As Dalton and Ussop were about to enter the guest house, a woman stopped Dalton, "Dalton!! You were looking for that old Witch, weren't you?" Dalton looked at her, "Yes, but the patient has already..." but before Dalton can finish his sentence, the woman cut in, "Well good, because she just came down to the neighbouring village!!" hearing this, both Dalton and Ussop looked at each other with wide eyes and then at the woman, "WHAT!?"

At the neighbouring village of Cocoa Weed, the streets were busy and peoples were living their daily lives. Inside a bar, a cry of a child can be heard, "WAAAAAAH!!" "Hey, barkeep! Do something about your damn kid already! His crying is getting on my nerve!!" one of the customer of the bar yelled at the owner. "Sorry about the disturbance, sir." The owner said and walks near his six years old boy, "Tamachibi! What is it, are you hurt somewhere? I can't help you if you only keep on crying, and you're bothering all the customers!" but the kid kept crying. "Say something! If you don't stop your crying, I'll have you stand outside!"

Meanwhile, someone outside passing by the bar heard the child's cry, "Oh? Did you hear that, Chopper? HEE HEE HEE HEE.....even though a child's unrelenting cry is the surest sign of a disease....It seems we've got quite the cruel father." Then that someone kicked open the bar's door, "Don't mind the intrusion!" the owner with all the customers looked at the entrance of the bar. There stood a very old looking woman in punk rockstar cloths with a blue nosed reindeer by her side, this is none other than 'Master of Doctors' Dr. Kureha and her beloved reindeer, Tony Tony Chopper. The occupants of the bar seeing her was in shock, "D-D-D-Doctor Kureha!!"

"HEE HEE HEEE!! What? You want to know the secret of my youth!?" she asked, "BUT WE DIDN'T EVEN ASK!!" the occupants of the bar yelled at her. "To think that's actually a 140 years old granny....." one of the men said, which caused a huge tic mark to appear on Kureha's head, "I'M STILL ONLY 139!" she yelled back. She then looked at the child, "Shall I treat him?" the father of the child looked at her with confusion, "What? But he's not even sick!" "Oh? And are you a doctor?" she asked him. The man started to sweat, then Kureha started to leave, "Fine. Let's go, Chopper." But the man suddenly stopped her, "W-wait!"

Kureha then laid the child on the table and took out her giant briefcase. "My hands hurt...." the child quietly muttered, "Is that so..." she said and then pinched boy's right leg, "Then how's this?" "AHHHH! MY LEG!" the boy yelled in pain, "But you forgot about how much your hands hurt, didn't you! HEE HEE HEE HEE!" she asked with her weird laugh. "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY SON!?" the man yelled at her angrily, she sighed at that, "Fine, I'll stop. Happy, pappy? Now stay still for a moment." She then took off boy's pants and looked at his legs, "I only lightly touched his leg but his limbs seem to be in quite a bit of pain. No fever but looks like we've got a pyogenic inflammation on the leg. Must be a bacterial infection in the bones." She then looked at her reindeer, "Chopper! Get me my antibiotics!"

The man looked at her with some nervousness, "W-what's wrong with my boy, doctor?" "Hmm!! This disease can still be treated while in its early phase. Don't worry, your boy'll recover, but he was on the verge of death." The man was shocked at hearing at, "WHAT!? HE WAS!?" "Now, stay still while I make a small incision." She then make a small cut on boy's buttcheek, "GYAAAA!!" "SHOULDN'T YOU BE USING ANAESTHETICS!?" the man yelled, but she ignored him and hold the boy in the air, "Now for a shot." Hearing this, Chopper angled his horns at boy's butt and rammed it. "AHHHHHHHH!!" the boy yelled in pain and the man's eyes widen, "YOU'RE KILLING MY BOY!"

She then left the shocked boy laid on the table, "My drugs are quite effective so this is enough for his treatment. Just tie some bandages tightly around his leg afterwards. He'll feel much better once the cast hardens." She explained and gave the bandage to the man. "As for my payment.....ah, that's right. I was running low on garbage bags and toilet paper. What else....some food, rum, and.....50% of all the money you have." The man was in shock, "WHAAAA! You're taking 50% of my money!?" then the customers who were watching all this, stood up, "Don't let her con you! What's all this bullshit about the kid being on the verge of death!?" "He was probably only crying because he tripped or something." "You think we don't know any better just because you're a doctor and we're not!?" "Yeah, that's right!! You're just taking advantage of people's weaknesses! You 140 year old senile hag!"

