Offer To The CEO

Chapter 695: A Surprise Arrival - Part 14

695 A Surprise Arrival - Part 14

Friday, continued…

Anna shook her head then continued "Stop using work to avoid dealing with Aaron's death.? I need you with me to help me, and importantly Jang get through the next few weeks, and dealing with little Yi's death as a family.? Plus we are meant to move into the Villa in the next couple of weeks."

Hearing how angry Anna was, Hou Yi said "Anna…"

"Do not Anna me."

"You forget you were not due for a couple of more weeks, and I was not due to take paternity leave for a fortnight.? I have had to deal with matters, yes, but…"

"But what?"

Knowing that Anna had identified his avoiding behaviour Hou Yi said "You are right, I have been using that need to address work to avoid things but given that I should not have to go into the office, I will not.? I promise."

"You better not go back on that promise." With that Anna realised that Jang had finished feeding, and she handed him to Hou Yi while she finished sorting herself out.

Hou Yi, stuck his head out to confirm to the staff Anna was ready to leave and a nurse came in with a wheelchair to take Anna out of the room towards the car.? A couple of the bodyguards came in to collect their personal items and surrounded Hou Yi, who was carrying Jang, and Anna as they moved out of the VIP ward and to the car.

As they arrived and Anna was helped into the car, she settled in to carefully strap Jang into his car seat while Hou Yi climbed in beside her.? As they went to leave, Anna said "I promised Uncle Feng, yesterday when I saw him." Hearing hose words a dark look passed across Hou Yi's eyes, but Anna continued "That when we left the hospital, we would bring little Jang to see him briefly before we head home."

"Anna we should go home."

"Yi, no.? You know the staff will want to catch a look at Jang, so visiting Uncle Feng briefly will allow that without any real issue.? We can then head home, and there will be no pressure on either of us from the staff or Uncle Feng."

Hou Yi, knew that there were some papers that he needed to sign, and Uncle Feng had said that he would send them to the apartment.?? Going in would get than done quickly.? He nodded and the bodyguards shut the door.

As the car pulled away, Anna leant into Hou Yi and they simply sat there quietly holding each other's hands watching little Jang.? Before either of them knew it, it was over twenty minutes later when they arrived at Hou Enterprises.? As the door was opened, Anna saw that the bodyguards had already set up the pram for Jang to be placed in.? Hou Yi climbed out, and after unbuckling Jang, Anna handed him to Hou Yi, who settled him into the pram as she climbed out of the car.

The three of them walked into Hou Enterprises' foyer, and it was quickly obvious that as soon as they had arrived, the office grapevine quickly let people know that they had arrived, and were bringing in the new heir for Hou Enterprises into the building for the first time.

As they moved away from the entry, Anna could see Jang was awake and she placed her hand on Hou Yi's hand to stop him moving with the pram.? She quietly said "Yi, the staff want to get a look at Jang.? How about we take him out of the pram and carry him but take it with us in case he is ready to sleep."

Hou Yi, payed attention and could see a significant number of staff members watching them.? She was right, the staff wanted to see Jang, and given Aaron's death, they still had to have the confidence that Hou Enterprises would continue.? He leaned over and carefully picked up Jang, while signalling to a bodyguard to bring the pram along with them.

Anna trailed after Hou Yi, who moved towards staff members, to show them Jang.? To the first inquiry about taking a photograph Hou Yi quietly said no, but it was quickly obvious to both him and Anna that the staff catching a glimpse of Jang, were as enchanted with him, as they were, despite Aaron's death.? Anna could easily see that Hou Yi was proud to have brought his child into the company, and staff remarked on this.

Jang's reaction was surprising.? He took all the noise and the camera flashes without reacting.? When they finally reached the lifts, Hou Yi, carefully placed Jang back into his pram, and they entered and were whisked up to the CEO Level where they were met by Assistant Wang, who looked down into the pram before saying "CEO Hou.? I know you did not want to deal with it previously, but the small meeting room is full of gifts for you and Madam Hou and the young master here from staff and other businesses.? What do you want me to do with it."

Hou Yi simply responded "Not now," and continued down the corridor pushing Jang in his pram.

Anna paused not believing Hou Yi.? He was still hurting too much from Aaron's death to deal with it.? But it needed to be done.? "Assistant Wang gather all the cards and send thank you cards out for everyone.? Can you make a list of everything received, and I will tell you what we will keep and what can be donated to charities as we do not require it."

"Yes, Madam Hou," came the relieved response.


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