Chapter 40: TO ALABASTA


"GUM-GUM....RED HAWK!!" before Wapol and his henchmen could even blink, they were met with Luffy's fiery fist which sent them flying at the horizon. There was complete silence, Kureha's eyes were widened while Chopper's jaw dropped seeing what just happened, "Well....that was quick!!" Sanji broke the silence with his remark. Luffy then looked at Chopper and yelled loudly at the sky, "CHOPPERRRRR....YOU THINK YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!! THEN I'M A BIGGER MONSTER THEN YOU..." Chopper was just looking at Luffy with wide eyes at what he is hearing, "FROM ONE MONSTER TO ANOTHER MONSTER....JOIN MY CREW AND LET'S GO TO THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME AND FLIP THIS WORLD UPSIDE DOWN...."

Tears wear rolling down from reindeer's eyes as he can't believe his hearing, someone wants him, a freak of nature to join on their adventure.... but this is all he always wanted, companions.... friends to call or more like a 'Monster' like him. Seeing Luffy's grinning face, he saw the shadow of Hiluluk behind him, 'Go on son.... live your life to the fullest'

Chopper broke down and started to cry, but this time the tears were of happiness, "WAAAAHHHHHHH...YES...I WANT TO GO ON THIS ADVENTURE!!!" Hearing Chopper's words, Luffy's grinned widen, "SHISHISHISHI....Welcome aboard...." seeing the scene, Sanji just shook his head, "Drama-King" but he was smirking, while Kureha has the biggest smile on her face, 'Hiluluk, you seeing this.... your foolish son has finally found someone to call friends!!!'

Few hours later, Zoro carrying an injured but alive Dalton on his back, followed by Ussop and the few civilians rode up the mountain by the ropeway arrived at the castle and after getting to know that Wapol is finally delt with, Dalton sighed in relief meanwhile the civilians were cheering at finally getting free from the tyrant king.

By now, Vivi has recovered from the infection, but Kureha had threatened her that if she tried to leave without her consent, there will be hell to pay. So, by the next morning, the Strawhats with Vivi and a newly added member of their crew, Chopper, secretly tried to sneak away from the castle but somehow Kureha found out about this and started chasing them with deadly weapons. But with the help of Chopper, they all safely tracked down the mountain and reached Going Merry, "SET SAIL..." Luffy yelled, "HAI CAPTAIN!!!"

Just as the Going Merry was about to exit the water of Drum Kingdom, they all heard a loud cannon fire, they all looked at the Drum castle and saw the most beautiful thing they had ever saw, the whole of the Drum Mountain was covered in pink snow and making it resemble Cherry Blossom tree. Seeing this, Chopper started to cry tears of happiness, Zoro walks towards him and picked him up and placed him on his shoulder. Chopper looked at him and saw Zoro smirking and then he looked around and saw everyone smiling at him, he rubbed his eyes off the tears and gave them his biggest smile.

Afterwards, 'Hiluluk's Cherry Blossoms' that fell on that fateful dawn, become known throughout the world as the voice that signaled the birth of freedom in a country yet without a name. That this country would adopt a most unusual flag as their national symbol.

At the Drum castle, "Hmm....they must've left the island by the now.... the reindeer that inherited both the best skills and the heart required for a doctor...." stated Dalton, covered in bandages and looking at the rise of the new sun for the Kingdom. "If Hiluluk's 'Cherry Blossoms' really did cause a miracle, then it's the fact that a timid little reindeer like him decided to venture the seas..." remarked Kureha who was sitting beside him and gazing at the sea. Dalton just smiled at that, "I'm sure this country will change, just like him...." hearing this, Kureha smirked, "Not just the country, seems the will of 'D' is still alive...."

On Going Merry, a massive feast was being prepared for special occasion, firstly for Vivi's recovery and secondly a welcoming party for their newly added member. "SHISHISHISHI...let's celebrate and party all day!!!" Luffy shouted excitedly, he and Ussop started to dance together, "Hey hey Chopper....come join us...." seeing Chopper joining into Luffy and Ussop's silly dance, Vivi sighed but smiled seeing how carefree the little reindeer looked.



Seeing this prompt, Luffy stopped dancing as he tilted his head in surprise, "Oi Luffy, what happened!??" being nearer to him, Ussop asked this, " looks like the System has some kind of auto-update and it cut the two months' time to only two real days...." Ussop's eyes widen at that, "What???" hearing this, everyone on board immediately gathered around Luffy, while Chopper was looking at them in confusion.

"System!??? Hey Luffy, what's system??" "Settle down buddy, I'll explain everything...." then with everyone sitting around in circle, Luffy told everything to Chopper about system and its functions. After hearing everything, Chopper's eyes were shining like stars, "SOOOOO COOOOLLLL!!!!" he immediately latched onto Luffy, "LUFFYYYYYY....YOU'RE SOOOOO COOOLLLL...." seeing Chopper's excitement, everyone smiled.

Then suddenly white light shined and when it died down, there standing was a very beautiful women with long orange hair tied into ponytail style, it was none other than the crew's navigator, Nami. She looked around herself and seeing her crew, her smiled widen, "Hey guys…I'm back!!" everyone there was stunned, well Sanji outright fainted seeing Nami's new 'developments'.

