Chapter 52: Chapter 7
708 FNM (30 BBY)
Month 8
Mandalore, Sundari, Sundari Grand Mall
Lagos Rook
"Where'd she GO! Where'd she go! where'd she GO!" Came the near hyperventilating voice of Soniee Carid as she held the Laser gun tight to her chest.
"I don't know! She was right here earlier, I swear I had my sights on her," I said as I looked through the scope of the Laser rifle, trying to spot the blond-haired menace.
How did things come to this, last month I had paid for a laser tag match with Tanya and though I heard she had been training with Bo Katan through Korkie I had been not very impressed. She was not aggressive enough and too passive for such a game, and even Soniee had been able to get a few shots on her, during the match.
Victory had been as sweet as the clothing shopping they had done. Finally, Tanya had a cute red dress, and not the bland and boring clothes she usually wears. But she could always have more, so I proposed the same deal this week. And after getting her to buy a blue sundress, she had added that her new friend/ handmaiden, Vai-Viktis Vizla, would also take part in the match. Which meant a little more money out of my wallet but hey she's done so badly, letting her have someone trained to come along sounded reasonable.
That was until the match started. The passiveness was gone, Tanya and her little blond Minion had popped from angles they had not expected multiple times and ambushed them several times. Every time I thought I had a handle on her tactic she would shift it up. There were 20 other kids in this place trying to shoot her and so far she was more scared of the pair of blond menaces that seemed to pop in simply to scare the hell out of her.
"We can't stay here, she's hunting us in particular." I said, standing up from where I had been leaning over the railing with the rifle.
"You should have never forced her into a dress, Lagos. I think she took it personally." Soniee said as she looked over her shoulder downstairs that led to the main floor of the arena.
"You're imagining things, she loved the dress. Most likely she works well with Vai, having an Old Mando like her coaching probably helps her keep her aggression up, this is all luck."
"She's dominating the scoreboard!" Soniee proclaimed pointing at said scoreboards, which after looking, I did note that Tanya and her friend were the two highest-scorers on the other team. There were enough kills on both that they were outright targeting them and only them, they took chances to get kills elsewhere, it would seem.
"That she is, good for her, now let's get moving before she finds us, I would rather surprise her for once and get an easy kill." I said stepping further away, we've been up in this tower for too long anyway, sure I got a lot of 'kills' with this long rifle from up here and was coming in first for our team, even though this tower is a good spot where I could shoot anyone who tried to leave the starting zone.
"Afternoon ladies." came a familiar voice from behind me filled to the brim with malice, raising my hackles, turning slowly I saw Tanya sitting on the banister I had just been leaning on, the short little blond girl was dressed in the dull gray pants and shirt she preferred with a back sensor vest over her chest. She had a wide smile on her face and appeared to be holding something in her left hand as her right held the laser rifle at ready.
'How did she get there?' Was first thought that ran through my mind was that the banister was 10 feet up and it was not like Tanya could fly; the arena didn't rent jetpacks. Looking past her I saw several kids forming a human pyramid. Somehow she organized the kids to work for her, but why when how?
Smiling Tanya said, "It's amazing what you can do when you prove your competence to your fellow Mandalorians is it not? It comes with such wonderful gifts." she tossed something on the ground in front of me. "Goodbye" then rolled back off the railing most likely being caught by her handmaiden and the two other kids that formed that pyramid.
The item bounced a couple of times before it rolled face up showing the timer.
Then went off and I was temporarily blinded by a flash of light, my vest rumbling as it registered my virtual death. Where had she gotten a grenade? Those were expensive as all hell and I didn't pay for one.
Half-blind I stumbled back to the banister and looked down. Giving each other congratulatory slaps on the back were Tanya, Vai, some black-haired boy with glasses, and a girl with white-lekku. Blinking a couple of times I realized Tanya had gotten one of those two to buy that for her or convince them to hand it over. What kinda charisma and battle understanding does that girl have?
"We better get going Lagos, the ref is looking this way," Soniee said, pulling at the sleeve of my shirt.
"Yeah yeah let go." I said, whilst shaking my head. I would get those little menaces back for that flashbang, without breaking my bank. I stepped after Soniee who seemed more relieved now that we weren't actively being hunted.
"Well, I say she made some new friends from this, so that's probably good right?" Soniee said as we walked back to the starting area.
"Yeah yeah, that is a good thing," I said sure I've been handed a defeat but Tanya had talked to and worked with people her own age for a shared goal, which meant she was opening up, right?
