One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 37 – Trip to Baratie 07.

[Chapter Size: 3141 Words.]
Third Person POV
Somewhere at sea, East Blue.



After Yosaku recovered, the group spent another night at sea, training and celebrating as they sailed. The bounty hunters ended up bonding with the group, especially due to their history with Zoro and their comical way of talking. It wasn't hard for everyone to get acquainted with them.

Even Nami, who had to hit them a few times, ended up getting along with everyone in the end. Strangely, they stayed with Chouchou longer than anyone else on board.

The next day, after a training session, Usopp caught Luffy's attention while on the mast with a spyglass.

"Captain, a Marine ship is approaching!" Usopp shouted.

Turning his gaze in the indicated direction, Luffy spotted a ship similar in size to theirs, slowly approaching. The pirate captain couldn't help but smile, realizing they were close to the restaurant since this Marine ship indicated it, and they hadn't spent much time at sea. Also, they were a bit early for the meeting with the lieutenant, scheduled to take place in front of the restaurant.

It was a relief that Lami had left yesterday, before they encountered the Marine ship. Otherwise, they would have to abandon the plan to collect bounties, as it would be doomed to fail once they discovered Lami's connection to the crew.

"Should we attack them?" Yamato came to Luffy's side as the Marine ship approached, and Luffy waited with crossed arms.

"No, let's wait to get a better look at these guys. They think we're Marines and probably want to mess with us. Let's give them a surprise." Luffy said calmly.
"Is that okay?" Usopp asked cautiously.

"We're not afraid of the Marines, Usopp, we're just cautious while we can take some advantages, which is not the case right now." Luffy smiled. The only way to be cautious was while Lami still had a chance to extract some money from the naval organization; other than that, Luffy didn't care much about them.

"It's not like I hold a grudge against them, but if they come to attack us... we'll respond in kind!" Luffy said confidently as they waited for the other ship to approach faster since theirs was slower now. Zoro and Kuina didn't care much and continued training without bothering about the incoming ship.

As the Marine ship advanced toward the Straw Hat crew, the scene on board was calm, despite different movements among the pirate crew.

Zoro and Kuina, immersed in their training, remained focused, ignoring the arrival of the ship. Their movements were precise, a blade dance that denoted skill and confidence.

On the other hand, Shirahoshi, Megalo, Chouchou, Nami, Usopp, and the couple watched with growing curiosity, as this would be their first encounter with the Marines at sea.

Johnny and Yosaku, fearful of being recognized as bounty hunters, chose the path of discretion, hiding in strategic locations to avoid being noticed.

With a gentle creak, the Marine ship finally reached the side of the pirates' vessel. A man with pink hair and a brass knuckle in his hand emerged on the deck, casting a challenging glance toward the crew. The anticipation reached its peak when several Marines positioned themselves behind him, looking at the other ship with arrogant eyes, with several more behind them.

"I tried to contact you, but without success..." He said calmly, paying no attention to the people in front of him. While explaining the difficulty of communicating with the Straw Hats, the Marine lieutenant focused on his report, oblivious to the presence of the pirates. His efforts to establish contact were futile, as Luffy had previously eliminated any traces of communication with Den Den Mushi after leaving Shell Town.
"...Can I know which division you belong to... Hm??" 
However, the lieutenant's attention shifted abruptly when his eyes scanned the pirate crew. In a moment of surprise, his expression went from calm to a comical shock upon realizing the stunning beauty of Shirahoshi and Yamato, two of the most beautiful women in the world. The exclamation about their beauty escaped his lips before he could restrain it.

"Wait a minute! WHAT BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!!!" He exclaimed, his almost theatrical reaction catching the attention of the Marines beside him, who were stunned by the sudden change of focus.

Amid Luffy's ruffian-like aura, the pirate mantle proudly displayed the Jolly Roger with the straw hat, a clear and irrefutable identity as pirates.

"WAIT! YOU'RE NOT MARINES!" The Marines beside him were stunned when they paid attention to the rest of the group in front of them. Amid Luffy's ruffian-like aura, the pirate mantle proudly displayed the Jolly Roger with the straw hat, a clear and irrefutable identity as pirates.

