Omni First Origin

Chapter 896: Chapter 19

Behind a tree he tries to think of a way to beat this ant prince bastard from causing anymore destruction to this small town full of people who deserved it in the first place ento finds an energy signature close by charging after it finding himself face to face with kenny who flips him off with his two hands saying boom boom jumping backwards catching ento in a trap that blows itself up as the ant prince back up in pain kenny tell ento to stop the fake acting he knows that did nothing to him he has solid armor all over his body with ento saying if he knows this already why is he still fighting him till the end with kenny just shaking his head side to side saying we'll he wants to be the most powerful so he has to challenged the current strongest for his place or he will never grow in life making him his first priority charging toward a still flame cover ento who swings with his right hand but kenny pushes his right hand to the other side catching the ant prince by surprised who tries to attack with his left hand but kenny does the same thing again deflecting his left hand from reaching him getting up close to land a powerful right punch coated with energy on ento armor stomach.

Who coughs up light green blood from his mouth he turns to ask kenny how did he managed to grow this fast in power and strength when he had the clear advantage from the two of them but kenny don't stop there he uses his free left hand to punch ento in the stomach over and over again until he has felt the punch pass through his own armor with kenny teleporting behind his enemy landing a left kick on his tough armor neck that causes him to fall face first on to the ground floor digging himself deep as that happens kenny uses bug hammer attack on top of ento laying body who still hasn't gotten up from his latest attack done to him as kenny doesn't stop his combo attack move yet grabbing ento by his left leg spinning him in circle one time before throwing him near a thick tree causing him to break a few tree branches that fall on him when he land's on the ground as kenny jumps back he charges fast toward his enemy planting both of his fist into ant prince armor stomach that causes him to cough up more of his blood while being pushed across the forest until they stop leaving many destroyed tree's in there path ento gets up while.

Kenny just keeps his distance watching his enemy new movements he has learned from there fight saying to himself this match will not be in his favor in this goes on for much longer than he thinks ento shakes his body crazy healing and making improvements to his body armor that was badly hurt by his enemy powerful attack saying to kenny he has made him realized that he is the only one who stands a chance of defeating him but he is the same person who has taught him so much on how to used both his inner and outer energy to the advanced level appearing before his young warrior enemy face he land a soft punch on his left side of his chest before he sends a wave of energy through his body and soul that deal's double amount of pain to kenny who gets blasted across the forest causing a big shockwave explosion to engulf him as the smoke clears out ento walks up to a still awake kenny who is seen bleeding from his last attack wound on his chest that has left him with a open gash as kenny cough up blood from his mouth trying to get up but ento places his left foot on his enemy open wound making him scream in pain and stay in place.

Without moving as ento keep on stomping on kenny chest wound making him scream the ant prince creates sharp claws with his right hand coated in energy about to pierced through his enemy body but before that happens kenny grabs his enemy left foot lifting it away from his chest wound fast enough to dodge the claw attack and the enemy swing kick that he does after he was moved with kenny seen appearing before ento kicking him across the chest sending him back but the ant prince stands his ground both feet planted to the ground as he is sent back saying nice try kid but you have to hit harder than that if you want to send him flying as kenny cracks his knuckles before smirking he power's up even more in his aztlan force form charging toward ento who swing his right arm to land a punch on his enemy face but kenny puts his hand together saying bug dual thrust attack both attacks meeting in the middle causing a huge shockwave explosion to engulf them both pushing each of the warrior back to there side as the area has calm down a bit with kenny seen behind ento hitting him with a bug thrust attack with his left hand that does nothing.

To ento who just elbows kenny in the face then headbutt him to the ground floor causing him to make a body crater before ento lift his hand to the sky saying ant splicer doing a karate chop motion toward his enemy who sees this and block's with his energy armor surrounding his body entirely as the smoke clears out both warrior go at each other harder than ever not wanting to stop evolving during there fight with ento and kenny meeting in the middle landing a hard punch on each other face at the same time that sends a very powerful shockwave all over the forest causing the leaves and branches to move as they both back up standing on top of the tree's there on kenny fire's many fist attack coated with energy while ento flies toward his opponent swinging his left leg at him with kenny catching the enemy leg with his two hands before he headbutts ento in the face who returns the favor by hitting kenny in his same left chest wound with his energy coated pincer that causes his enemy to throw him to the ground while flinching from the pain not yet healing from earlier as both have sustained a good amount of damaged from this fight with ento.

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