old man ntr’s profressions

Chapter 1: Farmer

I've been traveling for a couple weeks now. This isn't good for someone of my age. I am Gen I am a 70 year old man heading to new empty land the frailington kingdom has conquered. Gen sat waiting to finally get to his new home. Then he looked over to the others in the carriage. "Hello, I'm aiko and this is my husband takashi." A gorgeous red haired woman introduced herself to Gen. The man next to her was an average build man with blonde hair. A cup. Gen first thought was the size of her breasts or lack there of. Gen was a massive pervert. No the right word is degenerate. Gen has dedicated his whole life to sex. Due to his height and looks people would think he didn't have any sex, but that was far from the case. Yes Gen was considerably ugly and he was only two to three inches away from being a midget. But Gen despite those set backs got sex he got an ungodly amount. "Hello young couple, my name is Gen. it's a pleasure to meet you." Gen said with a nodded of his head. "So, what brings you too going to these new area?" Gen asked to keep the conversation going. Aiko answered his question. "We just wanted to start somewhere new to beginning our new life. We just got marry." Aiko blushed saying the last part and takashi rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Oh! Congratulations you two." Gen said encouraging them. While saying that Gen was ogling Aiko with his eyes. Despite having no breasts her beauty was still out of this world. Her light brown eyes that go with her red hair. Her plump lips that looked mesmerizing. Then Gen looked down to see her hips ready for her first childbirth. Oh I can't wait to fuck this bitch. I'm going to fuck her so hard she going to be my little cumdumpster. What this couple didn't know was their newlywed life was ruined the moment Aiko crossed paths with Gen. "Oh, thank you. So Mr. Gen what's brings you to the new area.?" Aiko carried the conversation although takashi was being polite he didn't have much to say. "Oh I just wanted to start somewhere new. I was in my old village for most of my life. So I thought I try a new place even at my age." Which wasn't a complete lie. Gen did wanted to go somewhere new. He just left out the reason was he fucked all of the hot married women stupid and one day the husbands find out and all of them tried to kill him. So he had to leave the village. As the conversation continued the carriage suddenly stopped. Gen and the couple looked outside and saw the opened space of grasslands. They all got out of the carriage. Gen got out of the carriage last while the couple walked up to the opened area. While the couple was walking up Gen's eyes wasn't on the grasslands but somewhere else. Gen watched as Aiko's ass swayed up and down through her form fitting dress. Oh I'm got to fuck you til you forget about your husband. Gen thought as he walked up after them.


It's been three months since they moved to the area. Takashi built both houses that now is standing in the open space. Aiko didn't know anything about construction and Gen was too old to help. Gen was sitting on his bed thinking about his plan to fuck Aiko. How I'm going to go through with this? Gen kept pondering. But then he thought he would wait til she alone and just take her. But there was rarely a time when they weren't together. Gen just shook his head. Gen kept thinking until here heard a knock at his door. He walked over and opened it to find Aiko. "Hi Mr.Gen, I came over to ask for a favor." Aiko looked worried. Gen was a bit confused but let her in.

Aiko sat on the chair Gen gave her as he sat on the bed. Aiko sat in the chair for a while fidgeting. Then she spoke. "Mr.Gen sorry to ask you for something so big but I was wondering if you could give us some gold?" Gen was a bit taken aback but he asked her to continue. "You see I just found out that my husband has a considerable debt from a gambling den that I didn't know about." She said growing shyer by the moment. "How much were you asking for?" Gen asked trying to hide his smile at his good fortune for his opportunity. "We need about 20 gold." Aiko said her hope rising since Gen didn't outright refuse. I do have that amount. Actually I have about 100 times that amount due to all those married wives giving me some of their family money after every time I fucked them. Does that me a proper whore? "I do have that money." Aiko smiled in happiest. Well that was until she heard the rest. "But that's a lot of money and I think I need compensation for it." Aiko looked hesitant nodded for Gen to continue. "I want to fuck you for a month. And if you let me at the end of the month I'll give you the money." It was silent for a moment than Aiko erupted. "You sick old bastard! And to think I respect you!" Aiko stood up furiously and processed to walk out but before she could Gen continue. "You can walk out if you want but do you know another way for you get that money?" Aiko stopped her hand from grabbing the door. Although she hates to admit he's right. Her and takashi won't be able to save up that much money in time to pay back the thugs. Aiko stood at the door in silence for a couple of moments then turned around. "Will you keep your word?" Aiko said in a whisper. "I may be a sick old bastard. But I'm a sick old bastard who keeps his word." Gen said with a devilish smile. Aiko slowly nodded to the agreement. "Great! Come back tonight and we can begin. I'll give half tonight and half at the end of the month." Aiko nodded and left.

