There were 5 others beside her, but despite being of a supposed similar power level, even they kept their distance from her. There was only one who stood in front of Iris, a lone man dressed in white like an elegant scholar. 

Iris was on the ground before this man. She was in her fox form, and 8 tails curled around her body. And she wasn't on the ground for any other reason than that she was sleeping, her body digesting the myriads of powers within her. The man didn't seem to mind. If anything, he glanced at her with a bit of apprehension. 

"War is coming."

Suddenly, the man spoke, his voice traveling into the ears of the billions even at the foot of the mountain. Iris didn't wake up, as if she didn't care. But the rest of the demons smiled. They craved war, craved a chance to increase their power. 

"This is unlike any other war before. All the Demon Lords are mobilizing under the banner of the 8 Demon Kings. We will be launching all out war against Heaven. And it's all to hunt a single person.

"There's been rumors floating around. A man, a Seeker of the Wanderer faction, has become a demigod and broken the laws of the System."


Suddenly, Iris awoke. The instant her eyes opened, the man stopped talking. The demons around her backed away as her aura flared, incinerating everything in the vicinity. 

It was an aura that stifled them all. The aura of a class 6. Of course, Iris wasn't a normal class 6. Her soul didn't follow the conventional rules of soul evolution. Her power to eat and accumulate forced her soul to break through shackles and become something greater. Many other demons also followed their own evolutionary path. After all, they were chaotic beings. To follow strict rules was against their nature. 

Iris looked at the man in front of her. In truth, he was technically more powerful than her. But nobody dared to assume she was weak. She had the ultimate power of Gluttony and Annihilation. Fighting those more powerful than her only made her grow endlessly. She was a monster among demons, only below demigods. 

And yet, even this was uncertain. Iris had been sleeping a lot lately, something that worried many. She was digesting power within her. Every day, the man could feel her aura growing, becoming... infinite. This only meant that she had realized Ash, and was close to contacting concepts. Perhaps it was only a matter of time. 

After Iris only stared at the man, he became worried. 

"What is it, World Eater?"

He called her by her title. Iris had earned this after literally eating a world, swallowing everything upon it, Terra Core and all. It had only been done once, but it left a deep impression on every demon who witnessed it. 

She narrowed her eyes at him, her 8 fox tails becoming active. 

"We're hunting a Seeker?"

"Correct. The 8 Demon Kings want his head. He's broken the balance of the universe by taking control of a concept without fully comprehending it. This only means that he's become unchained under the System. Even Heaven is hunting him."

"Have they found him?"

"No. Nobody knows his identity. They only have this picture."

The man raised his hand, a picture being formed of energy atop it. Iris' pupils contracted. 

It was of Dream, in the same old school outfit he always wore. This picture was taken from the conceptual world. He had obviously been seen before he had gone back to his transparent self. While looks couldn't be relied upon to find someone in the vast universe of trillions upon trillions, it was something. 

And Iris immediately confirmed her suspicions. She smiled widely, her sharp teeth looking like it would rip the man's throat out. 

"Hm, interesting. Is all of Hell going to war?"

"No. There are a great many demon lords who wish to protect this Seeker instead of hunt him. He represents not just a broken law, but a new opportunity. If others can learn his power, maybe come under his System, then they too would be able to break the law and attain godlike powers. There are even rumors of a couple of Demon Kings forming a rebellion. Demigods of all kinds are dividing. Many want his power, that which can fight for concepts even before fully comprehending them."

"I see. In that case, which side do you stand on?"

Iris rose from the ground. Her body grew, easily overshadowing the man. She smiled a toothy grin. Obviously, if his answer didn't satisfy her, she would eat him whole. 

He frowned as he thought carefully. At some point though, he smiled back, facing her without fear. 

"The Great Demon King Asmodeus has called upon our sector. I plan to report to him and join the hunt. We will be battling Heaven very soon."

"I thought as much."

Iris smiled even wider, her maws opening wide. The man could feel his soul shudder, threatening to escape his body and fly into Iris' mouth. 

He didn't even speak of her rebelling. Demons ruled through strength. He had earned his position at the top of this army, that of a Demon Lord, by killing the previous Demon Lord. Now, Iris was just following tradition. 

Iris chomped down while lunging toward the man. He quickly retreated, but an arm was still torn off, a part of his soul going along with it. Seeing this, he grunted in pain while staring daggers at Iris.

"How?! Not so much as a month has passed since you ate that Demon Lord! Don't tell me..."

"That's right. Ash really is the most delectable meal. But even more so are the concepts that feed me like an unending river. Not even my husband can taste the concepts like I can."

Iris cackled a bit as her power exploded. The man was horrified as he sensed endless power within her. She had touched the concepts. 

More than that, she had begun to eat them!

The man couldn't resist as Iris' mouth opened wider. He clawed as he tried to escape, but his soul slipped away, his body turning to ash. Iris ate him whole. Truly, a class 6 couldn't even stand before a demigod. 

Then, she turned around, facing the armies behind her. The 5 generals, which she had once been a part of, now kneeled before her. 

