Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

Afternoon Revelations

Nyx savored her breakfast while the others waited patiently. Despite not needing to eat, they were content to let her finish at her own pace.

“Don’t rush,” Suli said, fluttering around. “We’re not in a hurry.”

“Thanks, Suli,” Nyx replied with a smile. “I’m almost done.”

Once Nyx had finished eating, Drac approached her. “When you’re ready, we need to discuss something important.”

Nyx looked up, curious. “What’s up, Drac?”

“I’m going to teach you how to read and write,” Drac said. “You’ll need to set aside some time for this. It’s not just a quick lesson.”

Nyx’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Really? That sounds amazing! I can start tomorrow if that works for you.”

Drac nodded. “Tomorrow is perfect. I’ll also be giving you a new skill, so you’ll need to make time for that as well.”

Nyx’s face showed confusion. “But didn’t you already give me two skills—Echo Vision and Aurora?”

Drac chuckled softly. “Those skills weren’t given to you. You discovered them on your own. I just taught you how to use them. The new skill will be different.”

Nyx was thrilled at the thought of learning something new from Drac. “I’m really excited! Can we start today?”

Drac shook his head. “I’ll need a full day to teach you properly, so we’ll start tomorrow.”

Nyx agreed. “I’ll let everyone know I won’t be joining them tomorrow. They need to understand why I’ll be absent.”

With that settled, Nyx finished her breakfast and set off on her journey to Griff’s cave. She and the others teleported to the cave, ready for their tasks.

“Griff, we’re here,” Nyx announced as they arrived.

Griff looked up and nodded. “Good to see you all.”

Len glanced around as the team worked diligently. “Alright, everyone, let’s make sure we get this place spotless.”

Suli, dusting off some shelves, said, “I’m on it. Just let me know if you need any help with the feathers.”

Ryu was busy sorting through the pile of excess feathers. “I’ll use these for his nest and pillows. We’ve got quite a few here.”

Nabi flew over, carrying a small broom. “I’m sweeping up the last bit of dust. It’s looking much better.”

Guerim was working on tidying up the gear and tools. “I’m checking through the supplies and making sure everything’s in order.”

Suli called out, “Hey, Ryu, do you need any help with those feathers?”

Ryu nodded, “Sure, if you could help me sort them by size, that’d be great.”

Nabi fluttered down beside them. “Once you’re done, I can help arrange them in the nest and for the pillows.”

Len, overseeing the work, said, “Sounds good. Let’s make sure Griff’s nest is nice and cozy.”

Nyx, perched gently on Griff’s back, was carefully removing excess feathers to ensure his comfort. “Almost done here, Griff. You’ll have a nice, comfy spot to rest.”

Griff rumbled contentedly, his eyes half-closed. “Thank you, Nyx. These feathers were getting a bit overwhelming.”

Suli looked up from her work and smiled. “We’re almost finished with the cleaning. Just need to wrap up the last few details.”

Ryu added, “We’ll get this place looking great in no time.”

Nabi hovered near, inspecting their progress. “Everything’s shaping up nicely. Can’t wait to see Griff’s reaction.”

Guerim, checking the gear, said, “All set here. Just need to double-check the supplies.”

Len nodded in agreement. “Great work, everyone. Let’s finish up and get ready to head out.”

As they completed their tasks, Nyx continued to help Griff, ensuring his feathers were well-organized and that he would be comfortable.

The group worked harmoniously, their teamwork evident as they prepared to leave Griff’s cave.

Nyx explained, “I won’t be able to come for the next two days because Drac will be teaching me how to read and write and giving me a new skill.”

Griff huffed in acknowledgment. “Understood. Make sure to come back refreshed.”

After completing their work at Griff’s cave, they bid their goodbyes and teleported to the Tiger’s territory. There, Nyx resumed her training, moving more swiftly than before but still unable to match the Tiger’s agility, even though he was using his tail.

During a break, Nyx brought out food she had stored in Airy and started eating. “I wanted to let you know I won’t be here for the next two days because Drac will be teaching me. I’m really looking forward to it!”

The Tiger looked pleased. “That’s great. Learn well and make the most of your time with him.”

As evening approached, Nyx decided to walk to the Snake’s territory. “It’s such a nice afternoon. I think I’ll enjoy the walk.”

The Tiger remarked, “It’s good for you to walk sometimes and take in the scenery.”

Len, Suli, Ryu, Nabi, and Guerim were at the front, fluttering about, while Nyx strolled leisurely, enjoying the tranquility and the lush greenery around her.

Her peaceful walk was interrupted by a familiar yet unexpected voice. She turned and saw the Peacock lounging on a rock, basking in the sun.

