Nowhere to Run

Chapter 15: A Difficult Choice

Chapter 15: A Difficult Choice


“Life is short and precious and we never know what is around the corner. So you live, for now, seize every moment that comes your way and if you’re going to look back on your life with regret, it’s easier to regret the things that you did do, rather than the things you didn’t”

-Field Priest Verkan


  A lone rider tore through the dark, matted forest at breathtaking speed, his mind focused on his goal, bringing back important news, trusting his faithful mount in navigating the narrow trails completely by instinct.

  Damn it! ‘Tracker’ cursed just as the animal growled powerfully in response, sensing his rider’s concern. A dreadful feeling took over his soul, and violent shivers went down his spine as a maddening panic threatened to rob him of what little control he had over his body. Shit! That was the last bridge! Boss is NOT going to like this!

  But he couldn’t afford to give in to despair just yet. He had a task to complete and did an outstanding job keeping his cool despite the overwhelming odds against them. He had faced the Northmen before, from small bands of eight to twelve raiders seeking quick riches, to lone warrior-princes seeking to please their Gods, but never a war band of this size. Although not all of them proved troublesome. In fact, many came to offer their services as fellow swords-for-hire, and some even traded their valuable goods. Despite that, the mere sight of sky-blue eyes, and long, fair hair almost always meant that bloodshed was nigh.

  Relief washed over him after spotting the lights bleeding through the Clan outpost’s windows shining in the distance above the hilltops, surrounded by dense forests. The thick layer of dark clouds combined with the moonless night made traverse through the woods incredibly difficult, and the clan outpost with its lights all the more visible, which helped him navigate the many trails that spawned from it. Hiding the outpost seemed pointless since each road leads straight to it, anyway.

  Kuro and Reinn spotted ‘Tracker’ coming hard above the hills, immediately alerting ‘Boss’. They raced outside the outpost’s walls to greet him as he quickly closed the distance, to keep whatever he had to report out of earshot, fully aware they were certainly bad news. The sudden commotion also alerted a sleepy Nina who until that moment tended to Rudo, who remained deeply asleep. She carefully rested his head on the floor after he somehow ended over her lap in his sleep.

  Curiosity took the better of her, even though whatever they talked about would probably be heartbreaking. She promptly left the armory, sneaking her way along the stone walls, looking for a suitable place to overhear their conversation, finding several wooden crates piled near the wall the ideal spot, covertly peeking over them, immediately spotting the group just a few yards away. Kuro turned immediately as if sensing her presence, instantly spotting his cousin.

  Nina gasped. They held glances just briefly before she clumsily hid again. Shit! She took a quick peek again, finding Kuro still staring at her but his dead serious face and the look in his eyes immediately showed just how scared he actually was. He subtly nodded at her, letting her know he didn’t plan to stop her.

-“Thank the Gods you're back! Please say you bring good news!” ‘Boss’ said, interrupting her thoughts just as ‘Tracker’ finally neared the trio, his somber semblance immediately set the mood. Shit!

-“Does 'less than terrible' count as good?” Kuro joked.

-“The bridges are down, Boss!” ‘Tracker’ finally spoke, desperately trying to sound as serene as possible but losing the battle horribly. -“All the bridges! Even the rocky ones! Is as if they were destroyed by some kind of… magic! I've never seen anything like it! There is only one bridge remaining on the West that leads to Clan Kano territory!”

-“Magic?! You’re shitting me, right?! ‘Boss’ asked.

-“I swear is true! I wish I was joking but what else could it be?!”

-“We don’t have time for this!” Kuro interrupted, already suspecting the mage’s presence after Nina showed him the spellcasters. -“We can't ford the river at this time of the year! It's been raining for days! The Spey is incredibly treacherous!”

-“We're trapped! We're completely cut off!”

-“I-I found a Fist of warriors patrolling south very far from here! They said they would rendezvous with another fist and come as fast as possible!” ‘Tracker’ informed.

-Two Fists?!” ‘Boss’ panicked, his eyes wide open, struggling to keep a hold of himself. -“That's barely ten warriors! A dozen counting that two good-for-nothing! Even with us, we are only sixteen! That thing with the girl can fight?!” he asked, turning to Kuro.

-“He fights well, Boss. What about Kira and Kastus?”

-“Have you lost your mind?! I can't let them fight!”

-“We can’t be picky right now! Is either that or dying, and Kira is really good with the sword! We could use the extra help! Let me talk to them,” Kuro said, convincing ‘Boss’.


-“That's just nineteen,” Reinn interrupted, counting with her fingers. -“We are not even half of them but we only need to hold them just long enough until more warriors come. Right?”

-“How do we know they will even come?!”

