Chapter 10: Chapter 10 : A Little Mischief, A Lot of Trouble
Jalen kicked open the door with a grin, two kids trailing behind him. "Lucio, my guy, I have returned!"
Lucio, who had been enjoying the first moment of peace since arriving in Veyport, looked up with a deadpan expression. "Jalen. Why are there children and where's the food?"
Jalen clapped a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Meet Stix and his sister, uh…" He glanced at the girl. "I actually forgot to ask your name."
The girl crossed her arms. "It's Rhea, dumbass."
Lucio rubbed his temples. "Great. So now we have street rats in our room. This is a brothel, Jalen. A brothel. Do you understand why that's a problem?"
"Relax, they'll stay outta sight. Won't ya, kids?"
Stix nodded. "We're good at hiding."
Jalen ruffled the boy's hair. "See? Problem solved." He plopped down on the creaky mattress. "Also, I didn't find food, but I did get stabbed. So that's something."
Lucio sighed. "Fine. But I'm setting some ground rules—no stealing from me, no touching my stuff, and no waking me up before noon."
"Are you kidding?" Rhea scoffed. "We're in a brothel, sleeping in a room that smells like bad decisions, and that's your priority?"
Jalen pointed at her. "You're gonna fit in just fine."
Two Weeks Later…
Jalen crouched on a rooftop, golden glyphs glowing faintly under the moonlight. A merchant below counted coins, completely unaware of the shadow creeping above him.
With a flick of his wrist, Jalen summoned a spectral hand—it drifted down, plucked an apple from the stall, and floated back up to him.
"Boom," he whispered, biting into it. "Professional. Hehe, I'm glad that I'm finally getting used to my powers."
Lucio appeared beside him, arms crossed. "So, let me get this straight—you've had these abilities this entire time and only now you're using them for something other than blowing up cities, fighting, or changing clothes?"
"Hey, self-improvement is a journey," Jalen said through a mouthful of apple. "Besides, I only steal what we need. And let's be honest—would you rather starve or help me lift a few wallets?"
Lucio hesitated, then sighed. "I hate that you make sense sometimes."
They spent the next few nights hitting the richest pockets in Veyport—always careful, never greedy. Jalen's magic made him nearly untouchable, and even Lucio got in on the action, though he insisted on only robbing obvious criminals.
By the end of the week, they had enough money to keep the kids fed, a steady stash of supplies, and a solid reputation as ghosts in the night.
But it wasn't enough.
"Alright," Jalen said, flipping through a fresh stack of wanted posters. "Time to stop playing around. Let's go find Hector 'Toe Tickler' Martinez."
Lucio groaned. "I hate that name."
"And yet, we're about to make fifteen grand off of it." Jalen grinned. "C'mon, partner. Let's go make someone's toes curl in fear."
"Hey, Jalen!" Stix called out. "If you're finally gonna start your man hunt why not let me and Rhea help you out?!"
Puzzled Jalen turned to Stix and immediately shot down his idea. "That is an absolutely horrible idea you guys need to stay here. I ain't got time to be worried about either of you if this breaks out into a fight and if I'm being honest it probably will."
"Well, why not let us play as the bait?" Rhea chimed in with a smirk. "The amount of money we've accumulated send me and Stix out with half of that and I'm sure Hector will bite."
"Great, it's settled, then! C'mon, Stix, let's get ready!" And just like that, Rhea and Stix ran into the bathroom, Leaving Jalen and Lucio completely dumbfounded.
A few minutes passed and they emerged from the bathroom cleaner than their normal disheveled looks, hair neatly combed, teeth brushed and both kids smiling ear to ear.
"Damn, Jalen I'm starting to think that you didn't even try to take care of them because they actually don't look like street rats haha!" Jalen still dumbfounded and confused looked at Lucio who was currently laughing his ass off. "Well, I'd be lying if I said that I tried my best er-um, either way, you guys look great." He motioned them over.
"Okay, so here is the plan: Stix and Rhea, I want both of you in the Merchant Square tonight. There is supposed to be a huge vendor in town, and there's no chance that Toe will want to miss out on it. Your entire purpose is to flaunt the money. Just to be sure of that, take everything we have and only buy directly from that merchant. Lucio I know you don't wanna steal so I want you to be my eyes the moment something feels off let me know and pull the kids out immediately. I'll be on the rooftops keeping an eye on you two and providing you with some support with these."
