One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch13- Syrup Village

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As they reached the boats, the four of them quickly clambered aboard in pairs, pushing off from the shore just as the villagers arrived. The boats, weighed down with treasure and their occupants, bobbed precariously on the water.

Coby, taking the oars, began to row with a steady rhythm, his strokes cutting through the water. Zoro, sitting on the other, joined in, their combined effort propelling the boats away from the island.

Nami, sitting with Coby, watched the receding shoreline, her thoughts a whirlwind of questions and uncertainties. She looked at the treasure piled at her feet, a reminder of her own goals and ambitions.

But suddenly, Nami's expression shifted to one of confusion and concern. Glancing over at Luffy's boat, she noticed something amiss. "Luffy, where are the other two bags?" she asked, her voice steady yet laced with a hint of urgency.

Luffy, his attention drawn from the joy of the escape, looked back at the shore where the villagers were still shouting and waving their arms. "There," he said simply, pointing back at the island. His face was adorned with a carefree grin, the kind only Luffy could wear in such a situation.

Nami's eyes followed Luffy's pointing finger, her brow furrowing in disbelief. "And why is that?" she pressed, her voice maintaining an even tone, yet the underlying confusion and building rage was unmistakable.

Luffy's grin widened, a spark of mischief in his eyes. "Those people need money to rebuild," he explained, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Nami's head turned almost mechanically towards Luffy, her eyes widening in shock. "You what?!" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of disbelief and frustration. The treasure she had worked so hard to acquire was now sitting on the shore, seemingly abandoned to the mercy of the villagers.

Coby, observing the scene from his boat, couldn't help but grin at Luffy's characteristic generosity. He saw Nami's body tense, her muscles coiling like a spring, ready to leap onto Luffy's boat, undoubtedly to give him a piece of her mind.

Acting quickly, Coby reached out and grabbed Nami around the waist, pulling her back down onto his lap. "Shh. Calm down," he soothed, his voice low and calming. His arms wrapped around her securely, preventing any further attempts to confront Luffy.

Pressed against Coby's chest, Nami's initial impulse to rage at Luffy melted away. The warmth of his embrace and the steady beat of his heart beneath her ear had a surprisingly calming effect. She blushed, a soft pink spreading across her cheeks. "My treasure," she murmured, her voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and resignation.

Coby, sensing her distress, gently patted her head in a comforting gesture. "Don't worry," he reassured her. "We robbed Alvida's stash and have tons of treasure. We won't worry about money."

Nami's eyes lit up, the gleam of treasure reflecting in them. She turned to look at Coby, her expression shifting from frustration to curiosity. "Really?" she asked, her voice a mix of hope and disbelief.

Coby chuckled softly, his hand still resting on her head. "Really," he confirmed, his tone lighthearted yet sincere.

As their boats cut through the waves, Luffy's laughter and Zoro's quiet chuckles filled the air. The atmosphere was light, the tension from the earlier confrontation fading away into the background.

Nami, still nestled in Coby's lap, found herself unexpectedly at ease. The chaos of the day, the battles and escapes, all seemed to drift away, leaving her with a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time. She looked at Luffy and Zoro, their easy camaraderie and unspoken trust in each other evident in their interactions.

Coby, rowing steadily, glanced at Nami. "You know, being a pirate isn't always about treasure and fights. It's also about adventure, freedom, and sometimes... doing the right thing," he said, his voice thoughtful.

Nami pondered his words, her gaze drifting towards the horizon. The idea of adventure and freedom was enticing, a sharp contrast to the life she had been leading. "Maybe being a pirate isn't so bad after all," she mused, more to herself than anyone else.

Coby smiled, sensing a shift in her perspective. "Stick with us, and you'll see all sorts of things. The world's a big place, full of wonders and surprises."

Nami nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. The prospect of a life filled with adventure and freedom, away from the constraints and fears of her past, was becoming more appealing by the minute.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, the four companions sat in comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts. The sea stretched out before them, endless and inviting, a symbol of the new life that awaited them.

Nami looked at Coby, then at Luffy and Zoro. She was still unsure about her place among them, but for the first time in a long time, she felt a sense of belonging. She had always been a loner, a thief working in the shadows, but now, she was part of something bigger, a crew with dreams and ambitions that matched her own.

As the two boats sliced through the cerulean sea, arriving at their next destination, Luffy stretched his arms with boundless enthusiasm. The tedious journey over the monotonous waves had left him restless, craving the thrill of adventure. Their target was the Gecko Islands, specifically Syrup Town. With Nami now part of their crew, Coby, in a symbolic gesture, handed over the mantle of navigation to her. Despite this, it was he who had decided on their destination, guided by a strategic intent to ensure the crew followed the original plot and gathered all essential members.

The sun shone brilliantly over Syrup Town, casting a golden glow on its quaint, peaceful streets. The town, with its picturesque houses and lush greenery, seemed a world away from the dangers and unpredictability of pirate life. As they docked, Luffy leaped off the boat, his energy infectious, "Adventure awaits!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Coby, observing Luffy’s childlike glee, couldn't help but smile. He knew the importance of this island in the grand narrative of their journey. It was here that they would encounter Usopp, a crucial member of their future crew. However, he also knew the challenges that awaited them — the deceptive Captain Kuro and his sinister plans for the town.

Nami, now officially(temporarily) their navigator, looked around with a critical eye. Her experience as a thief had honed her instincts for danger and opportunity. She turned to Coby, "So, what's the plan?" she asked, her tone laced with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Coby, aware of the delicate balance he had to maintain between following the plot and exercising his autonomy, replied, "First, we explore the town. We need to gather information and supplies. But be on guard, we might not be the only pirates interested in this place."

As they disembarked onto the sun-kissed shores of Syrup Town, Zoro stretched his muscles, weariness evident in his movements, while Luffy bounced around with an unmistakable spark of excitement in his eyes. The adventure was palpable in the air. Coby, ever the gentleman, extended his hand to help Nami ashore. As their hands touched, he couldn't help but smirk, his gaze drifting towards the hill that dominated the town's landscape. It was there that their next adventure would unfold.

Zoro, ever observant, pointed towards four figures in the distance, his voice tinged with curiosity, "So, what do you think is up with those guys?" They watched as three children, overwhelmed by panic, sprinted away, their cries of "They found us!" echoing through the air. Only one remained, a lanky figure with a notably long nose, who stood his ground, shouting after his fleeing companions, "Don't run, you guys!"

The long-nosed figure then turned towards the newly arrived pirates, puffing his chest out in a display of feigned bravado. "I am the notorious Captain!!! USOPP!!" he declared with theatrical flair. "Feared Pirate and Ruler of this village. So you better think twice before you invade. I have 80 million men, poised to stop you."

Nami, unimpressed and unfazed, retorted sharply, "Liar." Her straightforward accusation sent Usopp into a brief moment of panic. "Damn! She saw through me," he muttered under his breath.

Nami's grin widened, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "See, I knew it," she said triumphantly.

Usopp, his panic escalating, blurted out, "Damn, I admitted that I lied. She is a master of interrogation." His voice was a mix of awe and fear, realizing he had inadvertently revealed his bluff.

Meanwhile, Luffy doubled over with laughter, holding his stomach as he exclaimed between chuckles, "You are so funny!"

Coby observed the interaction with a mixture of amusement and strategic thought. Usopp, the storyteller and sharpshooter, was a crucial addition to their crew. His unique skills and quirky personality would add a new dimension to their journey. 


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