Hearing all this, the reindeer started to growl and looked at the people with a glare, "Stop it, Chopper. They're nothing but brats who don't know any better." Kureha said, which confused everyone when suddenly, "Granny....I feel much better now, Thank you very much." The boy said with a happy smile on his face. Hearing this, Kureha also smiled, "HEEHEE HEEHEE! That was a nice little gift." She then turned away, "Fine, I'll lower it to just 49%." The father of the boy lowered his head, "I'll.....I'll pay the money....thank you, Doctor." Kureha after taking the money, started to leave the bar, when she stopped and looked back at the kid, "Hey kid!! Don't you forget, about that sense of Happiness just now!" with that she and her reindeer left the bar.

On the other side, Dalton and Ussop were on a wooden sled pulled by four wild dogs. "My apologies, this is my fault. I had heard the doctor came down from the mountain yesterday, so I assumed she wouldn't come down again for several days....but it seems I jumped too quickly to conclusions....!" Dalton said while pulling on the ropes attached to the dogs, increasing the speed. "Don't worry, it's not your fault! The problem now is those two abnormally strong crewmates of mine. Even if we were to rush up the mountain, there's no way we could catch up to them!" Ussop answered back, "So if that old witch is in Cocoa Weed right now, we have to hurry up and ask her to return back to the castle right away." "Forgive me.....It's all my fault....." Dalton said. "Hey man, it's no time for self guilt!!! We need to hurry!!" Ussop said, to which Dalton nodded and pulled the ropes and the dogs increases the speed.

Meanwhile at the shores of Drum kingdom, the guards which were posted there for lookout were all lying on the ground bloodied. "Here at last.....huff....huff....." a man wearing orange fur coat with afro hair said, " think they'd put up the watchguards in the short time I was gone...." said another man wearing a blue and green checked fur coat. "Commander Chess, look's those pirates ship!!!!" one man shouted at the man who was wearing the checked coat. The now indentified man, Chess looked at the river and narrowed his eyes, " they'd come here!??" "To think we got humiliated by pirates....again!!!" the man with orange fur coat said. "Calm down, Kuromarimo!! Don't forget that they had also taken our King Wapol as hostage!!" Chess said to the orange fur coat man, who now identify as Kuromarimo. "Ahhh.....commander Chess, what should we do now!?? It looks like there is no one on their ship!!" one of the men asked. "Hmm....we need to trade carefully, by now they should have locked the King in the prison in Big Horn!!" "Well then, we shall first head for Big Horn and free our King!! And then exterminate those filthy pirates...." Kuromarimo stated.

With Dalton and Ussop, they had finally reached Cocoa Weed. But it looks like they were late, "What!? She already left!?" Dalton asked. "We just missed her!?" Ussop said while holding his head, they were in the same bar where Kureha just visited. "She treated me just a little while ago." said the same kid who was treated by her, "Are you looking for a doctor, Dalton?" asked the owner of the bar, "Yes, it's an emergency. Do you know where she went!?" "I think I heard someone say that she left for Gyasta." One of the customers's answered him. "Gyasta? Where's that?" Ussop asked.

"It's a village by the lake shore, much farther up north from here. Ice skating is quite popular there." Dalton explained it to Ussop, "Well we don't have time to loiter around here forever! We should go there immediately!" Ussop stated. Then suddenly, a man rushed inside the bar while holding a Den Den Mushi, "DALTON, IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!" this got everyone's attention. "What is it? Wait, aren't you supposed to be on guard duty today....?" the man just passes the Den Den Mushi to him,

"Hello Dalton, you there!??"

Dalton looked at the Den Den Mushi with confusion, "Yes, what happened!??"

"It's them, Dalton!!! Wapol's men are here in Big Horn and they had freed Wapol. They are now causing havoc and asking for Strawhats...."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes widen, "WHATTTTTT!??? WAPOLLLL????" the occupants yelled in shock. "Hold them as long as possible.....I'm coming there!!!" Dalton answered at the Den Den Mushi and hung it up. He then looked at Ussop with some guilt, "I'm sorry my friend, but I need to go back!!! My people need's me...." Ussop just nodded silently and watched as Dalton rushed out of the bar. Dalton with unimaginable speed for someone his size rushed out of the Cocoa Weed Village, 'I have to settle things once and for all! I'm not doing this for justice or other such noble intentions....after all, you and I are guilty of the same crimes....!' with such thoughts, Dalton transformed into a huge bison and rushed towards his town, 'Just you wait, Wapol!'

Back at Cocoa Weed, "ALL THOSE WHO CAN FIGHT, GRAB YOUR WEAPONS AND HEAD FOR BIG HORN!" a man yelled as he took a shovel in his hand, "TO BIG HORN! FOLLOW AFTER DALTON! WAPOL AND HIS MEN HAS RETURNED! GRAB YOUR ARMS AND PREPARE TO FIGHT! IT'S TIME TO PROTECT OUT COUNTRY! TAKE ARMS AND HEAD FOR BIG HORN!" all those who can fight, immediately took whatsoever they thought would be used as weapons and rushed towards Big Horn. While Ussop, he immediately mounted on the sled and yanked the ropes, causing the dogs to start running. "I need to find that old witch!! Everyone is doing trying their best and it is my time to shine....." Ussop said to himself as he exits Cocoa Weed village and looked at the map. 'I can't imagine what'll happen when Luffy and Sanji reach the mountaintop, only to realize the doctor's missing! Who knows what they'll do then!' "Come on my fur friends...we need to be faster!!!" hearing Ussop's desperate call, the dogs increased their speed and started to track up the mountain.