Mandalore, Sundari, Sundari Grand Mall
Vai-Viktis Vizla
I admit it I was wrong about the Princess, over the last month, I had expected to have to deal with stupid questions and a lazy girl that would expect me to do everything. Instead, I found her to be generally well taught in a large field of military matters. She asked no questions and the few times I came to her room early, expecting her to be asleep, I found her exercising, so she was not lazy.
And once I got my passport and was allowed to go with her and Bo-Katan, i found her to be a crack shot as well. If Tanya was going through a phase, she was dedicated to that phase to a level I didn't think most Old Mandalorians would be.
Hell, one could say what Tanya was undergoing was a lot closer to Verd'goten, the traditional rite of passage, with Bo-Katan acting as her teacher. I was a year older than her and though I had been trained by my parents, I was under no delusion that I was being tough by Verd'goten standards. Most of my schooling had come from New Mandalorian public education with my parents taking me shooting every now and again with a or two fistfights with other Old Mando kids because "it builds character" as my mother would say.
All things considered, if I was going to be stuck as someone's servant for who knows how long, Tanya was not the worst person to be stuck with. And well, an add-in that she was going to be part of the senatorial delegation to the Republic, well Tanya represented an easy and quick way to get away from Mother. Sure I still have to tell her what Tanya was up to but I could stretch that quite a bit, just keep saying Tanya was a New Mando Girl going through a phase long enough mother would stop asking.
It's not like the movement I was spying for was ever really going to go anywhere, New Mandos was in charge and they probably were going to stay in charge for a good long time.
The only real issue I had with Tanya was her dedication to her training seemed to hold me to her standard, the times I walked in her exercising had ended with me doing a push-up next to her. We'd go to the range, she shares tips and pushes for me to shoot better. I had no doubt when she eventually started close combat training she would not rest till both of us were beaten to the point where we were leaning against each other for support. I like fighting as much as the next Mando, but I also enjoyed my morning sleep which I no longer got because Tanya now checked in on me in the morning and if I was a bit awake, I ended up training with her.
Today had not been one of those days thankfully, today was a weird day frankly in Tanya's schedule. Soniee and Lagos, two of Tanya's brother's friends, had wanted to take her out shopping, no big deal, apparently they had done this before. The thing that got weird was when Duchess Satine had tagged along, she apparently was trying to spend more time with Tanya and decided a shopping trip was a perfect way to do that.
So they spent three hours with other girls and the Duchess picking out dresses and clothing. Tanya had ended up getting a blue sundress and a few other things on Satine's dime. I have even been pushed to pick up a few other civilian clothing before we were done. Then after that, we went to laser tag which had been a lot more fun than the dresses. During that match, I had seen another side of Tanya I had not known she had, a determination to win. She pushed herself and others hard in order to get victory in a simple fun game and managed to organize a couple of other kids to work with her when Lagos had become a spawn-killing bitch.
After that moment, the team worked from their small group with the rest of the team and started listening to her during the match, and as a result, our team had come out with nearly double the kills as the other team.
Tanya had a rather smug smile on her face as we had left the Laser tag area, but the moment we came into sight of Soniee and Lagos, it vanished from her face. She had then gone on to claim it was beginner's luck and she was sure those two would win next time. Something I doubted greatly, Tanya had hunted down some rich kid who rented a bandolier of grenades, lured him into an area where the staff could not see what was happening, and 'convinced' him to hand over one of the grenades or the staff would find him after the game passed out from lack of oxygen.
It had all been very underhanded and showed she was willing to go further than most New Mandalorians when it came to winning simple games. And considering the kid was paying out for battlefield advantages I approved, paying to win had no real honor in it, and those who engaged in it deserved what they got.
I had a feeling Tanya played down her skill so she could have opportunities to win against those two again. Why did she choose those two for the targets of her ire? I suspected the dress was the issue, the more time I spent around her the more I was convinced she was a tomboy trapped in a position where she had to look cute for the cameras.
I would have to broach the subject one of these days to get the real answer from the horse's mouth, but right now at this moment, I wanted to not rock the boat too much. This life was a hell of a lot better than my mother's plan for my future, a lot more fun, and maybe free.
Now that the match was over we were walking across the courtyard towards one of the shops that lined the side, it was a tea and treat shop and we probably would not have headed in there on a normal day. But the two royal guards standing by the entrances to the shop were reminded this was not a normal day.
