Chapter 50: Chapter 50: As the Son Rises in the West
Lannisport 294 AC.
The Lion's Roar pulled easily into the docks at Lannisport and Jon readied himself for what was about to come. Now that he was here he found himself nervous of how they would react to the truth, Tyrion, Genna, Gerion all of them were as close as family to him and he feared he was about to lose that somehow. The guards had carried his stuff to the deck, his arm not allowing him to do it himself, the sling they'd put it in needing to be worn for a few more weeks at least. The cut on his eye had almost healed and as the Maester said it had scarred, though it could have been far worse and as scars go it was not that big.
Sansa stood beside him watching as Lannisport came into view, his little sister almost giddy at the sight of her first real proper southern city, Seagard didn't count apparently. He could feel her almost wishing to run down the gangplank and explore, a feeling shared by Fang as she stood beside her. Ghost was much calmer this time, beside him the black wolf seemed to have copied some of his owns mannerisms it too was quieter than a normal wolf, though in comparison still a lot louder than Ghost.
Perhaps the only one more nervous than he was Dacey, he looked to see Jaime holding her hand and whispering in her ear, the little smiles that kept appearing on her face almost making it look like she wasn't nervous at all. But Jon could see how her lip twitched, how she flexed her other hand every so often and occasionally moved a little behind Jaime without knowing she was doing it. As they reached the dock he saw them lined up and then he saw the little girl standing there barely looking to him. He frowned, he had expected her to wave frantically, to look excited, but if anything she looked bored.
"Well were home Jon." Loras said.
"I thought Highgarden was your home?" Sansa asked.
"It is, but I miss the Rock." Loras replied.
"Aye me too." Jon said.
They began to move to the gangplank, Sansa actually grabbed his hand just in case he lost his balance and he smiled at her for the thought. They were the first down and so he waited until Jaime and Dacey made it off, the lord and lady needing to be presented first. He and Sansa followed behind, Loras just behind them, he looked to see Genna look at him worriedly when she saw his injuries and so he smiled as reassuringly as possible.
"Lannisport is yours my lord." Kevan said and Jaime nodded.
"I thank you uncle may I present my wife Lady Dacey Lannister." Jaime said as Dacey moved forward.
"My lady a pleasure." Kevan said taking her hand and kissing it.
"The pleasure is mine my lord." Dacey said.
"Brother its good to see you home." Tyrion said and Jaime smiled "My lady I welcome you to our family."
"I thank you Lord Tyrion, I'm happy to finally meet you after all your brother has told me of you."
"Only good things I hope my lady." Tyrion said and Dacey laughed as she nodded to him.
"Aunt." Jaime said kissing Genna's hand.
"May I present my wife aunt. Lady Dacey Lannister."
"My lady it's a honor to meet you at last." Dacey said with a curtsy which made Genna's eyebrow rise.
"You too my lady."
After that it was Jon's turn to introduce Sansa to everyone and apart from Genna looking more to him than his sister it was Joy who caused the fuss as usual.
"Joy, I missed you so much." Jon said kneeling down and looking at the girl but receiving no answer "Joy?"
Still nothing, he looked to Gerion who smiled softly and stood back up trying to keep his disappointment from his face. They were brought to the carriages and as they were about to climb inside Jon saw Richard in the crowd. He looked to see a man standing a little behind him but couldn't make out his face, instead looking to Richard he mouthed 'Later' to him and they rode back to Casterly Rock.
After arriving they quickly settled in, Sansa was given a room not too far from Jon's and Walder was given quarters among the guards, Jon then got ready to make the journey back to Lannisport to see Alyrs remains delivered. Jaime had offered to do it but Jon wished to be the one, so he made his way to the Lord's solar as Jaime had said he'd write out a proposal to take care of Alyrs family. He passed Joy playing with Balerion on the way and while the cat stopped to look at him, Joy did not.
"No Ballon, this way." she said as she ran off in the other direction.
Jon sighed, he was already worried about the reaction of the Lannister's to the truth and the one person he assumed would always support him was upset with him. He would need to fix that sooner than later, he had no wish to ever be someone Joy was upset with. Reaching the solar he knocked and entered to see Jaime speaking to Tyrion, Dacey was obviously elsewhere, he walked up to the table and Jaime smiled at him while Tyrion looked to his injuries.
"Jaime was just telling me what happened, I'm glad you weren't hurt more seriously Jon."
"I got lucky my lord, not all of us were."
"Aye, I'm sorry about Alyrs, Jon, he was a good man."
"Are you here for the proposal for the widow?" Jaime asked
"Aye my lord, I wish to see to it now."
"You sure Jon, I could go with you." Jaime said.
"No it has to be me my lord, I need to do this." he said resolutely.
"Very well." Jaime said handing him the letter.
"We'll speak later my lord."
Leaving the solar he walked down to take the lift and saw Sansa and Loras standing waiting for it with Fang looking at it like it was something to be defeated.
"Jon isn't this amazing, a lift Jon have you ever, oh I mean of course you have." Sansa said with a giggle.
"It takes some getting used to."
"We were just going to explore, will you come too? I'd have asked but I thought you were tired." Sansa said.
"Another time little sister, I've something I need to do." Jon said.
"Alyrs?" Loras asked.
"I could come with you."
"No show Sansa the sights of the Rock, take her to the Golden Galley, she'll love it."
"The Golden Galley?" Sansa asked.
"Trust me little sister, you'll love it." Jon said with a smile.