Aiko waited til her husband fell asleep and got out of bed and walked over to Gen's house. She knocked on the door and waited. A moment later the door opened and Gen was standing there with nothing but his pants on. Aiko made a face of disgust seeing the immensely ugly old man being shirtless. "Let just get this over with." She walked in past Gen.

Aiko sat on the bed with her night gown. "Hurry up. I don't want to do this any longer than I need to." She said with a scowl on her face. Gen walked over a kiss her on her lips. Aiko put back immediately. "What are you doing!" Gen just looked at her with his creepy smile. "You said you wanted this to hurry up. If you want that to happen you have to let me do what I want." Aiko scowl darkened but she reluctantly accepted. Gen then continued kissing her. No, kissing weren't be the right word. What they were doing was too lewd to be called kissing. Gen stuck his tongue down the beautiful red heads throat. Having an intense battle with her tongue. At first Aiko felt disgusted, but then a new feeling surprisingly started to rising from beneath. After a few minutes lewdly making out gen moved his hands down to between her legs playing with now wet pussy. Aiko was caught off guard by the shock of pleasure shooting through her body once Gen started playing with her pussy. "Wait stop for a moment!" She yelled to get him to stop so she could catch her breath. But Gen just ignored her as his gnarly fingers continued to play with her clit. Aiko covered her mouth so she would yell again. This feeling was complete new to her. Takashi would just immediately fuck her then cum. Gen saw how she was trying to hold in her moans so he decided to increase his movement. Aiko bite down on her finger to stop the increasing pleasure. After a few more moments it happened. "OH MY'S GODS!!! Something's coming!" She yelled as she had an intense orgasm. Gen's hand got cover in aiko's pussy juice. She then fell back onto the bed. She laid heart racing and heavy breathing. She had never felt such pleasure. Usually during sex with her husband he would cum in a couple of minutes and they would be done. She never knew her body could have this feeling. "Alright, for the next step." She heard him say then a noise of something falling to the floor. She looked up and her eyes went as wide as possible and she was left in other shock. What she saw could only be described as monstrous. The ugly old man's cock was a foot maybe 13in long and as wide as a grown man's wrist. She looked further down and saw the balls under it. Each was at least the size of her palms. "What the fuck! How can you have a cock that big! That should be impossible." That's what she yelled when her mind came back to her. She couldn't fathom how a man who was so ugly inside and out could be blessed with such a monster. "Oh, I promise it's very possible. Now, come over here." Gen grabbed Aiko arm and pulled her to him. Then he lowered her to her knees and got the chair and sat on it. "I think you can figure out what I want you to do." He said with his devilish smile. It took her a moment to understand what he wanted. "There's no way that monster is going or fitting in my mouth." Aiko protested. "Oh, okay I guess you and your husband don't need the gold then." Aiko glared for moment then softened in defeat. She stuck out her hand reaching for the monstrous cock that stood as high as the sky in front of her face. She grabbed the huge cock with her soft gentle hand and felt the pulsing veins on her hand. Her fingers were no where near touching. She felt her pussy getting soaking wet more and more as touch the monster. She lowered it to her cute lips and then. *gulp*. The cocks head was in her mouth. Just the head, made her feel as her jaw was going to dislocate. She slowly move further down his huge cock. When she got a little more use to it she picked up her speed. She felt that feeling from before come back. The pleasure she was feeling rose and rose until. "Oh my god!" She squirted a fountain in her panty while still sucking his cock. "Well you look at that just 10 minutes into it and I already gave you two orgasms. Just you wait a little longer." Was that what happened. Those were orgasms? She never had one with her husband. She thought they were amazing. But even so she didn't what to admit to the old man.

