NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 66: The Special Rules to Level up in the Village

The NPC was quite enthusiastic about selling it, and Bloom wasn't much interested in it until the last point was clarified by the NPC. He had a really bizarre quest system, and any help was much appreciated.

"Fine, I will buy it, here are the fifty coins," he said, taking out fifty gold coins and giving them to the NPC.

"Thanks, I'm sure you won't regret it," the NPC's grin got wider, and that made Bloom think he was tricked here. The moment he took the luxurious manual, he received a system notification.

"System alert: Player has bought the luxurious edition of the village manual. Player can have the manual merged with his profile, and all the additional benefits will be automatically activated.

Once merged and bound with the player, the player will gain more access to his current quests. Plus, player will have a very detailed description about anything inside the village territory. Player also will gain tips and valuable information regarding five special quests monthly issued in the village, and how to accomplish them.

This manual will be active only during the player presence in the village vicinity. This manual is only effective on this village, however if the player moves to another village, the player can pay ten gold coins fees to change the manual to that village.

The manual once bound won't be dropped after player death. If the player agrees on binding it at any time, he could simply say the magic words; bind the manual."

Bloom smiled as he was now sure this was authentic, and not some scum trick. "Bind the manual," he muttered, and the next moment the manual vanished from his hand, and his body was surrounded with faint blue light.

"System alert: Binding process is completed. Player can now view the manual through the special icon in his character profile."

Bloom didn't delay and hurriedly opened his character profile, as he found a small faint blue shimmering item there in the shape of a small book. He selected it, and the next moment he found a large amount of data in front of his eyes, organized in many categories.

"Village map, village leveling basic grounds, village leveling wilderness, unified leveling map, village famed NPCs, village famous places, village monsters, village quests, village special areas, village great dangers, village rules, village monthly special quests' list, player current quests' tips."

There was a lot to be explored by him, however he didn't have time now to do so. From first glance, he realized this manual was really very descriptive, as the basic manual only has the village leveling grounds as a whole, not differentiated here into three different items.

Plus the basic manual had in addition to that a general village map, and village rules. He was sure the info inside each category would be much more detailed than the basic edition.

He opened the village leveling three categories, scanned them fast to refresh his memories.

"As I thought, this will be quite troublesome, sigh!"

What he read matched what he vaguely remembered from his past life. He recalled the developers there made fun of the weird rules of monster distribution and leveling up in the villages of this game.

Each village had three special places to level up, the first one was the direct basic grounds to the village. There, players would find monsters ranging from level one to level ten.

This area might be with no purpose, but it was made for those who lost a lot of levels in the PvP or in fighting monsters outside.

The second area was the wilderness, where the main monsters were spread for the players to kill. However, this wilderness had a very strange rule, that the level of monsters there would be five levels higher of the weakest player in the team.

So, a place was always reserved for a player to be all the time five levels lower than the rest of the time. This player was called the Joker, and some also called him the leveler, while the developers of Bloom's past game loved to mock them by calling them fools.

This player position was considered rare, as players were always arrogant, and greedy, wanting to be always the best. So, the number of available players for such positions was really scarce at any village, and that made the demand on them much higher, making them reap great benefits in the game, and in real life as well.

As for him right now, he was level ten, and he was alone. He would face the dilemma everyone else would experience, the hurdle to reach level fifteen.

Many players would lose their lives in the process. For him, he didn't know if the monsters of such level would be easy to kill for him or not, so he hurriedly opened the village monster page, and there he found detailed description about monsters, and he instantly jumped over level fifteen monsters' info.

The numbers there weren't that scary, as the Hp of the level fifteen monsters didn't exceed four thousand and five hundred points. The issue was related to the level suppression he would be facing here!

Five level difference would make his attacks weaker, while the attacks of these monsters stronger! Another thing he had to deal with was the special ability that each monster would have in this level.

This special ability was similar to the abilities used by boss monsters at the starting point dungeons. That meant he would have to deal with monsters with much suppression and many AOE skills.

He sighed, as the last option he would have was the unified leveling grounds. These were common leveling grounds with normal monster rules, which was accessed by dozens of villages at the same time.

It was like the starting point, but on a larger scale and much stronger monsters and dungeons.

The problem here was that the ticket to such grounds was ten gold coins for going there, and another ten to come back. However, the most disturbing rule was the obligation to wait there for the whole day before being able to return to the village again.

As such, he couldn't level up using such a way, despite being the safest for him. These grounds were considered restricted areas, only for those rich players and guilds, as they had to pay ten gold coins fees to go and come back, plus the regular fee of daily presence there which was one gold coin.

"So all I could do is to level up in the wilderness here, I need to go on a shopping spree then," he muttered to himself as if he would go there, he must buy what he lacked.

He had only few gears in low levels, and thus he needed either to replace them, or to buy materials enough to level them up.

He already had many materials, but he knew this wasn't enough. He needed to push the gears past level ten at least to make up for his low level.

He also needed to buy potions, lots of potions, so he would be safe while leveling.

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