Orc Tyrant

Chapter 16 - frame

Power is a very unique concept. It is the binder necessary for individuals to form a group. It can connect the most noble emperor and the humble beggar of human society, but there will not be any direct relationship between the two. Connection is the reason why human society is so compact. Power is a complicated equation, and human beings are the best-understood races.

Diago spent most of the night letting Guck understand what power is, not that Gook is too stupid, but the natural joy and disorder of their race, which makes it difficult for them to understand a tightly organized Guk’s basic understanding of the social form is far beyond Diago’s expectations. He originally had to talk to the other party for at least three days and three nights.

Is there no power in the Ok group? of course not.

  As mentioned before, Guk can order any kid to do anything, but only if he has to find the kid, and then he or someone who can trust him to tell the other party, and the other party may refuse. Even if he set off Waaagh, the children still have the right to decide whether to participate or not. Broadly speaking, all Oaks are “soldiers” because they can fight, but in a narrow sense, most Oaks are not ” “Soldiers”, because they fight more based on their own impulses, enthusiasm or even boredom, they naturally do not have the concept of command and command in their minds, more like “volunteers.”

   Diego clearly told Gu Ke that if he wants to conquer the vast world, then he must inevitably embark on the road of power. Because he is a latecomer, his current strength is weak, and all the Ork tribes are inflating. If it is still the same as in the past, then he will fight the blood-tooth tribe, and will carry out the risk-rich fight less. . This time, he was able to win only because his blood teeth were weak-they seemed to be more in number, but because of strange prejudices, the tribe lacked the key Okur in the tribe.

   But other tribes may not be necessary, especially those war bosses who really rolled out from the **** sea of ​​corpses, they are cunning and brutal bastards.

  Guk’s only way out is to add his own “soldier”. The mob is terrible, but the organized mob will be even more indestructible!

   “Grak, buck teeth, each of you will find 1,000 to fight, and be your little brother, remember! You must be tough, hard! We will give you weapons and armor.”

   In the very bright hall illuminated by the torch, Guk announced a command in front of all the leaders present, which made Grak and the fangs a little puzzled. They did not understand what Guck wanted to do.

   “Head! I don’t want to have any younger brothers, just those fart and iron are enough to make me worry!”

   “I just want to cut people!”

  So as usual, they started to yell, even with other bosses became noisy and noisy, the scene suddenly a bit out of control, of course, this is actually normal in the past, but today is not the same.


The loud noise made all Oak shut their mouths and turned their gaze to the strange thing behind Guk and him, who held a stranger iron guy in his hand, and the sound came from that guy. of.

“Less nonsense! Let you do what you do! Just leave the stove over to the idea guy and the one ear, don’t worry about the buck teeth! If you like to fight, Grak, find more like you, keep it every day. Enough!”

  Under the eyes of Gu Ke, the two Oaks could only helplessly accept, but the words in their mouths did not stop.

   “What kind of stuff is that shrimp, the boss is strange after last night.”

   “I am thinking… even if it is not a new history.”

   “It’s really possible to get it right. I’ll find green teeth for a while.”

  Ignoring the bizarre grotesques of the two guys, Guk issued a second order, which is also the “framework” that Diago tailored for the white-handed tribe.

   “Starting today, all kids, including you! must be screened.”

   “Head! What kind of shrimp is the screen!”

Gook frowned for a while. He remembered what he had forgotten before. He wanted to go back and ask the man, but in the face of so many younger brothers, it seemed not very good. Fortunately, he was worthy of being “the most clever among Oak.” “(Diago), immediately found the replacement.

   “It’s… little fuck!”

   “Little… mixed fucking?”

The bosses looked at each other, and they knew it, even if they were here and now, in the cave under their feet, the kids might be carrying out this activity, because the oks are often bored because of their boring nature. Starting to fight each other, and then evolved into a group fight, this is a big fuck.

