One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch2- Training

The next morning, Coby woke up early, stirred by a blend of excitement and determination. He was acutely aware of the physical limitations of his new body. In the simplest terms, Coby was far from the ideal image of strength and agility. He was short, chubby – a stark contrast to the fit and active Kai Harrow of Earth. For Kai, this was unacceptable. He was determined to transform Coby's physique into something more befitting of the adventurous world he now inhabited.

Coby slipped away to the ship's cellar, a place rarely visited by the crew, especially at this hour. The cellar was dimly lit, with crates and barrels stacked haphazardly. It was the perfect spot for a clandestine workout.

He began with basic exercises – push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. The movements were awkward at first, hindered by Coby's untrained body. But Kai's determination shone through. Each push-up was a challenge, each squat a test of will. He could feel the burn in his muscles, a sensation he welcomed. It was a sign of progress, of strength building in this new world.

As he worked out, Coby focused on the knowledge he had from his life as Kai. He remembered the training montages from various anime, the grueling workouts that transformed ordinary characters into heroes. Inspired, he pushed himself harder, imagining the strength and skills he would need to survive and thrive in the One Piece world.

Hours passed, and Coby's initial clumsiness gave way to a more controlled, deliberate series of movements. He was adapting, growing stronger. He could feel the potential within himself, the same potential that had turned the original Coby into a formidable Marine officer in just two and a half years. With his cheat system, the Skill Weaver, he knew he could achieve even more.

As he rested between sets, Coby thought about the Skill Weaver. Now that he had earned some SP through observational learning, he wondered what else he could accomplish. He needed to be strategic about earning and using SP. Combat was the fastest way, but it was also the riskiest. He had to balance the need for strength with the need for caution.

Coby's mind raced with possibilities. He could use the Skill Weaver to scan skills from the crew, learning from them covertly. He could also try fusing simple skills, creating something new and unique to enhance his combat abilities. The key was to be smart and resourceful, using every opportunity to grow stronger.

As the sun began to rise, signaling the start of another day, Coby finished his workout. He was exhausted but exhilarated. He had taken the first step towards transforming himself from a meek cabin boy into a capable, confident fighter.

Coby emerged from the cellar, his body aching but his spirit undaunted. He resumed his chores on deck, but now with a new sense of purpose. Every sweep of the mop, every scrub of the deck was a step towards his goal. 

As he was cleaning, Coby chuckled to himself, "Master Miyagi would be proud of me." But the moment was short-lived.

Hearing him chuckle, Alvida sauntered over, her heavy steps resonating on the wooden deck. "What are you laughing at, Coby?" Her harsh voice cut through the air, laced with a dangerous edge that made Coby's heart skip a beat.

Coby froze, mop in hand. He had momentarily forgotten where he was, lost in the memories of his past life. Standing before him was Alvida in her formidable, pre-Devil Fruit form – large, intimidating, and not someone to be taken lightly.

He quickly composed himself, lowering his gaze to avoid direct eye contact. "Nothing, Alvida-sama," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just... just happy to be doing my job, Alvida-sama."

Alvida squinted at him, suspicion evident in her eyes. "You're a strange one, Coby," she said, her tone mocking. "Always so happy to scrub and clean. Makes me wonder if you're hiding something."

Coby's heart raced. Had he given himself away? He needed to be more careful, more in line with the original Coby's character. "No, Alvida-sama," he said quickly, "I'm just grateful for the opportunity to serve."

Alvida snorted, seemingly satisfied with his response. "Well, keep working and maybe one day you'll be more than just a cabin boy." With a final scrutinizing look, she turned and walked away, leaving Coby to his thoughts.

Coby let out a sigh of relief. That was close. He needed to blend in, to be the Coby everyone expected until he was strong enough to make his move. He glanced around, ensuring Alvida was out of earshot, then thought to himself, "Okay, Kai. Time to get serious."

He returned to his cleaning, but his mind was elsewhere. He thought about the limits of his cheat system, about the possibilities it presented. He could potentially scan skills from the crew, but he needed to be discreet. He couldn't afford to draw attention to himself, especially not from Alvida.

As he worked, Coby planned his next steps. He would observe the crew, looking for opportunities to learn new skills. He would continue his physical training, building up his strength and stamina. And he would be on the lookout for any chance to earn more SP.

Days passed by, and Coby settled into a rigorous routine. Each morning, before the rest of the crew awoke, he snuck down to the cellar for his workout. Push-ups, sit-ups, and shadowboxing became his dawn chorus. His body ached with the strain, but each day, he felt a little stronger, a little more capable.

During the day, as he performed his chores, Coby's eyes and ears were constantly alert. He watched the crew members, noting their skills and techniques. There was Roga, who had a knack for knife-throwing, his wrists flicking with an effortless grace. Then there was Balto, whose brawny arms wielded a heavy hammer with surprising agility.

Coby observed them covertly, mimicking their movements when he was alone. As he practiced throwing imaginary knives and swinging an invisible hammer, the Skill Weaver interface chimed in his mind.

[Observational Learning Detected: Knife-Throwing Basics. 10 SP awarded.]

Excited by the progress, Coby continued, focusing next on Balto's hammer technique.

[Observational Learning Detected: Basic Hammer Handling. 15 SP awarded.]

Each new skill he observed and practiced brought a small but significant reward. Over several weeks, Coby accumulated close to 205 SP. He felt a sense of achievement - he was no longer the powerless cabin boy but someone with potential.

With his newfound SP, Coby decided it was time to scan a basic ability. He chose one that seemed most immediately useful in his current situation - Basic Stealth. It was a skill he observed from a crew member named Jax, who had a talent for moving silently and unnoticed.

Activating the Skill Weaver, Coby focused on Jax, who was quietly slipping around the deck, almost invisible to the untrained eye.

[Skill Scan initiated on 'Basic Stealth'. Analysis in progress… Skill essence captured. 200 SP deducted.]

The process left him with 5 SP, a significant dent in his accumulated points, but the skill he gained was worth it. Now, he could move around the ship with greater ease, reducing the risk of drawing unwanted attention from Alvida or the crew.

Over the next few days, Coby practiced his new stealth skill, blending into the background, unseen and unheard. He also kept up his physical training and continued to observe and learn from the crew. 

But it was not easy. Firstly, Coby, in Kai's consciousness, didn't have the base to learn advanced skills. He could only learn the basics on his own. And scanning advanced skills was too expensive. There weren't many people on Alvida's ship who possessed diverse skills. In fact, finding three different styles on Alvida's ship was already a miracle.

Instead, he focused on his physical training, which had already started to show results. Not only had he slimmed down, but he also began to form muscles, which he had to hide. He took inspiration from the master of disguise, Uncle Iroh. Coby wrapped a blanket around his stomach, creating the illusion of a belly, so others would assume he was still the chubby cabin boy. But he was careful not to overdo it, lest Alvida think he was consuming a lot of precious food.

Alvida was notoriously stingy with provisions. If she suspected Coby of overeating, it could spell trouble. So, Coby maintained the ruse of a soft, unassuming cabin boy, while secretly honing his body and skills.

Each night, under the cover of darkness, Coby would remove the blanket and gaze at his transforming physique. He was considerably taller, slimmer, his arms were firmer, his stomach flatter, and his overall strength had increased. He felt a sense of pride and hope. He was becoming someone who could potentially stand his ground in this perilous world.

By day, Coby kept his demeanor timid and submissive, blending into the ship's routine. He scrubbed the decks, prepared meals, and avoided drawing attention. But his eyes were always watching, learning from the crew's interactions, their fighting styles, and their habits.


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