On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 60

Buzz buzz buzz!

The Type 59 tank drove majestically on the street, causing many people to turn around and look at it.

There was a lot of discussion.

Their faces were filled with proud smiles.

Jiang Chen and Li Yunlong sat in the tank, looking at the expressions and eyes of the pedestrians on the road, and their vanity was greatly satisfied.

“Jiang Chen, what’s going on?”

Then, Jiang Chen briefly told Li Yunlong about how Totovic had made things difficult for the technical staff, which made Li Yunlong very angry!

“These bastards are acting like bosses here.……”

“If you give him some color, he will really start a dyeing factory”

“Jiang Chen, you are awesome. Don’t pamper such a person… Besides, the tank we make is no worse than the one made by the Russians!”

Li Yunlong had seen many tanks during the War of Liberation:”I think the tanks we produce are much better than the Sherman tanks of the Eagle Sauce!”

Although the M1 Sherman has a very fast firing rate and uses armor-piercing blasting and burning, that is for World War I tanks.

Comparing the protection level of World War I tanks with the Type 59 is naturally unreliable.

However, the Type 59 will not crush the M1 Sherman. After all, its turret is that of the M1. If it finds a hill to show off its head, the Type 59 can’t do anything to the Sherman.

In a head-on confrontation, the Sherman is no match for the Type 59.

Jiang Chen:”Old Li, it seems that you know a lot about tanks?”

“Hehe, I don’t know, but I think the workmanship and size of this car are much better than Sherman.”

“I really didn’t expect that we could build our own tanks.” Li Yunlong was so happy sitting in the tank:”Chu Yunfei, did you see it?”

“I also have tanks to cover me when I fight…hahaha!”

Li Yunlong still vividly remembered the scene in the Zhaozhuang battle where Chu Yunfei was covered by planes and tanks wherever he went.

“147” At that time, Li Yunlong vowed that the flower-growing family would have its own planes and tanks one day.

Now, everything is moving in a good direction, which makes Li Yunlong very touched


Shenyang Arsenal.

Tank Teaching and Research Section.

Totovic watched for several days, and the technical workers of the arsenal did not come to class. Their faces were no longer arrogant, but sad.

If the T44 cannot be sold, he will be punished by the Russians.

So, Totovic complained to General Chen Geng that the rabbit students were arrogant, absent from class, etc.

At this time, General Chen Geng looked at the empty classroom, and a surge of anger surged in his heart.

“Admiral Totovic, I will take care of this matter, and I hope you can stay!”

“We are very interested in your country’s excellent T series tanks and hope to continue this cooperation”

“Okay, General Chen Geng, I hope you won’t let me down.” Totovic had just finished speaking when the sound of a tank engine came from outside the classroom.

Buzz buzz buzz…

Totovic was a little angry:”I told you not to touch my tank.……”As he spoke, he walked outside.

Chen Geng followed him out quickly.

Soon, the two were stunned by the scene in front of them.

A Type 59 tank appeared in front of Totovic. Jiang Chen was sitting in front of the turret, swinging his legs comfortably, followed by technical workers from the arsenal.

It was as if they were declaring war.

“this……”Totovic showed an expression of disbelief:”How can a rabbit have a tank?”

Chen walked forward faster and looked at the Type 59 tank carefully to make sure it was not a captured enemy tank.

“Brother, what’s going on here?”

Jiang Chen patted the 140mm gun barrel. The”dangdangdang” response made him very proud:”Brother, this is the new tank developed by the 101 Arsenal. How is it? Is it handsome?”

The two changed their names after they became sworn brothers.

“This is really something we made ourselves.……”Chen Geng hadn’t reacted yet, feeling like he was dreaming, and he stood there in silence.

Li Yunlong introduced excitedly:”Brigade Commander, this is true. Just now, I saw it coming off the tank production line with my own eyes. Brigade Commander, I tell you, it’s very powerful. One shot……”

At this time,

Totovic dragged his heavy steps to the front of the Type 59 tank.

“Is this the tank you developed? No, it is absolutely impossible… You can’t build such a tank at all!”

Doubtful, shocked!

Zhao Tianming:”Totovic, didn’t you say that we can’t build a tank in ten years?”

