Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 55: Flesh and Metal


V sat across from Faraday, his state was not good, his faceplate had been caved in. Multiple broken bones, he had faced death and lived to tell the tale. The fallen fixer, once a tool of Militech, now lay in a hospital bed. It was a miracle he was alive, and V couldn't help but acknowledge the sheer tenacity that had kept him breathing.


"Faraday," V's voice cut through the sterile air of the hospital room, devoid of any warmth or sentimentality.


"Ah, the infamous V. Arasaka's intelligence enforcer. What do I owe the sudden visit to?" Faraday responded, his tone laced with a mixture of pain and caution.


"You ran into a subject of interest and managed to live to tell the tale," V stated bluntly, her words carrying the weight of the massive corporation behind her. Faraday's encounter with Helen Wick was not something to be taken lightly, and V knew that any information he possessed could be invaluable.


“Ha, I didn’t even have a chance. I was at my base. My hidden bunker, I should’ve been untouchable. She broke my security like a kid throwing a rock at a glass house. It just shattered with no warning, next thing I knew my security was dead and I was on the ground bleeding out.” Faraday states


V leaned forward, her eyes narrowing with intensity. "Did she say anything? Anything at all?” 


“Yeah… She did,” Faraday states rolling his head to look out the window into the smog-covered sky of Night City.


“What?” V asks


“Truth is, the game was rigged from the start,” Faraday states 


V stands up in a panic screaming as an explosion engulfs the room. Sending the borg backward through the wall. 


V wakes up to an alarm ringing as the fire sprinkler system floods the hallway. 


V stands up her skin stinking amazed she survived that attack, although that is when she suddenly got two pings on her Holodeck. 


“Leave well enough alone Victoria, and the Reaper will leave you alone.” Unknown


“It appears you need help, I have a contact that is looking into the reaper as much as you.” Unknown 


“Fuck.” V mutters passing out as hospital personel rushhed over to her. 



Nyx smiled his cat like grin being very much Cheshire on his face Arasaka wouldn’t let that attack go and now it looked like Helen had done it. So the company was likely to hit the hornet's nest itself. 


Although now it was time to point V at Isabella and hopefully the two would leverage Vik correctly.


Soon, Arasaka the massive rock would meet an unstoppable force, and unfortunately for the conglomerate they may be a big rock but they are most certainly not an immovable object.


Isabella was watching the news, she hated this schlop however there wasn’t much else to watch while you were sitting at a bar. 


“The suspect from the hospital bombing 3 days ago is still unknown and the Night City PD are still asking anyone that may have any information please call 877-275-****.”


Isabella watched the news in disdain, loathing the banality of it all. Suddenly, the door opened, and in walked a woman who appeared more machine than human, although some obvious human parts remained.


“Isabella Stryker Chen. Former Kang Tao operative… Why do you want Helen Wick dead?” the woman asked, sitting down next to her.


“She killed my crew,” Isabella stated bluntly.


“She’s killed a lot of people. Just trying to find information on her has nearly killed me twice now. Call me V,” the woman introduced herself.


“I know where she lives, works, the name of her lover, and her lover's former employer,” Isabella revealed.


“I know her ripper doc… Think we could help each other out?” V proposed.


Isabella looked up from her drink. “I think we have a deal.”


“Vik!” Misty’s panic voice echoed over the speaker.


Viktor Vector stalled and looked away from the boxing match in slight worry. 


It appears that he had some unwanted guests, 


The dim light of the clinic barely outlined the silhouettes of the intruders as they advanced with purpose. Viktor Vector's hand instinctively moved towards the hidden compartment beneath the counter where he kept his emergency firearm.


"Whoa, whoa, easy there," one of the figures said, holding up Misty using her both as a shield and holding a gun to her head.


Vik sighed and moved his hands away from the desk slowly raising them. 


"Easy now," Viktor said, his voice calm despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He kept his hands raised in a gesture of surrender, his eyes locked on Misty's captor.


The intruders moved closer, their faces obscured by the dim light of the clinic. Viktor strained to make out any identifying features, but they remained shrouded in darkness.


"What do you want?" Viktor asked, trying to keep his tone steady. His gaze flickered to Misty, silently urging her to remain calm.


The figure holding Misty tightened their grip, the glint of the gun reflecting in the dim light. "We want information," they replied, their voice low and menacing. "And you're going to give it to us."


Viktor squinted at one of the people before realization came to his face.


“V? Jackies friend? What is going on?” Viktor asks


“Arasaka want’s Helen.” V states flatly


“Dear girl what have they done to you?” Vik asks looking at the borg infront of him. 


“It doesn’t matter we just want Helen.” V states cocking the hammer back as she puts her gun to Misty’s temple. 


“I got her patient file… Just so you know, I don't think she’s killable.” Vik states 

“I will be the one to decide that.” The second figure says.


“It’s all your’s then,” Vik states taking out a data chip and throwing it to them. 


“Now leave V and do not come back.” Vik states


As the two leave, Misty looks at Vik. “Something is wrong with V.” 


“You would know her better than me.” Vik states


“I’ll call Jackie,” Misty mutters

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