Online Game: Starting with an SSS-Level Plundering Talent

Chapter 64: Chapter 64: The Monster Tide Attacks, John Takes Action

Chapter 64: Chapter 64: The Monster Tide Attacks, John Takes Action

"Kid, what's with that look in your eyes?" Black Turtle said angrily. "I'm doing this for your benefit. The credit goes to you, and I'll take the blame. You're still not happy?"

John plastered on a smile and bowed slightly. "Of course, senior. Your generosity is unparalleled!"

"Hmph!" Black Turtle snorted, turning his attention to the soldiers on the city wall. He frowned and said, "Kid, you don't really think you can rely on these adventurers to hold off the monster tide, do you?"

"Aren't you here, senior?" John knew that the current adventurers couldn't withstand the monster tide from the Dark Forest.

The monsters in the Dark Forest were powerful, with some even as strong as Black Turtle at the seventh tier.

However, the most terrifying monsters were deep within the forest and wouldn't interfere with John's city-building efforts.

[Announcement: The monster tide will arrive in five minutes.]

The announcement sounded, signaling the countdown to the monster tide attack.

The surrounding players tensed up.

If they could hold off the monster tide, they would be the first to establish a city, and their fame would spread throughout the world of Gods...


Roars interrupted everyone's thoughts. Trees shook as the first wave of the monster tide approached!

Standing on the city wall, John peered into the distance and saw the attacking monsters. They were level 40 jungle wolves.

He let out a sigh of relief. With the current strength of the players, they could barely handle level 40 beasts, though the sheer number of them-ten thousand-was daunting.

John didn't plan to intervene. These monsters were perfect for practice, and the players needed to handle them to gain combat experience.

"Boss, I'm heading down." Ritchie called out to John before leaping off the wall, holding his Diamond Giant Shield with newfound confidence. He positioned himself at the front of the army.

"Knights and warriors, hold the front line. Assassins, be ready to strike at any moment. Priests, heal the wounded. No one is allowed to retreat!" His voice echoed below the wall. The soldiers responded loudly, their eyes resolute and determined, the atmosphere filled with a murderous aura.

Only battle-hardened soldiers could exude such a presence.

Armstrong, feeling inspired, looked back at the Blues Family disciples and shouted, "Everyone, follow me. Coordinate with the Flame Legion soldiers. Do not cross the defensive line."

"Brother-in-law, I'm off." He called to John, leading his family's elite to join the first line of



The forest shook as huge, ferocious jungle wolves burst out, charging towards Flame City. Ten thousand jungle wolves, a vast black wave, surged forward.

The surrounding players gasped in shock.

Toby from the Mike White Family looked at the monster tide below and couldn't help but feel disappointed. "It's just level 40 beasts. My players can handle them."

"What's the rush? This is only the first wave of the monster tide." Beside him, a young man with his arms crossed over his chest, holding a heavy broadsword, looked on with a haughty expression.

This was Skywalker, the eldest son of the Griffin Family, level 55, with the rare class Flame Bladesman.

Though he wasn't on the leaderboard, the third and fourth-ranked players, Demon Emperor and Butcher, had already fallen to him.

As for the second-ranked Star Dust, an auxiliary Spirit Priest, he didn't consider fighting a support class fair game.

He had come here with two goals: first, to stop Ritchie from establishing the city; and second, to defeat the top-ranked Godslayer.

He want to prove that the Griffin Family was the strongest.

Toby looked at Skywalker, a hint of malice flashing in his eyes before a smile spread across his face. "Skywalker is right. Thank you for your help."

Skywalker glanced at him with disdain. "We're only teaming up to deal with the Flame Guild. After this, we have nothing to do with each other."

"Yes, yes, I understand." Toby nodded repeatedly, showing humility. The other leaders around them were stunned, trying to guess Skywalker's identity, as it made the heir of the Mike White Family act so deferentially.

Among the crowd, Aron saw this and clicked his tongue. The others might not know Skywalker's identity, but he did.

The Ancient Martial Arts families were still terrifying, even the mighty Mike White Family dared not provoke them.


At that moment, roars and battle cries echoed as the monster tide clashed with the defending soldiers, leading to intense fighting.

The jungle wolves were powerful, nearly breaking through the defenses.

Fortunately, Ritchie reacted swiftly, leading his men to close the gap immediately.

"John, should we step in?" Sini asked, eager to join the fight after seeing this.

"Not yet," John shook his head, observing the battlefield without any intention of


The jungle wolves were numerous and strong.

Many soldiers falling prey to them.

However, John was impressed by the Ancient Martial Arts disciples brought by Armstrong.

Despite their average level of 35, they managed to hold off wave after wave of the wolves'


It showcasing their superior starting strength compared to ordinary players.