They took the lift and Sansa and Loras got off on one floor while he took it down to the base, when he got off he walked to see Jors had already prepared things, Walder was standing by the cart with some more guards with him. He nodded to them and Walder helped him up to the cart and they rode back to Lannisport. He could have done this earlier could have gone there before coming back to the Rock but he wished to compose himself first. he also wished to speak to Ser Richard while there. The ride didn't take long, though Jon's thoughts were elsewhere so perhaps it did, once through the gates of Lannisport they rode at Jors direction to a small house on one of the side streets.
"Are you sure you want to do this Jon?" Jors said as they walked to the door.
"I have to Jors, it has to be me." Jon said and knocked.
The woman who answered was small with dark hair and she held a child in her arms of no more than a nameday old, behind her another older child a girl of no more than three name days looked at them.
"My lady, my name is Jon Snow and I'm sorry to say I have some terrible news." Jon said and the woman looked to Jors and then to the cart and then began to cry.
Jon tried to comfort her but with his arm in a sling it was incredibly hard and so Jors had to step in, as Jors helped the woman to the back Jon entered the house and after a few moments of sitting around at the table, Jors and the woman arrived back.
"My lady, I shall leave if you wish it of me. I came to tell you how much your husband meant to me and that without him I would not be here today. I know it is of little comfort to you, but I wished you to know of his bravery." Jon said and when the woman said nothing he got up to leave.
"He spoke of you often, said you were a good lad, he was proud to guard you, said you weren't the same as the rest of them." the woman said.
"I was lucky to know him my lady."
"Sela." Jon said.
"What is to become of us my lord, how are we to live now me and the little ones?" she asked worriedly.
"Sela. nothing I do could ever make up for the loss of your husband, nothing I can say can ever be enough to show how much I'll miss him, but I hope this will at least help you to never worry about coin again." Jon said handing her the letter.
"I can't read my lord."
"Shall I?" he said taking it back.
"Your home shall be yours without cost my lady, you will receive a payment the same as Alyrs was paid weekly for the rest of your life. When your children come of age, they will if you should so wish them be educated by a Maester and depending on their own or your choices found a place in a role you wish. The boy if he'd like will be squired and raised to knighthood should he wish it, your girl shall be given a job at Casterly Rock or elsewhere if that is her desire." Jon said and Sela looked at him in shock.
"My lord, this is too much."
"No it's not even close to enough, I'm sorry my lady, truly I am." Jon said shaking his head.
He spoke with her for another hour or so, learnt the girl's name was Jenny and the boy's Jason, he told her if there was ever anything she needed, anything he could do she merely had to ask. When he left he felt empty though, he had helped some and Jaime had come through more than anyone would have expected. But still it didn't bring Sela her husband back or the children their father, he barely acknowledged Jors when he told him he'd done a good thing, barely spoke until he saw Richard standing there looking at him.
"We must talk Richard, now."
"Of course follow me."
Jaime was trying do decide how to proceed, should they settle in first and then tell everyone the truth or just come right out with it. When they had arrived back at the Rock he had gone to show Dacey to their room only for his aunt to move in and offer to do so instead, he almost smirked at the worried look Dacey gave him when his aunt led her down the hall. Though his own face probably showed similar worry when his brother told him they should talk. They were just about to begin when Jon came in and Jaime had wanted nothing more than to go with him to speak to Alyrs widow, but Jon was adamant he should do it himself and so he let him.
"He doesn't seem to be handing it well." Tyrion said when he'd left.
"No he's not, they tried to kill him Tyrion, it wasn't bandits it was a fucking assassination attempt."
"What? Who?" Tyrion asked shocked.
"I don't know but when I find out, the last thing they'll hear is me fucking roaring."
"Why would they try to kill Jon?"
"it's a long story, I'll speak to you on it later. What was it you wished to speak to me about?" Jaime said hopefully not too evasively.
Tyrion told him then about the Mountain and about Alayn's plan, about how Oberyn and his brood had arrived and how things were in motion, Jaime sighed it was dangerous and Jon's visions began to make more sense.
"I need to speak to Oberyn where is he?"
"He's staying in one of our houses in Lannisport."
"How's he behaving?"
"So far no problems, though I think that's because he want's the Mountain."
"He can have him."
"Was that your idea about the ships?"
"What idea?" Tyrion asked.
"The arms."
"Aye, we got some reports we were being followed, don't know who it is though."
"Iron Born."
"We were attacked by four of their ships on the way here, those arms you added probably saved our lives."
"Kevan helped." Tyrion said.
"But it was your idea brother, thank you."
"Iron Born, Assassination attempts, this thing with the mountain, there's more going on here brother."
"Aye there is, gather Genna, Gerion and Kevan, I'll explain it all tonight."
"Of course."
"What do you think of her?" Jaime asked a slight bit of concern in his voice.
"She's very beautiful, looks fierce too. I think aunt Genna expected her to be more savage though, she may have been disappointed to see her in a dress." Tyrion said with a laugh.
"But you think you could like her?"
"I do brother."
"Tyrion I know this changes things, but you know I have plans for you don't you, that I've not forgotten how important you are and I will reward you."
"I know brother." Tyrion said with a smile.
They spoke then of other things, the wedding and the guests, they still didn't know if their sister would arrive and both of them hoped she would not. After having a drink Jaime walked with his brother towards his rooms to get ready for the family dinner they would have tonight. Entering he saw Dacey standing at the window looking out, the sun catching her hair and framing her perfectly.
"You took your time." she said with a smirk.