"Hm?! OH, now that I notice, wasn't it reported that we stole a Marine ship? Why is everyone surprised about it when we meet them?" Luffy asked casually, not caring about the others' reactions.

"Any problem here, dear?" Luffy had his thoughts interrupted by a sweet and curious voice that emerged behind the Marine man.
It was a blonde woman in a red dress that elegantly embraced her curves, highlighting her stunning figure. Her beautiful face was adorned with golden hair that fell gracefully over her shoulders.
The woman exuded a captivating presence, with curious eyes and a charming expression. Her red dress, in addition to enhancing her slender figure, gave her an irresistible elegance.
"Don't worry, my lady. I'm just going to deal with some thieves, and we'll be on our way to our restaurant and the meeting I promised you." The man said passionately, diverting attention to the woman and looking at Luffy with predatory eyes, he exclaimed with fury.

"WHO ARE YOU, AND HOW DO YOU HAVE A MARINE SHIP!?" The man shouted, completely changing his demeanor from a passionate gentleman to a ruthless Marine upon realizing that Luffy and the others were on a stolen organization ship.

"As I said, we stole it a few days ago. It was quite easy to take this ship, by the way..." Luffy mocked the man as if it were no big deal.

"Lieutenant Fullbody! Here, I knew I recognized that straw hat somewhere!" Said a young Marine, who ran to the pink-haired man and handed him some papers.

Seeing the papers for a moment, the man looked with hawk eyes at Luffy and began to read aloud.

"Monkey D. Luffy, a pirate known as Straw Hat and captain of the Straw Hat crew, with a bounty of 10 million berries.
Crimes: Attacked a Marine base 153, stationed in Shell City, taking the entire base hostage and cold-bloodedly killing its commander, Morgan, in the process. In addition to being a murderer, he hospitalized many Marines and exploded a part of the base, causing terror in the hearts of all civilians in Shell City. Lastly, stole a Marine ship, location: unknown.
Warning: If spotted, report to MarineFort headquarters immediately, avoid fighting if civilians are not in danger." The man read aloud with a mocking tone.

Luffy was already surrounded by his comrades at this point; even Zoro and Kuina came to see with curiosity the commotion. No one had seen these detailed pieces of information in the newspaper, as it only mentioned that Luffy attacked the base and killed its commander.

Moreover, Lami could have this information as a bounty hunter, but she hastily left the Marine base as soon as she handed over Buggy. Everyone in the crew was attentively listening to all his crimes, which made Luffy find it hilarious.

"Oh? Am I famous now, huh?" Luffy teased while crossing his arms.

'10 million isn't a very large amount, even in this sea. I'm not at the top, but they still want people to notify the headquarters about my location before attacking? This means that Granny pulled some strings to protect me and is coming here soon...' Luffy reflected.

"I still think 10 million is too little!" Yamato complained behind Luffy.

"How can 10 million be little? It's 10 million!" Kuina, Nami, and Usopp exclaimed because, for them, who lived in the East Blue their whole lives, 10 million is an unbelievable amount, and only outlaws can have that on their heads.

"10 million is nothing in the sea..." Luffy couldn't help but comment.

While the Straw Hats were arguing, Fullbody picked up a second paper and began reading as he did with the first.

"Roronoa Zoro, pirate swordsman belonging to the Straw Hat crew, with a bounty of 5 million berries.
Crimes: Former bounty hunter, now a criminal after escaping from prison and justice, killing defenseless Marines during the escape."

"Zoro, you're a dangerous criminal!" Kuina complained to her old friend.

"Clearly, that's a lie! I didn't kill anyone in base 153. Even though I wanted to fight at the time, I ended up turning into a pack mule in the end!" Zoro complained.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA. They painted you as a murderer there." Luffy laughed at his swordsman.

"You guys are wanted criminals by the law!" The man, who held the rank of lieutenant, spoke again without reading the papers, pointing to the group.

"We are, so what? What do you intend to do about it?" Luffy taunted, still with crossed arms.

"I, Lieutenant Fullbody, will arrest you here and now!" The man called Fullbody declared.

"He's narcissistic..." Usopp said with a grimace beside.

"He just wants to impress that woman there." Luffy said calmly, pointing to the woman.

