One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch28- Little Fishy

Alright! Cesar just upgraded to the "Author Only" tier—so you know what that means! 🎉 Extra chapter time! Huge thanks for the support, Cesar!

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Nojiko was lost in thought, thinking Coby was about to attack her, however, Coby's intentions were elsewhere. With a burst of speed granted by his Stealth Foot technique, he vanished from Nojiko's direct line of sight. The air where he once stood seemed to ripple with the suddenness of his movement. Nojiko barely had time to register his disappearance when she felt a rush of air behind her. Coby reappeared, not as an aggressor to her but as a protector, his sword raised to intercept a massive fist that was coming down towards Nojiko.

The Fishman behind her, a hulking brute with scales that shimmered darkly in the sunlight, roared in frustration as his attack was thwarted. Coby's blade met the Fishman's fist with a resounding clash, sparks flying from the impact. The force of the blow was immense, but Coby held his ground, his muscles tensed and his grip on the sword unwavering.

Nojiko stumbled back, her eyes wide with shock and confusion. She had been completely unaware of the danger lurking behind her. Now, with this stranger intervening on her behalf, a flurry of questions ran through her mind. Who was he? Why was he helping her? Her gaze flickered between Coby and the Fishman, trying to make sense of the situation.

The Fishman, angered by the interruption, bellowed a challenge and lunged at Coby again, his massive form moving with surprising speed. Coby, anticipating the attack, sidestepped with a fluid grace, his movements a blur. He countered with a swift slash, aiming for the Fishman's vulnerable spots. The Fishman howled as the blade cut through, dark blood spilling onto the sand.

Coby didn't let up. He pressed his advantage, his sword dancing in his hands as he delivered strike after strike. The Fishman, for all his brute strength, couldn't keep up. Blow after blow landed, and with a final, desperate cry, the Fishman collapsed onto the ground, dead.

Looking at the system message that appeared in front of him, Coby hummed in acknowledgment. The display read: [Combat success! 50 SP awarded for defeating Fishman. Current SP balance: 453.] The increasing numbers were a small comfort in the grand scheme, but every bit helped.

He then turned to Nojiko and smiled, "Are you okay, Miss? Sorry if I startled you." His charm was palpable, his pink eyes locking onto her blue ones with a gentle, inquiring gaze.

Nojiko, still reeling from the sudden violence and the unexpected rescue, managed a nod. "I... yes, thank you," she stammered, her voice a mix of gratitude and bewilderment. She regarded Coby with a cautious curiosity, the presence of an unknown, capable stranger on their island both a concern and a potential beacon of hope.

The man standing in front of Nojiko was, in one word, striking. His pink wild hair framed his face, giving him an almost untamed appearance. His muscular body was clad in stylish light blue, pink and white-toned clothes, with a pink sash at his waist where a sword hung, its handle within easy reach. Boots adorned his feet, completing the look of a man not only ready for combat but also carrying an air of nonchalant confidence. He was handsome and striking, and the rush of being saved combined with his impressive figure set butterflies fluttering in Nojiko's stomach.

Nojiko gulped down her budding emotions, her voice barely above a whisper, "Leave while you can. Outsiders are not welcome here." Coby smirked, his gaze drifting to the fallen Fishman. "By you or these fishes?" he quipped, kicking the corpse with his boot.

Nojiko, her arms crossed defensively, watched Coby with a wary eye. "People here don't take kindly to strangers, especially those who bring trouble," she said, her voice firm. Although she was thankful, she was afraid Coby's existence would cause retaliation from Fishman.

Coby leaned on his sword, his relaxed posture contrasting Nojiko's tense one. "Looks like trouble was here long before I arrived," he remarked, gesturing to the wreckage around them. 

Nojiko felt a surge of gratitude towards the stranger who had just saved her life. His timely intervention had spared her from a cruel fate at the hands of the fishman. However, amidst her relief and thankfulness, a heavy realization weighed on her. She knew Arlong better than anyone else in the village except Nami, and she was acutely aware of his ruthless nature.