"I was busy with my family."
"Aye, I was busy with your family too." she said as she moved towards him.
"We'll have a family dinner tonight." Jaime said as he felt her hands wrap around him.
"Hmm, but I'm so hungry now." she said as she kissed him.
He moved her to the bed, so what if he was a little late for dinner, he was the lord after all he thought as he began to undo the laces on her dress.
Casterly Rock was incredible, Lannisport made White Harbor look like a bunch of houses on a beach in comparison, though it was less pretty, it simply dwarfed the largest town in the North. But it was the Rock itself which took her breath away, from the Lion's Mouth to the keep itself, every step made her feel like this was a terrible mistake. How could she a girl from a small island be expected to be lady of something this big and that wasn't even counting the Westerlands itself, she was feeling overwhelmed.
She had hoped to just be able to go to their rooms and relax, ease into the new role she would have to play but that hope died as soon as Jaime's aunt grabbed her hand. After that she was taking on a tour of her new domain, to the private family kitchens as it was explained they no longer used the larger castle ones. Then on to meet the servants and that alone had shown just how different life would be, Dacey was a lady, she had servants, but not like this, not this many and again she was told this was the family's own private servants only.
"I shall introduce you to the steward who oversees the other servants later Lady Dacey."
"Please Lady Genna, call me Dacey."
"Up here we have the Maester's chambers Lady Dacey," the older woman said and Dacey smirked, so that's her game, fine she may be a lioness, but Dacey was a she bear.
"Indeed and what is your role here my lady?" She said turning to the other woman.
"I. am Lord Jaime's aunt and help out with.."
"You were acting lady of Casterly Rock and you don't think I'm up to the job." Dacey said and Genna looked at her. "You're right, I'm not which means I'll require your help my lady." Dacey said with a small smile.
"Indeed, then you shall have it Dacey." Genna said and Dacey's smile went wider.
"I appreciate that my lady."
After that it seemed things moved a little smoother for them, they eventually came to a small room where a little girl was playing with a black cat. Dacey looked at her, her long blond hair and green eyes marked her as a Lannister, while Genna looked at her fondly.
"No Ballon, we don't like those new doggies, only Ghost, we like Ghost."
"I don't care Ballon."
"No you're wrong, I don't want to play with him, not anymore."
Dacey looked to Genna who wore a worried frown and the older woman moved to whisper to her.
"That's my niece Joy, she's still a little upset."
"At Jon?" Dacey said and Genna turned to her in surprise.
"He was gone for so long, she doesn't understand."
"Can I talk to her?"
"You can try, watch out for the cat it's a demon." Genna said and Dacey walked softly into the room where the cat hissed at her.
"Who are you?" Joy asked.
"I'm a friend of Jon's." Dacey said and Joy turned from her.
"He missed you Joy, everyday he missed you, he told me of you and Apples and how much you like to ride."
"He went away." Joy said sadly.
"Aye he did, but he's back now,"
"I don't care." Joy said and Dacey reached out to touch her only for the cat to jump at her claws out.
"No Ballon."
"It's all right I get angry too, but don't you prefer to play Joy?" Dacey said having just barely dodged the cat who was hissing louder now.
"You play?"
"We could go riding if you want, you me and Apples?"
"Aye, when he's better?"
"Jon had an accident Joy?"
" Accadent, he has ouchie, I make it better." Joy said "Ballon come." she shouted as she ran from the room.
"Thank you, it's been hard to get through to her without Jon here."
"They get on that well?"
"They do, what happened to him?"
"We were attacked, twice." Dacey said.
She proceeded to tell her about the attack in the Riverlands and the one on the ships, watching as the woman got angrier and angrier. If there was ever a doubt in her mind of how Jon Snow was thought of in the west it was there no longer. She had seen her mother act the same way when one of her sister's were hurt and she hoped whoever it was who'd attacked Jon never came across Genna Lannister.
As they were walking back and Genna was telling her they'd have a family dinner this evening, she turned to ask Genna the question she had been wanting to ask since Jaime told her of the two marriages.
"Genna, the faith of the seven I know nothing really about it, of the service, my own gods require simplicity, but I fear on this one I'm lost."
"I can show you what it's like Dacey, it's complicated but it's easy enough to remember, you don't have to be a follower or believer to do so."
"So you don't wish me to convert?" she asked.
"What, oh no, no. what made you think that?" Genna said smiling and shaking her head.
"I just thought as lady of Casterly Rock."
"Oh you may have to go to some services and listen to that awful Septon from time to time. But as long as you don't flout your gods in peoples faces, which from what Tyrion's been telling me is not what your old gods demand, you'll be more than acceptable."
Dacey breathed a sigh of relief, she had worried despite Jaime's assurances that it would be expected of her, even with Jon telling her of the Godswood here, she still had worried. But it seemed to be more based on appearances than anything else and she could live with that as long as he could keep her own faith. When they finally reached her rooms she looked forward to seeing them, this was where she would spend a lot of the rest of her life.
"I shall see you at the dinner later Dacey."
"Aye, it was good to meet you Genna." Dacey said with a smile.
"You too, I look forward to getting to know my goodniece." Genna said smiling.
Dacey walked in the room and saw the sheer lavishness of it, the bed was huge and as she felt it far softer than she thought possible, she looked around and saw large wardrobes, tables and chairs made from expensive wood. The walls were covered in tapestries mostly showing fighting scenes which made her smile. She walked over to her chest and took out Sansa's present laying it on the bed, it looked even more magnificent then. The black bears and golden lions almost looking ready to roar and the center image of the lion and bear embracing was even more dramatic.
