One Piece: Unreal Adventure

Chapter 18: Training with Bogard

After a full day of rest, Luffy was back on the grind… and that included eating a whole feast that Makino had cooked up for him. He didn't know what to think of his training with Bogard. The man was a slave worker… But it did bring gains, and that's all that mattered.

After the battle of the yellow crabs, Luffy didn't expect much from Garp. But to his surprise, he actually kept his promise. Well, he didn't teach him personally… but he brought the next best man there was, Bogard, to train him for one month.

And that was the toughest one-month period in this new world.

The Marine Hero's right-hand man, one of the best swordsmen in the marines. Came to train me on how to cut steel. Well… wasn't that just awesome.

But things weren't that easy, it never was. And… even though it was only a month's worth of training it almost felt like he was given very little time.

At first. Bogard didn't want to teach Luffy how to cut steel.

Even more so, when he saw Luffy's spearplay. But, as a swordsman and a skilled fighter, Bogard couldn't let those mistakes slip.

There were a few to begin with, because of Luffy's previous training with using a pipe that converted to his spear-play. But the training was needed.

And there came the brutal beatings… that forcefully fixed most of Luffy's mistakes… And that took all the time there was.

And just a day before leaving Bogard taught… no more like demonstrated how to cut steel. It was short and straightforward.

It was a hectic ride, but Luffy gained some professional training for his naginata. Also, by seeing Bogard's swordplay, he was starting to understand the way of the blades.

Honestly, when he picked up the Naginata, it was because it felt cool, and logic dictated that pointy and sharp things were better than a naked fist. But this world's logic is almost nonexistent sometimes.

'You know I am still not sure why I or any other people call out attack names, when attacking.' Luffy thought, 'I mean saying Gomu-Gomy no before every attack didn't increase the attack power or anything. But then again this is an anime world. So, it's to be expected.'

Luffy stood up, looking at his naginata 'Horn's Edge', "Let's try making up some cool named moves, shall we partner." He snorted, chuckling to himself.

In just one month, he gained a lot of strength and experience.

Bogard had already left as the old man said… and Luffy wouldn't admit it, but the man was quite a good trainer.

But he wouldn't miss him though. That man worked him through the dirt. Though it did give him results. From his progression, he could estimate that he gained around three times gains if he trained alone. And that's quite a lot. And with improved techniques, he knew he would benefit from it in the future as well.

'Even though I did improve, but I am nowhere near doing flying slashes. I have to learn to cut steel first. Along with my spearplay, I need to increase my overall strength. And with how Bogard said being intuned with the blade I might need to start on Observation Haki.'

Luffy knew that it wasn't needed to learn to cut steel, but with what he understood Observation Haki would work miracles for him learning to better understand his sword.

What Bogard said was vague, but what he got out of it was, that it wasn't something of belief, but was something to do with technique. Like soru, or geppo it could be learned.

Every blade worked in a certain frequency, and learning to harness and change the frequency was how you cut steel. Which often swordsmen referred to as the breath of steel. But for now, he was still lacking in the strength department.

He was sure he could have enough strength in his gear 1 state, but he needed work on his base form as well.

'Maybe I should look into getting my hands on some sea stones. That stingy man didn't leave the cuffs behind. But then again, I shouldn't rely on it too much, I also need to get accustomed to using spears with my rubber body.'

'Also, I need to get back to learning Geppo, with the added strength I should be near it. But I have to be sure.'

"Man so many things, and so little time." He said to himself, gulping down the meat with a jug of water. "Makino your food is the best… Thank you."

The girl just shook his head, "Welcome… but I don't speak while food is in your mouth."

Luffy didn't bother answering, just nodded, as he focused on his food. While this was happening, no one noticed that a certain creature was observing Luffy very keenly through the windows. Only its eyes were seen from the darkness as it looked at Luffy with interest.

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