Chapter 37: CHOPPER




"Who're they, Chopper?" Kureha asked seeing both Luffy and Sanji resting in the other room, "I don't know!?? But somehow even in this terrible climate, they both had climbed up the mountain!!" Kureha looked surprised back Chopper's answer. "Is that so!!??" Chopper nodded, "Yes and apparently, by the redness of their eyes, they haven't slept for a quite few days!! So, I was forced to drug their water with sleeping pills!!" then Chopper guided Kureha to another room, "The worst one here is the girl, they had brought along them!! She got an extremely high fever and her body is all red." Kureha inspected Vivi and checked her vitals, and then clicked her tongue, "Chopper, go get me Phenicol, Cardiotonics and some Tialcillin!"

Chopper immediately went to work and brought everything what Kureha wanted, "Is she infected?" he asked while looking at Vivi with concern. "....Yes, and I don't think it's a disease endemic to this island." Kureha answered and started Vivi's treatment. She then took a glance at Chopper while still treating Vivi, "You look concerned!??" Chopper fidgeted on his spot and then looked at her, "That guy with took a lot of sleeping pills to make him lose consciousness!!!" Kureha just hummed, "And so....??? Sometimes, some people's body is naturally that strong to resist such a high dosage." Chopper shook his head, "No!!! He is not normal!!! When I saw him first, he was so huge.....and then he deflated back to normal!!!.....Do you think, he is like me!??" Kureha paused for few seconds and contemplated what she heard and then smiled, "Maybe he is!!! Or maybe not.....who knows??? But you need to ask him yourself!! Now, get to work....."


"QUIT IT, YOU HUMANS!" Chopper yelled, he was trying to free himself from Luffy and Sanji, "STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM ME, MEAT!" Sanji shouted and took out his kitchen knife from nowhere, causing Chopper's eyes to widen. "OI, HE IS NOT FOOD!! HE'S GOING TO BE OUR NEW FRIEND!!!" Luffy yelled at Sanji while holding tightly onto Chopper's right leg, "I HATE HUMANS LIKE YOU!" Chopper yelled back at them. "Hehehe.....look at them, getting along so well!!" Kureha laughed seeing the chaos, "But what is he!??" Vivi asked seeing the brawl between the three. "He's Chopper, just an average blue-nosed reindeer..." "But reindeers can't talk!" Vivi exclaimed.

Chopper took hold of both Luffy and Sanji, and then he transformed into Muscular form, "I SAID STOP!" with that, he slammed both their heads together, "I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND OR FOOD!!" Vivi's eyes widen seeing Chopper's transformation, "Wh..what!??" Kureha smirked, "You see little missy, Chopper here has eaten the Hito-Hito Fruit, which granted him human abilities. I poured in all my medical skill and knowledge in him." Saying that, she saw how Chopper ran out of the room with Luffy and Sanji chasing him.

After few minutes, Kureha too left the room for something and let Vivi rest. But suddenly the door was reopened by a strong gust of cold wind, Vivi sat up and looked at the snow covering the foot of the door. " that...snow inside the castle?" she then shivered because of the cold wind, "Brr, its cold. I better go shut the door." She was ready to leave the bed, but then Chopper enters the room while looking left and right with nervousness, "Stay put and rest!" he said and closed the door behind him. "You still have a fever, you know!" Vivi just rubbed her head, "No I don't, it's pretty much all gone now." Chopper deadpanned at that, "Jeez....the answer's still a no."

He then sniffed the room and sighed in relief, he then looked at VIvi, "The Doctress' medicine is highly effective so it's natural for your fever to be almost gone. But even so, your body hasn't completely fought off the bacterial infection yet. That's why you still need to put and receive another dose of antibiotics, otherwise---" but he was cut off by Vivi, "Thanks." He looked confused, "Huh!??" Vivi then smiled at him, "You were the one who nursed me back to health, right?" hearing this, Chopper's eyes widen, "S-SHUT UP!!" he yelled at Vivi which startled her, but then he started to do weird dance with happy face, "I don't need to hear any words of thanks from a human!!" Vivi sweatdropped seeing it, "Can't hide his emotions at all, huh."