-“They have to, Sir! I mean, these are their lands!”

-“Alright, enough of that! What options do we have?”

 -“With the bridges blown we can't go anywhere but to Clan Kano lands. I bet that's exactly where they want us to go,” Kuro said.

-“You mean this was planned?!”

-“Of course it was planned, Boss! It can't be a coincidence!”

-“Normally your crazy theories are too convoluted to be true but you are starting to make sense for once!” ‘Boss’ pointed out while scratching his head. -“You seem to know much, Hunter. Is there something you aren't telling us?”

-“I think I know why the Northmen are here,” Kuro said, producing the small scroll that Nina had previously shown to him and handing it to ‘Boss’.

  Nina gasped, her heart racing, her eyes widening with fright, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands. He took it from me without me noticing! She watched helplessly as ‘Boss’ read the scroll, again and again, his face slowly twisting to one of utter shock, seemingly not believing his own eyes.

-“A fucking thousand gold marks! This is nuts! No wonder why they let us go! They weren't after Lady Nana after all!”

-“Even so, I don't think they will spare us this time,” Kuro said, as he took the scroll back, rolling it to store it in his pockets.

-“So what do we do?” Reinn asked.

-“What do you mean?! ‘Boss’ countered, visibly agitated. -“We can't go anywhere! And even if we could, we would be easy prey on the road! The trail to Clan Kano territory is either their escape route or a trap!”

-“We have no choice but to make our stand here,” Kuro said.

-“What are our chances of fording the Spey?” Reinn asked again.

-“Naught with the cargo that’s for sure! We might be able to if we go on our own though!”

-“Wait a minute, Boss!” Kuro said, indignant. -“Are you suggesting leaving Nana and her girls behind?!”

-“You would be the first one suggesting turning tail in any other case!”

-“Well, yeah! But this time is different! Nana is counting on us! We can't just leave them!” Kuro countered fiercely.

-“We'll be blacklisted for life if we leave them, Sir,” Reinn said.

-“You just said they weren't after Lady Nana but after that girl! I hate this idea as much as you do! I'm just pointing out what few options we have!”

-“They are coming for blood, Boss! Just imagine what they’ll do to those girls if they don’t find Nina, or us!”

-“I know, damn it!” ‘Boss’ lashed out angrily, taking a deep breath to calm down. -“Listen! I can't force any of you to do anything you don’t want to do! We've been through a lot and we’ll do this together but I want to hear what you all have to say! Hunter?”

-“They're family, Boss! Both Nana and Nina! There’s no way I’m leaving them!”


-“I owe that girl my life, Sir. I can't leave Nana either. I'm staying,”

-“Even if it costs you your life?” he asked.

-“Especially if it costs me my life, Sir,”

-“Very well,” he said, sighing. -“You’ve been awfully quiet, 'Track'. What about you?”

-“That girl's a priestess, Sir,”

-“I never imagined you’d be the superstitious type,”

-“I'm not, Sir! Not at all! But the Church gives good jobs. The few decent ones. What good does making it alive if we will never be able to get an honest job again?”

-“We will probably die if we stay, you realize that,”

-“We're adventurers, Sir! Dying is always a possibility! But now we're doing something good for once and I don’t want to back out if the alternative is going back to my family, knowing I could've done the right thing but I didn't!”

-“Damn, Track! Since when you became so decent?!” Kuro said, patting him on the back, being quickly joined by Reinn hugging him from the side.

  Raznak sighed in defeat, watching the trio with a hint of a smile on his face. Damn it! -“I still think this is hopeless! I’d say we take the girl and cash the reward but we're a team, and we will face this together!” he said, finally joining the group hug. -“I’m proud of you all. I'll inform Lady Nana of this. Let me know when the warriors arrive,”

-“YES, SIR!”

  They looked at each other briefly, now with renewed spirits. It was a difficult choice but one that they took certainly, unanimously. There was nothing more to say. Each one went their way to prepare for what they know would be the hardest battle they had ever fought, except for Kuro who turned to give Nina a confident look and a reassuring smile before leaving too. She returned the smile. You knew it would turn out this way. Didn’t you?

  Well, at least they won’t sell me out. She sighed, her warm breath forming a cloud of moisture in the cold night air. Even though that part was solved, the pressing issue still persisted. They just agreed on how they will face it, we’re still going to fight the Northmen. The harrowing memory of her close encounter still tormented her, and it will definitely give her equally harrowing nightmares for a long, time, and even now, just the thought of facing them again terrified her.

  Nina covertly made her way back to the armory, carefully closing the wooden door behind her so as not to disturb Rudo who remained deeply asleep. She sat next to him, fighting the urge to lie next to him and squeeze him for comfort, hugging her legs in front of her instead, her mind fixed on the threat that the Northmen still posed. What will be of us now?

