Origin: How I Became A Magical Girl’s Hapless Sidekick In A Craptastic World

Interlude 3: Magical Girl Polaris

Magical Girl Polaris swerved to the left as she flew, dodging the deadly beams of energy fired at her back. The flying monster chased her, sending balls of pure chaos energy crashing into buildings below.

Polaris ducked and dove as she flew, using all her skill to avoid being hit. As the flying monster moved closer, Polaris pulled out her wand and focused all her magical energy on it. She yelled a spell out loud and aimed toward the beast, unleashing an incredible blast of light that sparkled with thousands of stars.

The monster - a Marquis-class Seraph Chaos Beast, was enveloped by its light and sent crashing into a building below. It was a horrific angelic abomination, with wings of fire and eyes like pools of molten lava. Its gaze was terrifying, and its movements were swift. Its body was covered in a red, muscular carapace, armed with razor-sharp claws on its hands and feet. It was a powerful foe that had to be stopped at all costs.

Pieces of the building began to fall and shatter on the ground as it crumbled under the weight of the plummeting monster crashing into the pavement. Polaris landed on the ground and rushed over to the fallen monster, finishing it with a point-blank blast of light.

Polaris looked around for any signs of survivors or victims of the creature's attack. She found none but could sense fear in the air - palpable fear from the citizens who had witnessed this abomination firsthand. Hiding and cowering in the building, desperately hoping they wouldn't be caught in collateral damage.

She understood how they felt; she, too, felt terror when facing this creature. But she also knew that if the Aberrations were to go unchecked, there would be no hope for her city or anyone else in its path of destruction. She was here to defend her new city.

But the monster wasn't dead yet.

It slowly picked itself up from the ground. Its wings billowed and snapped in the air, flames still flickering from its eyes. Polaris steeled herself and readied her wand as she prepared to fight it again.

The monster released a loud screech and flew into the air, face-to-face with Polaris. It lunged at her, claws outstretched and teeth bared. Polaris quickly reacted, twirling her wand in circles as she cast a powerful defensive spell. The magical shield was strong enough to protect her from the monster's attacks but wouldn't hold forever. She was the heir to a magic family by trade. Her Awakening had amplified her magic potency to the extremes.

Slowly but steadily, the monster began to overpower her magic, chipping away at the barriers Polaris had created around herself. Fireballs and beams of energy rained down on her from above, battering against the shield until it finally broke apart under pressure, and Polaris again found herself exposed to its attacks.

The monster shot another charged beam of energy at her as she struggled to remain standing. Polaris held her wand steady and continued to hold it in place. She knew that if she let that beam slip through, it would kill her. Or worse. Magical girls were resistant but not immune to the effects of concentrated Chaos Energy after all.

The energy dispersed into a rain of blue fireballs. Polaris winced under the barrage as it ate away at her Lumina aura. She could feel the heat and smell the smoke as the monster closed the distance instantly and raked its burning claws across her body as her wand was knocked away. The beast was relentless, and Polaris felt herself getting weak as her energy drained.

No! I can't lose! I can't! she thought as she thrust her wand out at the monster's face.

She fired a massive beam of light from her hand, blinding the beast and causing the monster to launch into the sky.

I must defeat this monster! For the sake of the innocent!

Polaris quickly channeled her magic into her wand as she summoned it back, forming the blue-white sphere of power at the tip. She aimed it at the monster and fired energy spheres toward it, but the beast dodged them with its swift reflexes, making a beeline for her in a divebomb.

She blindly swept for its head with no time to aim and fired a concentrated beam of light at the beast. The beam lacerated the monster as it screamed in pain and rage. At the same time, its momentum toward her continued unabated.

With a roar, the monster launched itself at Polaris in a wide-open path of fire. Unable to dodge in time, she used her magic to deflect the monster's claws as they plunged into her body, sending intense pain coursing through every fiber of her being. The monster's claws had pierced her lung, but she clung to life, even as she screamed in agony. She'd known pain, but no pain was as great as when it began to inject her with raw chaos energy.

Polaris felt her life slip away as the monster's claws began to turn her Lumina into a sickly blue miasma. Every inch of her body was on fire with pain, and her vision grew dim. Polaris didn't want to die, but she knew she had failed.

She held on as it tried to kill her. She summoned all of her willpower and energy. She quickly cast a spell that she knew was deadly and dangerous but was her only chance of survival. Even if she wouldn't survive, at least she wouldn't be turned into a mindless agent of the Aberrations, stripped of free will to wreak havoc upon the city.

Her arms began to shine light blue, forming a magical energy field inside her body. The monster screeched in rage as it continued to fire energy into her. Still, her soul armor deflected them as it grew to protect her entire body.

But it wasn't enough.

