Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 28 Basilisk

Hermione turned around quickly and hid the book behind her, with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Don't worry. I won't tell Mrs. Pince," the Ravenclaw girl said, "but you have to tell me what you are doing?"

Hearing that the other party said that he would not complain to Mrs. Pince, Hermione's expression relaxed slightly and said: "I am investigating the monster in the secret room."

"Then what did you find out about your investigation?"

Hermione nodded and said, "The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is the Basilisk."


"That's right." Hermione nodded, "Look at this."

She showed the pages she had just torn out to the Ravenclaw girl.

The Ravenclaw girl read: "In our country, there are many terrible beasts and monsters wandering. The most bizarre and lethal among them is the Basilisk, also known as the Snake King. This kind of snake can be as big as It is very huge and can live for thousands of years. It is hatched from an egg by a toad. The way it kills is very shocking. In addition to its deadly fangs, the basilisk's glare can also kill anyone. As long as a person is stared at by its gaze, he will die immediately. Spiders will run away when they see the basilisk, because the basilisk is the deadly enemy of spiders, and the basilisk will only run for its life when it hears the crowing of the rooster, because the crowing of the rooster It’s also fatal to it.”

"Since the Chamber of Secrets was opened, Harry has often heard some inexplicable voices, but Ron and I can't hear anything. This is the reason. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk - a giant snake. ! Harry is a Parseltongue, so he can understand Parseltongue, but others cannot." Hermione excitedly told the Ravenclaw girl about her discovery, "The eyes of the basilisk look at Whoever it is will die. But so far no one has died - because none of them have looked directly at it. Colin saw it through the camera. The basilisk burned the film in the camera, And Colin was just petrified. Justin must have seen the basilisk through the almost headless Nick! Nick was stared at by the basilisk, but it was impossible for him to die a second time..."

The Ravenclaw girl opened her mouth in surprise.

"What about Mrs. Norris?" she whispered nervously.

Hermione thought hard, recalling the scene on Halloween.

"Water..." she said slowly, "where Mrs. Norris was killed, there was a pool of water on the ground that overflowed from the girls' bathroom next to it. I dare say Mrs. Norris just saw the reflection in the water... …”

"The crowing of the rooster is also fatal to it! Once the Chamber of Secrets is opened, the heir of Slytherin never wants roosters to exist near the castle! So Hagrid's roosters were killed!" Hermione pointed to the page. The text continued, "Spiders will run away when they see it! I have seen spiders running away at the scene where Mrs. Norris and Colin were killed! Every one of them matches the number!"

"But, if there is really a basilisk in the castle, how does it move in the castle?" The Ravenclaw girl still didn't believe Hermione, "I mean, if there is an ugly big snake in the castle It’s impossible to crawl around without being seen.”

"It's a pipe," Hermione said. "It's been moving through the pipes in the wall. That's why it hasn't been noticed."

"Okay, you're right." The Ravenclaw girl finally agreed with Hermione's point of view, "Then what should we do now?"

"We must go to Professor McGonagall immediately and tell her that there is a basilisk at work in the castle."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly." The Ravenclaw girl seemed more anxious than Hermione at this time, and pulled her out of the library.

"Hermione didn't know that the thing in the Chamber of Secrets was a basilisk before?" Aaron walked out from behind the bookshelf and looked at Hermione's back thoughtfully.

Hermione is Harry's good friend, but she never knows the truth about the Chamber of Secrets.Either this means that Harry actually has nothing to do with the Chamber of Secrets, or else Harry has been hiding this from Hermione.

Aaron has now determined that Harry is the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets, so of course he is leaning towards the second possibility.

[So now that the hidden secret is known to his friend, what will he do? 】

Aaron was thinking about the possible development of the matter, and quietly followed Hermione.

As soon as he walked out of the library, Aaron saw Hermione and the Ravenclaw girl hiding in the corner in front.The Ravenclaw girl was holding a small mirror in her hand and seemed to be carefully observing the situation in the corridor behind the corner.

【What are they doing? 】

Aaron was stunned for a moment, but then realized that they were observing the corridor behind the corner to see if there was a basilisk.

Looking directly into a basilisk's eyes will result in death, but looking into a basilisk's eyes through a mirror will only result in petrification.Apparently after understanding the basilisk's killing methods, the two smart girls have found a way to avoid death.

At this moment, the Ravenclaw girl suddenly looked frightened, and then she fell to the ground stiffly.

The basilisk is in the hallway around the corner!

Seeing this scene, Aaron immediately understood what happened.

