Object of Obsession

Chapter 6

An intrepid beam of light permeated the otherwise dim room, signaling that morning had come too soon. Mae’s arms were locked around Norma, breathing in her best friend’s scent while she still could.

Yes, because this is totally a normal thing that platonic friends do…

Mae sighed. It was past time to admit that she might not be as straight as she’d always assumed.

The ray of light spread, hitting Norma’s sleeping face and causing her to stir.

“Mmm?” She made a cute noise as she woke up. Mae reluctantly brought her arms back to her sides as Norma turned around to face her.

“Mornin’, Normie. How’d you sleep?”

“Really well, actually! What about you?”

“...pretty good.”

There was no way Mae could admit she’d been too preoccupied with Norma to get much sleep herself.

“Oh, good. Did your alarm go off? Do we have to get ready?”

“Not yet,” Mae brushed Norma’s hair behind her ear as she stared into her eyes. "Feel free to lay in bed a while longer.”

Norma smiled at her.

“Don’t mind if I do...”


“Good morning, Mrs. Day,” I greeted Mae’s mother as we came up from the basement. Her mom's figure reminded me that Mae's future husband had a lot to look forward to.

“Huh? Did you just wish me a good morning? Wow, is this what well-behaved kids are like? You could stand to learn a thing or two from your friend, Mae.”

“Yeah, yeah. Did you buy groceries yet or do I need to have Plastik Cheez on toast again?”

“You good for nothin’... I’ll order something from Dish Dash, how’s that?”

“Wow, mom! Is that going to take the place of one Christmas or two?”

“Quit running your mouth and pick something before I change my mind.”

I chuckled to myself. Some things never changed.

After breakfast Mae and I got a ride to school with her mom, during which I had to politely refuse adoption more than once. My classes were uneventful, but they served to remind me that I was falling behind in my school work. I’d definitely have to get cracking on it… but first, it was time for book club. Without a clue as to what to expect, I headed to room 2A with great trepidation.

I steeled myself, but when I opened the door I still jumped backward in fright. Luna stood right in the doorway, leaning against the railing with a big ‘smile’ on her face. A few of her buttons had come undone, and knowing her otherwise immaculate uniform adherence, that was certainly no accident.

“Hello, Norma. We’re starting with volume 1 today, of course. Did you bring your copy?”

“Um, no, I didn’t…” I replied, making great effort to look no lower than her turbulent eyes.

“Oh, what a shame. That’s standard etiquette, you know. But don’t worry, Norma. I'll let you share with me…”

In a gesture that was becoming routine, she gently held my shoulder and led me to two desks she had pushed together in the corner of the classroom.

We sat beside each other, but she made no move to produce the manga, carefully watching me instead.

“Umm, Luna? I’m grateful you’re letting me share with you, but… where is the book?”

She made a pleased hum and booped my nose with her fingertip.

“Oh, so you really were interested in the club, then? I was worried that you had only accepted my invitation under duress.”

She muttered this next bit under her breath.

“Of course, I’m a little disappointed you didn’t join solely as a pretense to spend time together, but it’s probably better to keep things official for now… Ah, here we are!”

Luna pulled out Object of Obsession Vol 1 from her backpack, making a show of widening her eyes as she placed it in front of us.

“Goodness, do they all have covers like this?”

“Pretty much, yeah...”

“Oh my. Well, I sure was surprised to see this one. And you bought so many of these, didn’t you, Norma?"

I couldn't look her in the eye, withering under her sadistic stare.

"Oh, I have a wonderful idea!" she clapped her hands together. "Why don’t we take turns reading?”

Well, I had come this far. As embarrassing as this was going to be for me, if anyone was going to understand, it would be Luna. I let out a deep breath and nodded.

“...alright. Let’s do it.”

First of all, I want to say thank you for staying with the series, your likes and comments mean everything to me! It's a short chapter today. My computer and car both went kaput yesterday, so I've been a bit busier than usual with life stuff. As for OoO's update schedule, I've managed to post a fairly sizeable chapter every day until now to celebrate its release, and I will do my best to maintain as close to this as possible. That said, we will likely end up going a day or two without an update every so often. Thank you for understanding, you guys are the best!

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