-“Hey Nina,” Rudo said, interrupting her thoughts.

-“Hey, you're finally awake,” Nina said, promptly shifting her weight to sit upright over her legs to face him.

  Rudo remained on the ground, still wrapped in Nina’s fur cloak, seemingly enjoying the comfy garment. His giant bright-yellow eyes scanned the dim room, taking his time to slowly inspect their surroundings, having just woken up, finally resting his gaze upon her, being greeted with a warm smile. -“Yeah, I felt sleepy earlier, sorey,”

-“It's ok, I guess even you can get tired,” she said, looking through her leather bag, producing a pair of boxy-looking linen wrappings that he immediately recognized as Clan field rations. Nina untied the small strings holding the linen wrapping, revealing a couple of rather large rock-hard bread rolls, a fistful of fried side bacon strips that looked just as hard, and a few dried-fruit cut in small pieces that although looking appalling had Rudo drooling all over even before handing them to him. -“I’ve got you something to eat. I thought you'll be hungry,”

-“I am! I'm starving!” he said, immediately sitting upright with Nina’s cloak still covering his back, sniffing the unknown food before biting off a massive chunk out of the hard-rock bread roll effortlessly. -“WAH WAPPEND WHAH AH WAS SLEEHPEN?” Rudo asked with his mouth full while chewing his meal.

-“Not much, I talked with Nana and the others,”


-“They can't do anything. I’ve heard the bridges are blown, that means we can't go anywhere,” Nina said looking away, biting her lips. Rudo felt her mood taking a nosedive, gradually shifting to a grim, gloomy one. He stopped chewing immediately, loudly swallowing his meal and leaving the rest aside, focusing his attention on her instead, sensing she was about to ask something important.

-“Rudo... Can I ask you something?”


-“Have you… Have you ever killed some...? I mean, of course you have! What a stupid question!” she said, looking away, on the verge of tears. Seriously! What was I thinking?!

-“You mean… if I feel bad about it?”

  How did he…?! How did he know?! She turned to face him again, his giant bright yellow eyes piercing through hers. -“Yeah! You... You do?”

-“Well... sometimes,” he said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. -“I mean, I feel a little bad but then I remember WHY I did it in the first place and the feeling goes away,”

-“It goes away?”

-“Yeah! It goes away!” he said, taking the chance to swallow a fistful of dried fruit at once, to her utter astonishment. -“You shouldn’t feel bad for defending yourself,”

-“I wish it was that easy!”

-“You stop thinking about it I guess. I've never killed anyone who didn't have it coming. That man had it coming too! You did good!”

-“I know! But… I can't help feeling this way!”

-“Would you rather been you?” Rudo asked abruptly, taking her completely off-guard. Would you, Nina? The question echoed through her head when another question followed. -“Would you rather be the one ded?”

  She felt tempted of replying yes. I wouldn’t be feeling like this that way. But the faces of her late mentor Verkan, Garf, Garen, Utios, and the other clansmen that she didn’t know but gave their lives protecting her flashed before her. I owe them my life! I can’t let them down! -“No! Hell no! I just wish that stupid Northman had just listened!”

-“They never listen when you’re a girl. Or someone like me. There are people that are just evil and won’t stop at anything to get what they want. You did the right thing,”

-“Rudo... Can I ask you something else?” she asked again. Rudo nodded in return.

-“There's one thing I've been wanting to ask you but I never had the chance,” Nina said nervously, letting out a single sob, prompting Rudo to hop closer to her. -“Why'd you stay with me, risking your life for someone who's never given you… nothing but trouble?”

-“W-What da ya mean?”

-“Well, if you’re helping me, there ought to be a reason, right? It’s because you promised it?” she dared to ask.

-“A spit shake means you never break your word! I spat and then we shook hands. Remember?”

-“That was just saliva, Rudo! And it was gross! It doesn’t mean anything!” Nina countered, visibly upset, tears already running down her cheeks, much to Rudo’s dismay.

-“But the villagers did it too,”

-“They do a lot of weird things! You can’t just do things because others do them! I know you must have a reason and I know is not the food!”

-“But the bread was nice, and the rabbit we shared, it was nice too,”

-“I overcooked it!”

-“I liked it that way,”

  Damn it! She sighed, wiping the tears with her sleeve, looking away, cursing at how easily she cried. I just want a straight answer! Why is he being so difficult? Could it be that he genuinely enjoyed all that she took for granted, like that dull, unsavory weasel and the hard-rock Clan field bread? The freaking Northmen are hunting us down yet he isn’t bothered in the slightest!