"Shameless..." Nami complained beside with a bored face.

The woman was surprised by this, while Fullbody himself gritted his teeth because they were analyzing him and commenting as if he were some kind of exotic animal, embarrassing him in front of the beautiful woman he had invited for a date at their next destination.


Luffy looked at this and smiled, and his attention turned to the beautiful lady.

"Hey, miss, can I know your name?" Luffy asked calmly, earning a surprised look from the woman, while his companions raised their eyebrows at him, especially the women in the group.

"Carolayn Jutine..." She answered a little surprised by the question.

"How about you come to my ship? Leave this Marine and come here. I guarantee you much more adventure than a Marine ship can provide..." Luffy shamelessly flirted with the woman. He knew he had a natural effect on the female sex, so he wouldn't let this opportunity pass, especially to provoke the arrogant man from the Marine.
"In whom are you hitting on and is invited to the ship as a prostitute?!" Yamato and Nami shouted, punching Luffy in the head from behind, but he didn't even feel the touch due to his powerful body.

"As if that would work... Do you think you're some kind of desired ideal lover at sea or something, Luffy-Baka?" Kuina mocked with crossed arms and a vein appearing on her forehead.

"I... Don't... Know... Maybe if you invite me first for dinner..."

Carolayn Jutine looked at Luffy with an expression that conveyed surprise and enchantment. Her eyes, initially widened by the unexpected approach of the pirate captain, began to shine with a mix of disbelief and fascination. The blush on her cheeks became more pronounced, highlighting her shyness in the face of Luffy's bold flirtation.

As Luffy's playful smile unfolded, an unmistakable warmth manifested in Carolayn's eyes. She seemed captivated by the pirate's audacity, her lips forming a gentle smile as the initial tension gave way to an expression of curiosity and interest. The blonde woman, dressed in red, appeared unable to look away from Luffy, as if he had cast a charming spell on her.






"SHE'S REALLY FALLING FOR HIS FLIRT, HE'S REALLY SEDUCING HER!!" Both his comrades and the Marines all fell to the ground screaming, looking at the woman with incredulous eyes, as she clearly looked at Luffy with desire and shyness.

Lieutenant Fullbody's face was quickly transformed by fury when he saw his woman falling for Luffy's blatant flirt. His eyes, which previously showed passionate affection, now burned with intense rage and indignation.

Fullbody's furious expression stood out even more against his rigid posture and brass knuckles in hand, which now seemed ready to be employed not against the pirates but against the Straw Hat captain. His clenched lips indicated a mixture of frustration and displeasure as he found himself powerless in the face of Luffy's apparent seduction of his companion.

While the rest of the crew, both pirates and Marines, watched in astonishment, Fullbody became the epicenter of a storm of emotions. The scene revealed not only jealousy but also defiance and an intense desire for retaliation against the pirate who dared to flirt with his woman.

"Sink these criminals now!" Fullbody shouted at the height of his anger, unable to endure another humiliation. Seeing the woman who was supposed to go on a date with him opening up like this for a rookie pirate he just met couldn't have made him more furious.

The Marines, motivated by Fullbody's fury and the need to defend the honor of the Marines, acted swiftly. With determination evident on their faces, they moved in a coordinated manner, bringing with them an imposing cannon.

The gleam of metal shone in the sunlight, highlighting the magnitude of the weapon about to be used against Luffy. The Marines, lined up as if they were a single entity focused on a single goal, positioned the cannon with precision and firmness.

While the eager fingers of the Marines closed around the ropes that would trigger the shot, a tense silence hung in the air. The onlookers, both pirates and Marines, watched with anticipation as the scene unfolded.

Luffy, on the other hand, maintained his relaxed posture, with crossed arms and a confident smile on his face. His gaze, however, didn't express fear but rather a calm curiosity, as if he were eager for the action that would unfold.

Seeing the Marines pointing a cannon directly at him, Luffy was undeterred.

"Step back," Luffy announced, waiting for the shot to come his way, while the crew, moving as a synchronized team, created a safe distance from Luffy.

The instant the command "FIRE!" echoed through the air, the cannon released its payload with an impressive boom, shooting the cannonball towards Luffy at a speed that defied human perception.


