One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch59- Nuisance

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Just as the group were seated and enjoying the booze, another volcanic eruption shook the island, signaling the next duel between the giants. Brogy and Dorry exchanged a glance, ready to continue their centuries-old battle.

"Oops. Seems like because of me, you’ll be tired for the fight," Coby remarked, looking at giants.

Brogy laughed heartily. "Gegyagyagya! It’s fine, little warrior. If the God of Elbaf wants one of us to lose, he’ll bring other obstacles. If I lose because I fought you before, just as Dorry did, then it’s deserved."

Coby nodded, understanding their deep belief in fate. But Usopp, his eyes wide with admiration, was practically bouncing in excitement. "You guys are amazing!" he exclaimed, looking up at the towering giants.

As Brogy and Dorry prepared for their duel, Coby rose to his feet as well.

"Where are you going, Coby?" Nami asked, watching the giants clash with awe. Their power was immense, and it was clear the spar with Coby had been just a warm-up for them.

Coby shook his head. "Just checking something."

He moved away from the group, heading deeper into the jungle. He wasn’t sure if Mr. 3 would arrive, given the changes he had made by dealing with Mr. 5, Miss Valentine, and the Unluckies. By logic, Crocodile shouldn’t know they were on Little Garden, so Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek shouldn’t be here. But Robin knew, and she might have reported it to test them or gain Crocodile’s trust. Coby wanted to ensure the giants weren’t disturbed.

Coby moved deeper into the jungle, scanning his surroundings with a sharp eye. The thick foliage and towering trees made it easy for someone to hide, but he wasn’t about to let anyone sneak up on him. As he walked, he spotted Nami leaning against a tree, her posture unusually stiff.

He knew immediately it wasn’t Nami. Someone was trying to trick him. Coby smirked to himself. They think I’m Zoro?

He casually scanned the area, his eyes landing on a tree with an odd-shaped hairdo resembling a number 3 peeking out from behind it. Coby didn’t waste any time. With a quick dash, he launched a Super Heavy Stealth Foot Punch directly into the gut of the hidden figure.

The force of the punch knocked the air out of Mr. 3, sending him crashing to the ground. "Kyaa!" A scream rang out as Miss Goldenweek, who had been hiding nearby, saw her partner go down. She raised her brush, ready to strike, but Coby was faster. He grabbed her wrist, twisting it to disarm her before delivering a swift chop to her neck, knocking her out cold.

"If you didn’t look like a little girl, I might’ve been more heavy-handed," Coby muttered, shaking his head as he looked at the unconscious Miss Goldenweek. Despite knowing she was 16, her childlike appearance had made him instinctively go easy on her.

He then grabbed Mr. 3 by the back of his neck and slung Miss Goldenweek over his shoulders, carrying her back through the jungle toward the group while he dragged Mr. 3 from his collar. The walk back was quiet, the only sounds being the distant roars of giants who were still dueling at the distance.

When Coby reached the clearing where the others were, Luffy and Usopp were still engrossed in the giants’ duel. Nami and Vivi, however, noticed him immediately and rushed over, their eyes widening at the sight of Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek draped over his shoulders.

"Coby, who are they?" Vivi asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Baroque Works agents," Coby replied simply, dropping the unconscious pair onto the ground. "They were planning to cause trouble."

"Oh, they are Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek!" Vivi recognized after Coby threw the man and placed the girl next to her.

Luffy, noticing the commotion, looked over and tilted his head in confusion. "Huh? More bad guys?"

"Yeah," Coby said, dusting off his hands. "But they’re not a problem anymore."

Vivi was amazed. "You dealt with the third strongest group in Baroque Works just like that?" She glanced at the unconscious Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek, shaking her head in disbelief. "Although Mr. 3 isn’t stronger than Mr. 4, he’s much smarter, which makes him more dangerous."

Coby shrugged. It wasn’t that difficult, really. There was a big gap in strength between Mr. 1 and the others. Even Mr. 2 wasn't that strong.

At that moment, the giants finished their duel and approached the group. Seeing the two Baroque Works agents on the ground, Brogy and Dorry frowned.

"Who are these?" Brogy asked, eyeing the fallen pair with suspicion.

"Agents from a criminal organisation," Coby replied, nudging Mr. 3 with his foot. "They were planning to ambush you two."

Dorry grunted, his gaze shifting between the unconscious figures and Coby. "Gabababa, you handled them before they could try anything, huh? Impressive."

"Good thing you caught them," Brogy added, nodding in approval. "These kinds of rats have no honor."

Luffy, catching the conversation, grinned. "Nice work, Coby! You really took care of everything."

With Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek taken care of, there wasn't much left to do on Little Garden. The Log Pose would take a year to adjust to the island’s magnetic field, and the crew clearly didn’t have that kind of time. After Sanji returned, Coby checked if he had found Mr. 3's makeshift base in the forest. When Sanji handed over the Eternal Pose pointing to Alabasta, Coby nodded in satisfaction. The crew boarded the Going Merry, ready to leave the island.

The giants, Brogy and Dorry, approached to bid them farewell. The two giants stood at the shoreline, their massive forms towering over the ship. "Farewell, little warriors!" Brogy boomed. "May the wind always be at your back!"

"Remember, you are always welcome in Elbaf!" Dorry added, his voice full of warmth.

Coby, standing at the ship’s bow, gave the giants a thumbs-up. "We’ll see you again one day!"

As the Going Merry began to pull away from the island, Coby suddenly remembered something. "Oh, we forgot Zoro."

The crew exchanged surprised glances. "He went off hunting, didn’t he?" Luffy said, scratching his head.

Coby nodded, quickly calculating. He remembered from the anime that Zoro had fallen into one of Mr. 3’s traps. Without wasting time, Coby activated his 1 Kilogram Form, making himself lighter than air. He crouched low and then jumped high into the sky, his eyes scanning the dense jungle below.

From his elevated vantage point, Coby spotted Zoro struggling in the distance, half-buried in a strange waxy substance. Zoro's face was set in a scowl, clearly frustrated by his predicament.

"Found him!" Coby called down to the crew before shifting his weight back to normal. He angled himself towards Zoro's position, descending rapidly. The wind whipped past him as he landed with a soft thud near the trapped swordsman.

Zoro grunted as Coby approached. "Took you long enough," Zoro said, his tone gruff but relieved.

Coby chuckled, grabbing the wax around Zoro and quickly breaking it apart. "Looks like you got yourself in a sticky situation."

Zoro snorted. "Just hurry up. We’ve got a ship to catch."

With Coby’s help, Zoro was soon free. The two quickly made their way back to the shoreline where the Going Merry was waiting, the rest of the crew already aboard.

Nami waved impatiently as they approached. "Hurry up, you two! We’re wasting time!"

Luffy, standing at the ship's rail, grinned widely. "Zoro, you look like you had fun!"

Zoro rolled his eyes but smirked back. "Just another day."

As they boarded the Merry, Coby gave Zoro a light pat on the back. "Glad we didn’t leave you behind."

"Would’ve caught up anyway," Zoro muttered.


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