Stretching out his fist to the kids they began to glow and the glyphs on his arm began to produce their golden glow as well. Opening his fist he revealed to them two earpieces. "These will go behind your ears, that way you'll be able to communicate with me and Lucio without having to speak." Jalen proceeded to place them on the kids and make a pair for him and Lucio as well. "Go on guys try them out!"
'Can everyone hear me?' Jalen smiled at the group.
'Woah Stix this is crazy!'
'Rhea I know I'm getting super excited! This'll be so much fun!'
"Okay so remember the overall goal is to get Hector to show and when he does. I'll be ready..." A devilish smile formed across Jalen's face. "When set out once the sun sets so until then try to relax."
As the kids excitedly tested their new earpieces, Jalen motioned for Lucio to step outside. The cool afternoon air smelled like salt and smoke, the usual Veyport cocktail.
Lucio leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "What? Second thoughts?"
Jalen ran a hand through his hair, exhaling. "Nah, just… look, man. I know we joke around a lot, but I need you to understand something." He glanced back at the door, lowering his voice. "Nothing happens to them. No matter what."
Lucio raised an eyebrow. "You think I'd let anything happen?"
"That's not what I mean." Jalen's jaw tightened. "I mean if this thing goes south—if Toe has backup, if we get jumped, if things spiral—I want you to take those kids and run." He met Lucio's gaze, dead serious. "I can handle myself. They can't. You do not let them get caught up in it."
Lucio studied him for a moment before nodding. "Alright. I got 'em."
Jalen sighed, some of the tension in his shoulders easing. "Good. Because I have a feeling Hector is more than just some creep with a bounty."
Lucio frowned. "What do you mean?"
Jalen hesitated, then shrugged. "Dunno. Just a feeling. Like… this guy's gonna lead us to something bigger. Or someone."
Lucio sighed. "Great. More cryptic Jalen bullshit."
Jalen smirked. "Hey, my bullshit's got us this far." He patted Lucio's shoulder and headed back inside.
As they stepped back into the brothel, Jalen clapped Lucio on the back. "Man, that was a real moment, huh? Look at us, being all responsible. Next thing you know, we'll be adopting puppies or some shit."
Lucio rolled his eyes. "Let's just—"
"Well, hellooo there, sugar."
Both of them turned just in time to see a woman sauntering toward them, her dress low-cut and confidence sky-high. She was older, maybe mid-thirties, and smelled strongly of lavender and liquor. Her painted lips curled into a grin as she set her sights on Lucio.
Jalen immediately took a step back, grinning. This was about to be good. Lucio, on the other hand, looked like a deer caught in torchlight. "Uh."
The woman ran a finger up his arm. "I been watchin' you, sweetheart. You been stayin' here a while, huh? So handsome… so serious." She let out a dramatic sigh. "I do love a broody young man."
Jalen was already doubled over.
Lucio cleared his throat. "I'm—uh, I'm not—"
"Oh, hush now." She pressed a finger to his lips. "Ain't no need for talkin', baby. Just feel."
Jalen wheezed.
Lucio's entire body went rigid. "Jalen. Help."
Jalen could barely breathe. "No, no, you're doing great, buddy."
The woman turned, suddenly noticing Jalen, and her face twisted in mock offense. "Oh, you're his little friend, huh?" She squinted at him, then gasped dramatically. "Ohhh, sugar, are you the reason he's been resistin' my charms?"
Jalen's laughter hit new levels. "Lucio. Explain yourself."
Lucio shoved past Jalen, muttering, "I hate you so much," as he stomped toward their room.
The woman pouted. "Aw, don't be shy! We coulda had a real good time!"
Jalen wiped tears from his eyes, shaking his head as he followed. "Oh man, I'm never letting you live this down."
Lucio slammed the door behind them.
Jalen collapsed onto the bed, still cackling. "Bro, I think she wanted to wife you."
Lucio flopped into a chair, rubbing his face. "I am never leaving this room again."
Jalen grinned. "Oh, come on. Just feel, man."
Lucio threw a pillow at his head. "Just wake me up whenever it's time to head out..."
Jalen still laughing from their chance encounter tried to compose himself "S-sure ha no haha problem."