One True God

Chapter 105: Destroy

"Hmm. We are done here. I already killed them," Lucifer said as he opened his eyes.

He was now...standing on top of some random building. He went here after concluding his business with Raya Pazier, and he now used his magic, the homing magic spell to kill the wives and the sons of Kars.

Of course, all of them were timed perfectly and it was also timed when there was no one around them.

This would mean the complete eradication of the Warmester Family except for Kars, who was currently in the Luciferian Empire.

All that was left to do was to clean up their corpses together with the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and the 6 pillars and they would be done.

They would still have to do some forgery like an official stamp or order released by the Patriarch to let Rouge take up the temporary seat of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House, so it was not like it was done, can say that Lucifer has achieved his goal in coming here to the Warm City by now.

And that was what Lucifer believed so as well as things have all gone according to his plan.

However, it seems that Lucifer couldn't think about this anymore as a voice interrupted his thinking.

"You killed them? Just like that? Are you sure about it?" This voice was...a voice of a woman, and it was a voice that Lucifer has heard before.

It was the voice of Raya Pazier, who came with him.

Of course, since Raya Pazier came with him, this only means one thing. She has accepted to become a subordinate of Lucifer and go with him without even knowing anything at all about Lucifer.

She truly went out of her comfort zone just to go with Lucifer as one could consider that having no information at all is really dangerous for anyone, even for a strong demon.

What's more, she even became his subordinate. Though there isn't really something that binds Raya Pazier to Lucifer other than his strength, she still cannot act as she likes when Lucifer is around.

This is really something that surprises people, even Rouge who didn't think that Raya Pazier would really choose to become Lucifer's subordinate.

He just thought that Raya Pazier would choose to go out of her way and part with Lucifer in this Warm City.

This was truly a shock that resonated throughout Rouge's whole being as he knew the Pazier family, but of course, it didn't really matter to Lucifer.

Lucifer just thought that, in this way, he would be able to learn more about Raya Pazier and what their connection was.

Although Lucifer said that he was already happy with the information that he gained from meeting with Raya Pazier, he would be more than happy to know what their connection actually was.

That was why Lucifer was so easy to take in this woman, even though he hasn't really done anything to her at all.

He didn't put her under trauma or under fear just like Rouge, nor did he try to make Raya Pazier bend to his will just like he did with Rachel.

This would mean that Raya Pazier has her own mind and will, and would be able to do as she pleases. This is really big considering that Lucifer doesn't really want a subordinate who can harbor ill will towards him.

Nevertheless, they were now in this situation, and Lucifer does not plan to go back to his words right now.

"Yeah. Now the only thing left that I need to do is clean up their bodies. That's not really hard, but I guess we really will go with forging the official seal of the Patriarch."

"I can definitely make it look like the Patriarch is still alive and make it look like he's the one who ordered Rouge to become the temporary Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House while he's 'away,' but well."

"I don't have to do something that takes so much effort for a Warmester Denoble House that would fall sooner or later."

Lucifer said as he explained his plans to...Rouge, of course.

And what he said was...well, it was very Lucifer-like.

If the Warmester Denoble House would have greater use than what they could be right now, then Lucifer would probably do more efforts to make it as stable as possible.

However, with the Patriarch gone and Kars returning soon to the Warmester Denoble House, Rouge's reign as the temporary Patriarch would collapse soon enough.

At that point, the Warmester Denoble House wouldn't really matter.

"Then, shall we clean up their corpses? If that's the course of action you want to take, then allow me to do the honors of destroying the bodies of my former masters."

Rouge offered up his service to Lucifer as he spoke. Rouge was prepared to even destroy the corpses and bodies of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and the 6 pillars if that would mean Lucifer would look at him more kindly.

In a way, this is Rouge's way of licking Lucifer's boots.

Well, Rouge also wanted to bid a formal farewell to his former masters.

Although Rouge definitely betrayed the Warmester Denoble House, that didn't mean that Rouge didn't think of the man who saved him before.

Besides, the reason why Rouge betrayed the Warmester Denoble House is because that very same man who saved him from the streets of the slums is dead.

He was no longer existing and since he was no longer existing, there was no need for Rouge to continue to be loyal to him, so Rouge was able to decidedly betray the Warmester Denoble House to save his own hide.

That was a burden that was lifted off, and anger that resided with him directed at Lucifer for killing his master was gone now due to what Lucifer did to him before.

That was why Rouge didn't really become heartless towards the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House or anything of the sort.

It was just because he was now gone that it was convenient for Rouge to betray him and jump ships and serve Lucifer from now on.

Lucifer also knows this very well as that was the very reason why he made Rouge watch the death of the Patriarch and the 6 pillars of the Warmester Denoble House - it was for the purpose of weakening his mental state, and then crippling his will by using the nightmare that he made Rouge experience.

Nonetheless, Lucifer...decided to allow Rouge to destroy the bodies of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and the 6 pillars without much thought to it.

Well, it was because Lucifer was sure that Rouge wouldn't try to double-cross him now.

However, Lucifer didn't allow Rouge to destroy the corpses of the wives and the sons of Kars as Lucifer would do that himself.

After all, there was the chance that Rouge would be found out by the subordinates near them if he just tries to sneak in there and try to destroy their bodies.

Now, Rouge has set out to destroy the bodies of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and the 6 pillars, and Lucifer used some kind of flaming magic to destroy the bodies of the wives and sons of Kars.

Lucifer didn't send some of his senses with Rouge, so he wasn't aware of it at this time, but Rouge has successfully destroyed the bodies of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and the 6 pillars after arriving back at the room where Lucifer killed them all.

He also cleaned the room so that there would be no suspicions or anything of the sort.

However, because of the battle that occurred there, the room was full of cracks and those things, and Rouge was unable to fix those up.

After thinking hard about what he would do about this room, Rouge just decided that he would keep this room off-limits and then conduct a very secret repair to fix this room.

After deciding that, Rouge then set out to return to his lord's side.

And while he was on his way to return back to Lucifer's side, Lucifer was...being questioned by Raya Pazier.

Well, it wasn't really that bad, but Raya Pazier was doubting it. She was doubting that the wives and sons were really dead now, which is why she asked.

"Are you really sure that they are dead now? How can you be so sure? You haven't even seen them with your own eyes, much less deal a killing blow to them."

"Although you said that you were going to use some kind of magic, that's hard to believe...that it would really kill them."

Raya Pazier said. But that was not all that Raya Pazier doubted. She also doubted that the Patriarch and the 6 pillars were really dead.

She asked Lucifer about that too but just said that he didn't have to prove himself again. She didn't ask that question this time since she knew that Lucifer would just say the same thing.

However, it seems that Lucifer would just say the same thing again...

"I don't have to prove myself to you. It is up to you whether you believe it or not." Lucifer said.

Lucifer then began to walk off towards the other side of the building where Rouge would then come to greet him.

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