NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 74: Passing the Dangerous Zone

"So, my base defensive skill will be the darkness might skill, with pause skill and the fog of gravity skill being my life saving skill. as for dash, it might help at some crucial times, but I wouldn't use it much for now."

He had finally found his own defensive set, making him quite happy. As for his offensive, he wouldn't change much for now, not until he got one level up at the least, and started using his OP doppelganger skill.

"I need points to put inside Lu stat fast, so I can really use this skill," he sighed while checking the details of this skill again, feeling how lucky to unlock such an advanced one in such a lower level.

It took him two hours to pass the useless monsters, and reach to the real deal. When he arrived at the border, he noticed the presence of a thin, very long line of trees, separating the basic leveling grounds from the wilderness.

"It must be for protecting ignorant players from stepping by mistake into the far dangerous grounds," he muttered as he entered the tree line. The trees weren't that tall, or thick, but he noticed they had a sign saying: Alter Village Wilderness leveling grounds, over many trees already!

"Sigh, no confidence in players at all!"

He commented, while passing the thin line made of five trees planted one after another. He stood at the last tree, while observing the open world in front of him.

"All these monsters, that's quite challenging!"

Huge number of monsters were in front of him, moving in large groups of a hundred or even more. What caught his attention wasn't their numbers, or their diversity, but their movement; they were moving randomly, like zombies in a very desolate city!

A single sound or move and all of these would jump over him like kids jumping on candies!

"I have to find a suitable place to penetrate them, not from here for sure," he said as he started to move along the tree line, glancing over the monsters, looking for any place suitable for him to enter.

One single mistake, and he would be doomed! The monsters extended to the horizon, which made him unable to step in along his long march that took another hour for him to complete it, finally finding somewhere safe to start from.

This area was just like each other, but at the distance he spotted a small hill, where monsters evaded it while moving in groups.

"I should be able to reach there in time, rest, let my skills reset, and then start dashing out again," he muttered, as that distant hill was at the horizon, taking the size of five hundred meters at least.

He didn't delay anymore, as he muttered:

"Shadow steps skill."

The next moment, his body got a strange semi-transparent color. He didn't dare to waste time observing his skill, as he started running with his utmost speed.

The monsters weren't alarmed by him, but this skill was different from the stealth skills, as he could be spotted if he hit any monster in his path, so he had to evade monsters along the way, trying as much as possible to stay away, and find a place safe for him to appear at.

"Seven, six, five," he kept counting down to himself, while trying to find that secured place; however he didn't! when he reached down to two, he had to select the second best choice he had, to appear in between two groups of monsters, not in one group.


The moment his skill ended, he suddenly appeared between two large groups of monsters. The moment he did, every single monster around him stopped what they were doing, and in unison all stared at his direction!

"Scary! Darkness nihility skill!"

He muttered at once, not daring to take the risk here. as he activated the skill, everything around him turned into grey color, something similar to what happened to him when he died and had that reviving token.

"Let's go, my hill, I'm coming!"

He moved at once without any delay, while the monsters around him were in daze for a moment, before returning to their innate state again.

The hill seemed that near, but it took him one minute to just be on its outer edge. Before waiting for the skill to vanish and his body to appear, he used one of his attack skills without thinking.

"Dash piercer skill!"

He aimed his sword towards the hill, targeting one of the rocks scattered there. his body jumped three meters in the air, crossing the remaining distance to the hill, before his body appeared midair, but he was now safe.

"Oh, this was pretty close!" he sighed before he sheathed his sword, and then took a moment to catch his racing breaths.

During this time, he was really stressed by this dash, and now he had the time to have some rest.

"Let's see what lies beyond this," after he rested for a minute, he started climbing the hill, and when he reached the top of this short hill, he was amazed to find an ore there.

"Tsk, it's a waste as I don't have any mining skill," he shook his head in regret, while looking away from this fine ore, trying to forget everything about it, while glancing at the distance.

What he was roughly a similar scene to what he just passed through, however the good news was that after the distance equal to what he just crossed, the density of the monsters got remarkably decreased.

"Finally, this area can't be crossed by one player at all," he then checked his skills cooldown time, and decided to depend on the darkness nihility skill alone. After all that shadow steps proved to be unworthy to depend on his life.

"Let's go, darkness nihility skill."

He descended the hill before using this skill and started running towards the front. During his run, he kept following his timer, while keeping another eye for his destination.

When he had less than ten seconds left, he managed to finally cross the dense area of monsters, and a really spacious region appeared in front of him.

"Finally back to normal leveling," he muttered, while selecting a place to stop at, waiting for his skill to end, while taking his breaths.

The first thing he did was to make sure he wasn't detected after the end of the skill, and he was safe. He then checked his stamina, and there was over half of it not used yet.

"Let's kill some monsters then," he unsheathed his two swords, while selecting a small group of five before moving carefully towards them, trying not to make a single sound during his approach.

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