“Listen to me! From today, every 50 kids can choose one sergeant. Sergeants are divided into sergeants and sergeants. The sergeants choose their opponents, and if they win, they can become sergeants! Sergeants don’t take kids, only Follow the guards! 100 sergeants choose one guard, the rules are the same, divide the guards and guards, choose your own, and win the guard! The same does not take the kid! The 20 guards choose a head and follow the helmet. Fifth, the yellow helmet comes with a guard, the gray helmet follows me! The gray helmet has made merits or has followed me long enough, that is the white helmet! The white helmet can freely enter and leave my house, equipment and weapons I guarantee is the best! And Starting today, only sergeants, escorts, yellow helmets, gray helmets and white helmets can enter and leave this place! Also, corporal sergeants and corporal guards all have special helmets to distinguish! Do you understand!”


…………very quiet

  ……………………Very quiet

   There was a dead silence, the leaders all stared at Gook, no one spoke, probably their brains were dead, after all, such a large amount of information was really a bit difficult for them.

Gook turned his head to nod slightly at Diego, and the other party immediately took out a thick canvas (originally his tent) and shook it vigorously. Then two precise flying knives nailed the cloth firmly to the wall. The fart hurriedly held the torch under the canvas and illuminated the pattern depicted above.

   “Look if you don’t understand! If you can’t read a stupid thing that I can’t understand, I can only think of dealing with Sculptor! Green tooth is missing some manure sweeping.”

   As soon as these words came out, several of the bosses who were about to open their mouths closed their mouths immediately, but the painting above was indeed very easy to understand, that is, roughly constructed a tree diagram with dots and lines of different colors.

I have to say that Diego is indeed a very experienced escort, not to mention that most of the tribes of the evil wilderness have been to this point. He just talked and laughed with many war bosses, and he knows and understands the Oak set. Burst 99% of anthropologists. There is only one point at the core of this framework, which is “control.” According to Guck’s words and Diego’s own understanding, he roughly understood the rough power structure of Ouke and the mechanism of the emergence of the leader.

A group of Oaks will inevitably have the strongest person as the boss or leader. This strength is not the “wealth” or “status” of human society, but the most direct violence. Although human society also needs to pass violence, that kind of ” “Violence” often needs to be transformed through wealth and status. Only gangsters who do not even see gangsters are adopting this direct violent election method, which is the most difficult to directly intervene.

The result of this is that every time a group of bosses that Gu Ke hasn’t seen even come up. Although they recognize the boss of Gu Ke, it is only based on some kind of group consciousness that Diago can’t understand. As a result, Gook has a large group of visible but never commandable men. Diago’s measures are to integrate all Oaks into one system.

Through layer-by-layer violent elections, the strongest boys of the entire tribe are screened out one level at a time, so that there will always be a group of strong direct boys around Guk, strengthening their sense of honor and loyalty through special status and rewards. Sense, so that there will not be a powerful boss who is enough to challenge Guck unconsciously.

The other is the relationship between the upper and lower levels. Ouke is the leader and the leader. The boss is the most direct and hierarchical rule. However, the number of bosses that can be directly commanded is very limited. Diago divides a hierarchy into upper and lower levels. The reason is that the lower order is directly responsible to Guk, accepting his leadership, and the upper order accepts the leadership of the upper level, but the upper level cannot directly command the lower level of the lower level. This parallel command system ensures that Guk is on the battlefield. Able to have the most direct understanding of the movements of his subordinates.

Of course, such shortcomings are not without, because after all, Gu Ke is a person, he can’t command all the children even at the level of “guard”, but since the power has been divided, then naturally has the ability to transfer , He can temporarily give certain cronies command, and give one hundred or two hundred guards to him.

This is a very complicated system in the eyes of Ok, it needs time to get used to it, and to ensure the smoothness of the system, it also needs external force, such as flags and badges, which are not solved in a moment and a half. .

   But Guk is still determined to carry it out. The fire of ambition and the desire for war are burning in his chest. He is the most powerful Ouke, how can he shrink into a small stone! ? This world is so vast, there are countless enemies waiting for him to conquer and trample. Although Diago didn’t tell him about anything other than the sinister wasteland, nor did he mention the position of the human kingdom, but Guk was not an idiot, he could perceive Diago’s poor cowardice, but now he still needs this pitiful Guys…

   “This! After becoming a whitehead, you can wear it!”