Following Tanya and the other girls inside, I saw Duchess Satine in plain clothing, not her duchess dress sitting at one of the tables enjoying a cup of tea. By the look of it she had seen us coming as a waitress was setting the round table with a couple of extra cups for us all.
Smiling, the Dutchess waves us over and we all take seats at the table with Tanya sitting across from Satine, me between those two, and Soniee and Lagos across from me next to each other.
"That was a fun time." Lagos said as she checked her hair ribbon.
"Yes, quite entertaining." Tanya said, picking up the cup and sipping it gingerly before smiling.
"Fun?" Soniee scuffed as reached for her drink, her hand shaking, "more like nerve-racking, I swear for the first half of the match we couldn't go five minutes without you two ambushing us."
"Don't be a sore loser Soniee." Lagos said, hitting her shoulder.
"Ow, am not..." She grumbled a bit as she sipped her tea.
"Huh laser tag, I wasn't aware that something like that was so successful. I would have thought I would get complaints about that coming across my desk for being too violent." The duchess said, causing a stir from girls and myself. 'Oh great, we're about to see the death of laser tag.' I thought, shaking my head.
"Oh that's not surprising really," Tanya said, first interpreting the other two who seemed to be having some sort of minor freak out. "The pursuit for peace seemed to have entered a purity spiral and things like that tend to affect high society harder. Laser tag, though pricey, was created for the lower middle class. The people who would complain about it, adults in higher parts of society, are not the target market. Their children most likely are aware of it, but I would assume they keep what exactly they are spending their money on a secret." she said glancing towered Soniee and Lagos.
Soniee looked sheepishly and said "I may not have mentioned exactly what game I was playing here."
Lagos shrugged, "My parents don't care how I entertain myself as long as I stay on budget."
Tanya nodded as if that was what she expected then continued "I imagine you'd find similar stories if you got a cross-section of all the kids who were at the arena. It's really quite shameful when you think about it, the purity spiral is preventing a proper post-war economy from taking shape."
The Duchess nodded her head a bit at the first part then stopped when Tanya continued and then asked "proper post-war economy?"
Tanya seemed to freeze up as she was holding the cup to her lip to take a drink, and I swear I saw her pupils shrink to pinpoints. She held herself there, paused for a moment, her eyes darting to others at the table before she seemed to calm down and ended her rather long sip.
"What I mean to say is the purity spiral has created a situation where all of the past is seen from an angle where we were always the aggressors, and for the most part that is true but there were always moments where we stood on a different side of conflicts. Sometimes our skills in the fighting were used for the better of the galaxy, those moments could be used for uniting, but those moments are ignored, as those who are in favor of the purity spiral want us to be like Naboo or some other planet that did not have our history".
"This in my mind is preventing the creation of a proper post-war economy, one that celebrates the good our people have done with the entertainment industry and creates opportunities for a segment of the society that are having trouble with switching over from a war economy to a peace-based one." Tanya said, putting her cup down on the little dish in front of her as the waitress brought over several types of cookies on a plate.
The duchess leaned back in her chair and sipped her tea, seeming to be thinking on what Tanya said as Soniee spoke up, "What segments of society are having trouble switching over?'
"Well for one, those who spent all their lives fighting for one cause or another. They, for the most part, moved out of Mandalorian space, taking on jobs as mercenaries as they feel they are not welcomed here. Any profits they would make are often lost with them as you can't tax nomads very effectively. Have you been watching that recent holo drama from Coruscant, what was its name again?" Tanya held her chin with her hand as she thought for a moment before she seemed to remember the name. "Right, the Silver Ranger."
"I don't think I have." Soniee said, shaking her head.
Lagos looked at her friend stunned "How have you not seen the Silver Ranger? Have you not seen the pics of Threir Satre shirtless?" causing me to scoff at that. I watch the show too but I was more into the action scenes.
"I have school work to do, Lagos." Soniee said deadpan, causing Lagos to shake her head.
"Were you aware Threir is a Mandalorian from Concord Dawn?" Tanya said, sipping her drink.
"What? No way, Threir is not a Mando name, and he doesn't wear the armor." Lagos said and waved Tanya off as if she thought Tanya was lying.
"Thrik Wron, that is his birth name, he was born on Concord dawn 29 years ago and his family was a member of the True Mandalorian movement. He joined up with the local militia at 13 and after the war, left with his family to find a life away from Mandalore. He somehow ended up on Coruscant, details are a bit low on the fan sites I visited." Tanya stopped noting how everyone was looking at her, then said "I came across that info while looking for Mandalorians in the entertainment industry."