  A funereal silence took over the dim-lighted room being disturbed only by her rapid, agitated breath. Nina took a deep breath, looking at Rudo again, his eyes fixed on hers, that enigmatic pair of bright yellow eyes as large as saucers staring through her with frightening intensity. He had saved her several times and became a reliable friend in his own unique way in a matter of just days.

  Nina trusted him with her life, and might even start to care about him. That was the reason that each time he risked life and limb for her it tore her heart. She had lost Verkan already, losing him too would be... too much. She took another deep breath before finally spilling the beans. -“I feel you’re doing so much more for me than I could ever do for you! I feel I’m forcing you to help me and is tearing me apart!”

  She gulped loudly, waiting for his response, pondering what his reaction would be, fearing she might have pissed him somehow. Rudo just stared back puzzled, gaping like a goldfish for what seemed an eternity, completely at a loss of what to say, only making Nina all the more desperate to hear it. He looked away briefly, stroking his chin as if in deep thought before turning to face her again. Whatever he was about to reply suddenly seemed important. She took yet another deep breath, bracing for his response. -“I need a reason to help?”


  Did he just…?!


-“Of course, you need one!” she lashed out, only to regretfully cover her mouth with her hands to Rudo’s utter confusion. Why did I just say that?! Girl, he’s helping you just because! He doesn’t even know why he’s doing it! She couldn’t help but shed some more tears, his words echoing through her head, moving her heart and giving her pause. -“I-I-I mean, everyone has a reason! Kuro helps me because he’s family and Reinn feels she’s indebted to us for saving her! Even the clansmen feel is their duty to help us, and the rest are being paid by Nana, so…” she paused, feeling increasingly flustered. -“I need to know,”

-“I had a bad day too, once,” Rudo replied instantly, looking away, suddenly finding it impossible to return her gaze. -“I know what’s like to have nowhere to run,”

-“You do?” she dared to ask. Rudo turned to face her again, nodding in return.

  She sobbed powerfully, instantly wiping her face with her sleeves. Once again he moved her heart with nothing but his humble, childlike resolve. Nina couldn’t help herself anymore, throwing her arms around him, smothering him with a tight hug, taking poor Rudo completely off-guard. -“You’re hopeless, Rudo. Thank you!”

-“F-fo-for what?!”

-“For being you, and for putting up with me,”

-“N-no-no biggie,” Rudo said, finally finding the courage to return the embrace, awkwardly putting his arms around her, gently pressing her body against him. What is this?! He believed he could get used to her strange powers somehow but she proved him wrong. Again. If earlier he felt its effects intensely, now it was at full tilt. Rudo held his breath, momentarily startled as his heart jumped inside his ribcage from the sudden thrill as Nina snuggled into his shoulder. What the hell is this feeling?!

-“It is biggie for me, Rudo. It really is,” Nina said. Rudo’s heart now pumped wildly, a powerful feeling twisted his innards, and his breath caught in his throat. She ended the embrace after just a few seconds, awkwardly retracting her arms, and shyly looking away with a hint of a smile on her face. Rudo gulped. He could only gape at her, completely petrified. Every single gesture that Nina made, from looking down at her boots, and biting her lips, to wiping her tears with her sleeves, her eyes blinking, and even her smell… everything she did made his heart flutter more and more. It was terrifying. He had never felt like this. No one had ever made him feel like this.

  What was this feeling?! Rudo didn’t have the slightest clue.


  But he liked it.


-“When this is over, I’m going to bathe you. You stink!” Nina said, as the realization of what she had just done gradually sink in, immediately changing the subject to something less embarrassing. Rudo remained awestruck for a few seconds more, shaking his head violently to leave the trance-like state that Nina sent him to, sniffing at his own body just to confirm her words. He nodded decidedly. Yep, I stink.

  The room erupted in powerful laughter at his expense although Rudo himself couldn’t stop laughing too. Nina smiled broadly for what was the first time in a long while. Even if it was only briefly, he made her forget just how grimly she’s been feeling. Again. She couldn’t feel more thankful for having met such a unique savior and friend. We've been through so much in such a short time yet it feels like we've been friends forever!


  You dimwit! If only you weren't a dragon.


  But a faint yet constant, almost rhythmic clapping sound that they instantly recognized as bulls galloping interrupted their moment. They raced outside, being greeted by Kuro, Reinn, and ‘Track’ also rushing through the courtyard on their way to the walls. Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Is this really happening?! Nina clung to Rudo’s arm for comfort, her heart pounding wildly inside her chest, threatening to rip through her ribcage at any moment. Rudo didn’t say a word, his giant yellow eyes fixed on the harrowing darkness ahead, softly stroking her hand in return. Are the Northmen finally coming?!

