One Piece:The Fourth Brother

Chapter 16: Chapter 16:Is it just a Mirage?

"Okay. When you said ship, i thought you meant something bigger than a sloop." complained Buggy the moment he saw Nojiko's ship.

"What did you expect? A huge ship with rows of cannons? Be realistic." Nojiko replied, not phases by the clown.

"I for one like it." added Aden "I mean, for three people it's more than enough, and we can always get a bigger one later. Besides. It has everything we need for now. A stove, supply storage, and places to sleep. What else do you want?"

"I could think of a couple things, but you're right." Buggy admitted reluctantly.

"Right. Let's just get on board, and set sail. Nojiko, i'll have a chat with you once we do." Aden commanded, taking the role of the captain.

"Aye aye, Captain." Nojiko said, half serious.


A short while later, with the island being barely visible on the horizon behind them, the newly formed crew were sitting at a table below deck. Aden was using his powers to not only guide the ship, but also see around them, keeping an eye out for trouble. The range was about the size of an average island, but it was still a good warning, as he sensed in all directions. Which got Aden curious, about where his 'Air-Sense', ended and Haki began.

Thoughts for later. Now he had to learn more about Nojiko.

"So, Nojiko. Tell me about yourself. By that i mean your skillset, combat prowess and so on." Aden sat with his arms on the table, leaning forwards a bit. They were sat at a circular table. Nojiko was sat to his left and Buggy to his right. She sat in a similar fashion to Aden, and Buggy was leaning backwards on his chair, with his legs on the table and hands behind his head.

"Well, i am a good navigator. Maybe not as good as Nami, but close enough. I can use pistols quite well, but my weapon of choice is a bo-staff. Which i practiced secretly as not to worry old man Genzo." Nojiko explained, getting a bit nervous by the end.

"That's actually great news about you navigation skills. We will have to see you actually fight, but i can work with that." Aden hummed, holding his chin in thought.

"That's all well and good." came Buggy's voice " But i'm really curious about the Devil Fruit you have." he said sitting normally.

"While i meant to wait a bit,but i must admit, i too am curious." Aden said.

"See, there's not much to say, really. I just found it growing on one of my tangerine trees, years ago. I kept it hidden ever since. And before you ask 'Why not use it to settle things with Arlong?'. I didn't give it to him, because i didn't want to add to his strength. And ego." Nojiko explained, her knuckles turning white at the end.

"Makes sense. Show it to us then. I have the encyclopedia right here. We can see if it's known." Aden suggested excitedly.

"Alright, alright. Calm down." Nojiko sighed as she got up to fetch the Devil Fruit.

Returning a minute later, they began to list through the book, looking for the Fruit.

(Terrible picture in comments. It's just to give you the general idea.)


"It's official. This book has no info about this one." exclaimed Buggy, annoyed.

"That's...disappointing, to be honest." added Aden just as let down.

"So does that mean, my fruit is unknown?" asked Nojiko, in a mix of excited and worried.

"Well...Most likely. Maybe it's a new one. Or the previous user died, never becoming famous." Aden offered an explanation.

"So now what?" asked Buggy "I mean, it could be worth a lot if we sell it." he added greedily.

"HEY! It's mine! So i will decide what to do with it?" Nojiko shouted at the clown.

"Oh yeah! The Captain has the final say! The captain being Aden, in case you didn't realise, miss Blueberry." Buggy mocked.

"I am well aware who the Captain is, Rudolph!

Also Blueberry? Really? Your hair is just as blue as mine, in case you forgot." Nojiko defended.

"Well sure. But it works with my clown style. What about ..." Buggy began to argue, only to be interrupted.

"For crying out loud! Stop arguing like an old married couple!" Aden intervened.

"He started it." "She started it"

"I don't care who started it. I'm ending it." Aden said with finality, leaving no room to argue.

"Okay. Sorry Captain." Nojiko apologized.

"Yeah sorry. It was all in good fun. You know just needling among crewmates?" Buggy apologized as well.

"Right. I get it. Now back to business. Nojiko. What do you want to do with the Fruit?" Aden turned to her.

"I...I think i want to eat it. But from what the book said, i would loose the ability to swim. I'm not sure it would be safe. What if one of us falls overboard??" she asked worriedly.

Aden and Buggy looked at each other for a moment and...


"WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY??" Nojiko exploded at them, thinking they mocked her for worrying about them.

"I wouldn't worry about that, sis Nojiko. This guy actually can still swim. Sort of." Buggy explained, still catching his breath.

"What? But the book said..." Nojiko was confused.

