One True God

Chapter 82: Magic Circle

"Ah, you guys don't have to worry about the royal family. Since you guys would be dead anyway," Lucifer's voice resounded out in this room.

Someone else other than the Patriarch peaking was so sudden that the people present in this place were unable to react right away.

After all, they didn't expect that someone else would speak. Lucifer's voice was also foreign to them so it didn't register to their brains as fast as possible.

Even the Patriarch was speechless when he heard Lucifer speak, but...there was someone in this room that was able to react properly, and that was Rouge.

"Oy! What are you doing!" Rouge shouted out loud as he was now...standing.

He stood up almost immediately when he heard what Lucifer said, and he was just standing where he knelt.

Well...Rouge was hesitating to do something in this situation. If it were any random guy who said those words, Rouge would kill that random guy right away without any mercy evident in his eyes.

However, the person who said those words in this situation was Lucifer.

And Lucifer was someone Rouge bonded with, even though it was only for a short while.

Rouge was also able to feel some kind of camaraderie with Lucifer as they were both from the same hometown.

These facts alone were able to make Rouge, the one who could kill at a young age, hesitate to move and kill Lucifer.

Well, it was the first time that Rouge was able to interact with someone from the same hometown, and this is because Rouge has always kept a distance from others as he knew that it would be best to not get involved with someone else.

However, in Lucifer's situation, Rouge was forced to interact with him since Lucifer was just special and outstanding that Rouge had to do things for him so that Lucifer wouldn't die out in this tough environment where almost everyone is competing with each other.

The fact that Rouge even allowed to come with him to this place when Rouge knew that this place was full of big shots definitely showed that Rouge was looking out for Lucifer.

And that was why Rouge was hesitating to kill Lucifer. He was hesitating to do something in this situation, and he was hoping that words would be able to solve this situation, even though Rouge knew that what Lucifer just said was tantamount to a death sentence.

After all...saying that the Patriarch and the 6 pillars of the Warmester Denoble House would die is just asking for death.

Rouge knew that very well, and yet he was still willing to make things work out for Lucifer. This just shows how talented and useful Lucifer was in the eyes of Rouge.

It was then that Rouge continued to speak with the same loud voice as he shouted out loud.

"Apologize right now, and I would plead with the Patriarch himself to spare your life!"

Rouge knew that he was being shown clear favoritism by the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

However, he didn't care about it at all and he just ignored it as he just wanted to work for the Warmester Denoble House since it is what saved him from the dark alleyways of the slums of the Zacharath Kingdom. was the truth that Rouge was aware of it. And Rouge was willing to exploit this fact just to make sure that Lucifer would be able to keep his head.

In a way, Rouge was really going out of his way to make sure that Lucifer would be able to stay in the Warmester Denoble House as he was even willing to use the favoritism that was being shown to him by the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House even though Rouge has ignored it up until now.

Well, it was just the truth that Lucifer was a waste if he would just die because he said some stupid shit to the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House. seems that even Rouge would be unable to save Lucifer from the wrath of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble HOuse as the Patriarch spoke.

"Hmm...are my ears working right or not? I heard something really rude!" The Patriarch said those words.

And as soon as he finished speaking, the pressure that was coming out from the Patriarch naturally just increased in volume and size!

However, that was not all as even the room, which was created with special material all over, started to crack down with the pressure of the Patriarch.

That was just how angry the Patriarch was with what Lucifer said.

But that was not all as even the 6 pillars of the Warmester Denoble House were now...surrounding Lucifer with each of their respective weapons out.

They were all directing killing intent at Lucifer, who was just standing in the middle of the room as he observed the Patriarch and the 6 pillars.

It was then that one of the 6 pillars, String, spoke again as he looked at Lucifer with disdain in his eyes.

"No...the Patriarch heard right. This little brat definitely said something rude to the Patriarch," String said with a hoarse voice.

However, there was something else that String was doing, and that was...he was releasing some of his mana to cover himself.

Of course, he was doing this to protect himself against the pressure of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

After all, even though the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House was an old man now, it was still the truth that...he was still the Patriarch for a reason.

And that is solely because of his strength.

String definitely wouldn't want to underestimate the pressure that the Patriarch was letting off right now especially now since the Patriarch was quite angry.

Of course, it was not only String who was doing something like this, but also the other 6 pillars present in this place.

They were covering themselves with their mana as a way to protect themselves, but they were also using their mana as a way to prepare themselves against Lucifer.

Well...even though they knew that Lucifer was just a weak demon who was just recruited today by Rouge since Rouge himself said so, they...didn't underestimate him or something like that.

Why? It was because...

'It's obvious that he's a spy. And if he's a spy, then he must be strong enough to survive against us while waiting for his comrades,' String thought as he observed Lucifer.

Right, the 6 pillars and even the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House were thinking that Lucifer was a spy.

After all, there's just no way that someone would go and pass the exams of the project of the Warmester Denoble House, go to Warm City while being friendly with Rouge so that he can meet with the big shots, only to end up threatening the big shots themselves.

The only ones who would do something like that are crazy or insane people who didn't know what to do with their lives or suicidal people who wanted to die already.

However...from what Rouge said about Lucifer, it was more than likely that Lucifer was not some crazy person or suicidal person.

And the only option left is that...Lucifer was a spy.

The 6 pillars and the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House were able to calculate all those things in just a single second, which proves that they certainly know what to do in these kinds of situations.

Well...experience has definitely helped them in figuring out Lucifer's identity.

Of course, they were all wrong since Lucifer...was not a spy or something like that.

He was an enemy of the Warmester Denoble House who would destroy them and wipe them off from the map of the world.

"Hmmm...Although I still haven't confirmed it, you guys are the leaders of the organizations that the Warmester Denoble House created, right?"

"After all, from what I observed, you guys are named after the organizations that each of you leads. And the other two...well, I don't really care about anyone else at this point."

Lucifer said as he began to prepare himself as well. He started to churn out some of his mana towards his hands as he started to make the magic that would blow the Warm City away from existence.

No...he would compress that magic so that it would only be this room that would get blown away.

'I just need to kill them and then have someone else replace them...I would then be able to use the organizations for my own benefit.'

Right, Lucifer wanted to use the Warmester Denoble House's organizations for his own benefit.

However, it seems that Lucifer didn't have the time to think about this anymore as Rouge spoke.

"You!! Don't be disrespectful and just kneel on the ground! I would apologize to the Patriarch and the 6 pillars for you!" Rouge said.

It seems that Rouge was really determined to keep Lucifer alive.


"No can do, captain. No, wait, what was your name again? Well, whatever."

"You're going to die here, too."

Lucifer said as he finally finished preparing himself.

It was then that a huge magic circle appeared on the ground.

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