-“Hunter! Tracker! To the roof! Now! Rain! You with me!” Raznak commanded, hurriedly donning his sallet helmet, and unsheathing his broadsword. The pair promptly complied. -“You! Girl! Go inside!”

-“They don’t smell like norzmen,” Rudo said calmly, shocking the group. A knowing Kuro stopped ‘Tracker’ before he could climb to the roof as instructed while an astonished Raznak just stared in silence. -“I know their smell! Those ain’t norzmen!”

-“I would trust that nose, Boss! It can smell really far!” Kuro yelled although Raznak was more concerned about the dragon talking than whatever he sniffed.

-“If those aren’t the Northmen then who the fuck are them?!”

  The distant sound became increasingly louder as its source came closer and closer by the second. Nina held her breath; her heart filled with dread despite Rudo outright confirming that whatever was coming wasn’t the Northmen. An ethereal mist took over the meadow, making it even more difficult to spot anything through the darkness. The thick clouds and the moonless night only made matters worse.

  Suddenly, a group of unknown riders emerged out of the forest, coming hard towards the outpost. Nina’s heart stopped, but the dread quickly turned into joy as relief washed over her after recognizing the riders’ distinctive lamellar armor despite the dark and the distance. -“Clan warriors!” Nina yelled, pointing in the rider’s direction.

-“Thanks the Gods!” Raznak said upon recognition, letting out a long, audible sight. -“Rain! Open the gates! I’ll inform Lady Nana,”

-“Yes, sir!”

  Reinn raced to the gate, promptly pushing the cart blocking it just enough to allow one half to open just as the Clan warriors arrived, riding their bulls inside the outpost at full gallop, flooding the courtyard. Nina counted ten warriors and their rides, making the two Fists that ‘Track’ reported. She watched them descend from their bulls in absolute awe, her heart filled with hope once again. With Rudo on our side, we might actually have a chance!

  They looked magnificent, sporting spectacular suits of simple yet practical lamellar armor covering them from knees to neck, an elegant pair of spaulders emblazoned with bull motifs in brass, their signature Khalets at their sides, and simple helmets with nasal guards adorned with long strands of bull hair hanging from the top. They might not be Imperial Knights but they are amazingly well-equipped, regardless.

  Kuro rushed through the courtyard to help Reinn push the carts back in place, sealing the gates completely. Despite being completely dark, he found one of the warriors strikingly familiar, finally recognizing him as his long-estranged, distant cousin after he removed his helmet, much to his surprise. -“Ekto! Is that you?!”

-“Kuro! What are you doing here!” the young Clan warrior countered, smiling fondly. He sported a more elaborate version of the armor than the other warriors, suggesting he held a higher rank. They wasted little time, embracing in an overly manly display. -“It’s good to see you!”

-“Good to see you too, man! We are in some serious trouble right now!”

-“I am aware, my friend. And we are here to help. It’s our duty as warriors, anyway. And besides, we could use some action,” Ekto said with a confident grin.

-“You crazy son of a bitch!” Kuro said, punching him in the arm to which the warrior just chuckled. Nina watched the exchange from the sidelines, remaining unacknowledged, also recognizing their relative despite being years since the last time they saw each other. It was amazing how the meek, polite boy that used to watch over her and the other younger kids has grown into such a tall, proud, and eye-catching young man. His meek, humble expression contrasted with Kuro’s mischievous one. Both of them grew tall, fit, and firm as a man should. Her family’s bloodline definitely favored the males. It’s not fair! I’m the only one barely growing! Kuro turned to another warrior that he also recognized, dressed in the same way as Ekto. -“Hey! Arkan!”

-“Kuro?! Why it’s always you when there is trouble?!” the warrior yelled, visibly annoyed.

-“Good to see you too, asshole!”

-“You are a fine warrior Ekto but I can’t figure out how can you stand being related to this dishonorable trash!” Arkan said looking down at Kuro as he dismounted, with such a serious face that Nina couldn’t tell if he was really joking or not. -“Anyway, where is the garrison?”

-“I was wondering that maybe YOU could tell us! There were only your most favorite pair of warriors manning this outpost when we arrived!” Kuro countered.

-“Those two again?!” Arkan asked in disbelief, covering his face with his hands, taking a deep breath before yelling at the top of his lungs. -“SITKA! DENAI!”

  The two bumbling warriors assembled immediately, standing at attention with such a worried look on their faces that it was painful to watch. Apparently, this was routine every now and then. -“Boglach-Dorcha Garrison reporting, sir!” they said in unison.

-“Why in the name of the Gods is always you two! I’m really tired of this! Who is in charge?!” Arkan growled.

