One Piece : Deathless Surgeon

Chapter 16: 16- Starts the Era of Rampant Pirates

Alex stayed in his home while Loguetown broiled in chaos, patiently waiting for things to settle.

In the meantime, he focused on practising Life Return—one of the most broken abilities in this world. It provided an absurd healing factor, where a single good meal could erase most injuries. A true resilience booster.

Life return offers both better efficiency in training and post battle improvement, something akin to an Zenkai Boost from Dragon Ball. It would also make up the gap between theirs and my training, since my automated training cannot be compared with ordinary training.

While this ability wasn't particularly useful to me, since I could instantly heal myself with my Devil Fruit, the same couldn't be said for Anna and Robin. They would benefit greatly as they could just eat more to strengthen their bodies

A month passed, and Loguetown returned to calm. But the condition of the seas were different, The Great Pirate Era had begun, drawing countless ambitious souls toward the Grand Line. The allure of One piece made people take greater risks, turning the oceans far more chaotic and dangerous.

Since my goal here in Logue Town was completed, It was time for me to leave. There were more opportunities waiting for me in the grand line.

Now the question was what would be my identity in the future, becoming a pirate was out of the question—I had no interest in being branded a thief. I don't know why everyone in this world was so excited about it, but I liked to be respectable in society, Pirates are anything but that.

The Navy? Not an option either. Although I would have good respect from the public if I joined the Navy, I just didn't want to become a dog for the world government.

Hmmm...Since I wanted to build a certain reputation, I would enter the grand line as a miracle doctor, healing people and generating goodwill. At the same time, I would display my strength—I had no intention of being seen as weak prey.

So, My next goal was to refine my swordsmanship and Haki. I aimed to reach the advanced level in all three forms of Haki quickly. I had seen the training methods for Ryou and Conqueror's Infusion in the anime, but Advanced Observation Haki was a mystery. Luffy had awakened it mid-battle, but life-and-death fights weren't my thing—I only fought when victory was certain.

Still, if sparring could help… maybe I could ask Anna. It would benefit both of us. Her Mythical Zoan powers made her a tough opponent. to be honest, if I did not use my devil fruit....I was not certain of my victory against her. But sparring would have to wait until after we set sail.

Advanced Armament Haki wasn't difficult in concept—it was just absurd in execution. You start by learning that stronger, tougher Haki is better. But then, suddenly, you are told that everything you learned before was wrong, instead of making it harder, you have to treat it as a flowing force, letting it move like a liquid.

That contradiction was why it was so hard to learn. It required undoing muscle memory and retraining from scratch. But while difficult, it didn't require combat—just focused practice could awaken it as well.

As for Conqueror's Infusion, it was about coating Haki around one's body or weapon, similar to Armament. But the real question was—should I infuse it like Ryou or use traditional hardening?

Since Conqueror's Infusion was only shown to boost attack power, not defense, I decided to follow the Ryou method. First, I would master Armament Haki, then move on to Conqueror's.


I covered myself in Room and gathered Haki within my arms. My goal was to observe its flow—if I could control it precisely within my Room's absolute space, mastering Ryou and Conqueror's Infusion would be a breeze. That would push my strength to Admiral level, and with continued training in physique and swordsmanship, I could eventually reach the level of the Four Emperors.

But thinking was one thing—reality was another. While my Haki control improved inside Room, it wasn't perfect. Haki seemed to resist Devil Fruit powers to some extent, making absolute control impossible. Still, this was a good way to practice.

A new research topic formed in my mind: the interaction between Haki and Devil Fruits.

I was especially interested in how Haki countered Devil Fruit abilities—and more importantly, how to remove that resistance. The same applied to seawater. I already had some clues.

Devil Fruit users had green blood containing a chemical called Pyroborate. Seastone and seawater contained Pyroborin. When the two interacted, it triggered Devil Fruit suppression, increased body density and ultimately caused drowning.

If I could remove Pyroborate from my body, I might be able to bypass those weaknesses. But I had no idea what effects it would have. Would my Devil Fruit ability vanish? That would be a disaster. Well… not a complete disaster, since I had a top-tier physique. But it would still ruin many of my plans.

I needed some test subjects. I would grab some devil fruit users to experiment on later.

But, For now,

"Anna, follow me," I said.

"Yes, Master." Ever obedient.

"I've finished enhancing Roger's genes and removed all defects. Today, I'll transplant the modified version into you. This should massively boost your Observation Haki. Before, reaching Admiral level required extreme effort—now, with these genes, it's practically a certainty."

I had spent the past month ensuring the fusion of Celestial Dragon blood and the D-Clan genes had no side effects. Thankfully, they worked efficiently together.

"Okay, Master. Then you can do the operation whenever you want. By the way, when are we leaving for the Grand Line? I've already made all the preparations you requested."

"We'll do your operation now. I'll operate on Robin tomorrow. After that, you both can take time to adapt to your new physique. Then we'll set sail. Okay, now lie down quietly"

Anna nodded and lay down.


I activated my ability, scanning her body. She had grown stronger due to her regular practice, but there were minor imbalances—uneven muscle development, slight fiber distortions. Manual training had its flaws. I adjusted them first, bringing her body to peak condition.

Then, the operation began.

It barely took twenty minutes. Practice makes one perfect I guess.

Anna's Life Return had merged with her Devil Fruit powers, further enhancing her physique. However, the improvements weren't as noticeable now as the last enhancement. More importantly, her Haki had been stimulated, and she had awakened the Voice of All Things—just like me.

…Not that it was useful, I mean, what use is there in being able to talk to fishes.

"So, how do you feel, dear?" I asked, smiling. Just for formality, failure wasn't even a possibility for me.

"Hmmm, my control over my body feels insane… and my Haki has grown too. Maybe… I'm even stronger than you now, Master~"

Hah. Looks like I'll have to tame my arrogant rabbit.


Gimme all your power stones.

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