“Look, this is the tank we built… Look carefully……”

Yang Siruo said passionately:”Not only can we build tanks, but our performance in all aspects is far superior to that of the T44 tank.……”

“Impossible, you are lying… You must have modified this tank from an abandoned one.”

With the rabbit’s industrial base, it is impossible to build a tank better than ours.

What’s more, how many days have passed?

Building a tank in three days ?

Who are you trying to fool?

Totovic didn’t believe it at all.

Zhao Tianming didn’t waste any words:”Admiral Totovic, do you dare to compete?”

“How about we have a Sino-Soviet friendly match?”

Totovic said confidently:”Come on, who’s afraid of you……”

“Friendship first, competition second……”Chen Geng picked up his pocket watch and said,”I’ll be the referee.”

He did it right away.

The representative of the Russian bear drove a T44 tank, and Zhao Tianming drove a Type 59 tank.

The rules were to run around the open space, go through a straight line, an S-curve, pass obstacles, go through a 1.2-meter pit, climb a 45-degree slope, turn around on the spot, and return.

Whoever uses the shortest time wins.

Zhao Tianming:”You are the guest, so let you go first.……”

The representative of the bear drove the T44G, stepped on the accelerator, and the tank rushed out quickly.

The tank drove through the straight line at a speed of 46 kilometers per hour and came to the”five-hairpin bend”.

The T44 obviously slowed down when turning, and then rushed and knocked away the obstacles.


The front armor fell off accidentally.

But the driver didn’t know and continued to drive over the 1.2-meter big pit.

Crack, crack, crack…

The tank tracks slipped directly, but fortunately the driver had good control skills and used the swing method to cross the big pit.

According to the parameters, the climbing depth of the T44 tank is only 0.65 meters, but now it has become 1.2 meters.

It can cross the big pit in such a short time.

The T44G performed well.

Next, it was the most difficult 45-degree slope of this competition.

The driver needs to rely on superb skills and experience, as well as the sufficient horsepower of the tank to climb the steep slope, and then turn around on the spot.

At this time, the driver driving the T44G is an excellent tank soldier, and this difficulty is still no problem for him.

Just make sure that the tank has enough horsepower. Buzz buzz buzz…

The driver stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, using momentum and inertia to rush up the slope. Otherwise, with the T44k pulling 31 tons with more than 400 horsepower, it might not be able to make it up the slope.

Totovic was sweating, and he was relieved when he saw the tank go up the slope.


The tank turned around on the spot and returned at the fastest speed.

Chen Geng pressed the watch and read:”5 minutes and 12 seconds!”

Totovic also looked at his watch, and after confirming the time, he showed a satisfied smile.

The T44k ran the best result.

Then, Totovic looked at the Type 59 with disdain in his eyes.

“See how you beat me……”

The Type 59 is large and heavy, so its speed will naturally decrease. At the same time, the rabbits do not have excellent tank soldiers.

Want to win?

It is impossible. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

You know, whether a tank is good or not, in addition to the excellent performance of the tank itself, it also tests whether the driver has the control technology.

In this regard, the bears can be said to have an innate advantage.

“”Let’s go!”

With Chen Geng’s order, the Type 59″catapulted to action” and set off at a speed of 65 kilometers per hour. This was nearly 20 kilometers per hour faster than the T44.[]

20 kilometers per hour is not fast for a car, but for a tank, this speed is enough to leave two people behind.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Totovic looked at the scene in front of him and almost dropped his jaw:”Such a fast speed?”

And it’s smokeless?

The T44 gram emits thick black smoke. The tank developed by Rabbit is actually smokeless?

Marx:”This speed is too fast. It is definitely impossible to pass the five-shot hairpin bend.……”

“What are they trying to do? Not slowing down when turning?”

Totovic stared in amazement.

The next second, the Type 59 tank passed the five consecutive hairpin turns easily.

Marx:”The average speed of this off-road vehicle is at least 30 to 45 kilometers per hour. How is this possible?”

The maximum speed of the T44G is only 46…

No comparison, no harm

“Look……”Max shouted.

Totovic looked up and said,”What happened?”


“This, it’s over already?”

A 1.2-meter big pit, just passed in the blink of an eye?


Seeing this, Totovic was dumbfounded, and the next second, he doubted his life even more.

Buzz buzz buzz… boom boom boom…

The Type 59 tank climbed up the slope steadily and evenly.