The words were not over yet. The two **** carried a huge helmet to Guk in front of them. This is a helmet made of cast iron, with a movable mask, and a pair of long ends at the ends of the helmet The big white horns of this thing make the bosses below have straight eyes, because this is really…

   It’s too windy!

  Because the helmet is very troublesome to make, there are not many Ocks with helmets. Suddenly there is such an exaggerated guy. All the bosses can’t wait to rush over and press their heads, and then go out to show off.

And from a practical point of view, as long as Ouke is a powerful race, as long as it is not a headshot or a heart smash, it will basically not die, the injury will heal quickly, and the regeneration of amputated limbs is also commonplace. Words are only dead and alive, and injury is only temporarily uncomfortable, so any Ouke will not refuse a thing that can protect the vital point.

“and this.”

  Diago took a trick and pulled out a red rag with a white Oktotem printed on it, and a big smiling face.

   “Boss! I have something!”

   A leader suddenly stood out.

   “Say, I listen.”

   “Let’s go from…uh?”

   The leader said half of it, and it seemed that he had forgotten the question he wanted to ask. He touched his head and glanced back at his buddy. The guy rolled his eyes and could only stand up.

   “Boss! Do we have to start from the beginning!”

   “No! You are heads, but only yellow heads!”

With that said, Gook took a hook to the right, and two fart spirits came panting, carrying an iron helmet. The shape of this helmet was the same as the previous one, except that the two big white corners became a On the curved yellow horn.


  Following, Gook threw the helmet into the crowd, and the leaders immediately howled and scrambled.

   “Head! What about me!”

  ’S loud voice beside Grak also cried out, and Guk patted a leg bone on his face, lowering his voice and saying:

   “You call a fart! I have a better one for you! But you have to wait for a while.”


   appeased the big mouth, and Gook clapped his hands vigorously, indicating that all Ok was quiet, and began the final arrangement.

“Then from now on, you will spread this out, and the first screening will start in thirty days! The same is true for the Bloodfang Castle! You may not understand it, but I have to say that there are still many nearby Horde, if we don’t fight them, they will come to fight us! All of us have to be strong! Beat all the soft eggs!!!”

   “Bash them!!!!!!”

   Such a direct and brutal mobilization slogan really surprised Diago and gave him a deeper understanding of the behavior patterns of these militant creatures.

   “I hope… I did nothing wrong.”

   hidden in the shadows, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Diego’s eyes are as sharp as a razor, and he keeps cruising on the back of Guk.

   Such a sharp and intelligent Ok, if you let him grow bigger, will the consequences be more serious? Will you make a big mistake about this? Such problems repeatedly rolled in his heart, but he had no more choices.

Ten days ago, there was a message from the Aswan Fortress that there were small groups of Oke Scouts starting to appear outside the fortress. They were not scattered soldiers, but some organized and disciplined latent formations. They often took the night to the defense line. The activities of the various nodes seem to intend to figure out the human defense deployment.

   War is imminent, but the Imperial Ministry of Military Affairs has rejected all requests for support. The riots in the western provinces are intensifying. The Tehnu people in the east have launched an independent rebellion. The Empire has no more troops. Youssef is mobilizing the reserve militia of Aksum, but that also takes time, and the militia also needs training, otherwise many of them cannot stay on the battlefield at all.

   Time, everything is in a hurry. If it can be dragged to the empire to pacify the Tahanu rebellion, then a force of 300,000 troops can come to support it.

   Only then did Diago have a very risky plan to restrain Oak by Oak.

   “Humans, how long will those things arrive.”

  After all the leaders had dispersed, Gu Ke asked the questions he was most concerned about. Diego returned to reality from his contemplation, walked to Gu Ke, thought for a moment, and bent down and whispered:

   “I have arranged, about ten days, the first batch of steel will be available, 10 tons, but only to the border of the wasteland.”

   “Okay! After ten days, I went to get it with you personally!”

  Gook smiled happily, and the smile on the face of Diago behind him slowly retreated into the shadow…

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