'Wait… hold the comms, was that an excuse?' I thought, noting her cheeks were a bit redder than normal.
"Anyways, the show is a violent action fest, and from what I have been able to dig up, he allows himself to be thrown around a lot more than his fellow actors, claiming that his time in the civil war gave him a greater understanding of his limits. A show like that would never get green-lit on Mandalore because of the purity spiral in high society. And as a result, an unknown number of Thrik Wron's are left with few options, most turning to bounty hunting, and mercenary work.
"Why don't they just join the police force though?" Soniee asked.
"The police aren't hiring in the numbers necessary for a post-war economy. Maybe 1 in 10 former soldiers will take that road, but that's just the young ones, the men and women who have a chance to change their life. The older soldiers aren't wanted by the police as they're a bad long-term investment. They will take their knowledge on how to fight and any other secret that they may know from the civil war era and go elsewhere."
The Duchess looked like she was about to ask a question when a royal guard came in and leaned in to whisper something to her. "Damn." she muttered before turning to us "Look like the council needs some hand-holding, I'm going to have to cut this short." she said standing up, "See you later girls. Oh and Tanya, we need to have a talk when you get home." she said before accepting well wishes from the other and leaving.
"Tanya… are you in trouble?" Lagos asked, looking at her as she nibbled on a cookie.
"No, why would you think that?" she replied putting the cookie down.
"Well you did just say that the New Mandalorian way is a purity spiral." Soniee said matter of factly.
"That is not an issue, I presented a logical argument on the reason why Mandalore is experiencing a drain on her resources, and how to get those Mandalorian resources back. If you present things logically to the Duchess she is more than willing to hear you out." she said with a shrug.
"I don't know about that, I heard stories that she was rather… uncompromising during the clan wars." Soniee said. Looking at me.
"Perhaps but it was a war, and a war footing is not the same peace footing." I said with a shrug. "A lot of clans that sided against Satine were never going to accept her rule even before she joined the New Mandos, and you were only ever going to get them to go along with New Mando style of peace through prolonged force."
"Hmm," Tanya made a thinking noise before she continued, "prolonged force is never truly effective, economic forces, in my mind, would serve us better than attempting to keep people down through force. Give people more opportunities and options but I can see why force would be applied, New Mandos are just Old Mando of a different stripe if you look deeper, they have the same failings in thought processes about war."
"And that failing is?" I asked, my interest peaked.
She looked me dead in the eye and said, "Might makes right, both Old and New believes whoever wields the power is the one in right. When in reality 'right' is whoever can give people the most positive economic options in the long run."
"You have some… weird thoughts Tanya." Lagos said looking at her thoughtfully before she said, "So anyways this fansite of Threir, were there any good pictures of him… you know shirtless."
I snickered as I watched Tanya face go red.
711 FNM (27BBY)
Month 1
Mandalore, Sundari, Royal Palace
Tanya Kryze
13… who would think I have to live through a third 13th birthday, though I have to say this one was fairly less bottle-ridden than my last 13 birthday, so that was an improvement. Though dresses… not so much…
I was standing in front of the mirror as Vai-Viktis helped get this ridiculous outfit on me, oh how I wished I could be anywhere but here. Apparently, it was an ancient Mandalorian custom that a child becomes a warrior when they turn 13, child soldiers were the default. Thank goodness I lived in an age of peace because I had a bad feeling that without magic I would not survive. Though if I survive the embarrassment of this… DRESS… was yet to be seen.
The New Mandalorian had updated this ancient custom the Verd'goten, no longer did it mean you were a warrior, instead, it meant that you are now of age to start taking control of your life. Dating, business opportunities, banking, I could even get a job if I wanted after today. A parent could still advise but was under no obligation to bail their child out if they got themselves in debt. A bit of freedom for most, though for me it was just another day. Sure I would now have opportunities to invest and build for my future going forward, but my path was currently set by my guardian and social norm expecting me to respect the leader of my Clan and my House's wishes. Not that i minded, my current path here has quite a few possible investments possibilities that I could get my hands on by my current road to the Senate.
"Breath in Tanya, it is going to be tight." Vai warned, giving me a moment to take in a breath as the corset-like part of the dress was set. Stang! That was something new, I never had to deal with a corset in my last life, I used my military uniform the few times I had been forced to go to any formal events that might require dressing up, such excuses were lost to me now.