She walked to the window and looked out on the Rock, saw the waves crash against the cove beneath them. She could hear the thunder but looked and could see no storm anywhere in sight and as she heard her husband enter she finally felt at home.
Standing in the room waiting was torture, he had snuck out once already despite what Richard had said about Oberyn, he cared not, he needed to see his king and when he had he was looking at the past. The boy was both his parents, Rhaegar's build and way of moving with Lyanna's color, Rhaegar's bones with Lyanna's eyes. When he saw the scar on his eye and the sling he wore he had almost ran to him, almost drawn his sword ready to cut through the world.
Whoever had harmed him would pay dearly he would see it done if it took his last breath, he looked to Richard who looked unsurprised, Why hadn't he told him? How long had he known?. He looked to Jaime Lannister then and felt his anger, there wasn't a mark on the man, How? How could he let his king be harmed while he walked with nary a scratch on him? His job is to protect him and he had already failed.
He saw it then, the box, someone had died, someone had given their life for the king. Who? Who was this man? He looked back to see two men walking behind the king, both on either shoulder, one far smaller than the other, though given the other man was a giant it was no surprise. They were guarding the king, but they were not of the Kingsguard and Arthur knew then what he would do. Before he got the chance though Richard was beside him, pushing him back as they moved down an alley.
"The king will be coming to see me later."
"What happened to him?"
"Come we'll talk, but not here.
They walked back to the house Richard used and up the stairs before taking a seat, Arthur wanted nothing more than to chase after the king but instead he listened as Richard explained.
"What in the seven hells happened?"
"There was an attack in the Riverlands made to look like bandits, the king and his guards were by the Trident, one of them didn't make it the large one as you see did."
"Who?" Arthur said loudly.
"I'm looking into it."
"Where was Lannister?"
"The king left him behind, Arthur this wasn't Jaime's fault he appointed the guards and they did their job."
"He's a Kingsguard his place is beside his king."
"Arthur, do not say that to the king, believe me you don't wish to anger him, not now."
"What do you mean?"
"Trust me on this, he'll be here later, Arthur keep your thoughts to yourself."
Arthur nodded and the rest of the day crawled along, a few hours later Richard left and so he waited and waited, he was just about to go find them himself when the door opened, Richard came in followed by the king. His two guards stood outside waiting, like Kingsguard but not Kingsguard, Arthur looked at the boy in front of him, when he saw her eyes looking back at him, when he recognized Lyanna's stare, he fell to one knee.
"My King."
"Arise Ser Arthur we have much to talk about and not a lot of time to do so"
He looked more carefully at the him now, Jaehaerys Targaryen the final hope of a great house, of a prince and princess he knew a long time ago. The boy was taller than he'd expected, his hair darker and almost shoulder length, his eyes a grey so dark they were almost black, when he smiled he was Rhaegar, he was Rhaenys and Arthur felt his chest rise when he did so.
"Long have I wished to see you Ser Arthur, to speak to you, from the moment Howland told us you were alive."
"Lord Jaime and myself."
"My king about Lord Jaime."
"No my king?"
"Whatever you're about to say do not, I have no wish to hear it. Lord Jaime is my lealest supporter, I've named him my hand and my word is final on this, today is not the day Ser Arthur." the king said and Arthur nodded.
"You heard what happened in the Riverlands?" he said to Richard.
"I did my king, my lips are out trying to bring me the tales, of that one they have whispered some already."
"Lips?" Arthur asked.
"Better than little birds is it not?" Richard said and Arthur snorted.
"I care not what they're called as long as they find out who was behind it." the king said.
"I know they were from Essos, Westerosi but from Essos, as for who hired them I'm still to discover."
"I want them found Richard, found and dealt with." the king said determinedly and Arthur worried a little about how firm he was.
"My king, should we find them I shall be happy to deal with them for you?" Arthur said.
"Richard shall deal with them. Arthur you have a different task one I need done even more quickly."
"My king?"
"Amory Lorch, I want him brought to me Arthur, alive, he must be alive."
"Lorch?" Arthur asked.
"Killed my sister Arthur."
"It shall be done at once my king." Arthur said picturing the smiling girl.
"Richard when you find out who ordered the attack I want to know who it was before we act, I need to know."
"Of course my king."
"What do you know of the Iron Born attack?" The king asked.
"Attack my king?" Richard said confused.
"We were attacked on the way here, four Iron Born ships it was an ambush."
"Where are they now?" Arthur asked.
"With their drowned god."
"I know nothing of the Iron Born, but I will look into it my king."
"Please here at least call me Jon or Jae if you both prefer." Jae said relaxing finally.
"Jae, she would have liked that." Arthur said with a smile.
"My mother?"
"She was my princess, my friend." Arthur said softly.
"Could you tell me about her and my father."
For the next hour or so he told tale after tale, hearing Jae laugh was like being in the tower so many years before, he was his mother's son in that respect. The boy who had walked in earlier though was more his father's, he had walked as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders, as if he felt ready to crumble beneath it. Now though he looked as if he could take on the world and Arthur resolved to have more times like these with him.
He listened then as Richard told the king of how he had grown his network to the point where he had spies in most of the kingdoms and in key positions in Kings Landing. How the Hound had left to go to Essos and how House Darry and House Velaryon had declared for him. Richard asked should he move onto more houses and the king told him to use his best judgement, if he felt there were any he should tell he trusted him to do so. He then told the king of Oberyn and his arrival, something which made him frown for a moment before he cleared his face of any expression.
