Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 42: Total Eclipse of the Heart

Elena looked at the passed-out Reaper of death lying on the floor, she looked so vulnerable so, so open. Just laid bare for anyone to see, her sleeping face was quite cute. Elena shook her head and looked over to Nyx.


“So, how am I supposed to drag her upstairs?” Elena asks

Nyx looks back at Elena a sparkle in is eyes, “What do you mean? Just pick her up.”


“Pick up the 500-pound cyborg? She nearly crushed me last night. I am not going to be able to lift her.” Elena says


“Judging by the sounds last night her nearly crushing you didn’t stop anything,” Nyx says 


Elena sighed, realizing Nyx had a point, albeit in his cheeky way. Taking a deep breath, she approached the sleeping Reaper cautiously. Kneeling beside her, Elena assessed her options. If she couldn't bring Helen to bed, she could at least make her comfortable.


Lifting up Helen's head and placing it on her lap was probably the most nerve-wracking thing she had done in her life. The Reaper, seemingly unaware of the world around her, shifted slightly in her sleep. Elena had thought she would die right then and there; after all, Helen had a reputation.


As Helen settled into the makeshift pillow, Elena couldn't ignore the contrast between the Reaper’s reputation and the peaceful, almost serene expression on Helen’s face. A strange desire to kiss that serene expression crossed Elena's mind.


Elena paused and shook her head, berating herself for letting her thoughts wander. One night, and she fell hard. Blushing every time Helen called her Kitten. “I guess I’ll be your kitten,” Elena muttered softly as she started to stroke Helen’s short hair.



Helen gradually surfaced from the depths of sleep, feeling an unusual sense of warmth and comfort. The rhythmic sound of steady breathing and the gentle strokes against her hair slowly penetrated her consciousness. Her eye’s shot open and a momentary senese of panic overtook her. 


The dimly lit room came into focus as the night visions partially kicked on, and Helen found herself in an situation she had never been in before.  Elena was beside her, providing a lap pillow. Yet… She felt safe. 


“Kitten?” Helen mutters aloud


Elena had paused before she continued to gently stroke Helen's hair. There was a flicker of concern and a hint of a smile on her face. "Hey there, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?"


“I am good, Elena. How are you? You’re still here?” Helen asked, slightly confused but happy about the unexpected company.


Elena chuckled softly. "I figured you could use some company after... well, after everything you suffered at work today.I slept in till 11 am, and saw you on the news while eating breakfast… Nyx tells me you usually have generous work hours, although you’re 2 hours late today." 


“Yeah, alot of paperwork today. Although, Nyx helped alot with that… How many forms and reports was it Nyx?” Helen asks


“Two hundred and eighteen.” Nyx responds from atop the couch. 


Helen nods eliciting a giggle from Elena. Turns out cat girl was ticklish. 


"Would you like to stay the night again tonight?" Helen inquired, her voice carrying a mix of hope and wanting.


Elena's smile brightened. "I would like that," she responded.


Helen, pleased with the response, rose from her lap pillow, causing a mischievous pout to form on Elena's face in response. 


"I'll make dinner," Helen declared, the prospect of cooking for her kitten gave her this warm feeling she hadn’t had since John.


As Helen began to stand, Elena, still on her knees, caused a pause in her movements. Concern furrowed Helen's brow. "Are you okay?" she asked, noting the slight discomfort in Elena's posture.


With a sheepish smile, Elena admitted, "My legs kinda fell asleep," her ears wilting in a rather cute manner.


Helen smiled in response before she walked over to the cat girl leveraging her absurd cyborg strength to scoop up her kitten in a princess carry was a rather small feat to her. The cat girl found herself effortlessly lifted off the ground, and Helen proceeded to move her over to the kitchen table and Elena’s blushing and sputtering was more than enough to make her feel all worm in her cold metallic chest.

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