The dress was painfully noble, the only element I had really in the design process was color choices, but otherwise, it was prepared by some madwomen who made the Duchess' dresses for her. The majority of the dress was light green from my hips to just above my ankles in the back and my shins in the front. Apparently the current fad was to have the dress flare out a bit more at the hips while showing off a little leg so I was walking with a lot of fabric. Along the lower edges of the dress were several diamonds or iron hearts in bronze, and from the shins down people would be able to see white stockings and black shoes that had a bit of heel.
The core of the dress was dark green with several cubic flourishes in bronze running along seam lines with another iron heart located over the center of my chest. The shoulders of the dress had been made from some puffy material that made me feel like I was walking around with pauldrons. And then there were the bows, at the small of my back sat a massive green and bronze bow. It served two purposes: it hid several strings that needed to be tightened so the dress fit properly and it "looked cute" according to the dressmaker herself.
I might not have as much problem with the bow… if they were not part of a set. Two smaller bows came with it, the first was meant for my hair to help it stay in a ponytail I thought… till I found out that the second bow went at the end of my hair.
The dressmaker had told me I needed to grow my hair out past my shoulder blades for the "proper affect". And being that The Duchess was paying good money for this thing I could not really say no without risking insulting her. So over the last year, I let my hair grow out for this event and was forced to let Vai put in a braid for me. I looked and felt like a knock-off magical girl. Though I would have the last laugh it would seem when it came to bows. About six months ago my hair had started to go to Auburn, by now my hair was an interesting mix of yellow and red and the trend was definitely heading to Auburn.
I was unfamiliar with genetics at the best of times, adding that a large amount of what I would consider alien in this galaxy was from what I dug up looking in genetics. With the many subspecies of humans, my chances of figuring out genetics now were not great. So why my hair color was shifting, I had no idea, but the fact the bow had been designed with color balances of blond, was a satisfying victory in my book.
"There, I think it's good," Vai said as she finished tightening the string hidden by the bow.
Breathing out I turned and said, "Thank you Vai, do you need me to check your dress?" I offered.
"I think I'm good," She said with a smile, her dress, besides favoring blues, to my great dismay was less complex. No bow, no corset-like section, or anything of the such. I would have to ask how she managed that with the mad seamstress when I got the chance. Though perhaps it was just down to position, she was meant to be handmaiden, perhaps ease of use had been considered in her dress and not in mine.
Vai has proven herself a competent aid, as one of the older Mandalorian clans she didn't need much more additional training when it came to fighting, and she quickly met my standard of practice for self-defense. She had also proven to be faithful enough, she came with me on Bo's training missions so she had seen the armor I had been using for my training, and Vai had never reported it to Satine. So she won herself a great deal of trust. It would seem that flight of fancy on why I had chosen her was turning out to be a good move.
Really, picking a girl with V in her name just because my last adjutant had turned out to be one of my most reliable and effective employees I had in both lives was a foolish thing, but I had had a good feeling about it at the time. Though I will admit one of the original purposes of me having a handmaid around me was so I could switch out with her in an emergency was unlikely to work now due to the hair color change. I wasn't about to send her away solely for that reason. I put too much work in to make sure she could fight and pass for me, and she showed her loyalty in keeping secrets. Those factors kept this from being a sunk cost fallacy that needed to be dealt with. If I did end up needing her for that original purpose, hair dyes were not that expensive and could be dealt with as needed.
Smiling, I turned towards the door and muttered, "Well time to get this over with." Just down the hall, my 13th birthday party was going on. I would have to deal with who knows how many clans trying to get their sons to get my favor, a nightmare. But one I would have to start dealing with in the future. Hopefully, I would not have many parties like this to deal with when I would meet the Senators because I felt ridiculous enough just attending this one party. But that is future Tanya's problem, today I just had to survive this party.
Taking a deep breath I walked to the door and opened it.
Concordia, Bo-Katan Training ground
Tanya Kryze
"Ahaha Tanya you looked ridiculous yesterday." Bo chuckled as she sat across from me on a bench leaning back. We were inside an old hollowed-out mountain mining center turned training camp.
I was not one to let time pass without getting the most use out of it, so even though I have been through social hell yesterday, I was not going to skip out on Bo's training today. As a result, I was sitting inside the area we designated as the armory for our training equipment. I had hoped to forget about yesterday, and that I would be able to relax with some simple training.
Instead, I was being reminded of yesterday for literal giggles. "How did you see the dress when you didn't even come to the party?" I asked as fastened safety knee pads to my leg.