"My uncle has declared the North for me, he Lord Manderly and Lady Mormont, I think you should contact Lord Manderly he's a good man Richard and would make a fine ally." Jae said.
"We have the North, truly?" Arthur asked,
"It's we is it Arthur." Jae said with a smirk and Arthur found himself laughing.
"From the day you were born you were my king."
"When we have dealt with Lorch I want you by my side Arthur, can that be done?" he said looking to Richard.
"I can quieten any whispers for now my king, he may need to do something with his helm though and he can't use Dawn obviously."
"Looks like I'm not the only one who must keep a sword hidden," Jae said with a laugh.
"You have it?"
"Aye I do?"
"Have what?" Richard asked
"Dark Sister." Arthur said "The Egg did you get the egg too?"
"I did, plus another at Winterfell."
"You have Dragon Eggs?" Richard said.
"Aye but not only that, they're alive."
He was looking forward to their family dinner, it had been so long since they were all together and now along with Jaime's new wife they would be a family once again. She was not what he was expecting either, like his aunt he had been pleasantly surprised to see the woman at the docks. He had expected her to be more northern, in Kings Landing though he hadn't seen much of the lady he had seen her fight. The Dacey Mormont no Dacey Lannister who arrived today was almost a completely different woman, he tried to remember had he seen her in a dress at any of the feasts and couldn't.
She wasn't the only new arrival either, Jon's sister Sansa was a sweet young girl, while his new guard was as tall as Tyrion was not, he smirked thinking how he'd look standing next to the man. He had been sad to hear about Alyrs, the man had served his family and Jon in particular well and he deserved better. Who would try to kill Jon though was beyond him, there was his sister of course, but they'd fixed that problem hadn't they? He'd need to speak to Alayn.
Who he wasn't as enthused about returning was Ghost, the damn wolf had gotten bigger which alone was bad enough, but he'd also seen fit to bring two pups with him, one of whom kept looking at him oddly. The black pup would turn his head to the side when he saw Tyrion almost as if he was measuring him for something, whatever it was he wanted no part of it. Ghost had so far though spent all his time with the black pup almost as if he was showing it the lay of the land, he'd not ignored the grey one, but just spent more time with the black one, he assumed it was because it had no owner.
"Where's Jon auntie?" he heard Joy ask.
"Was he not in his room Joy?"
"No Ballon and..I waited." she said after his aunt looked at her ready to correct her.
"Loras, do you know where Jon is?" his aunt said turning to Loras who was speaking to Jon's sister.
"Aye, he went to see Alyrs's family my lady."
"Oh." his aunt said softly "Joy he'll be here in a little while, have you said hello to Loras and Lady Sansa."
"Hello." Joy said walking to Loras who squeezed her making her giggle before she turned to Sansa "My name is Joy, who are you?"
"Joy." his aunt said chidingly.
"Sorry auntie. Hello my lady my name is Lady Joy Hill" she said curtsying which brought a smile to Sansa's face.
It was then that Jon walked in and Sansa may have well being a statue as his cousin turned from her as if she wasn't even there and ran to Jon.
"Jon, Jon, missed you." she said and Jon bent down to hug her with his good arm.
"Missed you too princess, and you too Balerion."
"You missed Ballon?"
"Of course I did." Jon smiled.
"Ouchie Jon, make better." Joy said touching his arm and eye before leaning forward to kiss the scar on his eye.
"Thank you Joy, all better now." Jon said and Joy looked to him before he nodded.
"Come," she said holding her hand out to him.
Tyrion couldn't help but laugh as Jon sat down beside her, he watched as the boy gave his sister an apologetic look but she waved it off and talked to Loras, thankfully understanding. His uncles came in then followed a few minutes later by Jaime and his wife, the dress she wore this time even more beautiful than the one she had on earlier. When they sat down dinner began, all talk at the table was just simple pleasant things, with Joy eagerly telling Jon all her adventures that he'd missed while being away.
He found himself watching Dacey more and more, they'd only briefly talked and he'd yet to really get to know the woman, he found though that he already liked her simply because of how happy she made his brother. It was clear to him just how much in love with each other they both were, how his brother's face lit up when she smiled. He couldn't envy his brother that piece of happiness, nor would he ever wish to, but it did make his own loneliness feel more real.
Once they'd finished dinner and Jon left with Joy to read her a story, his sister deciding to join them, he found himself sitting enjoying a quiet drink when Dacey came over to sit beside him. He looked to her in confusion and found himself lost for words for a moment, but it was she who spoke first anyway.
"I never really got the chance to talk to you today my lord."
"Please my lady call me Tyrion." he said happy to find some words.
"Dacey." he replied with a smile.
"I hope to get to know you better Tyrion, Jaime often speaks of his clever younger brother, he's really quite proud of you, you know." She said and Tyrion felt the little surge in his heart.
"He's a good brother."
"He says the same about you, Tyrion." she said with a smile, he was about to say something back when Jaime spoke.
"Brother, I think we need to talk. Uncles, Aunt you too, can you all meet me in my solar in an hour?" he heard his brother say
"Of course."
He saw Dacey look to Jaime and saw his brother smile at her, before he turned and whispered something into Loras's ear which the boy nodded at before leaving. He wondered what it was, then remembered Jaime had asked him to gather the rest of their family tonight, had he forgotten? He had though it seemed his brother had not. He finished his drink and went to his room, for some reason he was feeling a little nervous, as he was walking he felt it and turned, Ghost was there with the black pup both of them pulling on his britches.