-“I-I am, sire!” Sitka mumbled nervously.

-“Where is everybody?!”

-“A-As I told the mercenary commander, they were summoned by order of Lord Euron himself, sire!”

-“Summoned?! When?! Where?!”

-“Just a few hours ago, sire! But I am not aware of where! The messenger did not say! All I know is that we were commanded to guard the outpost until their return!”

-“Who was in command?!”

-“Sennerkal Hagen, sire!”

-“Daingead! Alright, I am taking command from now on!”

-“Tha, sire!”

  Nina witnessed the poor warriors being chewed up, feeling deeply for them, wondering what they did to earn such cruel treatment. She sighed. Well, at least they’re here already. She turned to Rudo, finally releasing his arm, freeing him to sniff around the surroundings on his own, only earning the looks of everyone present as if the mere sight of a dragon wasn’t striking enough already.

  Damn it, Rudo! She thought, turning to Kuro and Ekto talking in an attempt to distance herself from her dragon friend’s embarrassing display. Although a part of her wanted to go and greet her estranged relative, she felt a bit apprehensive about it as her usual social anxiety kicked in, deciding to simply overhear their conversation.

-“Sorry man, I didn't mean to drag you into this,” Kuro said.

-“No need to apologize, my friend, it is only our duty, and I’m here of my own volition. Your concern is touching, nevertheless,”

-“Good to hear! Listen! You won't believe who's here!”

-“Who?!” Ekto asked, leaning closer, intrigued. -“One of your ‘great conquests’, perhaps?”

-“I wish! But the joke’s on you! Remember when we used to play with the little kids in the lighthouse?” Kuro replied, enthusiastically anticipating his reaction. -“The girl that always made you stutter,”

-“N-Ni-Nina?! Wait, she's here?!”

-“See for yourself,”

  Kuro pointed in her direction and she instantly felt her heart in her throat. Curse you, Kuro! She gulped loudly as Ekto slowly looked over his shoulder, their glances meeting for a brief instant before he looked away again. What was that? He suddenly looked awfully troubled, as if something important weighted him. Unbeknown to her, however, he just came to the horrible realization that the life of his childhood friend was in great danger, and it was now in his hands.

-“I see. The more reason to fight then,”

  Ekto took a deep breath, steadily gathering the courage to go and finally greet her. He turned abruptly, their gazes meeting once again, walking the few yards between them slowly but surely. Nina could feel her heart racing. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to meet Ekto, quite the contrary, she missed him dearly, but right now was NOT the best time, and she wasn’t exactly in the best mood. She wasn't aware of it when she was a kid but she had come to realize over the years that Ekto used to have a rather evident precocious crush on her. Ignorance is bliss, they say. Meeting him again, with a rather large crowd around, and most especially under these circumstances, was a bit awkward, to say the least.

-“N-Nina! Is that really you?” Ekto asked, interrupting her thoughts, walking the remaining steps, stopping just a few feet in front of her.


-“I-I can’t believe this! I-It’s so nice to see you! It's been ages!”

-“Yeah! It’s been so long! I’m glad to see a familiar face! But what are you doing here?”

-“Just my duty,” he said, motioning his body as if the armor covering it wasn’t evident. -“I'm a clan warrior now, a Serkal,”


-“I-It’s a high rank among the Clans! More or less the equivalent to a Knight-Lieutenant in the Imperial Army,”

-“Really?!” Nina asked excitedly, her eyes suddenly gleaming after he brought up the subject of Imperial Knights. What in the name of the Gods are you thinking, Nina?! Now is not the time! She shook her head to get rid of the silly thoughts. -“I'm happy for you! You’ve come so far!”

-“I-It warms my heart hearing that,” Ekto said, his previous nervous expression changing to a grim one. -“I would’ve liked it more if we had met under different circumstances. Now is not a good time,”

-“Yeah, me too,”

-“Ekto!” Arkan yelled from afar interrupting them, urging him to come motioning his arm as everyone gathered outside the barracks. What great timing! She knew Ekto well; he used to be a sweet and sensible boy, well-educated and versed, and incredibly levelheaded for his age in stark contrast with Kuro who used to be the exact opposite. Both of them changed. She was sure she could trust him and that he would remain just as responsible as he used to be when they were kids. He would never let something as silly as a teenage crush take the better of him! And it was many years ago, anyway!

-“We should get going,” Nina said, looking away. -“It seems they’ll talk about something important,”

-“Yeah, we shouldn’t miss anything,”

  They walked toward the barracks where all the warriors gathered. She looked over her shoulder to look at Rudo who kept sniffing at the bulls and sighed. It was baffling how he didn’t even seem aware of the impending danger in the slightest. Either that, or maybe he’s just that confident in his strength. Everyone is worried sick but him! How does he even do it?!