"Oh Satine had pictures taken of you, sent them along, wanted to show you off I guess." She mussed.
"Well it is her right I guess, she did pay for the dress." I said, turning from her to open the old miner locker I had been using to stash my armor. Without much fanfare, I pulled on the plate-covered flak jacket, feeling somewhat more secure to have a layer of Beskar over my chest. The paint job on this set was all my own, if this armor was meant for combat I would sprung for optical paints so I could better blend into any environment I found myself in, but it was not. This was simply meant to take a hit in case someone tried to assassinate me, and to have a place for a jet pack when I finally got a chance to own one. So I sprung for shades of green, no bronze though, I liked that enough for my civilian garb but it also marked me either as someone who thought their actions were noble or were a noble. So going for just green, dark green, and light green made me look like any other Mandalorian. Not sticking out is a useful thing for such armor.
After finishing pulling some straps into place, I turned to the right seeing that Vai was just finishing her final steps. She favored blue on the color spectrum I noted, if it was just the color she liked or if she was using the Mandalorian color theory I never really bothered to ask. It wasn't important so I let that be.
Turning around, I expected to see Bo ready a pair of practice blasters, instead she left the bench she was sitting on and walked into the center of the room. She reached under a central table that we used for weapon cleaning and maintenance and pulled out three cups and a bottle.
Without saying much she put the cups down and poured something clear into each cup. She said, "Alright girls come here, I got something special today." I started walking towards her although Vai seemed a bit shocked and did not move. "You and Vai worked your ass off enough for this, even though it's a year late from what I heard." Once Vai and I were standing at the table, Bo slid the two extra glasses to us.
"Tanya I assume you're familiar with Verd'goten?" Bo asked as she held up the cup in her hand to look through the clear liquid.
"It's the day Mandalorian comes of age, of course," I said holding up the glass she passed my way looking into it with a crooked eyebrow.
"And what does that mean for Non-New Mandalorians?" Bo asked.
"It means they are ready to be trusted to fight by their parent's or guardian's side," I responded, starting to smile, as I realized what was in the cup.
"And the way you show that you feel your charge is ready is to share a drink with them." Bo said as she held up the cup. "Now when I came of age, we were all using Mando laws so that didn't matter, but now we're using the Republic age practices for drinking. So we can't go too heavy on the drinks, plus I have another gift to give you too. I'm pretty sure Satine would kill me if I gave you more than this little taste and ended up breaking your backs, so enjoy a little sip with me. I got this from a trader from Ordo last year and their stuff is pretty good in my opinion."
I held up the cup and so did Vai, then all three of us drank the brew… it was just a sip, but it hit a spot I have not filled in 13 years, and probably would not be able to fill for another five to eight. So I savored the taste as it went down.
"STARS! This stuff is great!" Vai said, looking down at her cup.
"Ordo makes a good drink, they do a lot of weird things there but I will not complain about the results." Bo said as she walked around the table to get our glasses from our hands then moved to stash the bottle under the table again.
"Now go open those lockers at the end over there." She pointed to a set of lockers by the door that led outside to landing pads. I looked at Vai as she looked at me. We both shrugged and walked over to the lockers popping them open with no issues.
"No way." Vai said, seeing an unpainted jet pack lying against the locker wall. I had a much more reserved look on my face but I was no less intrigued by my own jet pack laying inside of the locker.
I have had few training flights by this point, but always in the safety of ranges specially built for their purposes on Sundari, and they ended up being more like those indoor skydiving places than actual flights. I took a moment to try to think of the proper way to say this. With this jet pack, I would finally be able to live back my days as an Aerial mage, at least the flying part. That segment of my life was the best part of my time in the military. Being able to dance through the sky was freeing like nothing else. Finally, I selected the proper word to convey how I felt. Turning to Bo with a smile, I said, "This is Wizard Aunt Bo!" The smile I got back in return was proof enough I chose correctly.
Writers note: And thus tanya ages 3 years in chapter, said i start spreading up and here where it starts, to add to this we also have a nice little story hear the tope that' I'm sure has no big meaning, bit discussion about here fashion since near the end. And I'm sure no one will spot something that have them sit straight up and go Hey Wait a moment… especially since I hinted at that possibility in the last chapter.
I tried doing a couple of experimental things in this chapter pushing to see what folk would like to see, make sure to let me know what you all liked so I know what people thought. Rember folk's comments help me figure out what the hell I'm doing.