Gen then grabbed her head after a couple more minutes. "Oh Aiko take my fucking load!" Just then a flood of jizz flowed down her more and more came with each throbbing. She was scared she would drown due to Gen keeping her from removing it from her mouth. Her stomach started to grow as more cum poured down her throat. After a minute Gen took his cock with a *pop* from Aiko's lips. A gallon of cum poured out of her mouth and fell to the floor. How by the gods can a man cum so much. Her husband would cum just enough to fill her belly button on a good day. "Are you ready to continue?" She look at the ugly old man's immense cock still as hard as at the begin. My husband would have been done after the first. She noticed how much she was comparing takashi and Gen and try to stop herself. There is more to a man than his sexual prowess. "Strip your clothes." Gen gave her a new order. She stood up shaky and took off her clothes. She was know naked in front of him. Her beauty body that she only showed her husband. How did I get myself into this. She covered her chest and her pussy. "Come on." Gen said with an upset face. Aiko removed her hands and put them to her side. As Gen stared at her body he couldn't help but get harder. Even though she had no breast to speak of her silk skin and petite hips would still give any man an erection. "Nice. Very nice." Gen said was perversely staring at her body. He then got off of the chair and walked up to her and pushed her back down on the bed. "You got my cock nice and lube up. So let's start the main event." Gen lined up his head to her entrance. Can I really take all of that? Aiko thought. Then it happened. Gen rammed his whole huge cock into her tight pussy. In that split second she felt the greatest pain of her whole life. She nearly passed out from it. But the second after the opposite occurred. She felt the greatest pleasure she had in her life. She instant had a massive orgasm. "Oh shit. I don't think I ever had a pussy so tight." Her pussy felt as it was trying to crush his cock into nothing. After taking a second gen started to thrust his hips. He knew he needed to start off slow. It would be no fun if she passed out after the first thrust. "Oh my fucking Gods!!! You trying to kill me!" She screamed out. With every thrust her stomach would deform with his monstrous cock being visible clear as day. "Oh I'm not killing you. I'm just giving you the pleasure your husband never could." He said with a cocky smile. She wanted to scold him for insulting her husband. But even though she won't say it out loud she knew he was right. Her husband takashi was no where this size. Not to mention he was done after one load. Just she thought that she had another orgasm. She squirted on Gen who started to pick up speed. Her juices pour on him but he didn't care. His hips continued crashing into her pussy. She could feel her organs shifting with each thrust. Her moans got louder and louder the longer this went. "Gen ready Aiko I'm about to shoot my next load." While she laid there trying to processed the situation Gen blew. "Oh fuck." Gen shot a massive gallon load in her stomach. Aiko eyes rolled to the back of her head. The pleasure was too great and she orgasm again. She was having more orgasms in one night than she had in her entire life. Gen slowly pulled out his cock as a rope of thick cum connected his dick to her pussy. Her stomach looked as if she was 6 months pregnant. Cum start falling out of her wrecked pussy. " Oh damn that was the tightest pussy I had in a while." He said stroking his humongous cock. Aiko couldn't hear him due to her being so destroyed her mind was on the brink of passing out. "Time for my favorite position." Gen flip her over to on her stomach and raised her ass. Then with no warning he plunge his monstrous cock into her wrecked pussy. Aiko immediately woke back up and started to moan loudly. Gen thrusted like an animal. Not only did she orgasm with the first thrust. She orgasmed a couple minutes later. Her body was practically dead. She could feel her body but the pleasure.

After her third orgasm in that position Gen switch to her sitting on his lap. She orgasmed when he enter. Her mind was broken. Not being able to say anything but just moan with the pleasure. Gen continued fucking Her for the next two hour having countless orgasms in that time. "Oh get ready I'm about to cum!" Gen then without give her a chance to get her senses back he blew his load. After all the previous loads he shot into her, her stomach looked as she was 9 month pregnant. But once the rocket of cum shot into her body couldn't take it and she shot his cum from her mouth like a geyser. Gen then let her fall limply to the bed. She passed out two orgasms ago.

Aiko woke up in a pond of cum. She weakly got up with all of her remaining strength. Gen was laying next to her just watching her. "So, oh fun was it." Gen said with his creepy smile. Aiko was in no mood. She got up, found her night gown and limped her home. Before she reached the door Gen called out. "Remember our deal." Aiko simply looked back with a glare and nodded. She then left. Gen laid back on his bed and smiled victoriously. Oh this next month is going to be fun. I wonder what I should do next. Just as he thought that a weird clear screen appeared in front of him. "What the hell?" Gen said in confusion. Then read the text on the screen. Congratulations you passed level one. First wife farmer.

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