"Aye, I missed you too Ghost." he said laughing.
After speaking to Alyrs family he had been feeling very down, he knew that thanks to Jaime he'd been able to reassure them, but it still hurt that was all he could do. He felt a bit better after speaking to Arthur and Richard, he had set things in motion, things would happen soon. Arthur would find Lorch and he closed his eyes as the tears threatened to fall 'Rhaenys'" he thought picturing her face. As for Richard he would find those responsible for Alyrs death and they would pay for it dearly.
Arriving back at the Rock and heading to dinner he was surprised at Joy coming to him, he had expected it to be harder given how she had acted earlier in the day. Though when he saw both Dacey and Genna smile, perhaps it was them he owed thanks to. He felt the weight of the world being lifted off his shoulders when she kissed his head. Such a sweet little thing and yet it brought him more comfort than any words had today.
Sitting with her laughing as she told stories, both fun and reprimanding at the same time, how she had gotten dresses made or gone to the sea to collect shells, how she couldn't ride Apples because he was not here. How she and Ballon had to go on their own Yentures without him and how she, Martyn and Willem played the Pinch game, whatever that was. He was glad Sansa seemed fine with him spending time with Joy and thanked Loras for being there for his sister. When it came to story time though he had thought that a fight may break out.
"Joy ready for your story?"
"Story, Ballon hear story too, isn't that right Ballon, you want story, see Ballon want story Jon."
"Ballon can hear too." Jon said smiling he looked to his sister who looked at him in hope "Want to join us Sansa."
He saw the frown on Joy's face but she kept silent, when they got to the room though she almost caught Sansa in the door. He looked at her and she was shaking her head and he looked to Sansa who was bordering on the line between tears and fury.
"Joy, Sansa wishes to hear the story too."
"Please Joy, it's her first night here, she's far from home, can she join us?"
He watched as Joy knelt down to Balerion whispering in his ear before the Cat looked at him, he closed his eyes and while the door was closed, he whispered 'sister' before he opened them.
"Ballon no like Jon. "
"Why don't we see, if Balerion says it's all right then Sansa can join us?"
"Hmmphh, All right." she huffed and Jon tried not to laugh.
"Sansa why don't you see if Balerion will allow you to join us?" he said looking to his sister with a smile.
She walked over knelt down and asked the cat and he watched Joy's eyes widen as Balerion licked his sister's hand before the cat walked over to Fang and looked closely at the she wolf and then turned to climb into the basket on the floor. With that war averted, he waited until Alessia came to help Joy undress and get into her nightclothes and when she was put in the bed, he and Sansa sat down and he told her a story of a brave knight and the king he served so honorably.
"I didn't mean to intrude Jon." Sansa said apologetically after Joy had gone asleep and they'd left the room.
"You didn't little sister, it's just we've been apart for so long and she's used to having me to herself."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, she needs to get used to it, besides you're my little sister, you never have to be sorry with me." Jon said and she smiled "How was your day?" he asked as they walked to her room.
"Oh Jon, this place, it's, I've never dreamed this big, it's amazing the Golden Galley, the vaults, the cliffs, even the beach, Jon why did you never tell me about a beach, it's so. So warm." she said laughing as she raised her hand to hit his chest only to stop herself.
"We'll be heading to Lannisport tomorrow, Loras's Family are due to arrive."
"So soon." she said panicking.
"Don't worry Sansa, they'll love you, beside if they don't we'll just set our wolves on them." Jon said and Fang barked making them laugh.
He led his sister to her room and said goodnight to her, turning to walk back towards his own, on his way there Loras found him and told him Jaime wished him to come to his solar, it was time. Jon nodded and asked Loras to come back to his room as he needed to get the chest with his eggs and his mother's letter. Once they'd done that they headed to Jaime's solar, walking in he felt more nervous than ever, this was it the moment of truth had finally arrived.
Dacey had gone to their room, not that he didn't wish her here but more she felt it needed to be family and while she was now part of their family, perhaps it was best if the others learned what they needed without her presence. He sat quietly for a while waiting and wondering how this would be accepted, before he had too much time to get lost in those thoughts, Tyrion and Gerion arrived and took a seat. Kevan and Genna not too long later, still he waited while Tyrion poured wine for the others
Jon and Loras arrived and Loras carried Jon's chest and Jaime kicked himself for not remembering, standing up from his seat he went and retrieved the other items which proved Jon's birthright and placed them beside the chest. His uncle looking directly at the covered sword, it's shape instantly identifying it as what it was if not which sword it was. He looked to Jon to see him almost as nervous as he, Loras looked oddly excited and he couldn't help but wish he and Jon felt the same.
"You may wonder why I asked you all here, what I'm about to tell you cannot leave this room, do I have your oaths on that?"
"Of course brother." Tyrion said and both his uncles and aunt agreed also.
"A few years ago when I returned from the war in the Iron islands most of you were surprised as to the squire I brought back, over the years I'm certain you like me have come to accept Jon as more than just a squire or a ward, but as part of our family." Jaime said and saw Jon look to see if there were any who didn't agree.
"Aye, he is." Gerion said smiling warmly at Jon.
"Apart from everything else Jon is, I had another reason why I picked him as a squire, a reason that even Jon didn't find out about until just before we left for Kings Landing and which was why we needed to go North afterward."
"Is he your son?" Genna asked surprising them all.
