Not Quite Back to the Future


So this is the first time in a while I've tried to write something like this. It is so incredibly difficult to make it not seme cringe.The story is R-18 and this is another warning outside of the warning of the site.  Do not read this if you are considered a Minor(Not legally an adult) in your country.

Elena reclined in bed, the soft glow of the television casting a gentle illumination across the room. The ambient light revealed the cozy haven she had created in Helen’s apartment, She had recently started being her personal items over due to just how far along the relationship was coming… Who would’ve though her first time and a one-night stand would’ve turned into this.


Wrapped in the comfort of her sheets, Elena shifted into a position that allowed her to fully enjoy the program playing on the screen. It was a classic from the early 2000s most the programs on TV today brewing brain melting ai generated crap. The muted sounds of shower running provided a distant backdrop, and she found solace in the timeless tunes of classic rock music playing softly in the background.


The flickering light from the television danced across her face, emphasizing the subtle cybernetic enhancements that adorned her face. As she relaxed in the quiet corner of the bed. 


Suddenly the water stopped running in the pipes as the distant sound of dripping water came to a halt. Then the vent in the bathroom turned off and although the hinges may have been relatively quiet to a normal person to her, all they did was make her excited.


“Hey. Missed me?” Helen whispered full of need.


“Always,” Elena replied, her voice low and sultry. Helen had snuck up on here again, Elena felt herself pulled into the taller woman’s embrace.  


Elena bit her lips as Helen’s fingers gracefully slid across her body her mouth lightly nibbling on her ear. 


“Helen Nya~” Elena mewls


”Yes, Kitten?” Helen mutters pulling Elena into an even closer embrace. She was still wet from the shower and, the thinness of Elena’s pajamas allowed her to feel the entirety of Helens’s body through the cloth.


“More Nya~”  Causing Helen to stop all that she was doing. Elena shuffled instinctually protesting with a mix of mews and mewls. 


“What do you want?” Helen asks


“I want you Nya~” Elena whispers, her ears twitching. Her eyes clenched shut as she’s struggling internally.


Elena suddenly feels Helen shift away from the big spoon position. Her shoulder is suddenly grabbed and she is rotated to be lying on her back. Within a second both her shoulders are pinned as she feels a familiar weight on her stomach.


“You want me huh~?” Helen whispers.


Elena opens her eyes to catch Helen in her full glory her synthetic skin glistening with the trapped water that was for but a brief moment before her lips were stolen.


Helen was sitting on her stomach pinning her hands above her head.


When the kiss broke it took Elena what felt like hours to regain her bearing. Only to realize Helen was looking at her with that lovable goofy grin on her face.


“Nya~ more please nya~” Elena says 


“Who am I to question a conviction like that?” Helen mutters before leaning forward to nip at Elena’s ears playfully. 


“Nyo stop teasing nya.” Elena mutters


“But it’s so much fun to tease you kitten,” Helen responds


Elena pouts as Helen pulls away looking down at her with a beaming smile. After all why would she not pout? Helen had gotten her all worked up and this heat, thirst… It NEEDED to be quenched. 


“Fine fine, whiny little kitten,” Helen muttered as Elena felt her lover's fingers slip beneath her waistband. Elena's breath caught in her throat, a mixture of anticipation and desire swirling within her.


Helen's fingers traced delicate patterns along Elena's skin, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. Elena's eyes remained locked on Helen, the playful glint in her lover's eyes driving her wild. That was when she suddenly paused. 




Helen smiled brightly as she looked down at her little kitten who she had gotten so wound up. So, she paused her moment. Right when her mouth opened she took the chance to plunge into Elena, evoking a throaty moan from her.


“Helen Nya~” Elena mewled, her body arching into the touch toes curling as she was thrown into the throes of passion. 


"God, you're so beautiful," Helen whispered as she pulled her hand out and pulled down Elena’s clothing. 


Elena mewled in protests from Helen's brief pause. 



‘She stopped she stopped nyo why did she stop.’ Elena thought when she suddenly felt the weight shift off of her as her pajama pants were pulled down. 


Elena stopped looking at the ceiling and ended up looking down to see Helen on her knees in between her legs. 


“H-Helen?” Elena asks


Helen of course glanced up with her eyes before she pounced, devouring her kitten. 


Elena moaned as she felt what could only be electricity flow through her nervous system. Her tongue was unfair as it plundered her depths. Eliciting Mewls and moans alike as Elena lost herself in the throes of ecstasy. 


Although her arms had been freed at this point they remained above her head grasping on to the pillow as her entire body was bare for Helen to enjoy. 


“Cum- Nya Coming Nya.” Elena whispered short of breath as Helen’s d her probing licks. Her without a doubt enhanced tongue pushing her to the edge constantly.


Elena felt Helen pause as she rode out the orgasmic bliss. Only for her to attack twice as hard as her body began to slow down. “Nyo, Too much nya.” Elena muttered which only seemed to make Helen double her efforts. 

 She had never really felt anything quite like it. Her lust spiraling out of control. Like a caged animal let loose as her claws dug into the pillow above her head. 


 Her muscles spasmed against Helen’s tongue as she arched into the pleasurable sensation. She felt herself begin to slip away.


All too soon she came crashing back down onto the bed, exhausted and satisfied. A smile graced her lips at the love that she felt shining from her lover.




Elena mewled as Helen started to lighten up


She wanted to just curl up in bed, wrap her arms around her naked lover and hold her close forever. 


For now she just enjoyed Helen's tongue exploring her folds. Trying desperately to catch her breath as all of her muscles were feeling sore. 


Helen finished exploring and looked up from between Elena's legs a satisfied smile on her face.  


" taste good Elena." She said reaching out to run her hand to pull her girlfriend next to her. 


Elena whimpered at the gentle tug, unable to resist Helen's warm touch. Without hesitation she leaned over and let Helen climb up to her. They ended up kissing once more the cat girl tasting herself on her lovers lips.  


“Good night my kitten,” Helen murmured as she wrapped an arm around Elena and pulled her in tight.


"Nya what about a shower?" Elena asks still slightly fatigued but happy.


"You can shower later kitten, right now I want to cuddle," Helen mutters


"But we both smell like sex nya." Elena mutters sleep slowly overtaking her. 


"If I shower with you now,  then I get to be naughty nya." Helen says trying to sound cute and mimic horny Elena. 


The words did their job, bringing a smile to Elena's face. "Fine, shower tomorrow morning then." 


"Love you," Helen whispered, the sincerity in her voice cutting through the lighthearted banter.


Elena's heart skipped a beat at the three simple words. She opened her eyes to find herself gazing directly into Helen's, the warmth and depth of emotion reflected in those familiar eyes. "I love you too," Elena replied

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