"Don't worry about that for now. Simply put, i can still be in water for a few minutes by using my power in a specific manner." Aden gave asimole explanation.

"Alright. So if i eat this, it would be safe?" she asked, slightly less worried.

"Well...Safe-er. Nothing is ever truly safe, now is it? That's what makes life so fun." Aden said with a wide grin.

"Okay. Okay. I have decided... I'm gonna eat it." Nojiko said after taking a deep breath.

"...Alright. Best do it outside. We have no idea what it is, or what it will do." Aden ordered as he got up to leave, with the two following close behind.


Standing on the deck, the trio was nervous and excited. Nojiko was about to eat an unknown Devil Fruit, and none of them had any clue what would happen.

"Okay here goes." Nojiko steeled her nerves as she slowly moved the fruit to her mouth.

"Fair warning..." Aden started.

"...It tastes like crap." Buggy finished.

"Okay. I'll keep that in mind." Nojiko nodded.

What she didn't see was the amused smirk Buggy and Aden shared.

Taking a bite, Nojiko instantly turned pale green. Dropping the rest of the fruit, she fell to her knees, holding her mouth with both hands. She was fighting to swallow the bite. She even thought of just spitting it out, but she was determined now. She would have the power contained in the Fruit, no matter what.

After about a minute of struggle, gagging and tearing up she finally managed to force it down.

"*gulp* BLECH!! What the hell was that!? That was worse than crap. That was crap that a crap took!" Nojiko shouted with tears in her eyes.

"Hey you did it, though, right?" Buggy said happily, still a bit amused at her suffering. Not that she knew that.

"Welcome to Team Hammers. Sadly we do not have t-shirts." Aden congratulated, jokingly.

"Screw you!...Captain...Now what? I don't feel a difference, to be honest." Nojiko said, confused.

"Just focus. A Devil Fruit should imprint some basic information into your head. Focus on that. It should be almost instinctual." Aden explained helpfully, while Buggy nodded along.

Knowing, they knew how this works, as they both had Devil Fruit abilities, she did as told.

Closing her eyes, Nojiko began to concentrate. At first she didn't notice a change, but after a minute of effort, she felt a shift. Following her gut feeling, she imagined herself standing in front of her. When she opened her eyes, she became speechless.

In front of her stood an exact copy of her. Not like in a mirror, but as if there was two of her.

This 'clone' simply stood there, looking around. The detail was frankly frightening.

"Cool. Some sort of clone fruit?" asked Buggy.

Aden stepped closer to the 'Nojiko-py', and tried to touch her shoulder, only for his hand ro pass through.

"Not a physical copy." Aden stated "Maybe just an illusion clone?" he continued to think.

"That's not it. It feels different." Nojiko spoke.

With some effort she focused on her new ability again. The Nojiko clone began to shift and expand, until it took the form of Aden.

"Ohhh. That's intrresting. Some form of illusion then?" Buggy guessed.

"Seems like it. Nojiko. Can you only make people or can you make other things too?" Aden questioned with a serious expression.

"I can try.." Nojiko said carefully as not to lose focus. After a second, the Aden copy shifted into a simple cannon, after which it shimmered away into thin air.

Nojiko dropped to her knees in exhaustion. Sweat dripped down her forehead and she was out of breath.

" I didn't...expect be so difficult." she spoke between breaths, wiping her forehead.

"Yeah. The first use is always rough. You just have to get used to it to it." Buggy offered words of encouragement.

"Thanks...Rudolph." Nojiko replied with a smile.

"Anytime, Blueberry." Buggy smirked back.

"*sigh*Get a room you two." Aden spoke suddenly.

"WHAT!?" "WHAT!?" they both shouted, turning red.

"By the way." Aden continued, ignoring their reaction "Since you are the one who ate it, you get to name it." he looked towards Nojiko, with expectation.

"Well...It makes what can only be described as illusions or projections of what i envision...

So maybe Mirage-Mirage Fruit??" she suggested timidly, still tired.

"Mirage-Mirage, huh? I like it." Buggy admitted.

"Seems fitting. I like that too." Aden spoke with a proud voice.

"Now what?" Nojiko asked as she stood up.

"Now? Now you go rest. First use of a Devil Fruit is always draining. You start training with it tomorrow!" Aden ordered in his Captain voice.

"Aye aye Captain." she obeyed, walking below deck.

"So Buggy?" Aden turned to his friend, after she left "Fancy a spar?"

"...Oh god i'm gonna die." Buggy said, shaking in his clown boots.

(Another one finished. Once again if you have any ideas on how to improve this fanfic, please feel free to let me know. I hope you enjoyed this one and i will see you next time.)

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