"We welcome our new Demon Lord."


Iris was silent as she digested the man's power. Not just his power, but his soul, his abilities, his memories, even his Ash. 

The skills were annihilated, and her Annihilation skill grew another level. Gluttony took his power for its own, converting it for her use. Before long, she knew everything about the man she ate, and should she face another like him, even without her new conceptual powers, she could kill them with ease. Annihilation learned how to destroy even better as it faced more. 

She learned everything that she needed to. 

"...We will find the other Demon Lords. They will bow to me, or be destroyed. From now on, we oppose those who hunt the Seeker. Hell has been divided. And..."

Iris' gaze turned to the sky, seemingly piercing through space and looking upon another person. She could see an angelic woman, though not an angel. She felt so familiar yet so opposite. 

She smiled as she caught her sister's attention. 

"...call me Demon King."


Luna stood atop a castle that pierced into the clouds. Before her were her generals, all of them restraining the auras of a class 6 and bowing before her. 

This castle was located on a primary world. It was a primary world located on the vanguard of Heaven, and one of the most prosperous primary worlds due to its militaristic value. On this world were tens of thousands of portals, all leading to secondary worlds that fought wars against Hell. 

Gone were the days of Luna being a mere captain. Her plans back then had worked so perfectly. She led officers of all ranks around by the nose, taking control of vast wealth and troops. Back when she was a mere class 4, she had gotten her hands on far more than just class 5 souls to evolve with. Soul harvesting, although taboo, was bafflingly prevalent in Heaven. So with enough time, she got her hands on class 6 souls. 

And using them, her power exploded. With it, her ability to Rule others, whether magical energy or souls, increased exponentially. Alice's power increased just as explosively with her support. 

And although she wasn't as monstrous as Dream, she was able to realize Dust during her class 5 advancement. From then on, she made use of it, touching upon concepts. She found herself drifting toward several, and because she was also under the Wanderer System, she wasn't restricted at all. She began comprehending them. 

Now, she was long at the pinnacle of the class 5 realm, but she never advanced. She waited as her power only grew with her comprehensions. In this respect, she was actually far more monstrous than Dream. She was close to fully comprehending a lower concept, and she was making great progress in 6 others. But she felt that she shouldn't advance yet. She kept climbing up the ranks of Concepts, touching ones that stood above all. 

She had set a goal to only advance once she touched upon the highest concepts. She could already see them. The concept of Order. The concept of Creation. The concept of Life. 

Only when she touched the concept of Order would she advance. But this made her far more powerful than she should be. Her class 5 soul had 11 Soul Seas, all of which pushed her abilities to the extreme. Alice was no exception with 10 Soul Seas, yet her path seemed a bit different. She seemed more illusory, as if she were trying to escape the universe and disappear. Luna didn't interfere with her path, only supporting it as best she could. 

Still, with the two of them, there was nothing that could stand in their way. This world Luna stood at the top of was recently 'given' to her after the last overseer mysteriously disappeared. Given her absolute power and influence over a few other prominent angels, she was picked to be the new overseer. She had control over the 12 generals in front of her, and they all controlled the trillions of angelic soldiers underneath them. 

There were only 2 other people like her. At the vanguard of Heaven, there were 3 primary worlds that acted as headquarters for the massive armies of Heaven. Luna now controlled one. She could be said to be one of the most influential people in Heaven. And it took such a short amount of time for her to rise to this position. 

Even then, Luna knew that her influence was shallow. It would take many years to dodge investigations and solidify her control. It was immense political pressure. And now, she too heard these rumors about hunting a Seeker. 

Luna didn't even have to see a picture. She immediately knew it was Dream who was being hunted. She also knew that Heaven had suddenly been divided. She knew more than even Iris on what would come about from this. 

But this was a good opportunity. Her power over the primary world was under question. Now, there was a great schism within Heaven among the demigods and powers that ruled over the territories. If she joined this schism and sought to protect the Seeker, her husband, then she could solidify her power. 

As for her people, she had no doubt about their loyalty. Her power ensured that they would bow to her every command. It was why she could rise to power in such an abnormal way. 

She found herself both in a precarious position and at the crossroads of opportunity. She didn't even have to think before deciding on her path. 

"...Heaven and Hell are dividing. Stop all offensives on the vanguard and retreat. We need to wait."

"For what?"

A general questioned. It wasn't doubtful, just curious. 

"...We will protect the Seeker. Let this position of mine be known. There will also be those in Hell that protect the Seeker. We may make unexpected allies."

Luna smiled a bit as she turned her head, her gaze piercing through space. Across the universe she saw her sister, that impossibly fiery soul that sought to devour and annihilate all. Both were given powers that made them explosively grow. Technically, they were more powerful than Dream, though they didn't know that. 

All they knew was that the time to reunite with their husband wasn't far away. They both stood with armies and power, and they knew which side of the great schism they would fall on. When the two looked at each other, they silently affirmed their decisions. They knew what had to be done. 

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