Of Arms and Arcane

Chapter 117

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After some time, me and the boys were to be escorted back to the campus grounds under the watch of royal guards. 

The royal guards were rather adamant about returning directly, but I managed to plead with them to make a detour to recover the plants and herbs we buried and turn in our quests at the Adventurers Guild.

The two royal guards relented under the innocent puppy dod stares we were giving them and we went about our business.

When we went to turn in our quest, we drew a lot of eyes toward ourselves, which was kind of impossible not to do. From what I understand, it is not every day gold-plated armored men come striding into the Adventurers Guild escorting three boys.

The lady attending to us seemed rather nervous while we got paid, but it went by rather fast and we were out of Adventurers Guild and back to our dorms by late afternoon.

Before we split off to go back to our rooms, the royal guard informed us to not leave the academy grounds until they said otherwise.

I was ok with it because I could continue my research at my crazy dragon professor’s office, but Dave and Sam were rather bummed out because each day they were not allowed to go out was a day they could not earn some pocket money, but I had a solution to their problems.

The next day after breakfast, I met up with Dave and Sam and went to their room. Unlike my room, they had to share theirs.

Once we were alone, we broke out the snacks and continued chatting, eventually, I brought up the topic we had been avoiding, “So, how are you guys holding up? This your first real fight?”

Both of them nodded with glum faces and Dave asked, “How are you so calm after this? We could have died.”

“Well, this is not the first time my life was at risk. You guys remember the border battle with the Valorhelm Dominion a few years back?” I asked.

“No way! You fought in that battle? I mean it makes sense with your level of skill.” Sam exclaimed and I threw a piece of pastry at him to shut him up.

“Don’t be silly, I was too young for any of that, no. My father was one of the forts’ commanders and the Valorhelm Dominion decided to use direct and indirect attacks. While they would try to assassinate the fort commanders, failing that, they would go after the commander’s family to try and apply psychological pressure, needless to say, my home came under the assault of assassins.” I briefly recounted, seeing no need to go into details.

“And I don’t know if you heard of it, but another encounter with the risk of death was just a few months ago just before my batch arrived at the academy, we were attacked by bandits.” I continued.

“Yeah, we heard of that, escort knights and royal invigilators managed to fight off the bandits, and rumor has it that there was a student that killed some of the… bandits…” Sam said as the dots connected in his mind.

“You were that student…” Sam said while pointing at me.

I nodded, “And I would appreciate it if the both of you kept it to yourself, those that came in with me did not take it so well that I was capable of killing so easily, and most of them have never seen death before.”

Both of them nodded at my request but Dave still had a dower look, “I wish I was as confident as you, Luke, you go around looking like yesterday never happened.”

I just waved his remark off, “Nothing of the such, I may look it, but even I am shaken when faced with my own mortality, I have learned how to acknowledge that I am no longer in danger and try to get back to normal.” which was kind of the truth, but I would be lying to myself if I was not seriously repressing some emotions that would most likely one day burst open, but that was for future Luke to deal with, fuck that guy!

“Besides,” I continued, “Don’t feel bad about not being confident, it was your first life and death situation outside of a controlled environment, and the only way to gain confidence is to either experience more life and death situations, or train a lot more, or as I read once, ‘With competence comes confidence’.”

As the guys pondered upon my words, I remembered the main objective of meeting the, “Oh right! I almost forgot, I got something for you guys.”

I then removed my suspiciously loose boots and overturned them, after a shake or two, a small pouch fell out of each and clattered to the floor. “Before you guys arrived with backup, I may or may not have stumbled into a room with valuables that the shaman was paying those smugglers, and may have taken something to compensate us for our troubles.” I said as I jiggled the pouches in front of the boys.

Their eyes widened as they said in unison, ““What is it?””

I loosened the pouch strings and upended them on the floor to reveal a variety of uncut gems of different colors and sizes.

When I looked up to see their reaction, their looks of anticipation turned to confusion, “Err… nice rocks?”

I waited a few more seconds for them to recognize them for what they were, but eventually gave up and reminded myself that they did not have the same upbringing I did, “Yes, they are pretty rocks, but not just any pretty rocks, these are uncut gems… you know, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, that sort of gems.”

When I explained it, the realization came to them, and gasped, “So that's what they look like before they appear on fancy rings and the such.” Sam said.

“Yes, these are for you guys, I am sure this would solve your worries about spending money during your stay in the capital, just don’t spend it all in one place.” I said jokingly, but for some reason, they were very silent as they just stared at the uncut gems.

“Err, guys? Why are the both of you so quiet? This is kind of a big thing for you is it not? Some of it can even go to helping your families’ lives easier.” I said while trying to figure out what got their panties in a twist.

“Are you sure about this, Luke? This is not a small amount of wealth you are giving us, it is too much, and if there is anything you want to ask of us in-” Dave started but I cut him off.

“No! This is not me forcing you into a future favor, the both of you fought by my side, and for that, you are entitled to a part of the loot.” I said.

“But-” Sam tried to interject, but I shut it down.

“Shut it! You guys are accepting your part of the loot and that is final!” 

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