Old Journals of a Millennial. Volume 2.

Chapter 47: Chapter 46. "I know it."

Another 10 days between these entries lol.

I know who -I mean WHAT- I was doing!

This was probably one of the most eventful months that I had ever lived up to that point in my life lol.

Trips and outings and dates.

It was a blur.

I was so blinded by love.

So infatuated beyond logic and reason.

Man, oh man...

Why don't we say "Woman, oh woman!

Because that sounds stupid...that's why lol.

Let's see what young me got into this time around, yeah? 



July 11th, 2012.

Journal #046.


I love my family.

I'm truly blessed. 

I know life is hard.

It will always be.

That's life.

But I will make it.

God put my sisters here for a reason.

And I know I will do my best to help with that reason.

That's my lot on this, I know it.

God bless.


Hey, you.

Yes, you.

You who are currently reading this.

I have nooooooooo fucking idea what this post was about, or what I was going through, or what happened lbvs. 

I am so sorry folks. 

I don't talk to 12/13 of my siblings.

I have six brothers and seven sisters. 

More stories for another time.

So I have no what to tell you when it comes to this.

Maybe we were in a better place back then?

I don't know.

Maybe a few more entries will tell?

See you soon folks.


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