One Piece: Unreal Adventure

Chapter 25: Garp's Contemplation

"Anyway, I will come again in a month to take you back to Dawn Island. Try surviving till then."

Luffy didn't complain, just nodded. "Hey… uh, can you teach me more about Observation Haki… I mean how to use that and all… Also, I want to learn the Armament thing."

Garp grinned, "You are too early to learn Armament, but if you want to learn Observation, then tie a cloth around your eyes and fight the monsters on the island. It might help you learn Observation… but as you already have it unlocked you can try to master it like this… but it won't be easy." The old man barked a laugh.

'Talent my ass. I had been practicing for nearly six months with Sparky hitting me from different angles while I was blindfolded. And I can only do this much.' Luffy grumbled internally but didn't react on the outside.

But from Sparky's reaction, the monkey was shocked. Looking back and forth between Luffy and Garp. But Garp didn't seem to notice that.

"Anyway, can't you stay for a few days to train me personally?"

Garp only laughed, "I have duties brats… evil pirates are everywhere so I need to be vigilant."

Luffy just rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm serious, Sengoku actually wants me to stay in Lougetown for a couple of month, because a failed pirate group with a dangerous devil fruit has escaped to east blue… and he wants me to handle it as I am already here."

Okay, that was actually serious then. But… "How big is his bounty then?"

"Fifty Million berries," Garp said.

"So a practically a baby… sending a marine hero against him is kind of an overkill." Luffy deadpanned. "I was thinking something around a hundred mil or so…"

"Well, someone has to clean up the trash."

"That I can agree on…"

Both Luffy and Garp sat for a while before they dived into the food. Sparky joining in as well.

"Hey, gramps." Luffy said as he ripped some meat off the bones. "Do you know what Sparky is? Other than being an awesome six-handed monkey where's he from?"

Garp shook his head as he eyed the six armed monkey, who was also eating with them. "No, clue, but I'm sure he's somewhere from the grandline. But that's about it."

"Then how did he end up on dawn Island."

"Maybe it fell from the sky. Bahahhaha…"

"Really?" Luffy deadpanded. Not seeing the flinch that his monkey friend made when heard Garp's comment.

"Bahahaha… yup. He has one of those immortal type devil fruits that makes them really hard to kill…"

Luffy tuned the old man out, he was speaking nonsense again. He instead pondered on his abilities.

His Observation Haki was just new. He could only get basic things down. He needed much more practice before he would be able to fully utilize in battle. As it needs concentration to keep his observation up.

And he knew no way of unlocking Armament Haki. Observation Haki was not easy, but manageable. Getting attacked by Sparky while blindfolded was enough to make him awaken that.

He had to basically carry out all the tasks in a day blindfolded before he was anywhere near unlocking it. And that took six months, only now in a few day ago had he unlocked it. But mastering it would take time.

Also, this island seemed different, the air was much heavier, he could already sense some of the animals that were eyeing all of them, but were terrified of Garp and didn't make any moves. Now that he noticed it…

"Hey, uh… gramps… where is this island actually?" Luffy asked now that he noticed that the trees were kinda too big. It wasn't the first time where Garp dragged him to other islands for training, but this one seemed different.

"Oh, it's one of the uninhabited islands in the calm belt. So don't try to get near the water, unless you want to become seafood some of the sea-kings in there. Bahahahaha…"

Luffy's jaw tightened as he gulped. He now felt the danger of the situation. And judging by Sparky's reaction he was in the same boat as him. This wouldn't be easy.

Garp looked at Luffy and internally found some pleasure in seeing him worry. Good. Don't want the power to get to his head… many people die because of arrogance.

He would rather have his grandson overpowered and paranoid, rather than be cocky and end up with a whole in the chest… not a good metaphor, but it was reality.

Garp was also very happy that by some luck his grandson had unlocked Observation Haki. What Bogard said was right, he was a prodigy… he had seen a few talents unlock colors of Conquers first, but unlocking Observation was also a talent.

Speaking of Conquers, Garp was quite shocked a few years back when he saw the Conquers Haki from Ace. He was also talented, that's why he wasn't that much surprised that Luffy unlocked Observation just by talent.

Of course, the marine didn't know that his grandson had to put a lot of effort into learning it.

Garp also liked Luffy's diligent behavior to gain strength, if Luffy wasn't so opposed to being a marine, he would have thrown the brat in one of Zepyhr's boot camps. There he could meet people who are strong and talented just like him, but alas things weren't that easy.

Garp internally hoped that Luffy would join the marines, but knew that there were slim chances. But oh well…

He was actually happy about Luffy's strength progression. The boy knew how to use his rubber body to his advantage. If he joined the marines, Garp had no doubt that he would be able to learn the rokushiki in months.

Luffy was also able to cut steel and do flying slashes now. For a brawler and hand-to-hand combatant like Garp, it didn't matter much, but Grap knew for blade users it was one of those milestones.

Garp was a bit surprised when Luffy asked for his help to break through his strength barrier. He knew the reason, repetitive exercise could only get you so far… what the boy needed was some actual experience, and something to push him out of his comfort zone… now only the boy's mind is craving strength, without stress or danger the body won't crave strength… and that's why it was always practical fight dangerous to gain strength.

That's why he brought him to this island. This island should have just the challenge that Luffy needs to gain some strength.

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