Of Arms and Arcane

Chapter 51

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As I closed in on the scholars with Rowena in arm, we were easily spotted by the group we were approaching. One of the scholars prodded another with his elbow and jerked his chin in my direction to the other around.

Once the rest of the group noticed us, they became very quiet. 

The silence was a little awkward, but I powered through and approached my target to break the ice. My target was one of the kids who I traveled here with. What was his name again? Jim?... Jon?... oh right, it was Joe.

“Hey there Joe.” I casually waved at him, making those around him give Joe looks.

“Mi'lord… what can I do for you?” Joe greeted and asked nervously while bowing.

To that, I just waved the formalities off, “None of that now, we are here to socialize and are soon to be schoolmates.” Although we will most likely not run into each other due to me studying higher education. “By the way, I see a few of our traveling companions are missing. How many of you made it?”

Joe gave a somewhat sad smile and answered “Only 6 of us Mi'lord.”

There he goes with the “Mi'lord” thing again, but I am not going to make a fuss over it, “A pity, I wished more of them could make it. But from what I heard, all is not lost, apparently, some nobles and merchants are willing to give out scholarships for those who failed.”

This was when Rowena decided to insert herself into the conversation, “Oh yes, my father is 1 of the merchants that offer scholarships if they work for him when they graduate.” Rowena said bubbly.

Hearing this, I saw some of the tension and anxiety leave some of the scholars’ faces, no doubt relieved that their family or friends still had a decent shot of bettering their lot in life for themselves and their families.

Thinking of what to say to ease along the conversation, I decided on a subject all the scholars faced in the last few days, “So… what were the exams like, what were you tested on?”

After fidgeting abit, Joe replied, “Emm… we were given tests for our letters, math, and general knowledge.”

Huh… so they do not get any tests for etiquette or combat? I suppose that is what they are going to school to learn, and those who were rich enough to buy their way in like merchants and nobles are expected to know that shit already.

“So, were there any challenging questions?” I asked as a way to keep the conversation going, and as Joe talked, the other kids around started loosening up and joined in the conversation. 

The conversation soon sidetracked into their families' work, most of them were the kids of farmers, while others were the children of small shops or various tradesmen. The conversation soon led to their everyday lives, their hobbies, and the work they helped their families out with.

After hearing a few stories of what a normal kid goes through day to day, one of the braver kids asked me, “So what do you do every day… Mi'lord.”

After giving it a few seconds of thought, I answered, “Well… because I will be protecting and managing the barony when I grow up, I spend most of my time reading and training my swordsmanship and magic, every now and then I would follow my father on monster subjugations when they are reported.”

And yet again, I light up the imagination of the kids with the mention of “Monster Subjugation”, but just as I was about to start my story, there was the ring of a handbell, followed by a butler inviting everyone to the dining room.

As we entered the dining room, which in reality was a big ass ballroom, there were a few long tables joined end to end stacked with food and drink awaiting us.

Servants soon came and guided us to what seemed like predetermined seats, which led to me sitting directly beside the Earl followed by my father. Naturally, this caused a lot of very obvious sideways whispering while eyeing me. I could even hear the adults asking who me and dad were.

Before the the whispers went on for too long, all the guests were seated, and Earl Beaufort stood to address everyone, “Welcome ladies and gentlemen. We are gathered here to celebrate the future of the kingdom, as these children take their first steps into the Royal Academy, it is important to…”

After the first minute of the Earl’s speech, I zoned out. By the time he was done, I swear he went on for 10min straight of extolling the virtues of the Royal Academy and the bright future of those attending it, and when I thought he was done, he followed up with another 10min of sharing anecdotes of his time at the Royal Academy. He was only stopped when his wife cleared her throat disapprovingly, after which the Earl wrapped up his speech and invited everyone to eat.

After dinner, everyone went back to the reception area to continue mingling. I made my way to the scholars and continued my story of the goblin subjugation and was met with wrapped attention as I recounted my experience.

As I was talking, I could practically feel the stares of the surrounding nobles and trusted servants who escorted their young lords here. I purposely changed my position to lean against the wall to see what was going on and search for my Dad.

When I spotted him, instead of the small group of military types he was talking to before dinner, he was surrounded by other nobles and merchants trying to strike up conversations with him, the other thing I noticed was other nobles and servants talking to the kids they were in charge of while eyeing me, then sending the kids in my direction.

I wanted to run away, but I already met eyes with the kids who were making their way towards me and their parents, so I just stayed put and waited to see what they wanted and how this would play out.

The first noble kid that arrived before me. He then asked a question with all the subtlety of a rooster announcing the sunrise, “How come you got to sit next to Earl Beaufort during dinner?”

Upon the question leaving the boy’s mouth, I could see in my peripheral vision some of the nobles and servants facepalming.

I had kind of an idea of why me and dad was seated next to the Earl, it was most likely to show others of the closeness or importance of our relationship, and maybe to keep the low level flies away from me. Or it could be just the Earl staking his claim on me. 

Either way, it was going to get bothersome for me, but only the future would tell if this was a blessing or a curse. 

As for the answer to the boy who blurted out the question and all those around who were eavesdropping, I gave my most innocent and naive looking face I could manage and said while shrugging my shoulders, “I don't know… maybe because I complimented his beard?” 

After I said that, I could see the interest die in the eyes of the adults and they all turned their gazes at Dad. 

Sorry old man, you are going to need to take 1 for the team and fend off these busybodies.

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