Of Arms and Arcane

Chapter 72

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As the lesson started, the curriculum for the course was laid out for us. The first few lessons would be the basics of Array Architecture, which Grandma already taught me. What I was waiting for was the lessons on Custom Rune Scripting to modify or create brand new arrays, and Array Obfuscation.

When Professor Donovan, gave a brief explanation on Array Obfuscation, he noted that that part of the subject will put our Custom Rune Scripting to the test when we try to obfuscate our arrays.

And finally, the last subject in this course that greatly interests me, is Array Deciphering, the art of deciphering complex or obfuscated arrays. This is an optional subject that will eat into my break after the year ends. This subject will not be in the final exam but will account to improving my grades.

As I sat through the lecture on the basics of Array Architecture and flipped through the provided textbook, I noticed that there are quite a few advancements in the Array Architecture field compared to Grandma's textbook from her time in the Royal Academy that she used to teach me with. 

Overall, despite me knowing most of what the professor is teaching, it was an enjoyable lesson. 

When the lesson ended, unlike other classes where the professor was off to the next class, the professor stayed around to answer any questions, more as a professional courtesy among adults I'm sure.

While some were chatting with the professor, others started chatting and introducing themselves to each other, as for me, I am well and truly tired, mentally more than physically, and all I want to do is crash into bed and let oblivion take me. 

As I was putting my stationeries into my satchel, a distinguished looking gentleman in his late 40s with a bitchin mustache and monocle walked up to me. 

“Well, hello there, young man," he began, his voice carrying a refined accent that hinted at him being a learned man. “I couldn't help but notice your keen interest in tonight's lesson. My name is Marquess Winfred Montague, and I must say, I'm delighted to see one as young as you take the pursuit of knowledge so seriously.” The Marquess says with an outstretched hand for a handshake.

I shake his hand and reply, “Thank you for the kind words, Marquess Montague, I am Luke Ironcrest. Today is my first day of Higher Education, so I am just seeing if I can handle the load, if these night classes eat too much into my schedule, I might need to drop night classes.”

Hearing my reply, the Marquess let out a short chuckle, “Well then, study hard, but do not forget to give yourself a break sometime.” after saying that, he gave a look like he was thinking of something, “Ironcrest… Ironcrest… where have I heard of that family name before?... oh right! Was your father one of the fort commanders in the war a few years ago?”

I nodded, “Yes, my father is Baron Alden Ironcrest.”

“Ahh, that's right. Good man.” he said while patting me on the shoulder.

After that, we engaged in some small talk, but during our chat, a question in the back of my mind has been bugging me, “Marquess Montague, if you don't mind me asking, why do you attend the Academy directly? I thought most nobles would hire a private tutor instead of making their way here.”

The Marquess lets out another chuckle, “Well, I am semi-retired already. I manage a rather peaceful land near the capital, so as soon as my eldest son was ready for responsibility, I started roping him into management of the territory. That leaves me with quite a lot of time on my hands, time I can use to pursue my true passion, magic… it also allows me to get away from my wife and those harpies she calls friends.”

It was at this point that others joined in our conversation. After some time of chatting, I excused myself on the count of needing rest for a full day of school tomorrow and went to crash into my bed.


Around the time Luke was attending his night class, Oswald Berkeley was being escorted through the Year 8 dorm by a Year 8 student until they arrived at a certain dorm room door. 

The older student jerked his head toward the door to gesture Oswald forward. Oswald, with a nervous look on his face, stepped forward and knocked on the door. 

A few seconds later, Oswald heard, “Enter” come through the door. 

When Oswald entered, he was met with a well lived in room with furniture and decoration that definitely was not supplied by the school, and on the far end of the wall, hung a banner depicting the coat of arms of the Berkeley family and a sword mounted below it. 

And in front of that banner was Oswald's older brother Edmund Berkeley. 

“Hello brother. I heard you had an eventful day” Edmund said while adjusting the mounted sword.

“I…I can explain. He… he just caught me off guard, that's all!” Oswald stuttered out.

“Is that so? I take it you are going to rectify this mistake? We can’t have some upstart Baron family’s kid tarnishing the Berkeley name, can we?” Edmund asked while turning around and sitting on a chair facing Oswald.

“N-No, of course not!” Oswald almost shouted out.

“Good, good… I heard you have another session of Advanced Combat & Tactics tomorrow. And if I know anything about Instructor Matthias Greyham, I know he will hold sparring matches between students. Use that time to teach this Luke Ironcrest a lesson on why the Berkeley house is known as one of the kingdom’s greatest blades. Defend the family's honor… by any means necessary.” Edmund said, with an ominous tone at the last part.

“You mean with aura? If I get caught hunting him with aura, I could get in big trouble!” Oswald asked nervously.

Edmund just snickered at Oswald’s worry. “Little brother. There are hundreds of you in the class. If they want to do duals in a timely manner, they are going to need several fights at the same time, and with only 6 instructors, you may get a chance to strike when the instructors are not looking. How you go about it is up to you, just get the job done.”

Shortly after their chat finished, Oswald was making his way back to his dorm while thinking up scenarios to engage Luke tomorrow.

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