Such a simple action is enough to show the power and controllability of the Type 59 tank, which is several blocks away from the T44.

“We lost!”

No need to compare, the result is already out.

“Time 4 08 seconds!”

It was one minute faster than the T44g.0.

When Totovic heard this result, he was shocked and stood there for a long time.

The tank made by rabbits actually won!

The victory was so thorough.

Horsepower, handling, climbing grade, vertical wall height, wading depth, trench width, gun caliber, shell penetration… and so on were all crushed.

The two tanks were not at the same level at all.

Totovic could not accept such a result.

He couldn’t understand how the rabbits, who had no industrial foundation and no advanced industrial technology, could build such an excellent tank?

“The creativity of this nation of flower growers is too terrifying.”

How did they do it?

Clap, clap, clap!

Thunderous applause and cheers rang out at the scene.

“”Haha, we won! We won!”

At this moment, Chen Geng was no longer angry, but more surprised and shocked.

He never thought that his tanks would win so easily in this Sino-Soviet competition. He couldn’t believe it.

Of course, what Chen Geng didn’t know was that the true strength of the Type 59 tank had not been demonstrated, such as its penetration, its night combat capability, close combat capability, etc.

“Jiang Chen, congratulations on developing such an excellent tank… Our flower-growing family finally has our own tank!”

Yeah… Clap, clap!

Thunderous applause rang out again at the scene.

Jiang Chen:”The fact that we can successfully develop our own tank is not just my credit, but the credit of the entire 101 Arsenal!”

“This honor belongs to everyone.”

Pa pa pa!

The applause continued, waking Totovic up like waves.

“You are Jiang Chen?” Totovic looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment:”Are you the Jiang Chen who was restricted from returning to China by the Eagle Sauce?”


“Oh, I… didn’t recognize the great man……”Totovic slapped himself a few times and said,”You are a great man and don’t bear grudges.……”

“Please don’t take anything wrong with it before!”

“This is the tank you developed… It’s not shameful to be defeated by you, not shameful at all!”

Totovic completely lost his previous arrogance and contempt. Instead, he pulled Jiang Chen’s hand like a lackey and said in a flattering manner,”Mr. Jiang Chen, can I see the tank you developed?”

“Of course!” Jiang Chen said calmly.

When Totovic approached, his expression immediately brightened: Why does this tank look so familiar?

How come it is so similar to his own T54K?

T-The 54 medium tank evolved from the T-44G. The first prototype was made in 1946 and put into production at the Kharkov Tank Plant in 1947./T-There are about 50,000 Type 55 tanks, accounting for about one-third of the total tank production in the world after World War II.

It is currently the main tank 5.0 of the Russian Armored Forces.

Why is the Type 59 tank in front of you so similar to the T54k? No, it is better than the T54 tank.

The Type 59 tank is actually a copy of the T54 tank, but many modifications have been made.

For example.

The T54k has reached a high level in terms of mobility, firepower and protection, and is considered to be the beginning of an all-round tank or main battle tank. It uses a 100mm main gun with good firepower and protection capabilities.

As a copy of the T54, the Type 59 tank inherits the basic performance of the prototype tank and has made appropriate improvements in power units, weapons and other equipment.

It is equipped with a 140mm rifled gun and two machine guns, and infrared night vision equipment was added later. All parameters were the world’s top at the time.

Therefore, comparing the Type 59 and T44 tanks, they are not at the same level at all.

Totovic:”Mr. Jiang Chen, I am convinced of my defeat this time… It is the honor of my life to fight with you.……”

“Next, I hope everyone will put aside past grudges and continue to communicate and cooperate. I will definitely do my best to teach.……”

Finally, Jiang Chen put aside the past grudges.

Now is not the right time to have a falling out with the Russians.

Chen Geng:”Jiang Chen, I am very optimistic about our own Type 50 tanks. Arrange production as soon as possible!”

“It’s time for our People’s Liberation Army to have its own tanks!”

“Yes, guarantee to complete the task”


After returning from the Shenyang Arsenal, Jiang Chen immediately arranged the production plan for the Type 59 tank.

He tried to produce 100 tanks within half a year to provide firepower cover for our army to cross the Yalu River.

There was not much time left.

At this time, Li Yunlong knocked on the door and walked in, and asked in shock:”Jiang Chen, a civil war broke out on the peninsula……”


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