With Luffy and Sanji, "Something's strange about this castle...." commented Sanji, as he lit his cigarette and looked around the castles interior. "Look, this entire castle's covered with snow.....the doors of all the unused rooms are frozen over too!" Luffy looked around the castle and saw everything covered in snow, "Yeah, it's like it was closed off for a long time!!!" Back with Chopper and Vivi, "S-so you're pirates....?" Chopper asked with some excitement in his tone, but still trying to avoid Vivi. "Not me exactly, but my friends are!!! The one with the Strawhat is the captain...." "R-really...!?" "Yes, really." Chopper fidgeted with his little hands, "D-does that mean he carry a flag with skull and crossbones...!?" "It's right on the ship and on the giant sail too!!"

Vivi looked at him with a smile, "Are you interested in pirates?" but to her surprise, Chopper's eyes widen and he backed off, "NO, OF COURSE NOT!" Vivi slapped her forehead, "You idiot!" she then sighed, "Riiiight, of course you're not. My bad." But she looked at him with a smile, "But even so, would you like to come along with us!??" Chopper was surprised by her question, "WHAT!??" he can't believe what he is hearing right now. "To the sea, I mean!! How about it!?" Vivi clarified, "It'd really help me put alot. If we only has a doctor onboard, I wouldn't need to stay here for 3 more days, right? We could leave right aw-" but she was cut off by Chopper yelling at her, "D-DON'T BE STUPID! I'M A REINDEER! HOW COULD I EVER TRAVEL ALONG WITH HUMANS!?"

He then took a deep breath and calmed himself down, and fell on the floor, "Besides....a-aren't you scared of how I look....? I'm a reindeer but I talk and walk on two legs...." Chopper said with shaky voice. But Vivi only laughed at that, "Haha, trying to scare me now? And why would I see you differently, when I myself is travelling with bunch of knuckleheads....." she laughed more remembering how absurd the whole Strawhat crew is!! Then the door kicked open and Luffy and Sanji were on the door, "FOUND YOU!!!!" they both yelled, causing Chopper to freak out, "GYAAAA!!" and the chase began once more.

"Fast little buggers, those two...." Kureha commented and took a stool and sat next to Vivi, "And you're no better than your rowdy friends, missy....trying to abduct my reindeer while I'm gone, are you now....?" Vivi looked at Kureha with a small smile, "Oh? Since when does a lady need permission, to practice her art of seduction?" Kureha laughed loudly at that, "HEE HEE HEE HEE!!! Well said! Take him away if you want!" she then looked down and sighed, "But I'll have you know, it's going to take a lot more than a warm smile and an invitation. His heart's still severely wounded....a wound not even a doctor can fix...."

Vivi looked confused, but Kureha continued, "From the moment of his birth, he was abandoned by his parents who thought of him as repulsive. All because of that blue nose of his....! Despite being a newborn baby, he was forced to tail his herd all alone at the back." Viv's eyes widen, "That's aweful...." Kureha gave her a mournful smile, "One day, he happened to eat a devil fruit, which singled him out even more as an abomination. His fellow reindeers soon chased him away for good. He couldn't even call himself a reindeer anymore. Even so, he still desired he then tried to find acceptance among humans in a nearby town...however, his humanoid-form wasn't quite human either. A fact made only too clear by his blue nose. Clueless as to what he did wrong and confused as to what he could blame....all he wanted were friends to live among, yet for that he was called a monster. Neither a reindeer nor human.....he's had to endure a life of loneliness since then....." she then looked at Vivi with a smile, "Tell me missy?? Can you and those pirate friends of yours could possible hope to fix that scar of his heart...?"

Back with Sanji and Luffy, both of them were taking a stroll and reached the main gate of the castle and looked outside, seeing only snow raining down heavily. Sanji took a drag out of his cigarette and released the smoke, "Say Luffy, why are you so hell bent on recruiting that reindeer!!??" Luffy was looking at the night sky covered with clouds, "Didn't you sense it, Sanji!!! The look in those eyes.....he is lonely!! And it really hurts more than any pain....." Sanji sighed, "Yeah, I know it too!!" "Someone like him is called outcast of the society!!! Someone who does not abide by the laws of, you and our whole crew is just bunch of misfits, together!!" Sanji snickered at that, "Yeah, you're right.....I just hope he can see that there is no different between us and him."

They both then walks off towards the room, while away from them, Chopper who was hiding behind a wall heard everything. His eyes were widen and unknowing to him, tears were trailing down his cheeks. He slowly peeked at the back of the duo, 'T-they are like me!!?? B-but I'm a monster.....' he thought, but remembered the form Luffy was in when he first saw him, 'Can it be...' he then shook his head and walked off.

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