“Hello, Nyx!” the Peacock called out. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Nyx approached him and shouted back to her friends, “I’m stopping here for a moment.”

The others acknowledged her without turning their heads. As Nyx got closer, she admired the Peacock’s stunning appearance—his feathers were a dazzling array of iridescent colors, and he was dressed in elegant clothes that looked quite unusual.

“Your clothes are quite funny,” Nyx commented with a laugh.

The Peacock looked down at himself, puzzled. “Do you think they look ugly?”

Nyx shook her head. “No, they’re just different from what I’m used to.”

The Peacock perked up. “Would you like to wear some of my clothes?”

Nyx considered it for a moment. “Why not? They are very pretty.”

Excited, the Peacock stood up. His big, slender form was even more striking as his tail spread out in a vibrant display. He gently took Nyx’s hands, which she noticed were surprisingly soft.

“We can go right now,” he said.

Nyx hesitated. “I can’t right now. I’m heading to the Snake’s territory.”

The Peacock’s excitement waned. “What about tomorrow?”

Nyx shook her head. “Drac will be teaching me tomorrow and the next day, so I won’t be able to visit you.”

The Peacock huffed in frustration. “How about the day after the next two days?”

Nyx smiled then nodded. “I can make time for you then.”

“Wonderful! I’ll see you then,” the Peacock said.

Before he left, Nyx asked, “Where do you live?”

He turned and replied, “I’m in the east of the forest, a bit close to the Snake but still far away. I’ll meet you halfway when you get there.”

Nyx agreed. The Peacock gave her a peck on the cheek, making her blush. He chuckled at her shyness, said a cheerful “tata,” and departed.

Nyx watched him leave, then continued her journey to the Snake’s territory. When she finally arrived, she saw that the others were already there.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” she apologized.

She then noticed the Snake was missing and turned to Len. “Where’s the Snake?”

Len replied, “He’ll be back shortly. He asked where you were, so we told him you’d be here soon.”

Nyx explained, “I was stopped by the Peacock. He invited me to his territory.”

The others nodded in understanding. Len sighed. “When the Snake realized you weren’t with us, he asked about your whereabouts.”

Nyx said, “I’ll explain everything to him when he returns.”

Soon, the Snake reappeared as the others finished their cleaning. He called Nyx over with a hint of annoyance.

Nyx approached and gave him a big hug. The Snake, startled, pushed her away but made her stay there. He hissed, picking up the scent of the Peacock on her.

“Were you near the Peacock?” he demanded.

Nyx nodded. “Yes, he stopped me before I came here and invited me to his territory.”

The Snake growled. “That doesn’t explain why you have his scent on you.”

Blushing, Nyx admitted, “He gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.”

The Snake scoffed in annoyance. “That Peacock loves to get himself into trouble.”

He then gave Nyx a gentle warning. “Be careful when you visit him. He always has some trick up his sleeve.”

Nyx took the warning seriously, still hugging him. The Snake didn’t seem to notice her continued embrace. He commented, “It’s time for you to leave now.”

He gently pushed her away. Before she left, Nyx told him, “I won’t be here for two days because Drac will be teaching me some things.”

The Snake bid her goodbye, and she and the others said their farewells before Nyx teleported them back to Drac’s cave.

At Dracs cave

When they reached Drac's cave, Nyx and the others settled in, ready to relax after their busy day. Drac noticed the peacock’s scent lingering around Nyx. His golden eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

“So,” Drac rumbled, his voice a low, grating sound that echoed off the cave walls, “I smell the peacock on you. Care to explain?”

Nyx blinked, slightly taken aback by his intensity. “Oh, that. I ran into the Peacock while I was on my way. He invited me to his territory.”

Drac’s nostrils flared slightly as he shook his head, a low growl escaping him. “Of course, he did. I’ve heard he’s a bit of a show-off. Just what did he want?”

“He offered me some of his clothes and wanted to spend time with me,” Nyx said, her voice tinged with the excitement of the encounter. “But I told him I couldn’t tomorrow and the next day because I’m going to be here with you and the others.”

Drac’s gaze softened, though he still looked skeptical. “Well, he can be charming, but remember he’s full of tricks. Go wash off that peacock’s scent. It’s not exactly ideal for the night.”

Nyx nodded, her expression a mix of amusement and curiosity. “Got it. I’ll be quick.”

After her bath, Nyx rejoined Drac and the others, who were already settling down. The evening was peaceful, filled with the soft murmurs of conversation and the gentle crackling of a fire. They shared stories and laughter, the warmth of their companionship making the cave feel like home.

As the night drew on, Nyx felt a sense of contentment. She looked around at her friends, the flickering firelight casting soft shadows on their faces. Everything felt right as they prepared for the upcoming days of learning and adventure.

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