A single large, concentrated beam of energy pierced her defenses and crashed into her chest. Her Lumina aura was utterly annihilated, and the monster's chaos energy quickly overpowered her soul armor, completely stripping away its protection the moment it collided with her. She was no match for a beast at this level while alone. It was simply out of her league, but there was noone nearby that could combat it.

The Chaos would take over her mind. What would become of her? Would she be turned into a Chaos Beast? Or would it eliminate her free-thinking mind and leave only its consciousness? A zombie like the others.

Polaris pulled forth every ounce of free mana and lumina she had left, prepared to end her life like her namesake. She felt a warmth and overwhelming heat wash over her as she prepared the suicide spell.

She smiled wistfully in her final moments - a star was a beautiful thing, majestic and ethereal. She wished she could have forever lived under its light. At the very least, she could go out on her own terms. Free. Shining like a supernova.

"You are a true maestro of valor and courage, Magical Girl Polaris ♪! You have put on a performance that makes this maiden's heart flutter in admiration ♪. Fret no more! A star has come for a star!"

Just then, a voice resounded like the strings of a heavenly harp, beautiful and ethereal. It filled Polaris with a sense of warmth and security.

Polaris looked up to see a magical girl descend from above. She wore a pink dress with baby blue frills and held a bow shaped like a treble clef. Her eyes were closed as she floated down in front of Polaris. Her pink hair fluttered in the wind and her glowing wings extended their entire length.

The Aberration roared angrily as the new magical girl blasted it with light. The girl plucked the string of her bow, and the Seraph's attack simply dispersed in the air.

"C...c...elest...?" Polaris gasped weakly. It was her. The girl who had inspired her so much that she jumped at the opportunity to fight for humanity when the time came. The symphony of dreams herself.

The girl smiled and curtsied. "I am Celestial Sonata, and I shall be your second string for tonight."

Celestial Sonata launched herself into the air and plucked her treble bow. She summoned a massive array of glowing notes, directing them all in a single beam of light that hit the Aberration head-on with enough force to tear a gaping hole through the Aberration's body. The Aberration screeched in pain as the beam of light pierced through it and expanded, causing it to disappear in a blue flash.

The girl pulled her bow to her side, and a magical harp appeared to her side, floating in the air. She strummed the harp, and Polaris felt her pain ebb away with its sound. Celestial Sonata's vast energy poured into Polaris, healing her.

"You have no reason to be sad, Polaris." Celestial Sonata said softly. "Your display of courage was as beautiful and genuine as my own. Your radiant heart will forever make you a star in my eyes!"

"T...thank you," Polaris said breathlessly. She would have collapsed were it not for the healing spell Celestial Sonata had cast.

Celestial Sonata floated over to Polaris and offered her hand. Polaris took it and weakly stood up on her feet. She bowed deeply to the idol — no, the girl who had come to her aid.

"I am Polaris, magical girl from the Twin Cities, here to meet a new team. I am forever in your debt, miss Sonata."

"Hehehe! No need for so many formalities! I am Celestial Sonata; just a girl who likes to help others !" she chirped. "Know that you shall always be in my heart, Polaris!"

Polaris couldn't help but smile as she listened to the words of affirmation.

"T-thank you, Celestial Sonata! You've inspired me so much! Um. Not to be weird or anything."

"I-I see ♪."

"Ah...! I'm sorry. You've probably heard that a million times already."

"Not at all! It was a heartfelt compliment! It...really warmed my heart to hear it from a fellow magical girl such as you."

"Um...well, thanks, I guess." After glancing at the girl, Polaris added, "And your music is fantastic..."

"Oh, stop!" she said bashfully, waving her hands before her. Her bow and harp reappeared at her sides, and she took an elegant pose with a smile. "I am merely a humble servant of the people, here to watch over and protect you. "

Polaris was stunned at the girl's candidness. The idol was none other than the top magical girl, the girl who inspired her. The girl who she would love to meet more than anyone else. Yet, here she was — just a sweet, bubbly girl who liked to help people.

"I...I've been a big fan of yours for a long time," she said.

The girl blushed and giggled. "Oh my, I'm blushing!" she said with a big smile on her face. "Umm. Thank you very much! It means a lot to me that a magical girl such as yourself shares my music! I hope you'll enjoy my concert next week! I'll prepare extra hard this weekend put on a great show for everyone ♪!"

"I'll tune in for sure," Polaris said.

Celestial Sonata smiled and floated off, taking out a phone shaped like a music note to send out a couple of messages. Then, her wings taking her to the sky as a swirl of stars, and musical notes trailed behind her.

Polaris thought as she watched her disappear into the horizon. She was confident, passionate, and brave. Everyone, including Polaris herself, looked up to her and admired her. Who could hate her? What flaws did she even have?

That was what Polaris wanted to aspire to. A hero that could save anyone. A girl that was confident, strong, and loved by all.

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