One True God

Chapter 93: Kars

Lucifer used some kind of illusion to break down Rouge's mental fortitude and was making sure that he wouldn't be able to say no when he asks him to help him.

After all, even though the leaders of the Warmester Denoble House, especially the Patriarch, are dead now, that doesn't mean that Lucifer has taken control of the Warmester Denoble House.

In fact, if the Warmester Denoble House learns that Lucifer killed the Patriarch and the 6 pillars, the most natural course that would take place is the Warmester Denoble House seeking revenge against Lucifer, who killed their leaders.

That was why Lucifer needed someone like Rouge, who can take the place of the Patriarch, and govern the Warmester Denoble House under his rule while becoming a subordinate for Lucifer.

Although Lucifer didn't really plan to spare Rouge, there is no other choice right now as the assassination was successful.

After all, Lucifer didn't want to blast this whole city away and wipe it off from the map.

It would be better to use the Warmester Denoble House than to create an organization out of nowhere and raise it from scratch.

Of course, it wouldn't really matter to Lucifer as he would be able to create an organization or two, would be more profitable and less time-consuming if he were to take control of the Warmester Denoble House and build his own from there.

After all, he would already have the resources that he would need to create an organization, which would come from the Warmester Denoble House.

That was why Lucifer wanted Rouge to obey him so that things would flow smoothly from now on.

And it seems that whatever he did was successful as Lucifer was now...sitting on the chair of the Patriarch as Rouge was kneeling right in front of him.

Rouge was...his body was still cracked all over, and stains of blood were evident on his body and clothes.

It seems that he wasn't healed up as Rouge was still bleeding on his nose.

Well, the fact that his body was still cracked all over means that he wasn't still treated.

And the reason why is because...Lucifer wanted to make sure that Rouge would feel that his life is threatened, therefore making him cling to Lucifer would be easier for him to do so.

It was a wise move as Rouge wasn't even trying to escape or anything of the sort. He was just kneeling as if he was waiting for Lucifer to speak.

Of course, this is also the result of Lucifer...basically torturing Rouge's mind.

Anyway, there is a reason why Lucifer was just sitting on the chair of the Patriarch and wasn't even looking at Rouge as he had his eyes closed.

And that is...because Lucifer was thinking about the future.

Since Lucifer has killed the leaders of the Warmester Denoble House and now has a decorate head for the Warmester Denoble House on his palm, waiting for his orders, what kind of story shall he brew so that Rouge would be seen as legitimate and people would recognize him as the Patriarch from now on...that was what Lucifer was thinking about.

There would still be other demons who would be at the top of the Warmester Denoble House, so Lucifer would need their support as well so that things would flow smoothly.

What's more, since it would be weird to say that Rouge is now the Patriarch and just discard the real Patriarch and the 6 pillars, Lucifer would have to create a story for that, too.

That was not all as Lucifer was also sure that the Patriarch would have some kind of descendants, who are waiting for him to die to take the seat of the Patriarch.

Lucifer was thinking if he should kill them or not, but in the end, Lucifer decided that it would be better for him to kill them.

It would be better if he uproots the whole entire family of the Warmester bloodline so that there would be no one who would plan to try and get the Warmester Denoble House back and also possibly try to get revenge on Lucifer.

It would save a lot of time and trouble for Lucifer, so it was better to kill all of the demons who have the Warmester bloodline.

Of course, Lucifer didn't know this, but Rouge definitely has the Warmester bloodline. He was the son of the Patriarch, after all.

Nevertheless, it would never come to light the people who know of this fact are now dead and dead people don't tell tales.

After thinking for a long amount of time, Lucifer finally finished and was able to decide on the next course of actions that he would take for the future of the Warmester Denoble House, and, of course, for himself.

"I'll kill the people with Warmester blood in their veins. Do you know how many sons the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House has?" Lucifer said as he looked down at Rouge.

And Rouge spoke right away when he heard Lucifer's voice, to answer his question.

"Yes. I know. The Patriarch has a single son, and he is currently the one doing the duties of the patriarch, but since his son isn't really that powerful, the Patriarch has remained to be the Patriarch in both name and reality."

"And his son has three wives and six sons. All of them are different, but they are all located in Warm City since the Patriarch's son does not want his loved ones to be in danger."

"However...the Patriarch's son, Kars, is not in Warm City as of the moment."

"He's not here? What do you mean by that?" Lucifer interjected as soon as he heard what Rouge said.

If Kars, the son of the Patriarch, is not here, then that would mean more trouble and more work for Lucifer to do.

After all, he would have to go outside of the Warm City, look for information about Kars, and then go where he is and kill him.

Just looking for information about his whereabouts would already take a long amount of time, so it would really annoy Lucifer if he really is not here...

However, it seems that Kars was really not in the Warm City as Rouge continued to speak.

"Yes. He's not in Warm City nor is he in the Zacharath Kingdom. I do not know where he is because I am only in the lower ranks in Warmester Denoble House, but...I remember hearing someone say that he is out in a powerful empire, hoping to gain their help in taking over the Zacharath Kingdom."

"Oh? The Warmester Denoble House was planning a coup d'etat?" Lucifer said with shock in his voice.

It was obvious, but he didn't expect that the Warmester Denoble House would be so bold as to plan a coup d'etat.

Although the Warmester Denoble House created hideous organizations to do dirty jobs for them, that doesn't really mean that Lucifer can use it to connect it to a coup d'etat.

After all, even though the royal family of the Zacharath Kingdom is not able to pick up information fast and apprehend the correct ringleaders of the organizations, which is the Warmester Denoble House, there is still a reason why they are the royal family.

And that is because they are strong. It was not only that, but they would also have the other Denoble Houses on their back, which would make it really hard for a coup d'etat to succeed.

It would be a different matter if the Warmester Denoble House would be able to convince those other Denoble Houses to join them, but Lucifer knew that it would be really hard to convince them since those other Denoble House would strong the royal family of the Zacharath Kingdom.

That was why Lucifer was shocked to hear that the Warmester Denoble House was planning a coup d'etat since it was really courageous of them to even think of doing one.

"Yes. Although it is not confirmed, I can say for sure that the Warmester Denoble House, the Patriarch and the 6 pillars, were planning to take over the Zacharath Kingdom. It's obvious just from how bold they are in their operations in the capital city of the kingdom." Rouge explained.

"'s really troublesome, but I can guess where Kars is now," Lucifer said as he put a finger on his chin.

It was easy enough for him to guess where Kars is since he has heard about the Luciferian Empire.

"He's probably in the Luciferian Empire."

Right, Lucifer guessed the Kars was in the Luciferian Empire. Why? It was because he has heard about how overbearing the Luciferian Empire is and how they were threatening the Zacharath Kingdom.

If it was Lucifer leading the Warmester Denoble House, then he would also go to the Luciferian Empire to ask for help.

And since that was the case...Lucifer could guess that the Luciferian Empire...agreed to help the Warmester Denoble House.

Why? It was because it was a great chance to take over the Zacharath Kingdom.

The Luciferian Empire would just need to put Kars as the puppet king or whatever, and they would have another province under their belt.

"If that's the case, then that means I got more work to do," Lucifer said as he squinted his eyes.

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