Arrows flew from the walls, and spells rained down on the wolf horde, trying to alleviate the pressure on the soldiers below.

The priests worked tirelessly to heal the knights and warriors on the front lines.

Time passed, and many players died, only to resurrect at the city's revive points.

These players rejoin the battle without hesitation.

After an hour, the number of jungle wolves had dwindled to around six thousand.

Just then, more rustling sounds came from the direction of the forest.

The second wave of the monster tide was arriving.

In the jungle, a group of powerful beasts had gathered, exuding an aura of terror that made

the surrounding monsters flee.

These were the blood-red demon wolf and other beasts invited by Ritchie.

"Should we intervene? These youngsters can't handle the second wave of the monster tide," the succubus said, adjusting her hair with a seductive smile on her face. "What's the rush? Let these kids taste some hardship first. Do they think we're working for free?" The Blood-Eyed Demon Ape yawned lazily, leaning against a tree, half-asleep. "Hey, isn't that old guy on the wall Black Turtle?" A huge green serpent coiled around a tree, stretched its neck, and curiously asked, looking towards the wall.

"Impossible, that cowardly turtle would never leave Death Land." The blood-red demon wolf remarked, glancing towards the wall, only for its eyes to widen in shock. "It really is him! Why

is he here?"

"Could he be helping the adventurers defend against the monster tide?"

The beasts were drawn to Black Turtle, discussing amongst themselves.

Black Turtle sensed their presence, gave a brief glance in their direction, and then ignored


At that moment, the second wave of the monster tide emerged from the jungle. The soldiers on the wall grew anxious. The jungle wolves below had yet to be defeated. If the two waves of the monster tide merged, the soldiers below wouldn't stand a chance. They increased their attack frequency, but it was like trying to put out a fire with a cup of water—the damage was too low to fatally wound the powerful jungle wolves.

"John, it's 55-level Predatory Beasts and 60-level Fire Bats!" Sini shouted, recognizing the second wave of the monster tide.

The first wave had been 40-level jungle wolves, but the second wave had jumped straight to 55-level and 60-level monsters.

The Fire Bats were particularly dangerous as flying monsters with ranged attack capabilities,

able to bypass the first line of defense and attack the walls directly.

The current player strength couldn't hold them off.

John decided it was time to step in. "Sini, Tracy, join the party,"

He commanded, adding them to his team.

Tracy, initially stunned, quickly realized the opportunity and nodded enthusiastically.

She was thrilled at the prospect of leveling up quickly again.

John then added Ritchie and Armstrong to the party.

Both of them, destined to command their respective forces in future battles, needed to level

up significantly.


"The second wave of the monster tide is so strong, looks like we won't have to intervene."

Remarked one of the players watching, relishing in the misfortune. The 55-level Predatory

Beasts and 60-level Fire Bats, numbering twenty thousand, would be too much for the players of the Flame Legion to handle.

Toby smirked coldly and turned to his guild members. "We can't let these guys off easy. When

the city falls, we storm in, take over the resurrection point, and send them all back to the

newbie village!"

He was determined to savor his revenge and wouldn't let the Flame Legion off lightly. "Yes, sir!" His guild members responded loudly, eager for action.

They weren't afraid since the monster tide focused on attacking those defending the city,

leaving them unharmed.

Skywalker looked at the twisted expression on Toby's face with disdain, taking a step back to

distance himself from him.



The wind howled, and a massive, menacing black dragon swept across the wall.

"Godslayer!" In the crowd, Aron ground his teeth, his eyes burning with anger.

His guild, the Wind and Cloud Guild, had been disbanded because of Godslayer. Today, he

would have his revenge.

The surrounding players also recognized the first-ranked pet on the pet leaderboard, the black dragon Avis, owned by Godslayer.

It was clear that Godslayer was about to make his move.

"It looks like Godslayer is going to meet his end today!" Toby's face lit up with excitement,

barely containing his eagerness.

Suddenly, the sky was ablaze with flames, and a torrential firestorm rained down.

Fire Bats and Predatory Beasts were engulfed in flames, their cries of agony filling the air as

they fell helplessly into the inferno below.

"One-hit kills..." The players watching were dumbfounded, unable to believe their eyes.

"Impossible, this can't be! Godslayer just broke through to the third tier. How can he one- shot Fire Bats with high magic resistance?" Toby was in disbelief at what he was witnessing.

In the sky, the firestorm continued to rain down, interspersed with Thunderstorms. The ground shook from John's area-of-effect spell, Earthquake.

The monster army of over twenty thousand was annihilated in less than ten minutes, not even

reaching the first line of defense.

While the first wave of the monster tide was still being dealt with, John single-handedly wiped out the entire second wave.

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