Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 49: Seek & Destroy

Helen laid down in her car the chair reclined back as she tried to get over the pain of what felt like an entire phantom body that itched. Helen’s head hurt, 101 years of memories fighting with a measly 35 on who was the dominant set was never good. Especially since a portion of them were digitized due to the cyberdeck.


“So what if Nyx went with her to protect her.” Helen mutters


“I, that might be forgivable. However… Does she hate me?” Helen mutters scared


“I don’t think she hates me us? Just scared.”


“I’m gonna kill them, kill them all.” Helen mutters eyes glowing red


“No, we wouldn’t shes likely just scared. We need to find her. We need to put ourselves back together first before we can find her and no going on a rampage murder spree that would make her hate us. We need to calm down and think clearly, fight off the psychosis as it were.” Helen says again.


The younger memories had a point however, she did not want to be separate from her girlfriend for so long. Looking at the window Helen felt her headache subside as the two consciousness had started to meld back to normal. 


“Ah, so… When did that become a thing.” Helen asks herself looking briefly at the roof of the car. 


Trying to reach for the other set of memories realizing that, its not a separate entity anymore.


“Fucking wacky…” Helen mutters 



Elena found herself in a Netwatch safe house with Nyx, grappling with an overwhelming mix of emotions. The walls of the secure location felt like they were closing in on her as she sat in the dimly lit room. Terrified, she curled into a ball, clutching her knees to her chest.


Images of Helen's violent past, the chilling reference to her as a sacrifice during that miliatech meeting, and the tragic fate of her previous partner haunted Elena's thoughts. She trembled with the weight of fear, unsure of what to make of the person she loved. It didn’t help that whenever she tried to sleep, she saw Helen holding her whispering my kitten while stabbing her with a mantis blade. Then Helen was crying holding her corpse…


It didn’t even make senes, Helen would never do that. She doesn’t even have mantis blades yet fear is often irrational. Continuing to cry to herself she felt and heard the pitter patter of Nyx approaching, the comforting blue cat, approached Elena with a gentle presence. "Elena," Nyx spoke softly, "I know it's not easy. But remember, you're not alone in this. I’ll defend you as best I can while you work out what you want to do. Just know that, Helen loves you."


Despite Nyx's reassuring words, Elena couldn't shake the terror that gripped her. The Netwatch safe house, meant for protection, felt more like a cage but it was the only safe place she knew. The person she loved, Helen… God why did she fall for that woman. 


“I am sure she love her last partner too Nyx.” Elena spits out before trying to curl up even more. 


Nyx recoiled back before continuing forwards to just sit  by her side, offering silent support amidst the current mess of emotions which she was experiencing. 



Helen emerged from her car, the sleek Cthulhu, in the gritty streets of Pacifica. The neon lights and distant hum of the city provided a stark contrast to the turmoil within her mind. As she navigated the dimly lit alleys, Helen couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that clung to her.


The contact she sought was someone from the game, a connection that had been intentionally tried to hide himself and be anonymous. The air in Pacifica carried the weight of unspoken secrets, and Helen couldn't help but wonder if visiting this part of story was a mistake.


The rendezvous point loomed ahead – a dimly lit bar with flickering neon signs. Helen pushed open the door, the faint music and murmurs of conversation creating an ambient backdrop. The contact, a figure shrouded in shadows,in a secluded corner unaware of her arrival. 


The contact looked up as Helen approached, their eyes locking in a silent exchange. The air in the bar seemed to thicken with tension as everything seemed to come to a standstill. 


“Helen Wick, I was unaware that I was deserving of your attention.” The man says


Helen squinks looking at the man… “Mr Hands?” Helen asks slightly confused.


“That would be me yes, although please do try to keep your voice down.” Hands says


“I um sorry it's just you look a lot like a Mr Morgan that I have heard about,” Helen says the most secretive fixer in cyberpunk 2077, he looked just like an aged-up version of Morgan Blackhand from the Table Top RPG.


“Right, so what brings you here?” Hands asks deciding to ignore the previous comment.


“Sorry, I need any and all info you have on Netwatch Safe Houses.” Helen states


Mr. Hands studied her for a moment, his expression unreadable in the dim light. The bar's ambient sounds provided a cover for their conversation, but Helen knew that discretion was key when dealing with someone of Mr. Hands' reputation.


"Netwatch safe houses, huh?" he mused, tapping a finger on the table. "That's sensitive information, Helen. What's in it for me?"


Helen smirked, the glint in her cybernetic eyes betraying a confident resolve. "You know what's in it for you, Mr. Hands. A favor from the Reaper can be more valuable than a pocketful of eddies. Help me, and I owe you one."


Mr. Hands chuckled, his raspy laugh carrying a sense of amusement. "You're not one for subtlety, are you, Helen? Very well, I'll see what I can find. But remember, favors have a way of coming due."

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