  They took their places among the crowd, standing close to Kuro and Arkan, respectively. The air was drenched with uncertainty and a tangible uneasiness that she could almost feel. Nina inspected each warrior; each one of them remaining stoic, fully aware of what awaited them yet determined to spit at their foe’s face as if fighting for their lives was everyday business.

-“Gentlemen! Glad to have you here!” Raznak said as he emerged through the barrack’s wooden doors.

-“It is an honor to meet you, commander,” Arkan replied, speaking for his warriors, and even though he was nothing but polite, they could feel a certain disdain in his words.

-“Here's the situation. We are expecting an imminent attack by a Nord war band. According to my scout, they are fifty at least,”

-“Fifty?!” Arkan asked, shocked. -“Is that information reliable?”

-“I couldn't count them accurately since I was evading them but they could be even more,” Reinn said.

-“These walls will not protect us!” Arkan said. -“They were built to withstand floods and keep animals at bay, not to keep intruders out. They will climb them easily! How many are we?!”

-“Nineteen, with both your Fists accounted,” Raznak replied.

-“We are not even the half!” Ekto pointed out. -“This is bad, Arkan! We should call reinforcements!”

-“My scout reported all bridges over the Spey were destroyed, except for the one on the West that leads to Clan Kano territory,”

  The sounds of gasping filled the air. The warriors looked at each other, shocked. -“I beg your pardon, sir… Destroyed?! That means we are cut off! We need to inform Lord Euron about this!” Ekto said looking at Arkan who remained calm and collected.

-“How?! The bridges are destroyed!” Raznak countered.

-“There is a secret trail that goes through the mountains! It goes deep through the woods where the Spey’s source is. The river is just a stream by there but is a long detour,” Arkan informed.

-“Excuse me, Serkal, but I need to ask. Could a cart be able to go through that trail?” Raznak asked.

-“Impossible. The trail is a deathtrap, even on foot,”

-“We could ditch the carts and escape on foot!” Kuro said.

-“That would mean being stranded here, Hunter,”

-“We’re talking about saving those girls’ lives, Boss! It’s worth a shot!”

-“I must discuss it with Lady Nana first,”

-“I thought you would stay and fight with us, commander,” Arkan interrupted, visibly surprised. Nina noticed the Clan warriors muttering between them. What could’ve upset them?

-“We will, Serkal, but only if there is no other choice,”

-“Where is your honour, ‘adventurer’?”

-“I don’t give a fuck about what you call honor, clanner!” Raznak lashed out abruptly, startling everyone, his temper blaring. -“I have a dozen young ladies under my responsibility that the Northmen will put through hell if we fail! Bet your fucking ‘honor’ I wish to avoid any fighting as much as possible!”

-“We are Clan warriors! Our honour demands we must fight! It is our duty!”

-“We will fight alongside you, Serkal, but I need to get those girls to safety first! I need someone to guide them through that trail,”

-“I think Kira knows about the trail he’s talking about. She knows this area well,” Kuro said, motioning toward the stables.

-“Wait, that troublesome woman is here?!” Arkan asked, surprised, his eyes widening.

-“Yeah, she was summoned to repair our broken down carts,”


-“I’m sure she’ll be just as happy to see you too,”

-“That doesn't resolve the problem of the defenses!” Ekto pointed out. -“They will surround us and overrun this position in minutes if we don’t do something!”

-“He’s right!” Raznak said. -“We'll block the gates with a pair of carts and build barriers with the rest around the barracks!”

-“I will command Sitka and Denai to assist you, commander! I will lead our Fists to face the Northmen on the edge of the forest!”

-“We don’t stand a chance divided! I don’t intend to belittle you, Serkal, but you won't last a minute against fifty!”

-“What other choice do we have?!”

  Nina watched helplessly both parties wasted incredibly precious time arguing. She sighed, turning to Kuro who only shrugged in return. She turned to Ekto, exchanging uneasy looks as the argument grew in tone but went nowhere. She then turned over her shoulders, spotting Rudo across the muddy courtyard, among the warrior’s bulls, staring at her expectantly with those gigantic pair of freaky yellow eyes that she had come to care about. Please, tell me, Rudo. What would you do in my place?

  Probably something stupid. Nina thought, looking away. But those eyes revealed something else, something that no one other than Verkan even dared to manifest. She shook her head; looking at him, staring deeply into his puzzling yellow eyes, and she saw in them something she hasn’t seen in a long time. Trust, certainty.