At Big Horn, Wapol was finally freed and with his men back with him, he started to cause havoc in the town, "WHERE ARE THOSE STRAWHATS...???" He asked a beaten up man. The man was covered in blood and bruises looked at Wapol and spit on his face, "I...I will never t..tell you!!" Wapol wiped the spit from his face and looked at the man with angry face, "Why you...." he then punched man's face with his metal gloves and then throw him to the side and looked at everyone. "LISTEN WELL, MY CITIZENS! EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS IN THIS COUNTRY IS NOTHING BUT FOOD FOR ME! KUROMARIMO! TELL THE PEOPLE WHY I'M GREAT!" "The fact that you are King proves your greatness, your majesty." Kuromarimo said. Wapol then took a huge bite out of the nearby house, "Ahhhh....nothing like a nice roasted house cooked to well-done on a cold snowy day!"

Chess then walk towards Wapol, "My king, according to the reports, it seems the Strawhat pirates are headed for the Drum Castle." Wapol looked at him, "What!? And why is that!?" "It seems they're looking for that witch, Dr. Kureha. Apparently, she made the castle her new home during your majesty's absence." This angered Wapol, "WHAT!? THAT HAG IS LIVING IN MY CASTLE!? HOW LONG DOES THAT TRAITOROUS HAG INDEND TO MAKE A FOOL OUT OF ME! I'LL DEVOUR THAT HAG ALONG WITH THOSE PIRATES!" he then looked at what remains of his men, "My subjects! Prepare to leave for the castle at once!! We'll get our sweet revenge!!" they all yelled with affirmation.

Suddenly, Walop was attacked by an extra-large spade and was send flying. His men looked at this with shock, "WHO'S THAT!?" Kuromarimo yelled. "That is enough!! I won't let you harm the Strawhats and the people of this country....." Dalton stated, looking at Wapol and his men. "So, you were alive....!?" Chess said while drawing his bow, "How dare you harm his majesty...!" Kuromarimo stated and got into boxing stance. "My survival is hardly surprising, considering that Drum Kingdom was formerly renowned for its doctors and medical knowledge." Dalton said, "Yes....speaking of which, come out MD-20! EXTERNAL WOUNDS UNIT!" Kuromarimo yelled and then 20 men wearing doctor's outfit and surgeon gloves jumped forward. They then within few seconds, stitch back Wapol's wound with scrap metal-plates.

Walop then stood up, "Whem! I Thought I was a goner for a second there." Dalton seeing this was in shock, while Chess smirked seeing the expression Dalton was making, "Shocked, aren't you!!! Meet MD-20.....our own group of surgeons!!!" Dalton hearing this sneer, "So this is what you were doing!!! You knew that by only taking those 20 doctors as prisoners, they'll never help you forced them to teach their skills to your own doctors!! But it doesn't matter now! Leave this island at once....this land has no more need for us...." but he was cut off by Wapol, "My subject, Dalton....." but he too was cut by the peoples of Big Horn, "DALTON ISN'T YOUR SUBJECT ANYMORE!!" "YEAH, DALTON WAS THE ONLY MAN IN THE FORMER REGIME THAT ACTUALLY FOUGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY! HE RISKED HIS LIFE FOR US AND THIS LAND!"

"Hmph....It's a shame you didn't die, while you were still the captain of royal guards! MAHAHAHAHAHA! You've done well surviving for so long on a country without any doctors." Wapol said, "Although Drum Kingdom is renowned for its medical knowledge....very few outsiders would know, that save for 20 doctors employed in the castle's research facility, all the other doctors were exiled from this country...." Dalton stated. "Oh well, that's just this Kingdom's law." Wapol nonchalantly said, however this angered Dalton, "HOW DARE YOU CALL SUCH AN ABSURDITY A LAW!!" he then took a deep breath, "With the only doctors in this country locked up in your castle, the people have no choice but to beg to you whenever they become sick. No law should turn a country's citizens into its hostages. Such things are called crimes!" Wapol just rubbed his ear and look at Dalton with bored look, "Said everything you wanted to? Then it's time for you to die! Kill this former captain of the Royal Guards, men!!" with his command, his men aimed their weapons at Dalton and ready to kill him, while Dalton transformed into his hybrid bison form and stood tall and ready for anything.

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