Although he had long been prepared for the encounter with the basilisk, when the moment actually came, Aaron couldn't help but feel panicked.

【what to do?Should we run away directly, or...]

Various thoughts kept tumbling in Aaron's mind, and he instinctively wanted to turn around and run away.But in the end, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the corridor where the basilisk was...


After Hermione convinced the Ravenclaw girl, she went with her to find Professor McGonagall.On the way, the two discussed various questions about the basilisk.Through communication, Hermione learned that the Ravenclaw girl's name was Penelo Crevat, and she was the fifth-year prefect of Ravenclaw.

The two walked while talking, and soon came to the corner of the corridor.Penello was about to turn a corner, but Hermione grabbed her, then took out a small mirror and handed it to her and said: "Use this to look around the corner first. If the basilisk is behind the corridor, we will confront it immediately. It will kill you. But if you see it through a mirror, you will only be petrified. When Professor Sprout's mandrake is fully mature, you can be saved."

Penello said with a smile: "Although I don't think the basilisk is in the corridor, it is right to be cautious." As she said that, she took the mirror and took a look at the corridor behind the corner.

Immediately afterwards, Hermione saw Penello's expression suddenly change, and then he fell down stiffly.

Hermione saw this and immediately understood what was happening.

【what to do?The basilisk is just around the corner.Want to run away?No...it's too late.The wisest thing to do now is to petrify yourself through the mirror.But before that, I need to leave some evidence for Harry and Ron. 】

Thinking of this, Hermione hurriedly took out a pen and wrote a word on the page she had just torn out not long ago, then picked up the mirror in Penello's hand and looked into the corridor behind the corner.But at this moment, she saw a Gryffindor student suddenly rush past her, facing the corridor where the basilisk was, he raised his wand and recited a spell...


Aaron leapt past Hermione and around the corner of the corridor, facing the basilisk.He closed his eyes tightly, raised his wand, and cast the spell he had prepared.Then he heard a crazy hissing sound.

Aaron opened his eyes slightly and saw a big green snake with the unique bright light of venomous snakes. Its body was as thick as the trunk of an oak tree. It was shaking its head randomly in the corridor.

[The eye disease curse has taken effect. 】

Aaron was delighted, waved his wand again, and shouted loudly: "There are many obstacles!"

Then, Aaron grabbed Hermione who was standing aside, shouted "Go!" and ran away in the opposite direction of the basilisk.

"Did you just use an eye disease spell?"

Hermione seemed to have come back to her senses at this time, but the first thing she said was to ask Aaron about the spell he used. Should he really be worthy of being a top student?

"Yes." Aaron replied as he ran.

"That's the content of NEWT. What grade are you in now? First grade? Second grade? I guess no more than third grade." Hermione didn't seem to care that she was being chased by a basilisk, and kept asking questions about Aaron's magic level.

Aaron didn't feel that now was the time to talk about this, so he immediately said, "Let's wait until we are safe to talk about this." He interrupted the conversation.

Aaron and Hermione ran as fast as they could in the corridor without choosing a path, and did not stop until they could no longer hear the basilisk's sound.

"Did we escape? Where is this?" Hermione asked breathlessly while observing the surrounding environment.

"Yes." Aaron replied with the same heavy breathing, "This should be the fourth floor."

After resting for a while, Hermione said: "I am Hermione Granger, a second-year Gryffindor student. What is your name?"

"I'm Aaron Elf. A first-year Gryffindor." Aaron said.

"Aaron Elf. Then I'll call you Aaron." Hermione said, "Listen, Aaron. We have to go find Professor McGonagall right away."

"Are you serious? Maybe we should wait before going." Aaron suggested.

The reason why Aaron said this was because Professor McGonagall's office was on the second floor, on the same floor as the library. If they wanted to find Professor McGonagall, they had to go back to the second floor.The basilisk is probably still on the second floor and has not left. If they go back now, it will be like throwing themselves into a trap.

But Hermione obviously disagreed, and she just heard her say: "I know it is dangerous to go back now, but we cannot let a basilisk wander in the castle. It is very likely that someone has been killed right now. We must kill the basilisk immediately. The message is spread out so that everyone can be on guard.”

Seeing that Hermione insisted on finding Professor McGonagall now, Aaron could only sigh and said, "Okay then."

Seeing that Aaron agreed to go with her to find Professor McGonagall, Hermione was very satisfied. She raised the small mirror in her hand and said, "I'll go ahead in a moment. If I'm petrified, run away."

Aaron nodded to indicate understanding, and then followed Hermione back to the second floor.

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