If Arlong were to discover that one of his men had been killed she knew he would unleash his wrath without mercy. He wouldn't limit his vengeance to just the perpetrator; instead, he would indiscriminately target innocent villagers, holding them collectively responsible for harboring the murderer.

Nojiko's heart ached with guilt as she looked at the stranger who had risked his own life to save hers. Her conscience grappled with her pragmatism, torn between two conflicting desires.

On one hand, there was the urge to hand over the stranger to Arlong, to offer him as a scapegoat to appease the impending storm of Arlong's fury. It was a grim but pragmatic choice, one that might temporarily protect the villagers from the mad pirate's wrath.

On the other hand, there was a deep-seated need to ensure the stranger's safety. He had shown kindness and bravery in a situation where most would have turned a blind eye. Nojiko couldn't bear the thought of him suffering because of his selfless act. She wanted to chase him away, to send him far from the clutches of Arlong and his crew, to give him a chance at a future where he wouldn't have to constantly look over his shoulder.

Nojiko was visibly torn, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. The stranger before her had just saved her life, yet his presence could mean greater danger for everyone on the island. She knew all too well the wrath of Arlong and the Fishmen. They ruled with an iron fist, and any challenge to their authority was met with brutal retribution. Her mind raced with the implications of harboring a man who dared to stand against them. She hated herself for even entertaining the idea of turning this stranger in, but that was the reality she grew up with. She was forced to this mold of viciousness and powerlessness. It was just another tool Arlong used to tame humans and control the land with iron grip.

Coby, observing her distress, offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry," he said confidently, his voice calm and composed. "I'm here for Arlong's head to begin with. I don't want to bring trouble to anyone, but I am not leaving this island." His declaration was bold, almost defiant, a stark contrast to the fear that gripped her.

Nojiko gasped, her eyes widening in shock. The notion of someone coming to their island with the express purpose of challenging Arlong was unthinkable. It was a death wish, a suicidal mission that no sane person would undertake. Yet, here he was, a man who had just effortlessly dispatched one of Arlong's crew, standing before her with a determined glint in his eye.

"You're insane," she blurted out, her voice a mix of awe and concern. "Do you even know what you're up against? Arlong and his crew are monsters. They've destroyed lives and broken spirits. You can't possibly hope to defeat them alone."

Coby's smile didn't waver. He held the handle of his sword and took a step closer to her, his gaze steady and unwavering. "Hehe," he chuckled. "He is just an overgrown fish who thinks he can terrorize people of the weakest sea. In the Grand Line, he would escape with his tail between his legs."

Nojiko shook her head, her mind struggling to comprehend his audacity. "You don't understand. This isn't like any other pirate crew. Arlong is a tyrant, a demon of the sea. He'll stop at nothing to maintain his control."

Coby shook his head, dismissing Nojiko's concerns with an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. He began to walk towards a seemingly random direction, trying to remember the layout of the island. Watching behind the screens was not like living it, after all. Nojiko, her emotions a tumult of fear, disbelief, and a grudging respect, followed behind him.

Coby was not a racist by any means. He didn't harbor any inherent prejudices against different creatures or races. In his view, everyone started off on a neutral slate with him, and from there, it was up to their actions and behavior to earn his favor or disfavor.

However, to Coby, everyone started in minus. To be more clear, he didn't like people he didn't know and people would climb up the stairs by earning positive points that was regardless of their race or species. He was most unracist person, he disliked everyone the same. Hehe. It wasn't that he actively despised them; he simply didn't feel any particular emotion towards them, be it negative or positive.

To him, it was a practical and straightforward way of dealing with the diverse population he encountered in his world. The only exception were people he formed bonds with. If anyone posed a threat or wronged someone he cared about, they were dead. And in this case, Arlong had hurt Nami, a girl he had come to respect and care for. So, for Coby, it was simple: Arlong had to be killed, decisively and painfully if possible, if not swiftly.


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