The deafening sound was followed by a distinctive pop when the ball was launched, gaining speed towards the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. The imminent impact created a palpable tension in the air.


However, to everyone's surprise, including the comrades themselves, the scene took an unexpectedly comedic turn. Luffy, with his confident smile, reached out and intercepted the cannonball as if it were a casual gesture.

The ball, moving swiftly, came to a sudden stop as if it had hit an invisible wall. Luffy held the metal sphere with ease, displaying surprising control over the situation. The Straw Hat Captain's casual gesture not only surprised his opponents but also elicited incredulous laughter among his own crew, witnessing another extraordinary display of Luffy's power.






"WHAT!!!???" All the Marines couldn't believe what they saw. Even Johnny and Yosaku fell to the ground in disbelief. Even after witnessing Luffy's training with his crew, they didn't think it was possible for a human to simply stop a cannonball with their bare hands.

"Since you gave me this, maybe I should give it back with interest!" Luffy announced with a smile that even sent shivers down Fullbody's spine. He realized he was facing someone he had underestimated.

"What kind of monster are you!?" He shouted.

Luffy didn't answer. What he did was simple: he tossed the cannonball back at the Marine ship.
The cannonball, initially thrown into the air by Luffy with surprising ease, ascended with remarkable force. Onlookers watched it rise, waiting for what would happen next.


In an instant, the atmosphere changed. The characteristic sound announced a dramatic transformation as the mass of the cannonball increased vertiginously, reaching colossal proportions. What was once a common metal sphere had now turned into a monstrous cannonball with a nine-meter diameter, its structure previously 30 centimeters, now 900 centimeters with 30 times more mass.

The immense shadow cast by the cannonball covered the Marine ship, obscuring the sunlight. The visual impact left Marines and pirates bewildered, unable to fully comprehend the supernatural nature of the power Luffy possessed. The massive size of the resulting cannonball elicited exclamations of disbelief and fear among those present, as everyone tried to understand what had just happened.

"What... in... hell... is... this?"



"Ahhh, look at the size of that cannonball! Where did that come from?!"

"We're going to die!"

The Marines screamed in desperation now. Luffy knew that it wasn't enough to destroy the ship yet, even with 9 meters, but he had an idea of how to do that with another command of his Devil Fruit.

[Moa Moa no Mi: Gravity, apply 30 times!]

The cannonball ammunition with 9 meters, which was starting to fall in the middle of the ship, suddenly gained speed, falling with force before anyone could react.

The ship didn't stand a chance, with the Marines only able to scream as everything around them cracked and sank, crushed by this colossal dark ball.

"Did you go too hard on them?" Nami asked beside, still stunned by the scene. Like many others, the couple and the bounty hunters looked with comically wide eyes and mouths.

"It won't be fatal for them, but they'll have to swim for a long time until they reach the restaurant..." Luffy smiled as all the wreckage of the Marine ship spread across the sea.

"Hmmm... Excuse me..." A new voice was heard among the crew, while everyone was busy watching the ship being destroyed.

When everyone turned, they saw the beautiful blonde woman in a corner of their ship.

"How did she get in here?" Everyone murmured.

"I wanted to know... Is your offer still valid?" She said timidly, scratching her hands and looking at Luffy.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, SEDUCING ON MY TOKI?! I MEAN, MY LUFFY! TAKE THIS!" Yamato appeared beside, punching the poor woman, who flew like a rocket to the broken Marine ship.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Everyone heard her screaming.

"You didn't have to go that hard, Yamato..." Luffy commented a bit lost. He didn't know Yamato could be so jealous.

"Hm!" Yamato crossed her arms and huffed, turning her face, refusing to look at Luffy.

Sighing, he could only sigh and continue the journey, leaving the Marines and the woman behind.

"Come on, we have a restaurant to get to later today!" Luffy announced, using his power to speed up his ship like never before, leaving the broken ship behind.


Raccoon here:

"Stone Stone!"

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- One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy! - Planning to Maintain 30 Extra Chapters!
- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System! - Planning to Maintain 30 Extra Chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic! - Planning to Maintain 10 Extra Chapters!
- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: In development, awaiting the future!

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