"No, not by blood." Jaime said looking at her "Jon is…"
"My name is not Jon Snow it's Jaehaerys Targaryen, I'm the trueborn son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Targaryen." Jon said interrupting him.
"It can't be."
"They were married, wait, you, you want to put him on the throne?" Tyrion said looking at him.
"He is the rightful king Tyrion, but more than that he is the king the realm needs, you saw it, how bad it is. Robert, Jon Arryn, that Master of Coin of theirs, they're running the realm into the ground. It needs to be stopped otherwise we'll be drawn into a war not of our choosing."
"Yet you would have us drawn into one which is?" his uncle Kevan said.
"Is there even any proof of this?" Tyrion asked interrupting before Kevan's question could be answered.
"There is." Jaime said.
Opening the chest he took out the letters proving the marriage, annulment and birth announcement, he showed them the maiden cloak and harp, while Jon took the cover off the sword and he watched on as his uncle Gerion looked at it.
"Is that?"
"Dark sister, Aye it is." Jon said unsheathing it and handing it to his uncle who laughed.
"So that's why the thin sword, I always wondered." he said laughing more.
"What about the children?" asked his aunt who had been silent until then.
"What?" he said.
"The children, so we remove Robert and your sister, why not allow the children take the throne?"
"You've seen Joffrey aunt, you really want him to take the throne?"
"No, but what about Tommen or even Myrcella."
"They're not Robert's aunt, they have no claim, should it come out we'd be starting a bigger war." Tyrion said and Jaime was glad for his brother's help.
"Jon?" Genna said looking to him "What will you do with the children?"
"Nothing, I'd never harm them, but I don't know, I'd leave it up to my Hand to decide, they're his kin after all." his answered seemed to satisfy her that the children were safe though raised the question of Jaime being his hand.
"Jaime?" she said turning to him.
"I had intended to spend my life as a Kingsguard guarding my king, instead I shall be Hand for that king." Jaime said.
It was quiet for a few minutes then. No one saying anything and Jaime felt the nervous energy dissipate and the worry settle. It still hadn't been decided and he was worried, also there had been no outburst, no anger yet, which was even more worrisome.
"There's something else." Jon said and Jaime rolled his eyes, no Jon not the damn eggs, not yet.
"My mother left me a letter, it explained some things but it also asked some questions, I think you should all read it." Jon said handing Tyrion the letter.
Jaime watched as Genna and then Kevan and finally Gerion read the letter, it was his uncle's reaction which surprised him the most. Gerion's face grew angrier and angrier, at one point he looked like he was about to rip the letter, but seeing Jon he calmed a little.
"Fucking Tully's I've always said it about them, fucking no good trout's."
"Uncle." Jaime said.
"No, I was silent when I lost Briony because of them and I did nothing in Kings Landing when the floppy fish tried to take Jon's hand. I'll not be silent anymore, those fucking fishes need to go, whatever this letter is suggesting about them, I believe it, fucking bottom feeders." Gerion said angrily before kneeling in front of Jon.
"I've thought of you as mine own son since you arrived here Jon, how you treated my girl, there's no one I'd rather serve than you. My king you have my sword, my counsel and anything I can help you with, from this day to my last day." Gerion said and Jon shook his head.
"Please my lord, please get up, think on what you're saying. I welcome your support, truly, you have no idea how much it means to me, but you're angry, you're not thinking right, don't do anything you may regret."
"I'll not regret this, yes I'm fucking furious and I've a right to be, but this isn't about that, this is about you Jon, about who you are and who I know you'll be. You're my king from this day to my last day."
"Then arise my lord, I welcome you're fealty and promise never to ask you to dishonor yourself or your house."
Jaime smiled Gerion may be impulsive but what he said came from his heart and seeing the expression on his face when he stood up he knew he was happy with the choice he'd made, as for Jon, he was the happiest he'd seen him in a while.
As for the other three, well that was a different story and once again it was Genna who was ever the voice of practicality.
"We can't do this alone Jaime, as big and powerful as we are. We're one kingdom against four."
"We have the North also." Jon said and Genna turned quickly to look at him a small smile on her face.
"We do?"
"Aye, my uncle has declared for me as has Lord Manderly and Dacey's mother Lady Maege."
"That will go a long way to bringing the other northern lords, but still it's not enough." Genna said.
"We also have the Velaryon's and House Darry." Jon said.
Jaime watched the wheels turn in his aunt's head.
"The Reach?" she said turning to Loras
"We've yet to speak to my grandmother my lady."
"Lady Olenna is upset with the crown though aunt, I think she can be brought on board," Jaime said.
"Wait we're actually doing this?" Kevan said.
"Aye we are brother," Gerion replied.
"I don't.. I don't know I need more time." Kevan said standing up "I need more time." he turned to walk from the room
"I'll go speak to him," Genna said following her brother.
Jaime sat looking as they left the room leaving him with Jon, Loras, and Tyrion and Gerion, his uncle looked curiously at the box, while Tyrion drummed his fingers on the table.
"What else you got in there Jon?" Gerion asked.
"I can't, Loras could you take the white one out?"
"Aye," Loras said taking the egg out and placing it on the desk
He watched his brother's eyes widen when they saw the egg, his hand reaching out to touch it, Gerion too looked at it like it was some strange unknown thing.
"Is this a dragon egg?" Tyrion asked.
"Aye, it is touch it my lord?" Jon said and Tyrion placed his hand on it.
"It's cold." he said and Gerion reached out to touch it too.