Seeing everyone stunned, Nami took the first initiative and launched herself at Luffy and hugged him tightly, planting her face on his chest, "I missed you all, so much…" Luffy, not surprised by this, returned the hug and patted her back, "SHISHISHISHI…Nami, welcome back…" they then separated and he looked at her completely, she was wearing her New World outfit with a minor difference. But the major change is, he could sense lingering of Haki on her.

With that, he backed off and let the others welcome Nami. Vivi immediately hugged Nami while Zoro just nodded at her, Ussop was excited at seeing her back and Sanji...…well, "NAMI~SWAN~~~YOU BECOME MORE BEAUTIFUL...OH MY LOVELY FLOWER~~~" he was doing his usual noodle dance, irritating Zoro in the process. The only one who was left out was their new crew member, Chopper. He was shyly hiding behind Zoro and looking at Nami with curious gaze.

Nami, with her now newly learnt technique, Haki, sensed someone's eyes on her and she looked at the said reindeer. Noticing her look, Chopper immediately hid his head behind Zoro's legs while his whole body is still on display. Nami then looked at Luffy and wondered, "Did you keep a pet on board?" "Hey…I'm not a pet!!" Chopper emphasized, hearing the reindeer speak, Nami's eyes widen, "AH!! He can talk??" but seeing her shocked expression, Luffy just laughed, then Sanji stepped forward and explained everything to her, about all that happened in her absence.

Nami was amazed by all that had happened, "Wow, so we basically have now our own fleet to command and that to are giants!!! And a talking reindeer who is now our crew's doctor…" "Well, not whole fleet yet but it is start and about Chopper, he is awesome." Hearing the praise, Chopper started to do his weird dance, "S-Shut up, that doesn't make me happy one bit, you idiot!" everyone laughed at that.

Then after the reunion with Nami, party become wilder, Sanji cooking foods, Ussop is busy decorating the ship, Nami and Vivi were talking and catching up with each other, Luffy was sitting on his usual spot and Zoro was napping while Chopper was looking at the horizon where the Drum Kingdom was, 'Doc, I am going on my own adventure….'

It was evening and the party was going full on blast mode, Luffy and the others are laughing, drinking and just messing with each other, even Vivi joined in their fun. Suddenly, Ussop shouted, "Chopper, stop moping around and came play with us." "Yeah, let's sing together…." Sanji stated, "Let's have a drink together." Said Zoro. Sanji looked at him, "Oi, why would he drink, he is clearly still a kid!!" Zoro looked back at Sanji, "Huh…why not? He's a pirate now, he can do whatever he wants!!"

"Ignore them, they just can't sit still." Stated Nami as she walks towards Chopper and sat beside him, "Thank you for saving my friend's life, it means lot to us…" Chopper bashfully rubbed his head and looked away, "I-It's fine, after all it's my job as a doctor." Nami giggled seeing how cute Chopper's expression is.

The next day, after all night partying, the crew went back to its usual routine, and the Going Merry is sailing straight towards Alabasta, to free the Desert Kingdom from a Warlord. But before anything, they all need a plan or something, "So, we must expect them to already know about us because of Luffy and Zoro's bounties. And after we are done with all this matters, there is no doubt that Sanji and Ussop are going scout free." Nami stated as right now, everyone is sitting in the dining room and discussing plans.

"Hmmmm…. well, if they make big enough fuss then yes!!" Luffy said while munching on a sandwich, "Oi oi…. isn't going against a Warlord of the Sea is already a big deal!!" Ussop reprimanded Luffy. "And Baroque Works is a big organization linked to a big kingdom like Alabasta, so making any mess will surely catch World Government's attention." Stated Vivi, "Don't worry Vivi~chan~~your prince charming will always protect you~~" said Sanji in his love sick manner.

"Yes Vivi, don't worry about anything, I Ussop, the Great Warrior of the Sea will always stand on guard to protect my friends…" declared Ussop with pride, Vivi seeing all this, smiled softly and looked at everyone, "Thanks guys, I mean it… you all doing so much for me." Zoro just waved his hands in dismissive manner, "No need to thank us, princess…we're just following captain's order---Owww…. hey what the hell was that for…" Zoro rubbed his head as he looked at Nami, whose fist is covered in Haki, "That's not how you appreciate someone's genuine thanks, you idiot!!" Zoro's eye twitch, 'Damn witch, she was already scary without Haki, but with it…argh…'

After finishing his sandwich, Luffy looked at Sanji, "Oi Sanji, I want you to defeat Crocodile." Everyone was stunned at that statement, but the cook of the Strawhat's just smirked, "No need to say anything else, Captain. Consider it done." While the other Strawhat's accepted Luffy's suggestion, Vivi was shocked at hearing this, "B-But he is Crocodile, a Warlord of the Sea…. he is strong!! How can Sanji alone can beat him—" Nami placed a reassuring hand over her shoulder, "Believe me when I say, Sanji will win…"

"Well then, if dart-brow is dealing with main boss, then let me and Ussop take care of the rest." Remarked Zoro, "Huh…wait what!?? I mean…yeah, let us handle the rest!!" "Fine then, it's decided, once we arrived at Alabasta, Sanji's main goal is to defeat Crocodile, while Zoro and Ussop will take care of canon-fodders. But before barging blindly, we'll gather information and then we will decide a correct way to stop Crocodile and at the same time save the country." Finished Luffy while looking at Vivi, who was smiling brightly at him and nodding her head.

"Then at least let me ease this burden by giving you the information I'd gathered from my time as one of their agents."

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