Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

A New Challenge

One Year Later

A year had passed since the bull had last ventured into the dragon's territory. Once a frequent and imposing figure, he had decided to lay low, biding his time and strategizing. His ambition to confront the dragon and claim his treasures had not waned; if anything, it burned hotter. He needed the dragon's full attention, and he was plotting a decisive encounter.

"I can't believe it's been a year," the bull muttered to himself, pacing back and forth. "I need to be patient, but my desire for those treasures only grows stronger every day."

"Patience, patience," he reminded himself, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. "The dragon's treasures will be mine. I just need the right moment."

"Still obsessing over that dragon, Bull?" A soft, mocking voice echoed through the cave.

The bull turned to see the Constellation of the Fanged Tiger, God of Envy, lounging casually on a rock. His eyes sparkled with mischief, as if he enjoyed watching the bull squirm.

"You have no idea what's at stake here, Tiger," the bull growled. "The dragon's hoard is the key to ultimate power. I need his full attention to defeat him."

The tiger chuckled, a low rumble that filled the cave. "And you think you can best the Dragon of Wrath? You've been hiding for a year now, waiting for your chance. What's changed?"

"Everything," the bull replied, determination gleaming in his eyes. "I've been honing my strength and studying his movements. When the time comes, I'll be ready."

The tiger smirked, clearly amused. "We'll see, Bull. Just remember, impatience can cloud your judgment. Don't let your ambition blind you."

The bull snorted, dismissing the tiger's concerns. "My ambition is what will lead me to victory. Just wait and see. The dragon won't know what hit him."

At the Dragon's cave

"Pay attention, Nyx. This is for your own good," the dragon's voice resonated deeply in the cavern, carrying a weight that commanded attention.

Nyx, now three years old, was no ordinary child. Despite her young age, she exhibited intelligence and abilities beyond her years. Her small frame radiated determination as she stood before the towering figure of Drac, the Constellation of the Dragon and God of Wrath.

"You need to envision the atmosphere around you," Drac instructed, narrowing his eyes as he observed her. "Picture tiny dust particles in your mind. Those are the magic molecules. They'll help you sense everything around you."

"I'm trying, Drac, but it's just not coming through," Nyx replied, a hint of frustration lacing her voice. The challenge of her blindness added another layer of difficulty to her training.

"Be patient with her," Len chimed in gently. Len had always been the soft-hearted one, providing encouragement and warmth.

"I know," Drac said, his tone firm but not unkind. "But she should at least make an effort." He paused, remembering the numerous times she had tried and failed. "And how many times do I have to remind you? Don't call me that. I am the great Constellation of the Dragon, God of Wrath. My name carries power and fear. 'Drac' doesn't do me justice."

Nyx couldn't help but smile cheekily at his indignation. Even in serious moments, she had a way of lightening the atmosphere.

"Don't you smile at me," Drac admonished playfully, though the corners of his mouth twitched in amusement.

"Let's go again. You have to get this right this time," he said, returning to his stern demeanor.

"Okay," Nyx sighed, a mix of determination and weariness evident in her voice.

Len watched her with a nod of encouragement, his presence always a comforting balm to her nerves.

"You're spoiling her," Drac muttered, though his tone lacked genuine irritation.

"Close your eyes," Drac instructed Nyx, then hesitated, realizing how pointless that was. "But I'm blind, Drac," she reminded him, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"I know," he sighed. "Still, close your eyes in your mind and envision the magic molecules around you."

He guided her to breathe in slowly and then out. Nyx fell into a silent trance, following his instructions. She tried to meditate, but her concentration faltered, and before long, she accidentally drifted off to sleep.

"Unbelievable," Drac said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Oh! She fell asleep," Len exclaimed, amusement lacing his tone.

Drac decided to let her be for the moment.

Days turned into weeks as Nyx continued her attempts to sense the magic around her. There were moments of failure, times when she would nod off or become lost in her own thoughts, straying from her goal.

"You're not focusing, Nyx," Drac scolded her like a concerned parent.

"I'm trying, Drac," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration.

Three months later, Nyx was again practicing sensing her magic. Len was nearby, preparing a fruit bowl for her, while Drac kept a watchful eye on her progress.

Nyx concentrated deeply, recalling how the magic molecules resembled tiny bits of dust floating all around her. Breathing in and out slowly, she focused on feeling their presence.

The air crackled with tension as Nyx's small body tensed with concentration. Her brow furrowed, and her breathing grew rhythmic and deliberate. Suddenly, she felt it—the tiny dust-like molecules all around her. At first, it was a strange sensation, like a gentle tickle against her skin, but she quickly acclimated. The magic molecules danced around her, different colors and sizes twinkling as they floated freely.

"I can see them!" Nyx exclaimed, her voice bursting with joy, shattering the silence.

"Good! Now envision yourself drawing them into your body," Drac encouraged, pride swelling in his chest. He had thought she would take longer to grasp this, but she was exceeding his expectations.

Nyx followed his guidance. The magic molecules began to swirl around her, and as she inhaled them, something unexpected caught her eye, sending a shiver down her spine. Her breath hitched as fear flickered across her face.

"What is it, Nyx?" Drac asked, concern creeping into his voice. The room seemed to grow colder as he awaited her response.

"I'm seeing… something," Nyx whispered, her voice trembling.

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