"Aye it is."
"Touch it now my lords." Jon said when they took their hands off it, he placed his own on it and waited.
"What was that?"
"Is it, how is it?"
"Jon is this alive?" Tyrion asked.
"It is."
"But how, I couldn't feel anything a minute ago?"
"I think it's my blood, this egg it's different to the other." Jon said,
"The other? You have more than one." Gerion said "Is it alive too."
"Aye it is, but they're different, they're my dragons but I think I'll only ever be able to ride the white one?"
"Ride? You mean to hatch it?" Tyrion said excitedly.
"It's going to hatch my lord, and soon."
He had watched on as Jon and Jaime explained the truth to the Lannister's each reaction almost coming as expected to him. Tyrion and Genna more calculating and Gerion and Kevan more emotional. He had been happy to see Gerion kneel, a part of him had feared none of them would accept Jon, where that would leave them was anyone's guess. But seeing Jon's face when Gerion pledged to him made all of this worthwhile.
While the other's hadn't come around yet Loras felt they would, Tyrion loved his brother far too much and he saw how he looked at Jon, he admired his friend and cared for him, so he would accept it. Kevan would follow Genna, who also seemed well on the way to accepting things. Which then led him to think how his family would react, Would his grandmother be angry with him for not revealing it to her? Would Margaery? Would they look for some gain from it? Was that what Genna was hinting at?
"Ser Arthur Dayne lives?" he heard Gerion say taking him from his thoughts.
"Aye I just spoke to him." Jon said.
"You spoke to him? When?" Jaime asked.
"After I spoke to Alyrs widow." Jon said softly "I saw Richard and met with him and Arthur was there,"
"Did he speak of me?" Jaime asked his voice a little shaky.
"He tried to, I told him you were my Hand and that there was nothing more to be said about it, not today."
"Not today?"
"No, not today, I'll not have anyone question you, especially not today." Jon said determinedly and Loras saw both Jaime and Gerion smile while Tyrion looked on in approval.
"So when will we see Arthur?" Jaime asked.
"He's busy for now so I'm not sure?"
"Lorch?" Jaime asked.
"What else did Richard have to say?"
"He's already onto the attack, says they were hired from Essos but were Westerosi men."
"Does he know who?" Jaime asked.
"Not yet."
"The ships?"
"He knows nothing on that." Jon said.
"Who's Richard?" Tyrion asked.
"Ser Richard Lonmouth my Master of Whisperers."
"You're what?" Tyrion asked.
"You heard him Tyrion, besides you already know him under a different name." Jaime said.
"Alayn, he works for you," Tyrion said looking to Jaime.
"No, he works for the king," Jaime said.
He watched as Tyrion seemed to try to control himself, his anger clear, he could understand it, being lied to was never fun, even if it was a lie of omission, for Tyrion his brother had lied for four years. For Loras it had only been a few moons and he had been North and could if he wished say it was not something he could send by raven or letter. Still he knew his family wouldn't be pleased with him, yet compared to how Jaime was being looked at by Tyrion, he'd be getting off easy.
"Jon, could you give my brother and I the room, we'll speak in the morning."
"Aye my lord,." Jon said and called for him to put the egg back in the chest and he and Gerion helped him carry it from the room leaving the brothers to speak.
They walked down the corridor and into Jon's room, he helped him place the chest on the ground and turned to see Gerion looking at them both.
"Jon, I meant everything I said in there, you can count on me for anything, I hope you know that."
"I do Gerion, thank you." Jon said and Gerion smiled before leaving.
"Well that went better than I expected." Jon said and Loras laughed.
"It did, now it's just Margaery." and he chuckled at the look on Jon's face.
He had been surprised by the king's presence especially for a boy who'd grown up as bastard, even in Dorne they seemed to either be too aggressive or worse too meek. Jae though seemed to hold himself well, he was composed, firm and had the bearing of someone who knew who he should be. Despite himself he found that he was thanking Jaime Lannister for taking the boy, for raising him right, something he doubted Ned Stark had been doing.
He was also grateful for the advice Richard had given him, even with the neutral way he'd gone about trying to bring up Jaime it was clear that he and the king were close, he would need to speak to him though, having them too close could be a problem. But he wondered if it was the man he knew who was causing that problem or was it as the king and Richard seemed to think, the man he thought he knew instead.
He did sense a great sadness in Jae though, something which reminded him of both his parents, every loss that happened, every piece of bad news had driven Rhaegar deeper into his melancholy, only Lyanna had ever been able to pull him from it. Jae seemed to have some of that, though he also seemed to have his mother's spirit too, she had been almost broken by the news of her family and then Rhaegar's deaths. But each time she had come back even stronger and it was still what haunted him about that last day, that at the end for some reason she had not been able to.
"We're in luck Arthur." Richard said walking back into the room.
"We are?"
"Aye it seems we won't have to travel too far to catch the king's prize."
"He's here?"
"In this very town as we speak, came to celebrate the wedding."
"Who is he with?"
"His brother and some friends, but don't worry Arthur I have a plan."
"Was it him Richard? Was he the one?"
"He was."
Arthur nodded, he fought down the urge to just storm to where Lorch was and drag him into the street, to kill him right then and there, she was a child, a sweet child and he closed his eyes, not wishing to think of it. The little girl running by playing with her cat, her little head turning to him and asking him to play, The Morning Sword he thought as he felt the tears flow.
"For Rhaenys." he said and Richard nodded.
"For Rhaenys." Richard said as they left the room.