  She immediately knew that even if they didn’t know what would happen next, he would carry on with her, no matter what. He doesn’t know any better, Nina, he’s just that pure. She couldn’t help but smile, hers eyes tearing up all over again, wiping her tears with her sleeve. Rudo did it yet again, moving her heart with nothing but his innocent, almost childish resolve. Since they met, he has proven his worth again and again. Rudo might be dense as a brick and ugly as a blasphemy, but he has never let you down! Never! Not even once! He has shown what he’s made of, now it’s my turn!

  With renewed spirits, Nina vowed to help as much as she could. The way he managed to cheer her up without even saying a word was beyond her. Think, Nina, think! You need to come up with something! Your strength are books! There has to be something you can borrow from them that can be useful now! The dykes they saw earlier on their way here came to mind and she promptly devised a plan. Yeah, Rudo might probably do something stupid in my place, but sometimes stupid works too. If the swamp bogged the Northmen down, then I’ll turn this field into a swamp! She took a deep breath, bracing for what her next words would bring.

-“Ehem,” Nina cleared her throat loudly, earning the attention of both leaders. She took another deep breath to calm down. You can do this, Nina! -“Err… Excuse me, gentlemen. Can I talk? I might be able to help,”


  Every head turned towards her.


-“Pardon us, young lady, I didn’t notice you amid the crowd. You shouldn’t be here,” Raznak said.

-“This is no place for a little lass! Get lost!” Arkan growled.

-“Hey guys! Please! Let her talk!” Kuro countered fiercely, silencing the crowd. -“Go ahead, princess,”

-“Thank you, Kuro. I saw him and Reinn fighting the Northmen in the swamps, and they managed to hold them back effectively,”

-“In the swamps, lassie!” Arkan countered fiercely. -“They will rush in with cavalry if we don’t stop them in the woods!”

-“And the rest will do what?! Wait for our turn while you and your ‘valiant warriors’ are slaughtered?!”

-“How dare you…!

-“Arkan! Please! Let her talk! She’s got a point!” Ekto interrupted. He looked at her and nodded. Thank you, Ekto.

-“You just said these walls were meant to withstand floodings!”

-“Tha! But the dykes prevent any flood...” Arkan stopped abruptly, instantly realizing where she was going. -“Wait! You don’t mean...!”

-“I saw the dikes on our way here! If we open the floodgates we'll turn this grassland into a muddy quagmire!”

-“They won't be able to use their cavalry,” Ekto pointed out.

-“Neither will us,” Arkan added.

-“Perhaps, but their numbers will not matter anymore,”

-“Only true skill,”

-“Sounds like a solid plan!” Raznak said, breathing a bit easier. -“If we fight inside the walls we might actually stand a chance!”

-“But the dykes are several miles away from here! Who will open them?” Arkan asked.

-“I know someone fast enough,” Nina said with a confident grin.

-“She’s talking about the dragon!” Kuro said, pointing toward Rudo who remained motionless. -“He can make it to the dikes and back in no time!”

-“A… a dragon?!” Ekto asked, baffled, turning to Nina as if expecting a response. She just shrugged in return.

-“I’ll explain later! We have much to do!”

-“Wait a minute! You’re staying?!”

-“Our little army needs its little tactician, man,” Kuro said, patting him on the back. He then put his arm around Nina, bringing her closer, side-hugging both of them. -“Well thought you little brainie! Where you got the idea?”

-“I don’t recall the exact date but it was one of Lord Commander Pythor’s strategies during the Holy Wars, right?” Ekto asked.

-“Yeah! He opened the dam to flood the valley and win the Battle of Mannenheim!”

-“Wait. She got that idea from a book?!” Arkan asked, bewildered.

-“An Imperial history book, to be precise!”

-“I thought it was still the Teberian Republic back then,” Ekto said.

-“It doesn’t matter as long as it works,” Raznak said, interrupting their talk. -“Alright, people! It’s settled! Let's get to work! Those defenses aren’t going to build themselves!”

-“You’ve heard the man! Let’s get to work!” Kuro said, pulling Nina and Ekto into one last group hug. They nodded to each other, glad for being reunited after years but also fully aware this could also be their last moments alive. Only her beloved half-brother Elliam was absent. Wherever you are, I hope you're alright, Elliam. Please, Gods, protect him!

  Nina turned to Rudo again, feeling deeply for him as an agonizing feeling took over her soul, knowing that she would need to rely on him again. But she also knew if there was someone that could pull off the impossible, it was him. It was a difficult choice. She would have to rely on the adventurers and the warriors to keep everyone safe while Rudo went to open the dikes. As everyone rushed to their positions, pushing carts, nailing planks, and getting everything ready, there was nothing she could do but pray.


  And hope the Gods listened.



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